60 research outputs found

    Avaliação da discriminação social de pessoas idosas em Portugal

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    O envelhecimento da população Portuguesa está a fazer emergir problemas sociais novos, muitos dos quais ainda não visíveis ou tematizados. Um desses problemas é a discriminação social veiculada através de comportamentos, atitudes e preconceitos presentes nas interacções diárias com pessoas idosas e/ou difundidos através dos meios de comunicação. O objectivo deste estudo é conhecer o ponto de vista das pessoas idosas, ou seja, a sua própria percepção de ocorrências de episódios de discriminação. Utilizando um instrumento específico concebido por Palmore procurámos caracterizar a percepção de 324 pessoas, homens e mulheres com mais de 60 anos e residentes em vários concelhos de Portugal, algumas institucionalizadas e outras vivendo integradas, em condições normais, na comunidade. Os resultados apontam para uma percepção de discriminação por uma parte significativa da amostra. As ocorrências mais frequentemente percepcionadas situam-se em interacções com profissionais de saúde e em outros contextos interpessoais em que os interlocutores supõem a priori que a pessoa idosa já não ouve bem ou não compreende bem. Encontramos uma associação positiva da percepção da discriminação com a idade. Discutiremos os dados apontando algumas direcções para outros trabalhos de investigação e para a prevenção do fenómeno.The aging of the Portuguese population is accompanied with the emergence of new problems, many of which we are not fully aware of. One of those problems is ageism or social discrimination carried out by behaviours, attitudes and prejudices in the daily interaction with elderly people or spread by mass media. This descriptive observational study’s aim is to find out the self perception of elderly people concerning their experience with discrimination. Using a specific instrument designed by Palmore, we characterize the self perception of 324 older persons, men and women older than 60 years and living in several regions of Portugal, some of them living within residential facilities and the others living in the community. The results point to a real self perception of discrimination or ageism. The events with more prevalence of occurrence are with health professionals, either a physician or a nurse, or in other settings in which one assumes that the older person could not hear well or could not understand because of his/her age. We found a strong association between self perception of discrimination and age. We will discuss the data and point some directions to new research and prevention of this phenomenon.El envejecimiento de la población portuguesa está haciendo que surgan problemas sociales nuevos, muchos de los cuales todavía no están demasiado claros. Uno de estos problemas es la discriminación social reflejada en comportamientos, actitudes y prejuicios presentes en las interacciones diarias con personas mayores difundidos a través de los medios de comunicación. El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo es conocer el punto de vista de las personas de edad, es decir, su propia percepción de la ocurrencia de episodios de discriminación. Utilizando un instrumento específico concebido por Palmore pretendemos caracterizar la percepción de 324 hombres y mujeres de más de 60 años residentes en varios lugares de Portugal, algunos institucionalizados y otros viviendo integrados en condiciones normales en la comunidad. Los resultados muestran una percepción de discriminación por una parte significativa de la muestra. Las ocurrencias más frecuentemente percibidas se sitúan en las interacciones con los profesionales de la salud y en otros contextos interpersonales en los que los interlocutores suponen a priori que la persona de edad ya no oye o comprende bien. Encontramos una asociación positiva de la percepción de la discriminación con la edad. Se discuten los datos apuntando algunas directrices para futuros trabajos de investigación y para la prevención del fenómeno

    Características da personalidade e relacionamento interpessoal na adolescência

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    Neste estudo, analisamos a relação entre as dificuldades interpessoais na adolescência e dimensões estruturais e clínicas da personalidade, avaliadas pela versão experimental portuguesa do Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – Adolescent (MMPI-A). Participaram neste estudo 351 estudantes do 9º ao 12º ano, com idades entre os 14 e os 18 anos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a versão portuguesa do MMPI-A e o Questionário sobre o Percurso Escolar, construído para esta investigação. De acordo com a frequência reportada de dificuldades interpessoais, sobretudo em contexto escolar, constituíram-se dois grupos de estudantes, os quais foram comparados nos resultados do MMPI-A. As análises multivariadas (MANOVAs) revelaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos nas dimensões que sugerem perturbações de personalidade. Os resultados são analisados numa perspectiva que enfatiza a importância da personalidade na vida escolar na adolescência e na distinção de padrões mais ou menos adaptativos de comportamento.In this cross-sectional study we analyse the relationship between interpersonal difficulties in adolescence and personality clinical and structural dimensions, assessed through the Portuguese version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – Adolescent (MMPI-A). Participants were 351 ninth to twelfth grade students (ages 14-18), who were distributed by two groups, according to their reported frequency of interpersonal problems, mostly in school context. Instruments were the Portuguese version of the MMPI-A and the School Path Questionnaire, which was created for this investigation. Multivariate statistical analysis (MANOVA) reveals significant differences between the groups of frequency of interpersonal difficulties in MMPI-A personality dimensions and in the clinical profile. Results are analyzed on a perspective that emphasizes the importance of personality in school life and in the distinction of more or less adaptive behavior patterns.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factorial Analysis of the MMPI-A: Replication of the Original Structural Summary with a Portuguese Sample

