51 research outputs found

    Genome sequences of seven Megrivirus strains from chickens in The Netherlands

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    We report seven chicken megrivirus genome sequences identified in chicken fecal samples from a broiler farm in The Netherlands. The sequences were determined using metagenomic sequencing and would expand our understanding of the genome diversity of megriviruses

    Contribution of cats and dogs to SARS-CoV-2 transmission in households

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    INTRODUCTION: SARS-CoV-2 is known to jump across species. The occurrence of transmission in households between humans and companion animals has been shown, but the contribution of companion animals to the overall transmission within a household is unknown. The basic reproduction number ( R 0) is an important indicator to quantify transmission. For a pathogen with multiple host species, such as SARS-CoV-2, the basic reproduction number needs to be calculated from the partial reproduction numbers for each combination of host species. METHOD: In this study, the basic and partial reproduction numbers for SARS-CoV-2 were estimated by reanalyzing a survey of Dutch households with dogs and cats and minimally one SARS-CoV-2-infected human. RESULTS: For households with cats, a clear correlation between the number of cats and the basic reproduction number (Spearman's correlation: p 0.40, p-value: 1.4 × 10 -5) was identified, while for dogs, the correlation was smaller and not significant (Spearman's correlation: p 0.12, p-value: 0.21). Partial reproduction numbers from cats or dogs to humans were 0.3 (0.0-2.0) and 0.3 (0.0-3.5) and from humans to cats or dogs were 0.6 (0.4-0.8) and 0.6 (0.4-0.9). DISCUSSION: Thus, the estimations of within-household transmission indicated the likelihood of transmission from these companion animals to humans and vice versa, but the observational nature of this study limited the ability to establish conclusive evidence. This study's findings support the advice provided during the pandemic to COVID-19 patients to maintain distance from companion animals as a precautionary measure and given the possibility of transmission, although there is an overall relatively limited impact on the pandemic when compared to human-to-human transmission

    Genome sequence of a Minacovirus strain from a farmed mink in The Netherlands

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    We report the genome sequence of a Minacovirus strain identified from a fecal sample from a farmed mink (Neovison vison) in The Netherlands that was tested negative for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) using real-time PCR (RT-PCR). The viral genome sequence was obtained using agnostic deep sequencing

    Short-term residential exposure to endotoxin emitted from livestock farms in relation to lung function in non-farming residents

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence on the public health relevance of exposure to livestock farm emissions is increasing. Research mostly focused on chemical air pollution, less on microbial exposure, while endotoxins are suggested relevant bacterial components in farm emissions. Acute respiratory health effects of short-term exposure to livestock-related air pollution has been shown for NH 3 and PM 10, but has not yet been studied for endotoxin. We aimed to assess associations between lung function and short-term exposure to livestock farming emitted endotoxin in co-pollutant models with NH 3 and PM 10. METHODS: In 2014/2015, spirometry was conducted in 2308 non-farming residents living in a rural area in the Netherlands. Residential exposure to livestock farming emitted endotoxin during the week prior to spirometry was estimated by dispersion modelling. The model was applied to geo-located individual barns within 10 km of each home address using provincial farm data and local hourly meteorological conditions. Regional week-average measured concentrations of NH 3 and PM 10 were obtained through monitoring stations. Lung function parameters (FEV 1, FVC, FEV 1/FVC, MMEF) were expressed in %-predicted value based on GLI-2012. Exposure-response analyses were performed by linear regression modelling. RESULTS: Week-average endotoxin exposure was negatively associated with FVC, independently from regional NH 3 and PM 10 exposure. A 1.1% decline in FVC was estimated for an increase of endotoxin exposure from 10th to 90th percentile. Stratified analyses showed a larger decline (3.2%) for participants with current asthma and/or COPD. FEV 1 was negatively associated with week-average endotoxin exposure, but less consistent after co-pollutant adjustment. FEV 1/FVC and MMEF were not associated with week-average endotoxin exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Lower lung function in non-farming residents was observed in relation to short-term residential exposure to livestock farming emitted endotoxin. This study indicates the probable relevance of exposure to microbial emissions from livestock farms considering public health besides chemical air pollution, necessitating future research incorporating both

