7,436 research outputs found

    On the understanding and applications of excited state p-electron delocalization

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    Recruiting Accountants -- The Institute\u27s Role

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    Oregon’s Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program (EHDI): The First Fifteen Years (1989-2004)

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    Following unsuccessful efforts in the early 1990’s, using a “high-risk” registry to identify infants with hearing loss, and following the development of practical automated electrophysiologic technology to identify hearing loss in infants, community advocates and the Office of Family Health (OFH) lobbied to introduce universal newborn hearing screening in Oregon. In 1999, the Legislature adopted a compromise bill that mandated screening in all hospitals with more than 200 births annually. When the new law took effect, in July 2000, the proportion of infants screened rapidly rose from 25% to over 94%. In 2003, the Legislature added mandatory individual-level reporting and the OFH established a registry. With these essential elements now in place, a critical task is to ensure complete follow-up of infants failing newborn hearing screening with diagnostic testing and early intervention, if appropriate. Health promoters and educators will play a key role encouraging participation in the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program by health professionals and parents

    A World Destroyed, The Atomic Bomb and the Grand Alliance

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    The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: VIII. HI Source Catalog of the Anti-Virgo Region at dec = +25 deg

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    We present a fourth catalog of HI sources from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) Survey. We report 541 detections over 136 deg2, within the region of the sky having 22h < R.A. < 03h and 24 deg < Dec. < 26 deg . This complements a previous catalog in the region 26 deg < Dec. < 28 deg (Saintonge et al. 2008). We present here the detections falling into three classes: (a) extragalactic sources with S/N > 6.5, where the reliability of the catalog is better than 95%; (b) extragalactic sources 5.0 < S/N < 6.5 and a previously measured optical redshift that corroborates our detection; or (c) High Velocity Clouds (HVCs), or subcomponents of such clouds, in the periphery of the Milky Way. Of the 541 objects presented here, 90 are associated with High Velocity Clouds, while the remaining 451 are identified as extragalactic objects. Optical counterparts have been matched with all but one of the extragalactic objects.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Effective Usage of Transmission Equipment in Education process

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    Ciežom mojej bakalárskej práce bolo navrhnúť efektívne využitie zariadení, ktoré sú k dispozícii pre výuku v predmete Prístupové a transportné siete a vypracovať na nich tri laboratórne úlohy. Všetky vypracované úlohy obsahujú podrobný teoretický popis, ktorý sa týka danej problematiky, zadanie úlohy, blokové schémy pre lepšie pochopenie úlohy a podrobné pokyny k samotnému meraniu. Po vypracovaní boli tieto úlohy premerané a boli k ním vypracované vzorové protokoly. Prvá úloha je spracovaná pomocou analyzátora PUMA 4300E. Ciežom je oboznámiť študentov so štruktúrou rámca E1 a meraním tvaru impulzu na linke. Druhá úloha je zameraná na analýzu štruktúry rámca STS-1, ktorý sa využíva v sieťach SONET. Táto úloha je realizovaná na výukovom systéme TutorTIMS. Posledná úloha je vypracovaná na hardwarovej verzii tohto systému, zariadení TIMS 301. Jej ciežom je oboznámiť študentov s bitovou synchronizáciou, jej obnovením a meraním jej kvality. Posledná kapitola je venovaná zariadeniu TIMS 301. Jej účelom je zefektívniť používanie systému.The essential goal of my bachelor thesis was to propose effective usage of equipments, which are available for educational process in Accesses and Transports Networks course and elaborate tree laboratory exercises on these devices. All of my developed exercises contain detailed theoretical description, which is focused on actual thesis, layout of the exercise, block diagrams for better understanding of problem and detail instructions for individual measuring. After completion of guide, these exercises were remeasured and exemplary protocol was developed. The first task is processed with analyser PUMA 4300E. The main issue is to introduce the structure of E1 frame and measuring of pulse shape on E1 line to students. The second exercise is focused on analysis a structure of STS-1 frame, which is currently used in SONET networks. This practice is realized on TutorTIMS educational system. The last exercise is running on hardware version of this system, device TIMS 301. The goal is to introduce students the bit clock, regeneration of the bit clock and measuring quality of the bit clock. The last chapter is dedicated to device TIMS 301. The primary purpose of this chapter is to make the usage of the system more effective.

    High-speed data transmission in mobile and wireless networks

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    Cílem diplomové práce bylo vytvoření dvou laboratorních úloh s využitím zařízení HTC Desire a Nokia N900. Navržené úlohy přináší do výuky moderní technologie a služby. Návrh první úlohy rozebírá problematiku technologie VoIP. Popisuje konfiguraci pobočkové ústředny Asterisk PBX a analyzuje protokol SIP. Část úlohy rozebírá připravenost moderních datových mobilních a bezdrátových sítí pro využívání technologie VoIP. Návrh druhé úlohy je zaměřen na problematiku bezpečnosti VoIP. Simuluje útoky na ústřednu, DoS útok a pojednává o možnostech zabezpečení VoIP komunikace. Část úlohy probírá možnosti využití telefonu HTC Desire jako bezdrátového přístupového bodu.The goal of the master’s thesis was to propose two laboratory exercises, integrating newly purchased devices HTC Desire and Nokia N900. Designed tasks bring new technologies and services to education process. The first task examines the configuration of branch exchange Asterisk PBX and analyzes SIP protocol. Part of exercise is concentrated on high-speed data transmission in mobile and wireless networks, regarding to usability of VoIP technology. The second exercise introduces to vulnerability of VoIP technology. It contains simulations of attacks on branch exchange Asterisk, DoS attack and discusses methods to secure VoiP communication. The part of this exercise examines usage of HTC Desire phone, instead of ordinary Wi-Fi access point.