1,729 research outputs found

    Graphic Design in and Science Popularization in Internet : an emergent coupling

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    1 archivo PDF (10 páginas)La divulgación científica es una estrategia de socialización de la ciencia a través del uso del lenguaje. En buena parte de la historia de la ciencia el texto escrito ha servido como su principal soporte de difusión, con un papel accesorio de la imagen física. Sin embargo, hoy día en pleno contexto comunicativo de Internet, la ciencia ha adquirido nuevas interpretaciones, roles y responsabilidades visibles a través de la imagen digital. En términos sistémicos, el acoplamiento entre la ciencia y el diseño gráfico destaca a los sitios web como un lugar de encuentro, participación y articulación de comunicaciones visuales exitosas hacia la sociedad. Abstract: The science popularization is a socialization strategy of science through the language use. In good part of the history of science the write text has served as its main support of diffusion with the physical image in a second level. However, today in plain communicative Internet context, the science has acquired new interpretations, rolls and responsibilities visible through digital image. In systemic words, the coupling between science and graphic design underline the web sites as meeting places for participation and articulation of successful visual communications in society

    Electron Confinement Induced by Diluted Hydrogen-like Ad-atoms in Graphene Ribbons

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    We report the electronic properties of two-dimensional systems made of graphene nanoribbons which are patterned with ad-atoms in two separated regions. Due to the extra electronic confinement induced by the presence of the impurities, we find resonant levels, quasi-bound and impurity-induced localized states, which determine the transport properties of the system. Regardless of the ad-atom distribution in the system, we apply band-folding procedures to simple models and predict the energies and the spatial distribution of those impurity-induced states. We take into account two different scenarios: gapped graphene and the presence of randomly distributed ad-atoms in a low dilution regime. In both cases the defect-induced resonances are still detected. Our findings would encourage experimentalist to synthesize these systems and characterize their quasi-localized states employing, for instance, scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS). Additionally, the resonant transport features could be used in electronic applications and molecular sensor devices.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, submitted (minor changes

    Aqueous-Phase reforming of renewables for hydrogen production

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    The present work studies the feasibility of selective hydrogen production from biomass derived sugar alcohols, through aqueous-phase reforming, in the presence of Pt supported on Al2O3 catalysts. Aqueous-phase reforming (APR) is a catalytic transformation of biomass to produce hydrogen and light hydrocarbons. Carbon dioxide is also produced as a stoichiometric by-product. The reaction occurs under elevated temperature and high pressure to maintain aqueous-phase conditions. However, APR can be considered as an energy-efficient process, due to the fact that all reactants remain in the liquid phase during the reaction saving energy required for vaporization. In order to investigate the main factors that affect conversion and selectivity in APR. Influences of reaction temperature and pressure, flow rates of inert gases, concentration and flow rates of reactants as well as catalysts particle size have been studied. In the present work, aqueous-phase reforming of xylitol, xylose and formic acid was studied in the presence of platinum supported on alumina in a trickle bed reactor. Influence of the reaction conditions on conversion and selectivity was monitored.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteGrado en Ingeniería Químic

    Numerical semigroups with concentration two

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    The first author was partially supported by MTM-2017-84890-P and by Junta de Andalucia group FQM-343. The second author is supported by the project FCT PTDC/MAT/73544/2006). 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20M14, 11D07.We define the concentration of a numerical semigroup S as C(S) = max {next(S)(s) - s vertical bar s is an element of S\{0}} wherein next(S)(s) = min {x is an element of S vertical bar s < x}. In this paper, we study the class of numerical semigroups with concentration 2. We give algorithms to calculate the whole set of this class of semigroups with given multiplicity, genus or Frobenius number. Separately, we prove that this class of semigroups verifies the Wilf's conjecture.project FCT (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia) PTDC/MAT/73544/2006Junta de Andalucia FQM-343 MTM-2017-84890-

    Transport properties of graphene quantum dots

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    In this work we present a theoretical study of transport properties of a double crossbar junction composed by segments of graphene ribbons with different widths forming a graphene quantum dot structure. The systems are described by a single-band tight binding Hamiltonian and the Green's function formalism using real space renormalization techniques. We show calculations of the local density of states, linear conductance and I-V characteristics. Our results depict a resonant behavior of the conductance in the quantum dot structures which can be controlled by changing geometrical parameters such as the nanoribbon segments widths and relative distance between them. By applying a gate voltage on determined regions of the structure, it is possible to modulate the transport response of the systems. We show that negative differential resistance can be obtained for low values of gate and bias voltages applied.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Diseño : potenciador de bienes culturales

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    Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Departamento de Investigación y Conocimiento para el Diseño. 1 archivo PDF (18 páginas)El objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar en torno a la problemática que el papel del diseño ha enfrentado ante el cauce del desarrollo económico contemporáneo para legitimarse socialmente. En el contexto del paradigma fracasado de “sustitución de importaciones” y en contraposición al modelo consolidado de inversión extranjera directa en el sector manufacturero que derivó en una apertura comercial sin cortapisas. Una alternativa para el diseño es su conceptuación como actividad innovadora y como agente de consolidación de la industria cultural local. Este camino emergente del diseño pretende: impulsar y potenciar las prácticas culturales como bienes culturales, reactivando así la matriz económica; y por otro lado, reconocer la influencia social de su campo transdisciplinar

    Modular Frobenius pseudo-varieties

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    Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUAIf m is an element of N \ (0, 1) and A is a finite subset of boolean OR(k is an element of N\{0,1}) {1, ..., m - 1}(k), then we denote by l(m, A) ={S is an element of S-m vertical bar s(1) + ... + s(k) - m is an element of S if (s(1), ..., s(k)) is an element of S-k and (s(1 )mod m, ..., s(k) mod m) is an element of A}. In this work we prove that l(m, A) is a Frobenius pseudo-variety. We also show algorithms that allows us to establish whether a numerical semigroup belongs to l(m, A) and to compute all the elements of l(m, A) with a fixed genus. Moreover, we introduce and study three families of numerical semigroups, called of second-level, thin and strong, and corresponding to l(m, A) when A = {1, ..., m - 1}(3), A = {(1, 1), ..., (m - 1, m - 1)}, and A = {1, ..., m - 1)(2)\{(1, 1), ..., (m - 1, m - 1)}, respectively.Universidad de Granada / CBU