41 research outputs found

    Multiple Events of Allopolyploidy in the Evolution of the Racemose Lineages in Prunus (Rosaceae) Based on Integrated Evidence from Nuclear and Plastid Data.

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    Prunus is an economically important genus well-known for cherries, plums, almonds, and peaches. The genus can be divided into three major groups based on inflorescence structure and ploidy levels: (1) the diploid solitary-flower group (subg. Prunus, Amygdalus and Emplectocladus); (2) the diploid corymbose group (subg. Cerasus); and (3) the polyploid racemose group (subg. Padus, subg. Laurocerasus, and the Maddenia group). The plastid phylogeny suggests three major clades within Prunus: Prunus-Amygdalus-Emplectocladus, Cerasus, and Laurocerasus-Padus-Maddenia, while nuclear ITS trees resolve Laurocerasus-Padus-Maddenia as a paraphyletic group. In this study, we employed sequences of the nuclear loci At103, ITS and s6pdh to explore the origins and evolution of the racemose group. Two copies of the At103 gene were identified in Prunus. One copy is found in Prunus species with solitary and corymbose inflorescences as well as those with racemose inflorescences, while the second copy (II) is present only in taxa with racemose inflorescences. The copy I sequences suggest that all racemose species form a paraphyletic group composed of four clades, each of which is definable by morphology and geography. The tree from the combined At103 and ITS sequences and the tree based on the single gene s6pdh had similar general topologies to the tree based on the copy I sequences of At103, with the combined At103-ITS tree showing stronger support in most clades. The nuclear At103, ITS and s6pdh data in conjunction with the plastid data are consistent with the hypothesis that multiple independent allopolyploidy events contributed to the origins of the racemose group. A widespread species or lineage may have served as the maternal parent for multiple hybridizations involving several paternal lineages. This hypothesis of the complex evolutionary history of the racemose group in Prunus reflects a major step forward in our understanding of diversification of the genus and has important implications for the interpretation of its phylogeny, evolution, and classification

    Mass Taxon-Sampling as a Strategy towards Illuminating the Natural History of Campanula (Campanuloideae)

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    Speciose clades usually harbor species with a broad spectrum of adaptive strategies and complex distribution patterns, and thus constitute ideal systems to disentangle biotic and abiotic causes underlying species diversification. The delimitation of such study systems to test evolutionary hypotheses is difficult because they often rely on artificial genus concepts as starting points. One of the most prominent examples is the bellflower genus Campanula with some 420 species, but up to 600 species when including all lineages to which Campanula is paraphyletic. We generated a large alignment of petD group II intron sequences to include more than 70% of described species as a reference. By comparison with partial data sets we could then assess the impact of selective taxon sampling strategies on phylogenetic reconstruction and subsequent evolutionary conclusions

    Methods for Obtaining and Analyzing Whole Chloroplast Genome Sequences

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    During the past decade there has been a rapid increase in our understanding of plastid genome organization and evolution due to the availability of many new completely sequenced genomes. Currently there are 43 complete genomes published and ongoing projects are likely to increase this sampling to nearly 200 genomes during the next five years. Several groups of researchers including ours have been developing new techniques for gathering and analyzing entire plastid genome sequences and details of these developments are summarized in this chapter. The most important recent developments that enhance our ability to generate whole chloroplast genome sequences involve the generation of pure fractions of chloroplast genomes by whole genome amplification using rolling circular amplification, cloning genomes into Fosmid or BAC vectors, and the development of an organellar annotation program (DOGMA). In addition to providing details of these methods, we provide an overview of methods for analyzing complete plastid genome sequences for repeats and gene content, as well as approaches for using gene order and sequence data for phylogeny reconstruction. This explosive increase in the number of sequenced plastid genomes and improved computational tools will provide many insights into the evolution of these genomes and much new data for assessing relationships at deep nodes in plants and other photosynthetic organisms

    Complete chloroplast genome of Trachelium caeruleum: extensive rearrangements are associated with repeats and tRNAs

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    Abstract Chloroplast genome structure, gene order and content are highly conserved in land plants. We sequenced the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Trachelium caeruleum (Campanulaceae) a member of an angiosperm family known for highly rearranged chloroplast genomes. The total genome size is 162,321 bp with an IR of 27,273 bp, LSC of 100,113 bp and SSC of 7,661 bp. The genome encodes 115 unique genes, with 19 duplicated in the IR, a tRNA (trnI-CAU) duplicated once in the LSC and a protein coding gene (psbJ) duplicated twice, for a total of 137 genes. Four genes (ycf15, rpl23, infA and accD) are truncated and likely nonfunctional; three others (clpP, ycf1 and ycf2) are so highly diverged that they may now be pseudogenes. The most conspicuous feature of the Trachelium genome is the presence of eighteen internally unrearranged blocks of genes that have been inverted or relocated within the genome, relative to the typical gene order of most angiosperm chloroplast genomes. Recombination between repeats or tRNAs has been suggested as two means of chloroplast genome rearrangements. We compared the relative number of repeats in Trachelium to eight other angiosperm chloroplast genomes, and evaluated the location of repeats and tRNAs in relation to rearrangements. Trachelium has the highest number and largest repeats, which are concentrated near inversion endpoints or other rearrangements. tRNAs occur at many but not all inversion endpoints. There is likely no single mechanism responsible for the remarkable number of alterations in this genome, but both repeats and tRNAs are clearly associated with these rearrangements. Land plant chloroplast genomes are highly conserved in structure, gene order and 3 content. The chloroplast genomes of ferns, the gymnosperm Ginkgo, and mos