224 research outputs found

    Periodontal Disease and Environmental Cadmium Exposure

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    Influence of dietary vitamin E supplementation on cholesterol oxidation and fresh colour in beef aged for 3 and 14 days

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    The effects of dietary vitamin E supplementation on the susceptibility to lipid oxidation and colour of the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle aged in vacuum packaged conditions for 3 or 14 days were studied. For this purpose, Charolais cattle were fed on a diet providing daily 60 mg (control) or 5500 mg of vitamin E per animal (supplemented) for 30 and 60 days before slaughter. Dietary vitamin E supplementation increased the liver vitamin E content, but not in the LT muscle of treated animals. The vitamin supplementation for 30 and 60 days has shown non-consistent effects in reducing cholesterol oxidation products of vacuum-packed aged meat. However, the vitamin E supplementation for 60 days was effective on Lightness stability in LT muscle during vacuum-packed ageing. Overall, from the practical standpoint, this study suggests that supranutritional supplementation up to 60 days may not increase the vitamin E content of Charolais LT muscle giving little, if any, benefits on meat colour and cholesterol oxidation. However, the present study suggests that it would be interesting to determine in which extent specific oxysterols are related to the meat colour and whether colour parameters can be useful for predicting the formation of cholesterol oxidation products along the industrial meat production chain.The effects of dietary vitamin E supplementation on the susceptibility to lipid oxidation and colour of the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle aged in vacuum packaged conditions for 3 or 14 days were studied. For this purpose, Charolais cattle were fed on a diet providing daily 60mg (control) or 5500mg of vitamin E per animal (supplemented) for 30 and 60 days before slaughter. Dietary vitamin E supplementation increased the liver vitamin E content, but not in the LT muscle of treated animals. The vitamin supplementation for 30 and 60 days has shown non-consistent effects in reducing cholesterol oxidation products of vacuum-packed aged meat. However, the vitamin E supplementation for 60 days was effective on Lightness stability in LT muscle during vacuum-packed ageing. Overall, from the practical standpoint, this study suggests that supranutritional supplementation up to 60 days may not increase the vitamin E content of Charolais LT muscle giving little, if any, benefits on meat colour and cholesterol oxidation. However, the present study suggests that it would be interesting to determine in which extent specific oxysterols are related to the meat colour and whether colour parameters can be useful for predicting the formation of cholesterol oxidation products along the industrial meat production chain

    Boron-loaded liposomes in the treatment of hepatic metastases: preliminary investigation by autoradiography analysis.

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    Boronophenylalanine (BPA)-loaded conventional and stabilized liposomes were prepared by the reversed phase evaporation method to treat liver metastases by boron neutron capture therapy. Conventional vesicles were composed of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, molar ratio 1:1. To obtain stealth liposomes, GM1 or PEG were included in the lipidic bilayer at a concentration of 6.67 or 5 mol%, respectively. Large unilamellar vesicles were formulated encapsulating BPA in the liposome aqueous compartment as a complex with fructose; BPA free base also was embedded into the lipidic bilayer. In vivo experiments were carried out after intravenous injection of liposome suspensions in BD-IX strain rats in which liver metastases had been induced. Alpha particle spectroscopy associated with histological analysis was performed to visualize boron spatial distribution in liver. Simultaneously, tissue boron concentrations were determined using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy. Results showed that PEG-modified liposomes accumulated boron in therapeutic concentrations (30 micrograms boron/g tissue) in metastatic tissue. The PEG-liposomes could be further explored in enhancing boron delivery to tumor cells

    The dry grasslands of Abruzzo National Park, the oldest protected area in the Apennines (Central Italy): overview of vegetation composition, syntaxonomy, ecology and diversity

