39 research outputs found

    Performance objectives of public private partnership implementation in Malaysia: Perception of key players

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    Purpose – The objectives of this present study are twofold. First, it aims to investigate the performance objectives of PPP implementation in Malaysia. Second, it aims to examine the differences in the perceptions of two PPP key players – the public and private sectors – pertaining to the performance objectives. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire survey was used to elicit the perceptions of the public and private sectors concerning the performance objectives of PPP projects in Malaysia; 237 usable responses were obtained and analysed using SPSS to rank the importance of the performance objectives and to examine the differences in the perceptions between the government and private sectors. Findings – The results reveal that the five most important performance objectives for PPP implementation in Malaysia based on overall respondents’ perceptions are “High-quality public service”, “Provide convenient service for society”, “Within or under budget”, “On-time or earlier” and “Satisfy the need for more public facilities”. As for differences in the perceptions of the two key players, only one objective was perceived as statistically more important by the public sector respondents than by their private sector counterparts. Originality/value – The contribution of this paper is that it not only provides empirical evidence for the performance objectives for PPP implementation in Malaysia, but also offers evidence concerning the differences in the perceptions of the public and private sectors pertaining to the performance objective

    Performance indicators for public private partnership (PPP) projects in Malaysia

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to identify the important performance indicators used in assessing public private partnership (PPP) performance in terms of the two aspects of PPP which are “financing and markets” and “innovation and learnings”; and second, to investigate the differences in the perception between public and private sectors on the importance of performance indicators in terms of the two aspects of PPP. Design/methodology/approach Using a questionnaire survey, 237 completed questionnaires were received representing 51.52 per cent response rate. In examining the importance of performance indicators, the descriptive statistical tests of mean, standard deviation and mean score ranking were used. The independent t-tests were conducted to investigate the differences in the perceptions between the two respondents’ groups on the importance of performance indicators. Findings In relation to the two areas of indicators used in assessing PPP performance, the findings show that the top three important performance indicators for financing and markets are: “Operational cost”, “Construction cost” and “Construction period”. While the top three important performance indicators for innovation and learning are: “Technology innovation”, “Employee training” and “Financial innovation”. In terms of the differences in the perceptions between the public and private sector groups, the test results indicate that there is only one significant statistical difference for each aspect of performance indicators. Originality/value This study offers empirical evidence on key financial performance indicators for PPP projects as perceived by two key parties in a PPP contract that are public and private sectors


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    The International Conference on Language Learning and Teaching (ICoLLT) 4.0 2024 was successfully held on May 20-21, 2024, at Perdana Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Organised by Centre for Modern Languages, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), Malaysia, in collaboration with Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Thailand, and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMC), Vietnam, the conference brought together scholars and researchers from across the region


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    To continuously refine the quality of education imparted, the Division of English Language (DEL) from Centre for Modern Languages (CML) recently conducted its Course Review Workshop (CRW) for Semester II, 2023/2024 session. Held over two days, from the 28th to the 29th of February 2024, the workshop served as a platform for comprehensive evaluation and modification of teaching plans, methodologies, and materials implemented for the current semester

    Learners’ Perspective of Using 360-degree Video in Reading Classroom

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    The use of technology is so diversified and adaptable to various kinds of field including mastering English language skills. In numerous studies, technology has shown that it contributes to improve their language mastery, increase motivation, and promote better comprehension. Since we are moving from IR 3.0 to IR 4.0, it is good to keep up with the current trend in technology and use it for the students’ benefits. One of the technologies is virtual reality which includes the use of 360-degree video. This 360-degree video offers omnidirectional perspective and give almost realistic experience to learners especially when using together with head-mounted device. This type of video exposes students to a new learning experience that is different from watching video on the screen. Therefore, this study aims to uncover learners’ perspectives about the advantages and disadvantages of using 360-degree video in reading classroom

    The influence of students’ concept of mole, problem representation ability and mathematical ability on stoichiometry problem solving

