134 research outputs found

    Introduction to the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm: An Online Course for Librarians

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    This article discusses the development and delivery of a three-week asynchronous online course in Jesuit history, education, and the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP) for librarians working in Association of Jesuit Colleges and University (AJCU) institutions. Created by two instruction librarians and one instructional designer from a pair of AJCU institutions, the course explores incorporating the IPP—a contemplative learning model—into a one-shot, single class library instruction session. Included is a practical description of the development, revision, marketing, and success of the online course, along with a list of the class contents. Over three course offerings in 2017 and 2018, thirty-one participants discussed readings and videos, and shared ideas about their current teaching practices. They reflected on how the IPP, or at least some elements of it, might become part of their teaching, despite the time and content constraints. Other topics included the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) “Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education,” critical librarianship, and social justice. The intent of the article is to raise awareness of the course for interested librarians and to offer guidance to anyone working to develop an online course related to Ignatian pedagogy and teaching

    Practicing Ignatian Pedagogy: A Digital Collection of Resources

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    In the Spring 2015 issue of Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, Kimberly Connor described building an Ignatian Pedagogy Faculty Learning Community at the University of San Francisco. One outcome of the FLC was to gather and make easily available a collection of resources on Jesuit education and the IPP (Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm). In this issue, two USF Gleeson Library/Geschke Center librarians, Zheng (Jessica) Lu, Digital Collections Librarian, and Vicki Rosen, Distance Learning Services Librarian, describe creating Practicing Ignatian Pedagogy: A Digital Collection of Resources, an openly accessible database available through the USF Library website, using the FLC resources and digital technolog

    Bone Morphogenetic Protein-Based Therapeutic Approaches.

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    Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) constitute the largest subdivision of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β family of ligands and exert most of their effects through the canonical effectors Smad1, 5, and 8. Appropriate regulation of BMP signaling is critical for the development and homeostasis of numerous human organ systems. Aberrations in BMP pathways or their regulation are increasingly associated with diverse human pathologies, and there is an urgent and growing need to develop effective approaches to modulate BMP signaling in the clinic. In this review, we provide a wide perspective on diseases and/or conditions associated with dysregulated BMP signal transduction, outline the current strategies available to modulate BMP pathways, highlight emerging second-generation technologies, and postulate prospective avenues for future investigation

    Practicing Ignatian Pedagogy: A Digital Collection of Resources

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    In the Spring 2015 issue of Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, Kimberly Connor described building an Ignatian Pedagogy Faculty Learning Community at the University of San Francisco. One outcome of the FLC was to gather and make easily available a collection of resources on Jesuit education and the IPP (Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm). In this issue, two USF Gleeson Library/Geschke Center librarians, Zheng (Jessica) Lu, Digital Collections Librarian, and Vicki Rosen, Distance Learning Services Librarian, describe creating Practicing Ignatian Pedagogy: A Digital Collection of Resources, an openly accessible database available through the USF Library website, using the FLC resources and digital technolog

    Feasibility of Measuring Tobacco Smoke Air Pollution in Homes: Report from a Pilot Study.

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    Tobacco smoke air pollution (TSAP) measurement may persuade parents to adopt smoke-free homes and thereby reduce harm to children from tobacco smoke in the home. In a pilot study involving 29 smoking families, a Sidepak was used to continuously monitor home PM(2.5) during an 8-h period, Sidepak and/or Dylos monitors provided real-time feedback, and passive nicotine monitors were used to measure home air nicotine for one week. Feedback was provided to participants in the context of motivational interviews. Home PM(2.5) levels recorded by continuous monitoring were not well-accepted by participants because of the noise level. Also, graphs from continuous monitoring showed unexplained peaks, often associated with sources unrelated to indoor smoking, such as cooking, construction, or outdoor sources. This hampered delivery of a persuasive message about the relationship between home smoking and TSAP. By contrast, immediate real-time PM(2.5) feedback (with Sidepak or Dylos monitor) was feasible and provided unambiguous information; the Dylos had the additional advantages of being more economical and quieter. Air nicotine sampling was complicated by the time-lag for feedback and questions regarding shelf-life. Improvement in the science of TSAP measurement in the home environment is needed to encourage and help maintain smoke-free homes and protect vulnerable children. Recent advances in the use of mobile devices for real-time feedback are promising and warrant further development, as do accurate methods for real-time air nicotine air monitoring

    Comparative Genomics Identifies the Mouse BMP3 Promoter and an Upstream Evolutionary Conserved Region (ECR) in Mammals.