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    O Sumário Estrutural (SE) do MMPI-A foi desenvolvido como forma de agregar a informação relativa à personalidade e psicopatologia que este instrumento proporciona. Neste estudo, replicámos os estudos de Archer, Belevich e Elkins e de Archer e Krishnamurthy, com a amostra normativa norte-americana do MMPI-A, que basearam o SE original. Assim, analisámos a estrutura factorial dos resultados do MMPI-A obtidos com uma amostra, não clínica, de adolescentes portugueses (N=572). A análise factorial revela uma organização das escalas e subescalas do MMPI-A numa estrutura consistente com a do SE original. Os oito factores identificados, que explicam 72% da variabilidade dos resultados, foram designados de Desajustamento Global, Desinibição/Potencial Excitatório, Desconforto Social, Problemas Comportamentais, Preocupações com a Saúde, Imaturidade, Alienação Familiar e Conflitualidade, e Evitamento Social. Os resultados são discutidos face à utilidade do SE na avaliação com o MMPI-A e à investigação da personalidade e da psicopatologia em adolescentes portugueses.The Structural Summary (SS) of the MMPI-A has been developed as a strategy to aggregate the information about adolescent personality and psychopathology that the MMPI-A provides. In this study, we analyzed the factorial structure of the MMPI-A at scale and subscale levels with a nonclinical sample of 572 Portuguese adolescents. We replicated the studies of Archer, Belevich, and Elkins, and of Archer and Krishnamurthy, with the American MMPI-A normative sample. The factorial analysis revealed an organization of the MMPI A scales and subscales in eight factors, in a structure consistent with the MMPI-A SS, and which explains 72% of the results variability. We named the eight dimensions as follows: General Maladjustment, Disinhibition / Excitatory Potential, Social Discomfort, Behavioral Problems, Health Concerns, Immaturity, Conflictuality and Familial Alienation, and Social Avoidance. The results are discussed regarding the clinical utility of the SS in psychological assessment processes with the MMPI-A, and with Portuguese adolescents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Clinical and laboratory profile of pediatric outpatients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, attended in the tertiary public hospital of Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil, and its relationship with the treatment adherence

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    Objectives: To evaluate the clinical and laboratory profile of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) and their relationship with the values of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Methods: We analyzed medical records of 56 patients (2 to 17 years) treated at the pediatric endocrinology unit of the Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil, during the period from August 2013 to July 2014. Data such as: age, duration of disease, diabetes etiology (autoimmune or idiopathic), type and number of daily insulin injections, caster at the application site, the HbA1c levels, blood glucose monitoring, candy and soft drinks intake and physical activity were analyzed. For statistical analysis, the patients were divided in two groups: bad control = HbA1c>9%; and good control = HbA1c≤9%, according to the International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD). Results: The mean age of the patients studied was equal to 10.5 years; 53.6% (n=30) of them were in a state of diabetic ketoacidosis diagnosis; and 57.1% (n=32) of the group had HbA1c>9%. Bad control group showed older age, being mainly composed of adolescents (p=0,0230). The weekly intake of soft drinks is associated with the bad control group (p=0,0500). The other factors studied showed no statistical difference between the groups. Conclusions: A large percentage of patients with DM1 had inadequate control of the disease, especially in the adolescent age group. The diagnosis of DM1 in childhood and adolescence is still late, with high presence of diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis

    Blood–brain barrier dysfunction in aging is mediated by brain endothelial senescence

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    \ua9 2024 The Author(s). Aging Cell published by Anatomical Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. BBB dysfunction during aging is characterized by an increase in its permeability and phenotypic alterations of brain endothelial cells (BECs) including dysregulation of tight junction\u27s expression. Here we have investigated the role of BEC senescence in the dysfunction of the BBB. Our results suggest that the transition from young to aged BBB is mediated, at least in part by BEC senescence