    Establishing farm dust as a useful viral metagenomic surveillance matrix

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    Farm animals may harbor viral pathogens, some with zoonotic potential which can possibly cause severe clinical outcomes in animals and humans. Documenting the viral content of dust may provide information on the potential sources and movement of viruses. Here, we describe a dust sequencing strategy that provides detailed viral sequence characterization from farm dust samples and use this method to document the virus communities from chicken farm dust samples and paired feces collected from the same broiler farms in the Netherlands. From the sequencing data, Parvoviridae and Picornaviridae were the most frequently found virus families, detected in 85-100% of all fecal and dust samples with a large genomic diversity identified from the Picornaviridae. Sequences from the Caliciviridae and Astroviridae familes were also obtained. This study provides a unique characterization of virus communities in farmed chickens and paired farm dust samples and our sequencing methodology enabled the recovery of viral genome sequences from farm dust, providing important tracking details for virus movement between livestock animals and their farm environment. This study serves as a proof of concept supporting dust sampling to be used in viral metagenomic surveillance

    Associations of Anti–COVID-19 Measures and Lifestyle Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic With Sleep Patterns in the Netherlands: A Longitudinal Study

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    Although there is scientific evidence for an increased prevalence of sleep disorders during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there is still limited information on how lifestyle factors might have affected sleep patterns. Therefore, we followed a large cohort of participants in the Netherlands (n = 5,420) for up to 1 year (September 2020-2021) via monthly Web-based questionnaires to identify lifestyle changes (physical activity, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, electronic device use, and social media use) driven by anti-COVID-19 measures and their potential associations with self-reported sleep (latency, duration, and quality). We used the Containment and Health Index (CHI) to assess the stringency of anti-COVID-19 measures and analyzed associations through multilevel ordinal response models. We found that more stringent anti-COVID-19 measures were associated with higher use of electronic devices (per interquartile-range increase in CHI, odds ratio (OR) = 1.47, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.40, 1.53), less physical activity (OR = 0.94, 95% CI: 0.90, 0.98), lower frequency of alcohol consumption (OR = 0.63, 95% CI: 0.60, 0.66), and longer sleep duration (OR = 1.11, 95% CI: 1.05, 1.16). Lower alcohol consumption frequency and higher use of electronic devices and social media were associated with longer sleep latency. Lower physical activity levels and higher social media and electronic device use were related to poorer sleep quality and shorter sleep duration

    Establishing farm dust as a useful viral metagenomic surveillance matrix.

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    Farm animals may harbor viral pathogens, some with zoonotic potential which can possibly cause severe clinical outcomes in animals and humans. Documenting the viral content of dust may provide information on the potential sources and movement of viruses. Here, we describe a dust sequencing strategy that provides detailed viral sequence characterization from farm dust samples and use this method to document the virus communities from chicken farm dust samples and paired feces collected from the same broiler farms in the Netherlands. From the sequencing data, Parvoviridae and Picornaviridae were the most frequently found virus families, detected in 85-100% of all fecal and dust samples with a large genomic diversity identified from the Picornaviridae. Sequences from the Caliciviridae and Astroviridae familes were also obtained. This study provides a unique characterization of virus communities in farmed chickens and paired farm dust samples and our sequencing methodology enabled the recovery of viral genome sequences from farm dust, providing important tracking details for virus movement between livestock animals and their farm environment. This study serves as a proof of concept supporting dust sampling to be used in viral metagenomic surveillance

    Increased risk of pneumonia amongst residents living near goat farms in different livestock-dense regions in the Netherlands