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    The Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) pathway is a multi-member signaling cascade whose basic components are found in all animals. One member, BMP3, which arose more recently in evolution and is found only in deuterostomes, serves a unique role as an antagonist to both the canonical BMP and Activin pathways. However, the mechanisms that control BMP3 expression, and the cis-regulatory regions mediating this regulation, remain poorly defined. With this in mind, we sought to identify the Bmp3 promoter in mouse (M. musculus) through functional and comparative genomic analyses. We found that the minimal promoter required for expression in resides within 0.8 kb upstream of Bmp3 in a region that is highly conserved with rat (R. norvegicus). We also found that an upstream region abutting the minimal promoter acts as a repressor of the minimal promoter in HEK293T cells and osteoblasts. Strikingly, a portion of this region is conserved among all available eutherian mammal genomes (47/47), but not in any non-eutherian animal (0/136). We also identified multiple conserved transcription factor binding sites in the Bmp3 upstream ECR, suggesting that this region may preserve common cis-regulatory elements that govern Bmp3 expression across eutherian mammals. Since dysregulation of BMP signaling appears to play a role in human health and disease, our findings may have application in the development of novel therapeutics aimed at modulating BMP signaling in humans

    Specification of osteoblast cell fate by canonical Wnt signaling requires Bmp2

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    Enhanced BMP or canonical Wnt (cWnt) signaling are therapeutic strategies employed to enhance bone formation and fracture repair, but the mechanisms each pathway utilizes to specify cell fate of bone-forming osteoblasts remain poorly understood. Among all BMPs expressed in bone, we find that singular deficiency of Bmp2 blocks the ability of cWnt signaling to specify osteoblasts from limb bud or bone marrow progenitors. When exposed to cWnts, Bmp2-deficient cells fail to progress through the Runx2/Osx1 checkpoint and thus do not upregulate multiple genes controlling mineral metabolism in osteoblasts. Cells lacking Bmp2 after induction of Osx1 differentiate normally in response to cWnts, suggesting that pre-Osx1(+) osteoprogenitors are an essential source and a target of BMP2. Our analysis furthermore reveals Grainyhead-like 3 (Grhl3) as a transcription factor in the osteoblast gene regulatory network induced during bone development and bone repair, which acts upstream of Osx1 in a BMP2-dependent manner. The Runx2/Osx1 transition therefore receives crucial regulatory inputs from BMP2 that are not compensated for by cWnt signaling, and this is mediated at least in part by induction and activation of Grhl3.National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIH-NIAMS)Harvard Sch Dent Med, Dept Dev Biol, 188 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 USASaitama Med Univ, Res Ctr Genom Med, Div Pathophysiol, 1397-1 Yamane, Hidaka, Saitama 3501241, JapanUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Ciencia & Tecnol, Rua Talim 330, BR-12231280 Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Rua Talim, 330, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, CEP 12231-280, BrazilNIH-NIAMS: R01 AR055904Web of Scienc

    BMPR-II is Dispensable for Formation of the Limb Skeleton.

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    Initiation of BMP signaling is dependent upon activation of Type I BMP receptor by constitutively active Type II BMP receptor. Three Type II BMP receptors have been identified; Acvr2a and Acvr2b serve as receptors for BMPs and for activin-like ligands whereas BMPR-II functions only as a BMP receptor. As BMP signaling is required for endochondral ossification and loss of either Acvr2a or Acvr2b is not associated with deficits in limb development, we hypothesized that BMPR-II would be essential for BMP signaling during skeletogenesis. We removed BMPR-II from early limb mesoderm by crossing BMPR-II floxed mice with those carrying the Prx1-Cre transgene. Mice lacking limb expression of BMPR-II have normal skeletons that could not be distinguished from control littermates. From these data, we conclude that BMPR-II is not required for endochondral ossification in the limb where loss of BMPR-II may be compensated by BMP utilization of Acvr2a and Acvr2b

    BMP3 Suppresses Osteoblast Differentiation of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Via Interaction With Acvr2b.

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    Enhancing bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling increases bone formation in a variety of settings that target bone repair. However, the role of BMP in the maintenance of adult bone mass is not well understood. Targeted disruption of BMP3 in mice results in increased trabecular bone formation, whereas transgenic overexpression of BMP3 in skeletal cells leads to spontaneous fracture, consistent with BMP3 having a negative role in bone mass regulation. Here we investigate the importance of BMP3 as a mediator of BMP signaling in the adult skeleton. We find that osteoblasts (OBL) and osteocytes are the source of BMP3 in adult bone. Using in vitro cultures of primary bone marrow stromal cells, we show that overexpression of BMP3 suppresses OBL differentiation, whereas loss of BMP3 increases colony-forming unit fibroblasts and colony-forming unit OBL. The ability of BMP3 to affect OBL differentiation is due to its interaction with activin receptor type 2b (Acvr2b) because knockdown of endogenous Acvr2b in bone marrow stromal cells reduces the suppressive effect of BMP3 on OBL differentiation. These findings best fit a model in which BMP3, produced by mature bone cells, acts to reduce BMP signaling through Acvr2b in skeletal progenitor cells, limiting their differentiation to mature OBL. Our data further support the idea that endogenous BMPs have a physiological role in regulating adult bone mass