    (In)visibility of PALOP students’ perceived needs

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    Partindo do modelo bioecológico de Bronfeenbrenner e Morris (2006), com este estudo exploratório e quantitativo, pretende-se conhecer o perfil social dos estudantes oriundos dos países PALOP e identificar as suas necessidades, mediante um inquérito por questionário. Colaboraram 112 estudantes, de ambos os sexos, sendo a média etária de 22,52 anos. Os resultados indicam que, mais de metade dos inquiridos, aufere um rendimento mensal baixo, assinalado, maioritariamente, como insuficiente. Destacam-se várias dificuldades financeiras com implicações na satisfação de necessidades básicas e nos processos de aprendizagem. É igualmente necessário investir no acesso à informação sobre os serviços disponíveis na instituição do ensino superior (IEs) e na comunidade local. Os principais resultados apontam para a premência de um cuidado acrescido face aos estudantes que frequentam o ensino superior pela primeira vez e para uma reflexão atenta e permanente das IEs, no sentido de proporcionar respostas mais sustentáveis para atenuar as necessidades destes estudantes.Based on the bioecological model of Bronfeenbrenner and Morris (2006), this exploratory quantitative study, aims to know PALOP students’ social profile of and to identify their needs, through a questionnaire survey. Our study recruited 112 students, both sexes included, with the mean age of 22,52 years. Data support that, more than half of the respondents, earn a low monthly income, marked, mostly, as insufficient. There are several financial difficulties with implications for meeting the basic needs and for learning processes. It is also necessary to improve access to information services that are available at the higher education institution (HEI) and in the local community. The main results highlight the need of a better support for students attending higher education for the first time and of a careful and permanent reflection of the HEI, in order to provide a more sustainable response to mitigate the needs of these students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Knowledge and behaviors of oral health in children: a cross-sectional and correlational study

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    Background: Due to their high prevalence and incidence, oral diseases represent one of the main health problems of children and adolescents. The early diagnosis of oral diseases and the identification of risk factors are essential to establish preventive measures, and nursing community intervention programs can reduce the negative impact of complications. Purpose: Understanding the influence of knowledge of oral health on the behaviors of 235 children attending the first cycle of basic education in a group of schools in a municipality in the Central Region of Portugal. Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional, and correlational study was carried out, integrated in the community intervention project “Smiles at School”. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire built for the purpose, and all inherent ethical requirements were met. In the data analysis, descriptive statistics were used for categorical variables and inferential statistics for the analysis of the association between two categorical variables. Results: Children of older age and with a higher level of education and adequate oral hygiene habits have more knowledge. Children with knowledge of oral health report that the intake of cariogenic foods is sporadic and once or twice a week, with a statistically significant association. Boys have the most deficient hygiene habits. Regarding the ingestion of cariostatic foods, the pattern of consumption is found mostly at meals and at mealtimes. Conclusions/Implications to Practice: Children with knowledge of oral health have a lower number of decayed teeth and a greater number of treated teeth, have better oral hygiene behaviors, regularly carry out oral health surveillance and have correct eating habits. This confirms that knowledge of children/adolescents influences their behavior in the context of oral health. Projects in the field of oral health must be developed to empower and improve the knowledge and behavior of children/adolescents.publishe

    CD226 rs763361 is associated with the susceptibility to type 1 diabetes and greater frequency of GAD65 autoantibody in a brazilian cohort

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    CD226 rs763361 variant increases susceptibility to type 1 diabetes (T1D) in Caucasians. There is no data about CD226 variants in the very heterogeneous Brazilian population bearing a wide degree of admixture. We investigated its association with T1D susceptibility, clinical phenotypes, and autoimmune manifestations (islet and extrapancreatic autoantibodies). Casuistry. 532 T1D patients and 594 controls in a case-control study. Initially, CD226 coding regions and boundaries were sequenced in a subset of 106 T1D patients and 102 controls. In a second step, two CD226 variants, rs763361 (exon 7) and rs727088 (3′ UTR region), involved with CD226 regulation, were genotyped in the entire cohort. C-peptide and autoantibody levels were determined. No new polymorphic variant was found. The variants rs763361 and rs727088 were in strong linkage disequilibrium. The TT genotype of rs763361 was associated with TID risk (;  95%  –1.991; ), mainly in females , greater frequency of anti-GAD autoantibody (31.9% × 24.5%; ; –2.194; ), and lower C-peptide levels when compared to those with TC + CC genotypes ( ng/dL versus  ng/dL ). Conclusions. The rs763361 variant of CD226 gene (TT genotype) was associated with susceptibility to T1D and with the degree of aggressiveness of the disease in T1D patients from Brazil. Ancestry had no effect.FAPESP 2008-04472-


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    Visceral leishmaniasis is an anthropozoonosis that is caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania, especially Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum, and is transmitted to humans by the bite of sandflies of the genus Lutzomyia, such as Lutzomyia longipalpis. There are many reservoirs, including Canis familiaris. It is a chronic infectious disease with systemic involvement that is characterized by three phases: the initial period, the state period and the final period. The main symptoms are fever, malnutrition, hepatosplenomegaly, and pancytopenia. This article reports a case of a patient diagnosed with visceral leishmaniasis in the final period following autochthonous transmission in the urban area of Rio de Janeiro. The case reported here is considered by the Municipal Civil Defense and Health Surveillance of Rio de Janeiro to be the first instance of autochthonous visceral leishmaniasis in humans in the urban area of this city. The patient was discharged and is undergoing a follow-up at the outpatient clinic, demonstrating clinical improvement