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies, performed between 2009-2019, in the Netherlands observed an until now still unexplained increased risk for pneumonia among residents living close to goat farms. Since data were collected in the provinces Noord-Brabant and Limburg (NB-L), an area with relatively high air pollution levels and proximity to large industrial areas in Europe, the question remains whether the results are generalizable to other regions. In this study, a different region, covering the provinces Utrecht, Gelderland, and Overijssel (UGO) with a similar density of goat farms, was included to assess whether the association between goat farm proximity and pneumonia is consistently observed across the Netherlands. METHODS: Data for this study were derived from the Electronic Health Records (EHR) of 21 rural general practices (GPs) in UGO, for 2014-2017. Multi-level analyses were used to compare annual pneumonia prevalence between UGO and data derived from rural reference practices ('control area'). Random-effects meta-analysis (per GP practice) and kernel analyses were performed to study associations of pneumonia with the distance between goat farms and patients' home addresses. RESULTS: GP diagnoses of pneumonia occurred 40% more often in UGO compared to the control area. Meta-analysis showed an association at a distance of less than 500m (~70% more pneumonia compared to >500m) and 1000m (~20% more pneumonia compared to >1000m). The kernel-analysis for three of the four individual years showed an increased risk up to a distance of one or two kilometers (2-36% more pneumonia; 10-50 avoidable cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year). CONCLUSIONS: The positive association between living in the proximity of goat farms and pneumonia in UGO is similar to the previously found association in NB-L. Therefore, we concluded that the observed associations are relevant for regions with goat farms in the entire country

    Impact of COVID-19 containment measures on perceived health and health-protective behavior: a longitudinal study

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    This longitudinal study aimed to assess the impact of COVID-19 containment measures on perceived health, health protective behavior and risk perception, and investigate whether chronic disease status and urbanicity of the residential area modify these effects. Participants (n = 5420) were followed for up to 14 months (September 2020-October 2021) by monthly questionnaires. Chronic disease status was obtained at baseline. Urbanicity of residential areas was assessed based on postal codes or neighborhoods. Exposure to containment measures was assessed using the Containment and Health Index (CHI). Bayesian multilevel-models were used to assess effect modification of chronic disease status and urbanicity by CHI. CHI was associated with higher odds for worse physical health in people with chronic disease (OR = 1.09, 95% credibility interval (CrI) = 1.01, 1.17), but not in those without (OR = 1.01, Crl = 0.95, 1.06). Similarly, the association of CHI with higher odds for worse mental health in urban dwellers (OR = 1.31, Crl = 1.23, 1.40) was less pronounced in rural residents (OR = 1.20, Crl = 1.13, 1.28). Associations with behavior and risk perception also differed between groups. Our study suggests that individuals with chronic disease and those living in urban areas are differentially affected by government measures put in place to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. This highlights the importance of considering vulnerable subgroups in decision making regarding containment measures

    Air pollution from livestock farms and the oropharyngeal microbiome of COPD patients and controls

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    Air pollution from livestock farms is known to affect respiratory health of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The mechanisms behind this relationship, however, remain poorly understood. We hypothesise that air pollutants could influence respiratory health through modulation of the airway microbiome. Therefore, we studied associations between air pollution exposure and the oropharyngeal microbiota (OPM) composition of COPD patients and controls in a livestock-dense area. Oropharyngeal swabs were collected from 99 community-based (mostly mild) COPD cases and 184 controls (baseline), and after 6 and 12 weeks. Participants were non-smokers or former smokers. Annual average livestock-related outdoor air pollution at the home address was predicted using dispersion modelling. OPM composition was analysed using 16S rRNA-based sequencing in all baseline samples and 6-week and 12-week repeated samples of 20 randomly selected subjects (n = 323 samples). A random selection of negative control swabs, taken every sampling day, were also included in the downstream analysis. Both farm-emitted endotoxin and PM10 levels were associated with increased OPM richness in COPD patients (p 0.05). However, members of the genus Streptococcus were more abundant in COPD patients (Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p < 0.01). Moderate correlation was found between ordinations of 20 subjects analysed at 0, 6, and 12 weeks (Procrustes r = 0.52 to 0.66; p < 0.05; Principal coordinate analysis of Bray-Curtis dissimilarity), indicating that the OPM is relatively stable over a 12 week period and that a single sample sufficiently represents the OPM. Air pollution from livestock farms is associated with OPM richness of COPD patients, suggesting that the OPM of COPD patients is susceptible to alterations induced by exposure to air pollutants
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