1,142 research outputs found

    A Win–Win Combination to Inhibit Persistent Organic Pollutant Formation via the Co-Incineration of Polyvinyl Chloride E-Waste and Sewage Sludge

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    Persistent organic pollutant inhibition in the combustion process of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) by prior addition of an inhibitor is currently being studied, reducing the emission of pollutants, and thus reducing the large amount of waste PVC destined for landfill. In this work, the use of sewage sludge (SS) as an alternative to chemical inhibitors to improve the quality emissions of the incineration of polyvinyl chloride waste (PVC e-waste) was studied and optimized. Different combustion runs were carried out at 850 °C in a laboratory tubular reactor, varying both the molar ratio Ri (0.25, 0.50, 0.75) between inhibitors (N + S) and chlorine (Cl) and the oxygen ratio λ (0.15, 0.50) between actual oxygen and stoichiometric oxygen. The emissions of several semivolatile compounds families such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorobenzenes (ClBzs), and polychlorophenols (ClPhs), with special interest in the emissions of the most toxic compounds, i.e., polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs), were analyzed. A notable decrease in PCDD/F and dl-PCB formation was achieved in most of the experiments, especially for those runs performed under an oxygen-rich atmosphere (λ = 0.50), where the addition of sludge was beneficial with inhibition ratios Ri ≥ 0.25. An inhibition ratio of 0.75 showed the best results with almost a 100% reduction in PCDD/F formation and a 95% reduction in dl-PCB formation.Support for this work was granted by CTQ2016-76608-R project and the scholarship BES-2017-080382 from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Spain). GC-MS/QQQ used in the analysis was supported by Project IDIFEDER/2018/004 by the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain)

    Probing the innermost regions of AGN jets and their magnetic fields with RadioAstron II. Observations of 3C 273 at minimum activity

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    RadioAstron is a 10 m orbiting radio telescope mounted on the Spektr-R satellite, launched in 2011, performing Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry (SVLBI) observations supported by a global ground array of radio telescopes. With an apogee of about 350 000 km, it is offering for the first time the possibility to perform {\mu}as-resolution imaging in the cm-band. We present observations at 22 GHz of 3C 273, performed in 2014, designed to reach a maximum baseline of approximately nine Earth diameters. Reaching an angular resolution of 0.3 mas, we study a particularly low-activity state of the source, and estimate the nuclear region brightness temperature, comparing with the extreme one detected one year before during the RadioAstron early science period. We also make use of the VLBA-BU-BLAZAR survey data, at 43 GHz, to study the kinematics of the jet in a 1.5-year time window. We find that the nuclear brightness temperature is two orders of magnitude lower than the exceptionally high value detected in 2013 with RadioAstron at the same frequency (1.4x10^13 K, source-frame), and even one order of magnitude lower than the equipartition value. The kinematics analysis at 43 GHz shows that a new component was ejected 2 months after the 2013 epoch, visible also in our 22 GHz map presented here. Consequently this was located upstream of the core during the brightness temperature peak. These observations confirm that the previously detected extreme brightness temperature in 3C 273, exceeding the inverse Compton limit, is a short-lived phenomenon caused by a temporary departure from equipartition. Thus, the availability of interferometric baselines capable of providing {\mu}as angular resolution does not systematically imply measured brightness temperatures over the known physical limits for astrophysical sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Patrones de distribución de los caprélidos intermareales y de aguas someras asociados a macroalgas de la Península Ibérica

