101 research outputs found

    Medicina del estilo de vida y calidad del sueño en estudiantes de medicina: Lifestyle Medicine and Sleep Quality in Medical Students

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    Maintaining a good sleep quality is a basic human need, because the poor sleep is associated with negative effects such as exhaustion, uncontrolled emotions, the inability to concentrate, the inability to remember or think clearly, poor university and work performance, psychological and academic stress, anxiety, depression and difficulty in resolving problems; also long-term effects such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type II, obesity, cancer, among others.Mantener una buena calidad del sueño es una necesidad básica del ser humano, dado que el sueño deficiente está asociado con efectos negativos como el agotamiento, las emociones descontroladas, la imposibilidad para concentrarse, el impedimento para recordar o pensar con claridad, el bajo rendimiento universitario y laboral, el estrés psicológico y académico, la ansiedad, la depresión y la dificultad para resolver problemas; asimismo efectos a largo plazo como las enfermedades cardiovasculares, la diabetes mellitus tipo II, la obesidad, el cáncer, entre otros

    Limnological variables associated with the presence of Anopheles Meigen, 1818 (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae in breeding sites in Amazonas, Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to correlate environmental characteristics (biotic and abiotic) of different breeding site types with the richness and abundance of anophelines in the metropolitan region of Manaus, Brazil. Anopheles larvae and biotic and abiotic parameters were collected in artificial breeding sites, where we demonstrated that the dams presented characteristics of natural environments, with good water quality, shaded areas, and the presence of macrophytes, positively influencing the larval abundance of anophelines. The fish ponds are in the process of transitioning from a natural to an altered environment, followed by breeding sites classified as clay pits (anthropized). Macrophyte richness was higher in dams and fish ponds, being responsible for creating microhabitats for larvae and the structure of breeding sites. Ten anopheline species were identified, totaling 1,186 individuals, with an abundance of An. triannulatus (Neiva & Pinto, 1922), An. albitarsis Lynch-Arribálzaga, 1878, An. nuneztovari Gabaldón, 1940 and An. darlingi Root, 1926. Malaria vectors in the region were present in all collection sites. A good part of the physicochemical parameters were in agreement with the current environmental resolution, mainly in less altered environments. Another strong correlation was observed between anophelines and some limnological parameters, which may be an indicator of the presence of these Culicidae in the environments

    ¡Trámites ya!: trámites notariales en línea

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    A lo largo de la vida, las personas suelen requerir la realización de algún trámite notarial, desde la legalización de firma de su seguro vida ley para un empleo, la compra de su primera casa, su primer auto o algún otro bien, hasta para la declaratoria de herederos. Los trámites requieren inversión de costo, pero sobre todo de tiempo y va acompañado de procedimientos que no son de fácil entendimiento y hasta a veces engorrosos. El sector notarial ha sido de los más esquivos a la transformación digital, por lo complejo y sensible de sus procesos, sin embargo, el reciente contexto sanitario desnudó una de las principales debilidades del rubro notarial el cual es la digitalización e interconexión con los medios de comunicación que permitan su fácil acceso al usuario final. El rubro notarial fue de los más afectados ante las medidas sanitarias tomadas por el gobierno a raíz de la pandemia generada por el COVID 19, en su totalidad, las notarías dejaron de operar al prohibirse la movilización ciudadana, significando grandes pérdidas, reducción de personal, por otro lado, los procesos notariales se detuvieron por un buen tiempo. Ante estos problemas, nace el proyecto ¡Trámites Ya! Cuyo nombre describe de forma perfecta la agilidad y eficacia que busca ofrecer al mercado nacional. Usando las últimas tendencias en tecnología, ciberseguridad y transformación digital; rompe paradigmas y brechas relacionadas a la seguridad en los procesos notariales y permite realizar los trámites sin salir de casa y la revisión del progreso en tiempo real. El equipo del proyecto está conformado por profesionales con conocimientos y experiencia en el rubro notarial, que mediante la metodología de Canvas y herramientas como entrevistas y encuestas, desarrollaron y plasmaron el presente plan de negocios. Siendo estos, los accionistas que a continuación menciona: Ysrael Alva Torres, Carmela Contreras Roque, Milton Diaz Jauregui y Oscar Gutierrez Collado.La inversión inicial requiere un total de S/ 265,492.20 soles cuyo financiamiento será con 50% aporte de los accionistas y 50% por un préstamo bancario, que será financiado en 5 años. La fuente de ingresos será mediante el cobro de una comisión por intermediación equivalente a 3.50 soles por cada trámite notarial realizado en la plataforma. En el 1er año de operación se abarcará el 1.32% del mercado actual, referente al número de trámites notariales realizados, lo que conlleva a S/ 26,292 soles de ingresos solo ese año, siguiendo una tendencia al crecimiento logrando un VAN de 537,028 soles y un TIR de 57.9%, lo que expone la rentabilidad y factibilidad del proyecto.Escuela de Postgrad

    Production of thermostable β-glucosidase and CMCase by Penicillium sp. LMI01 isolated from the Amazon region

