8 research outputs found

    Appreciation Workshop on Climate-Resilient Agriculture for the Local Government Officials of Quezon Province (4th District): A Workshop Report

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    The two-day appreciation workshop on climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) was a collaborative activity among the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office IVA (DA-RFO-IVA), the Municipal Government of Guinayangan Quezon, the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). The workshop was designed for key local government officials – local chief executives, municipal agriculturists and municipal planning and development coordinators. The delivery involved presentations of concepts, activities, learning; field visits; and participatory action planning. This was an effort to bring the learning from the implementation of CRA-related interventions in the municipalities of Guinayangan and San Francisco to scale. This used the horizontal scaling approach to widen the spatial or geographic extent of the “product”. In this particular case, adaptation strategies were the ‘products’ that were promoted

    Native pigs: a climate resilient business enterprise

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    The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) and CCAFS introduced the low external input project on small-livestock system to communities in Guinayangan Climate-Smart Village (CSV) in the Philippines. This is part of the Developing Scalable Approaches for Community Based Adaption project of IIRR. Climate-smart agriculture approaches, including those in livestock production, were introduced to help build farm resilience in anticipation of the impacts of climate change. The experiences shared in this publication was generated over 6 years. Replication are now seen in nearly all of the Philippine Department of Agriculture CSVs

    Climate resilience in agriculture: Key concepts for community-based adaptation

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    These primer was produced for a project under CCAFs, jointly implemented by the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), Philippines and the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), Vietnam Country Office. CCAFS Project No.: P55-FPI-SEA-ICRA

    Planeación, gobernanza y sustentabilidad Retos y desafíos desde el enfoque territorial

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    Frente a la compleja realidad actual, resulta ineludible el desarrollo de la investigación científica de los fenómenos y procesos urbanos, territoriales y ambientales, que contribuya a su comprensión y la construcción de alternativas de solución a los retos y desafíos vigentes. En este contexto, el abordaje de las ciudades y regiones metropolitanas, el ordenamiento del territorio y la ocupación del espacio, así como la relación sociedad-naturaleza y la complejidad ambiental, precisa la generación de metodologías y procesos de investigación multi e inter disciplinarios que contribuyan a la comprensión de los procesos socioterritoriales, el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida y la conservación ambiental.Programa de Fortalecimiento de la Calidad Educativa PFCE-2016 proyecto K0313101

    Portfolio of Climate Resilient Options for Farming and Fishing Communities in Guinayangan, Quezon

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    The main purpose of this portfolio is to document climate-smart agricultural options tested and implemented in Guinayangan, Quezon, Philippines. The intention is to use evidence-based recommendations to promote out-scaling and upscaling. Participatory vulnerability assessment and action research helped in identification of climate resilient options. A community innovation fund supported the farmer-led action research. The investigators used a landscape approach in capturing how community-managed technologies worked in lowland, upland and coastal areas. The portfolio presents the rationale of the technologies, details of the implementation process, actual farmers’ learnings and observed benefits. The compiled technological options resulted in a unique portfolio best-fitted to alleviate impacts of climate change while also addressing livelihood goals

    Participatory Vulnerability Assessments in support of Community Based Adaption

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    This publication is derived from a real life exercise in applying participatory vulnerability methods in 11 villages/barangays in the Municipality of Guinayangan , Quezon, Philippines. These villages were among those designated as climate smart villages, under the CCAFS global initiative to set up climate smart villages as platforms for climate-smart agriculture (CSA). The project in the Philippines was entitled “Generating an evidence base for upscaling local adaptation thorough Climate Smart Agriculture “(P56). This compilation includes tools and methods, facilitators guides and the actual outputs from the 9 villages. These Participatory Vulnerability Assessment (PVA) studies encompass a wider range of components (such as livelihood analysis, and seasonal charts) beyond what is included in desk based, climate vulnerability studies. Gender is prominently featured in these proposed methods and in the derived outputs. These PVA studies, which typically last three days per village, engaged and involved local communities and local government representatives, bringing their perspectives to bear on the problem analysis, thus distinguishing itself from other efforts that rely primarily on secondary data. Data derived from community studies however is ideally also complemented by secondary data derived from desk based studies. Such assessments are regularly revisited and updated. These methods have since already been shared with the Philippines Department of Agriculture and used in trainings and capacity building efforts of the Department of Agriculture Climate Resilient Agriculture Office (DA CRAO) and Agricultural Training Institute (DA ATI)

    Climate Smart Agriculture: a primer of local government officials in the Philippines (Khmer Version)

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    The primer helps to identify and address important interactions, synergies and trade-offs between and among climate change, agriculture and food security. ‘Understanding Climate Change’ explains the definition of climate change, stressing on greenhouse gasses (GHGs) and their impacts on agriculture. Local partners of CCAFS, including local government units, media practitioners, and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector, are the primary audience of the primer. This version is translated in Khmer (the national language of Cambodia)

    Biến đổi khí hậu và ảnh hưởng của biến đổi khí hậu tới nông nghiệp - Tài liệu dùng cho cán bộ địa phương các cấp của Việt Nam

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    The primer helps to identify and address important interactions, synergies and trade-offs between and among climate change, agriculture and food security. ‘Understanding Climate Change’ explains the definition of climate change, stressing on greenhouse gasses (GHGs) and their impacts on agriculture. Local partners of CCAFS, including local government units, media practitioners, and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector, are the primary audience of the primer. This version is translated in Ilokano (the language in the northern region of the Philippines)