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    The Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park was established in 1923 and is considered a flagship conservation area in Italy. It includes large extensions of semi-natural grasslands, maintained by traditional transhumant grazing for centuries. The patterns and drivers of grassland composition within the Park are still poorly investigated, and the scattered phytosociological data available were often based on relevés with varied and not precisely defined sizes. In order to provide for the first time a general overview of the Park’s dry grasslands, we analysed a dataset of 87 relevés with a fixed size of 2 × 2 m, precisely delimited in the field and GPS-located. Specific research aims were: (1) to classify the vegetation plots into floristic-ecological types, supported by an analysis of mean (Italy-specific) Ellenberg Indicator Values (EIVs); (2) to assign the types to up-to-date phytosociological syntaxa; (3) to identify the main environmental drivers for both composition and richness patterns; (4) to test the degree of correlation between (Italy-specific) EIVs and the measured environmental variables. Environmental predictors included high-resolution climatologies and remote-sensed standing biomass. Main vegetation types were identified using Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA). Distancebased RDA was performed as a constrained ordination method to reveal correlations between floristic composition and environmental variables. Drivers of species richness were explored through partial correlation and Regression Trees. HCA and NMDS revealed four floristically and ecologically well-interpretable groups, in turn well corresponding to the level of phytosociological class (namely Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Nardetea strictae, Festuco hystricis-Ononidetea striatae and Festuco-Brometea). Constrained ordination showed that most of the floristic variation was explained by biomass, annual precipitation (Pann) and mean annual temperature (Tm). Strong and significant positive correlations were found between biomass and EIV for Nitrogen (EIV-N), and between Tm and EIV for Temperature (EIV-T). Strong and significant negative correlations were found between Pann and EIV-T, EIV for Continentality (EIV-C) and EIV for soil Reaction (EIV-R). Species richness was positively correlated with slope inclination and negatively with elevation; richness was higher in sites with a high rock cover, and on limestone or clayey substrata than on siliceous ones. We conclude that in the study area: a) dry semi-natural grasslands are arranged at least into four distinguishable, high rank floristic-ecological groups; b) a mixture of climatic (especially precipitation) and edaphic (especially bedrock and soil reaction) gradients are the main drivers of such composition patterns; c) species richness is higher in sites more stressed by summer drought and/or nutrient scarcity; d) community-means of Italy’s specific EIVs are well correlated with environmental variables in grasslands, including a good correspondence between EIV-T and mean annual temperature

    Factors associated with increased suicide risk in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Objectives: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is in itself at greater risk for suicide (suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and completed suicide) as compared to the general population. However, the majority of individuals with OCD do not have current or lifetime suicidal ideation nor did attempt suicide in their lifetime. Methods: The present paper aims to provide an updated review on factors (socio-demographic and personal factors, OCD-related variables, comorbidities, emotion-cognitive factors, and biological variables) contributing to the increased suicide risk in patients with OCD. Results: Several factors have been found to be strongly associated with suicide risk in patients with OCD, such as the severity of OCD, the unacceptable thoughts symptom dimension, having a comorbid Axis I disorder (Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Substance Use Disorder), the severity of comorbid depressive and anxiety symptoms, a previous history of suicide attempts, having high levels of alexithymia and hopelessness. Conclusions: Several contributing factors should be evaluated and identified in the clinical practice in order to improve early detection of suicide risk. Risk identification and stratification of risk remain essential components of suicide prevention and should guide the clinical approach to patients with OCD. Whether and how these risk factors for suicide in patients with OCD work together, and whether the specific factors act as moderators or mediators, remains to be fully clarified

    Managing the evolution of a urban system. The UNESCO site of Crespi d’Adda

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    The workers’ village of Crespi d’Adda, registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1995, consists of a large industrial complex of approximately 90,000 square metres, abandoned in 2004 and made up of around a hundred residential buildings which were once inhabited by local workers. The management of the transformation of a “living” urban system of unquestionable historical and documental value, like Crespi d’Adda, is a challenging issue, highly uncertain and controversial but, at the same time, absolutely urgent and necessary. The complexity of the site and the delicate balance between its constitutive elements means we have to consider the protection of the values and the tension towards change not as parts of irreconcilable conflict, but as different needs which must be integrated within a coherent management tool. One of the main points of this strategy, outlined in the Management Plan, is the experimental and normative research on the redevelopment of residential buildings

    Experimental model for the study of the effects of platelet-rich plasma on the early phases of muscle healing

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    BACKGROUND: There is abundant evidence suggesting that growth factors may play a key role in the healing process, especially in the early stages of inflammation. Despite the reported clinical successes with the use of growth factors there is still a lack of knowledge on the biological mechanism underlying the activity of platelet-rich plasma during the process of muscle healing. The aim of this study was to analyse the early effects of platelet- rich plasma in an easily reproducible animal model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Wistar male adult rats (n =102) were used in this study. The muscle lesion was created with a scalpel in the flexor sublimis muscles. Platelet-rich plasma was applied immediately after surgery. Treated, untreated and contralateral muscles were analysed by morphological evaluation and western blot assay. RESULTS: Leucocyte infiltration was significantly greater in muscles treated with platelet-rich plasma than in both untreated and contralateral muscles. The latter showed greater leucocyte infiltration when compared to the untreated muscles. Platelet-rich plasma treatment also modified the cellular composition of the leucocyte infiltration leading to increased expression of CD3, CD8, CD19 and CD68 and to decreased CD4 antigen expression in both platelet-rich plasma treated and contralateral muscles. Blood vessel density and blood vessel diameters were not statistically significantly different between the three groups analysed. DISCUSSION: The results of this study showed that treatment with platelet-rich plasma magnified the physiological early inflammatory response following a muscle injury, modifying the pattern of cellular recruitment. Local platelet-rich plasma treatment may exert a direct or, more plausibly, indirect systemic effect on healing processes, at least in the earliest inflammatory phase
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