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    Background: Cellulolytic enzymes of microbial origin have great industrial importance because of their wide application in various industrial sectors. Fungi are considered the most efficient producers of these enzymes. Bioprospecting survey to identify fungal sources of biomass-hydrolyzing enzymes from a high-diversity environment is an important approach to discover interesting strains for bioprocess uses. In this study, we evaluated the production of endoglucanase (CMCase) and β-glucosidase, enzymes from the lignocellulolytic complex, produced by a native fungus. Penicillium sp. LMI01 was isolated from decaying plant material in the Amazon region, and its performance was compared with that of the standard isolate Trichoderma reesei QM9414 under submerged fermentation conditions. Results: The effectiveness of LMI01 was similar to that of QM9414 in volumetric enzyme activity (U/mL); however, the specific enzyme activity (U/mg) of the former was higher, corresponding to 24.170 U/mg of CMCase and 1.345 U/mg of β-glucosidase. The enzymes produced by LMI01 had the following physicochemical properties: CMCase activity was optimal at pH 4.2 and the β-glucosidase activity was optimal at pH 6.0. Both CMCase and β-glucosidase had an optimum temperature at 60°C and were thermostable between 50 and 60°C. The electrophoretic profile of the proteins secreted by LMI01 indicated that this isolate produced at least two enzymes with CMCase activity, with approximate molecular masses of 50 and 35 kDa, and β-glucosidases with molecular masses between 70 and 100 kDa. Conclusions: The effectiveness and characteristics of these enzymes indicate that LMI01 can be an alternative for the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials and should be tested in commercial formulations

    Production of thermostable \u3b2-glucosidase and CMCase by Penicillium sp. LMI01 isolated from the Amazon region

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    Background: Cellulolytic enzymes of microbial origin have great industrial importance because of their wide application in various industrial sectors. Fungi are considered the most efficient producers of these enzymes. Bioprospecting survey to identify fungal sources of biomass-hydrolyzing enzymes from a high-diversity environment is an important approach to discover interesting strains for bioprocess uses. In this study, we evaluated the production of endoglucanase (CMCase) and \u3b2-glucosidase, enzymes from the lignocellulolytic complex, produced by a native fungus. Penicillium sp. LMI01 was isolated from decaying plant material in the Amazon region, and its performance was compared with that of the standard isolate Trichoderma reesei QM9414 under submerged fermentation conditions. Results: The effectiveness of LMI01was similar to that of QM9414 in volumetric enzymeactivity (U/mL); however, the specific enzyme activity (U/mg) of the former was higher, corresponding to 24.170 U/mg of CMCase and 1.345 U/mg of \u3b2-glucosidase. The enzymes produced by LMI01 had the following physicochemical properties: CMCase activity was optimal at pH 4.2 and the \u3b2-glucosidase activity was optimal at pH 6.0. Both CMCase and \u3b2-glucosidase had an optimum temperature at 60\ub0C and were thermostable between 50 and 60\ub0C. The electrophoretic profile of the proteins secreted by LMI01 indicated that this isolate produced at least two enzymes with CMCase activity, with approximate molecular masses of 50 and 35 kDa, and \u3b2-glucosidases with molecular masses between 70 and 100 kDa. Conclusions: The effectiveness and characteristics of these enzymes indicate that LMI01 can be an alternative for the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials and should be tested in commercial formulations

    Post-Embryonic Development of <em>Aedes</em> (<em>Stegomyia</em>) <em>aegypti</em> Linnaeus, 1762 at Different Temperatures and CO<sub>2</sub> Concentrations, and Their Influences on Hatching and Development of Stabilized Population

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    This research aimed to verify biological parameters of Aedes aegypti Linnaeus, from Londrina, Paraná, in an incubator chamber (BOD) with different temperatures, and to analyze biological aspects of this mosquito from Manaus, Amazonas, in environments simulating the climatic conditions provided by the IPCC. In Londrina, the eggs were incubated for 10 days in BOD at different temperatures. The viability of eggs, number of adults, and mortality rate were analyzed later. In Manaus, the biological cycle time, number of adults, and mortality rate were analyzed in environmental rooms with different temperatures and CO2 concentrations. The viability of eggs and the number of adults from Londrina was greater at 5 and 25°C, while the mortality rate of immatures was greater at 0°C; eggs incubated at 45°C did not hatch. Mosquitoes from Manaus completed the fastest biological cycle in room 4. The mortality percentage in the different instars for rooms 1, 2 and 4 was: 14.4; 28 and 53.6%, respectively. Thus, temperatures from 5 to 29.74°C were more appropriate since values outside these limits can cause deleterious effects on the species during its development, but the A. aegypti mosquitoes from Londrina and Manaus can benefit from the increase in temperature stipulated by the IPCC

    Avaliação histopatológica da toxicidade da formalina em Arapaima gigas (Arapaimidae), o peixe gigante da Amazônia

