4 research outputs found

    Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis associated with primary Epstein-Barr virus infection

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    Successful treatment of severe anti-p200 pemphigoid in a heart transplant recipient with a single cycle of rituximab

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    International audienceAnti-p200 pemphigoid is a rare autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease, first described in 1996.1 This disorder was initially considered as a more benign condition compared with bullous pemphigoid and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, but in a recent series of patients, heterogeneous clinical presentations have been described, including cases with a more severe course than previously reported.2 We describe a case with a highly active disease in a heart transplant patient who experienced a dramatic and complete remission after 1 cycle of rituximab

    L’âge du Fer en Basse-Normandie. Gestes funéraires en Gaule au Second-Âge du Fer. Volumes I et II

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    Cet ouvrage est la publication des actes du 33e colloque international de l’AFEAF, qui s’est tenu à Caen, du 20 au 24 mai 2009. De même que le colloque, il comprend deux parties. La première, qui contient dix-sept contributions, traite de l’actualité des recherches sur l’Âge du fer en Basse-Normandie, une région qui a connu un renouvellement important de la documentation permettant d’appréhender les dynamiques d’occupation et les formes d’organisation territoriale durant la Protohistoire. Plusieurs bilans synthétiques concernant l’habitat rural, les sites fortifiés et la culture matérielle, sont, entre autres, proposés ici. La seconde partie de l’ouvrage traite du thème de la mort et des pratiques funéraires durant la période Ve-Ier siècles avant J.-C. ; elle contient vingt-deux contributions. Ce sujet a été abordé en privilégiant quelques axes de réflexion, de façon à faciliter les comparaisons entre régions. À travers des bilans synthétiques, le thème spécialisé du colloque est traité à l’échelle de la Gaule, avec les éclairages de plusieurs régions de l’Europe celtique.This is the publication of the proceedings of the 33rd AFEAF symposium held in Caen from the 20th to the 24th of May 2009. Like the symposium, this book is divided in two parts. The first part, with its 17 contributions, deals with the current knowledge about the Iron Age in Lower Normandy. An important renewal of the documentation concerning this region allows a better understanding of the occupational processes and territorial organization existing throughout Protohistory. This first part also includes several summary reports on rural settlements, fortified sites as well as finds. The second part of the book, with 22 contributions, deals with the subject of death and funerary practices during the 5th to 1st centuries BC. The subject was discussed focussing on a chosen number of thoughts as to make it easier to compare between different regions. Various summary reports allow an overview of this specialized topic throughout Gaul with perspectives from other regions of Celtic Europe