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    This study investigated the patterns of caprellids associated with macroalgae from the intertidal and shallow waters (0-5 m) of the Iberian Peninsula. Nineteen stations and 250 samples of algae demonstrated the presence of 46 algal species (22 intertidal and 24 subtidal). Eleven caprellid species dwelled in th ese macroalgae with Caprella penantis and C. acanthifera being the most abundant species. Caprella acanthifera , Phtisica marina and Pseudoprotella phasma inhabited the whole Peninsula; C. danilevskii , C. equilibra , C. fretensis and C. penantis showed Atlantic distribution, whereas C. grandimana , C. hirsuta , C. liparotensis and Deutella schieckei inhabited only Mediterranean sites and the Strait of Gibraltar. Caprellid species demonstrated low substrate specificity and associated themselves with many species of algae. Subtidal subtrates contained higher numbers of caprellid species than intertidal substrates. The highest number of caprellid species occurred on the algae Stypocaulon scoparium , Cystoseira spp., Corallina elongata , Jania rubens , Codium vermilara , Cladostephus spongiosus and Asparagopsis armata . Caprellid abundances were very high, both in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones, reaching 12200 ind/ 1000 ml alga. In fact, caprellids are one of the dominant groups of associated fauna in the intertidal in comparison with other taxa. In spite of the high densities, caprellid diversity (in terms of number of species) in the intertidal and very shallow bottoms of the Iberian Peninsula is very low (11 species) in comparison with total caprellid diversity including deeper areas >5 m (ca. 40 species). Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that temperature and conductivity are the environmental variables that explain a clear Atlantic-Mediterranean gradient for caprellid distribution.Se estudió el patrón de caprélidos asociados a macroalgas del intermareal y aguas someras (0-5 m) de la Península Ibérica. Un total de 19 estaciones y 250 muestras de algas reflejaron la presencia de 46 especies de algas (22 intermareales y 24 submareales). Once especies de caprélidos se asociaron a estas macroalgas, siendo Caprella penantis y C. acanthifera las más abundantes. Caprella acanthifera , Phtisica marina y Pseudoprotella phasma se distribuyeron por toda la Península; C. danilevskii , C. equilibra , C. fretensis y C. penantis mostraron distribución Atlántica, mientras que C. grandimana , C. hirsuta , C. liparotensis y Deutella schieckei se encontraron sólo en el Mediterráneo y el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Los caprélidos mostraron baja especificidad por el sustrato y se asociaron a distintas especies de algas. Los sustratos submareales albergaron mayor número de especies que los intermareales. Las mayores diversidades de especies se encontraron en las algas Stypocaulon scoparium , Cystoseira spp., Corallina elongata , Jania rubens , Codium vermilara , Cladostephus spongiosus y Asparagosis armata . Las abundancias registradas fueron muy altas, tanto en el intermareal como el submareal, alcanzando los 12200 ind/1000 ml de alga. De hecho, los caprélidos constituyen uno de los grupos dominantes de fauna asociada en el intermareal en comparación con otros taxa. A pesar de las altas densidades, la diversidad de los caprélidos (en términos de número de especies) en el intermareal y submareal somero de la Península Ibérica es bajo (11 espe- cies) si se compara con la diversidad total de caprélidos incluyendo aguas más profundas > 5 m (ca. 40 especies). El Análisis Canónico de Correspondencias mostró que la temperatura y la conductividad son las variables ambientales que mejor explican el claro gradiente Atlántico-Mediterráneo de distribución de caprélidos

    Demografía y crecimiento primario durante la regeneración de tres especies de pino a lo largo de gradientes climáticos

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    13 páginas, 4 figuras y 3 tablasLa regeneración es un proceso crítico en la dinámica de los bosques, que presenta una marcada heterogeneidad temporal y espacial. En este trabajo se pretende avanzar en el conocimiento de las variables bióticas y abióticas que determinan a escala local la presencia, abundancia y crecimiento primario de plántulas de tres especies de pino: Pinus sylvestris, P. nigra y P. uncinata, y determinar el efecto relativo del clima. Para ello se muestrearon 216 parcelas distribuidas a lo largo de gradientes climáticos en siete localidades montañosas. Se censaron las plántulas recién emergidas y el resto de juveniles, y se midieron los crecimientos anuales. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre especies con efectos directos e indirectos del clima sobre la demografía y el estado de los juveniles. En las tres especies se apreció que la supervivencia de los juveniles aparecía desplazada hacia altitudes mayores respecto donde se producía el óptimo de la emergencia. Las relaciones locales de competencia y facilitación ejercieron efectos importantes sobre la regeneración de las tres especies, siendo éstos modulados por el clima.Ministerio Español de Innovación y Ciencia Consolider-Montes (CSD2008_00040), Los autores agradecen a toda la gente que hizo posible el trabajo de campo: R. Freire, B. Santamaría, J. Martínez, D. López, R. Ruíz-Puche, E. Molina, L. Ivorra, S. Martín, B. Ros y C. Boubekeur. También el apoyo estadístico de R. Manson.Proyecto europeo BACCARA (CE: FP7-226299, 7FP)Peer reviewe