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    Students’ success in stoichiometry problem solving depends mainly on their understanding of the concept of mole and conceptual understanding of the problems. The challenge of enhancing students’ performance in solving stoichiometry problems remain a daunting task as many resort to just teaching how solve stoichiometry problems algorithmically. Two purposes of this study are: first, identifying the major factors influencing students’ performance in stoichiometry problem solving and second, investigating problems faced by students and teachers in stoichiometry learning and teaching in the classroom. A mixed method research design was employed in this study which involved a test and interview protocols. To conclude, students’ understanding of the concept of mole and their problem representation ability are significant predictors, however mathematical ability is not a significant factor in determining students’ success in solving the problems. Students have difficulties in ‘making sense’ of the chemical reaction itself. This implies teachers should not practice the ‘short cut’ approach in the entirety. Students ought to be exposed and guided to understand the underlying conceptual foundation of stoichiometry before introducing the algorithmic way of solving the problems. Keywords: stoichiometry problem solving; mole concept; problem representation ability; mathematical abilit

    The implementation of active learning strategies in ESL classroom: students’ perspectives

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    Student participation plays a critical role in fostering an efficient learning process within an ESL classroom. One innovative approach to promote learning engagement is the integration of active learning strategies into classroom activities. Even though an active learning approach can potentially improve students’ engagement and learning outcomes, there is a lack of understanding of students’ perspectives on the efficacy of these strategies and the overall language learning experience. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to explore students’ perspectives regarding the efficacy of employing an active learning approach in ESL classroom learning activities. To facilitate this investigation, the active learning approach was implemented over eight weeks among diploma-level students with diverse English proficiency levels. The primary data source was an open-ended survey administered using Google Forms. The responses received from 68 participants were mostly positive feedback, and the results were analysed using thematic analysis. The findings substantiate that many students preferred incorporating active learning activities, which benefits them in many ways throughout their learning experience. Subsequently, the implications of this study have spread into the broader field of instructional methods, leading educators to think about a paradigm change to more interactive and dynamic teaching strategies. Teachers can enhance their professional growth by seeking training and support to integrate active learning strategies into their ESL classrooms. Thus, future studies must examine the potential improvements that can further enhance the impact of active learning in ESL classrooms

    Students Perception On The Implementation Of Blended Learning In Learning English Language

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    The implementation of blended learning in learning English Language is very useful to both teachers and students. This study shed light on exploring Universiti Malaysia Pahang students’ perceptions regarding the implementation of combining the features of face-to-face instruction and online learning by using Edmodo in their Fundamentals of English classes. For the achievements of these purposes, 30 students were involved in completing the open-ended questionnaires. The result of this research shows many positive signs in the students because the implementation of blended learning provide positive feedbacks and satisfaction in the teaching and learning processes. This study manages to support that through blended learning, the course and activities became more interesting and bring changes in the class as well. The technology also help the students in enhancing their language skills especially for reading and writing skills. They also learn new vocabulary and help to increase their fluency. The results demonstrate that blended learning might have a better impact on the students’ level of engagement since most of the research participants rated themselves as more engaged in this blended learning rather than in a traditional classroom practice. In addition, another finding shows that the language skills could be also improved by integrating the tremendous advancement of technology as a part of language acquisition in the class. Keywords: Blended learning, online learning, technology, languag

    Breaking Language Barriers: Centre For Modern Languages Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al Sultan Abdullah Excels At HE ELCA 2023

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    7 December 2023, Tanjung Malim - The Centre for Modern Languages (CML) at Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) has distinguished itself by organising the participation of thirty-two students in various online competitions at the Higher Education English Language Carnival (HE ELCA) 2023

    Kepentingan Penguasaan Bahasa dalam Meningkatkan Kemahiran Graduan: Peranan Pusat Bahasa Moden UMPSA dalam Memperkasakan TVET

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    Pendidikan akademik di negara Malaysia sememangnya sedang berkembang pesat dewasa ini. Namun, tidak ketinggalan pentingnya dalam industri pendidikan adalah Pendidikan Teknikal dan Latihan Vokasional (TVET). Penekanan terhadap TVET dalam Belanjawan 2023 oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia, YAB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim merangkap Menteri Kewangan pada 24 Februari 2023 menunjukkan pentingnya TVET dalam pembangunan negara