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a concentração letal e efeitos estruturais e ultraestruturais causados pela exposição a formalina em juvenis de Arapaima gigas. Noventa peixes (60,1±2,5g e 20,2±0,9cm) foram expostos a 0, 22, 44, 66, 88 e 110mg L-1, para determinar a concentração letal (CL50-96h) de formalina que foi 36,4mg L-1. Os efeitos subletais foram avaliados por análises histopatológicas das brânquias e avaliação das alterações comportamentais e sinais clínicos. A CL50 de formalina para 24, 48 e 72horas foi de 88,3, 64,7 e 56,8; respectivamente. Sinais clínicos e alterações comportamentais encontradas foram: natação errática, letargia, aglomeração de peixes na superfície da água, perda de equilíbrio hidrodinâmico, espasmos e confronto agonísticos, observados apenas nas concentrações de 88 e 110mg L-1. O índice de alteração histológica (IAH) mostrou que as concentrações de 66, 88 e 100mg L-1 apresentaram diferenças significativas (p < 0,05) em relação aos controles, indicando a ocorrência de danos moderados nas brânquias dos peixes expostos a formalina. Os valores médios de alteração (VMA) para as concentrações 22, 44, 66, 88 e 110mg L-1 foram 1,14, 1,29, 1,51, 1,53 e 1,60; respectivamente, e as diferenças na composição desse índice foram observados apenas na exposição com 110mg L-1 de formalina. Foi possível concluir que concentrações subletais de formalina (22,0mg L-1) não comprometem a saúde de juvenis de A. gigas. Concentrações de formalina acima da CL50-96h podem ser usadas cuidadosamente para banho de curto tempo, uma vez que o VMA para todas as concentrações testadas indicou apenas lesões localizadas que não comprometem a funcionalidade das brânquias dos peixes expostos. © 2018 Colegio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal.This study aimed to determine the lethal concentration and the structural and ultra-structural effects caused by the formalin exposure on juveniles of Arapaima gigas. Ninety fish (60.1± 2.5g and 20.2±0.9cm) were exposed to 0, 22, 44, 66, 88 and 110mg L-1 in order to determine the lethal concentration (LC50-96h) that was 36.4mg L-1 of formalin. Sublethal effects were evaluated using histopathological analysis on the gills and assessment of behavioral alterations and clinical signs. The LC50 of formalin for 24, 48 and 72h was 88.3, 64.7 and 56.8mg L-1 respectively. Clinical signs and behavioral changes were found: erratic swimming, lethargy, crowding on the water surface, loss of hydrodynamic equilibrium, spasms and agonistic confrontation, which were observed only at 88 and 110mg L-1. The histological alteration index (HAI) showed that 66, 88 and 100mg L-1 presented significant difference (p < 0.05) in relation to unexposed fish, indicating that moderate damage to the gills of fish exposed to formalin had occurred. The mean values of alteration (MVA) for 22, 44, 66, 88 and 110mg L-1 were 1.14, 1.29, 1.51, 1.53 and 1.60 respectively, and differences in this index were only observed with 110 mgL-1 of formalin. It is therefore possible to conclude that sublethal concentrations of formalin (22.0mg L-1) did not compromise the health of juveniles of A. gigas. Finally, concentrations greater than to LC50-96h may be carefully used for short-term exposure, since the MVA for all concentrations tested only indicated localized lesions that did not compromise gills functionality of exposed fish. © 2018 Colegio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal

    Culturable bacteria associated with Anopheles darlingi and their paratransgenesis potential

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    Background Malaria remains a major public health problem in South America, mostly in the Amazon region. Among newly proposed ways of controlling malaria transmission to humans, paratransgenesis is a promising alternative. Paratransgenesis aims to inhibit the development of parasites within the vector through the action of genetically modified bacteria. The first step towards successful paratransgenesis in the Amazon is the identification of Anopheles darlingi symbiotic bacteria, which are transmitted vertically among mosquitoes, and are not pathogenic to humans. Methods Culturable bacteria associated with An. darlingi and their breeding sites were isolated by conventional microbiological techniques. Isolated strains were transformed with a GFP expressing plasmid, pSPT-1-GFP, and reintroduced in mosquitoes by feeding. Their survival and persistence in the next generation was assessed by the isolation of fluorescent bacteria from eggs, larvae, pupae and adult homogenates. Results A total of 179 bacterial strains were isolated from samples from two locations, Coari and Manaus. The predominant genera identified in this study were Acinetobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Serratia, Bacillus, Elizabethkingia, Stenotrophomonas and Pantoea. Two isolated strains, Serratia-Adu40 and Pantoea-Ovo3, were successfully transformed with the pSPT-1-GFP plasmid and expressed GFP. The fluorescent bacteria fed to adult females were transferred to their eggs, which persisted in larvae and throughout metamorphosis, and were detected in adult mosquitoes of the next generation. Conclusion Serratia-Adu40 and Pantoea-Ovo3 are promising candidates for paratransgenesis in An. darlingi. Further research is needed to determine if these bacteria are vertically transferred in nature