    The Nuclear Receptor LXR Limits Bacterial Infection of Host Macrophages through a Mechanism that Impacts Cellular NAD Metabolism

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    Macrophages exert potent effector functions against invading microorganisms but constitute, paradoxically, a preferential niche for many bacterial strains to replicate. Using a model of infection by Salmonella Typhimurium, we have identified a molecular mechanism regulated by the nuclear receptor LXR that limits infection of host macrophages through transcriptional activation of the multifunctional enzyme CD38. LXR agonists reduced the intracellular levels of NAD+ in a CD38-dependent manner, counteracting pathogen-induced changes in macrophage morphology and the distribution of the F-actin cytoskeleton and reducing the capability of non-opsonized Salmonella to infect macrophages. Remarkably, pharmacological treatment with an LXR agonist ameliorated clinical signs associated with Salmonella infection in vivo, and these effects were dependent on CD38 expression in bone-marrow-derived cells. Altogether, this work reveals an unappreciated role for CD38 in bacterial-host cell interaction that can be pharmacologically exploited by activation of the LXR pathway

    Steppes, savannahs, forests and phytodiversity reservoirs during the Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula

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    A palaeobotanical analysis of the Pleistocene floras and vegetation in the Iberian Peninsula shows the existence of patched landscapes with Pinus woodlands, deciduous and mixed forests, parklands (savannah-like), shrublands, steppes and grasslands. Extinctions of Arctotertiary woody taxa are recorded during the Early and Middle Pleistocene, but glacial refugia facilitated the survival of a number of temperate, Mediterranean and Ibero-North African woody angiosperms. The responses of Iberian vegetation to climatic changes during the Pleistocene have been spatially and temporarily complex, including rapid changes of vegetation in parallel to orbital and suborbital variability, and situations of multi-centennial resilience or accommodation to climatic changes. Regional characteristics emerged as soon as for the Middle Pleistocene, if not earlier: Ericaceae in the Atlantic coast indicating wetter climate, thermo-mediterranean elements in the south as currently, and broad-leaf trees in the northeastern. Overall, steppe landscapes and open Pinus woodlands prevailed over many continental regions during the cold spells of the Late Pleistocene. The maintenance of a high phytodiversity during the glacials was linked to several refuge zones in the coastal shelves of the Mediterranean and intramountainous valleys. Northern Iberia, especially on coastal areas, was also patched with populations of tree species, and this is not only documented by palaeobotanical data (pollen, charcoal) but also postulated by phylogeographical models

    Inversion charge study in TMO hole-selective contact-based solar cells

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    © 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this article, we study the effect of the inversion charge ( Q inv ) in a solar cell based on the hole-selective characteristic of substoichiometric molybdenum oxide (MoO x ) and vanadium oxide (VO x ) deposited directly on n-type silicon. We measure the capacitance–voltage ( C – V ) curves of the solar cells at different frequencies and explain the results taking into account the variation of the space charge and the existence of Q inv in the c-Si inverted region. The high-frequency capacitance measurements follow the Schottky metal–semiconductor theory, pointing to a low inversion charge influence in these measurements. However, for frequencies lower than 20 kHz, an increase in the capacitance is observed, which we relate to the contribution of the inversion charge. In addition, applying the metal–semiconductor theory to the high-frequency measurements, we have obtained the built-in voltage potential and show new evidence about the nature of the conduction process in this structure. This article provides a better understanding of the transition metal oxide/n-type crystalline silicon heterocontact.The authors would like to acknowledge the CAI de Técnicas Físicas of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The authors would also like to thank the Mexican grants program CONACyT for its financial collaboration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Influence of age on the occurrence of adverse events in rheumatic patients at the onset of biological treatment : Data from the BIOBADASER III register

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    To assess whether age, at the beginning of biologic treatment, is associated with the time a first adverse event (AE) appears in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), or psoriatic arthritis (PsA). All patients in the BIOBADASER registry diagnosed with RA, AS, and PsA, and classified as young ( 75 years old) at start of biological treatment were included. Factors associated with the appearance of a first AE using adjusted incidence rate ratios (IRR) (Poisson regression) were analyzed. Survival to first AE was studied by Kaplan-Meier analysis and hazard ratios (HR) by Cox regression. 2483 patients were included: 1126 RA, 680 PsA, and 677 AS. Age group stratification was as follows: 63 young, 2127 adults, 237 elderly, and 56 very elderly. Regression model revealed an increased probability of suffering a first AE at age 65 years or older [IRR elderly: 1.42 (CI95% 1.13-1.77)]. Other characteristics associated with AE were female gender, the use of DMARDs, including methotrexate, the presence of comorbidities, and the time of disease duration. Factors that had the greatest impact on survival over a first AE were age > 75 years [HR 1.50 (1.01-2.24)] and female gender [HR 1.42 (1.22-1.64)]. Age at the start of treatment and female gender are key factors associated with the appearance of a first AE with biologics. Other factors related to patient status and treatment were also associated with a first AE in rheumatic patients treated with biologics

    Some cultural consequences in Spain of the Spanish Invasion of Morocco 1859-60

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    This article argues is a contribution to the study of interrelationships between colonialism, art, and literature in the nineteenth century. The article argues that the Spanish invasion of Morocco in 1859 led to contradictions and tensions within liberal nationalism, not least because of concerns about the tensions between the need for military reassertion of Spain and the respect for the independence of nations. This led to some reconfiguration of Spanish intellectuals' already complex relationship with North Africa and Islam. A major, perhaps surprising consequence of this reconfiguration, was some equation of Moroccan identity with a monotonous surface that was resistant to the gaze. In consequence, the Catalan painter Fortuny's crucial experience of Morocco led him to value near blank surfaces, and thus to make a major contribution to the origins of modern art

    Structure des grands bassins glaciaires dans le nord de la péninsule ibérique: comparaison entre les vallées d'Andorre (Pyrénées orientales), du Gállego (Pyrénées centrales) et du Trueba (Chaîne Cantabrique).

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    Les grandes vallées glaciaires de la Péninsule Ibérique sont situées dans la chaîne pyrénéo-cantabrique, principalement dans le bassin de l'Èbre. Ainsi, les vallées d'Andorre, de la Noguera Pallaresa et de la haute vallée du Gállego, dans les Pyrénées, ont eu des appareils glaciaires longs de 42, 50 et 40 km respectivement. Dans les vallées du Sil (bassin du Miño) et du Trueba, dans la Chaîne Cantabrique, ils atteignaient 42 et 16,5 km (Serrano-Cañadas, 1996 ; Gómez-Ortiz et al., 2001 ; Turu & Peña, 2006a et b ; Redondo-Vega et al., 2006). L'une des caractéristiques géomorphologiques de la plupart de ces vallées est l'existence d'une dépression morphologique du substratum dans les parties moyennes et terminales, interprétée comme la conséquence de l'érosion glaciaire. Dans tous les cas, on observe une architecture litho-stratigraphique commune (Vilaplana & Casas, 1983 ; Bordonau et al., 1989 ; Bordonau, 1992 ; Turu et al., 2002) représentée par trois unités géoélectriques : une unité inférieure très épaisse, avec des résistivités électriques basses (70 - 200 Ohms par mètre), qui traduit la présence de matériaux fins considérés comme d'origine lacustre ; une unité intermédiaire, moins épaisse, avec des valeurs de résistivité plus élevées (400 - 800 Ohms par mètre), pouvant être interprétée comme un système fluvio-deltaïque pro-glaciaire et une unité géoélectrique supérieure, avec des valeurs de résistivité très variables (100 - 1500 Ohms par mètre), constituée de sédiments alluviaux subactuels. La comparaison des données de type géophysique et géomécanique (sismique à réfraction et essais pressiométriques) montre que l'unité intermédiaire, considérée comme d'origine fluvio-deltaïque, présente des valeurs de vitesse sismique anormalement élevées, ainsi que de hautes valeurs de consolidation. Cette observation effectuée pour la première fois dans la vallée d'Andorre (Turu, 2000) montre des remarquables corrélations entre les hautes vitesses sismiques et les valeurs élevées de consolidation, ainsi que la très nette corrélation entre les hautes valeurs de consolidation et les tills sous-glaciaires. Elle permet d'interpréter l'unité intermédiaire comme essentiellement glaciaire et de remettre en question le modèle simple d'une séquence de comblement lacustre et deltaïque proposé jusqu´à maintenant