23 research outputs found

    The afterglow photosynthetic luminescence

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    The afterglow (AG) photosynthetic luminescence is a long-lived chlorophyll fluorescence emitted from PSII after the illumination of photosynthetic materials by FR or white light and placed in darkness. The AG emission corresponds to the fraction of PSII centers in the S2/3QB non-radiative state immediately after pre-illumination, in which the arrival of an electron transferred from stroma along cyclic/chlororespiratory pathway(s) produces the S2/3QB− radiative state that emits luminescence. This emission can be optimally recorded by a linear temperature gradient as sharp thermoluminescence (TL) band peaking at about 45°C. The AG emission recorded by TL technique has been proposed as a simple non-invasive tool to investigate the chloroplast energetic state and some of its metabolism processes as cyclic transport of electrons around PSI, chlororespiration or photorespiration. On the other hand, this emission has demonstrated to be a useful probe to study the effect of various stress conditions in photosynthetic materials.Junta de Andalucía PAIDI BIO-022Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad BIO2015-64169-

    Copper effect on cytochrome b559 of photosystem II under photoinhibitory conditions

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    The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.comToxic Cu(II) effect on Cytochrome b559 under aerobic photoinhibitory conditions was examined in two different PSII membrane preparations active in oxygen evolution. The preparations differ in the content of Cytochrome b559 redox potential forms. Difference absorption spectra showed that the presence of Cu(II) induced the oxidation of the high-potential form of Cytochrome b559 in the dark. Addition of hydroquinone reduced the total oxidised high-potential form of Cytochrome b559 present in Cu(II)-treated PSII membranes indicating that no conversion to the low-potential form took place. Spectroscopic determinations of Cytochrome b559 during photoinhibitory treatment showed slower kinetics of Cu(II) effect on Cytochrome b559 as compared to the rapid loss of oxygen evolution activity in the same conditions. This result indicates that Cytochrome b559 is affected after PSII centers are photoinhibited. The high-potential form was more sensitive to toxic Cu(II) action than the low-potential form under illumination at pH 6.0. The content of the high-potential form of Cytochrome b559 was completely lost, however the low-potential content was unaffected in these conditions. This loss did not involve cytochrome protein degradation. Results are discussed in terms of different binding properties of the heme iron to the protonated or unprotonated histidine ligand in the high-potential and low-potential forms of Cytochrome b559, respectively.M. Bernal was recipient of an I3P Programme fellowship from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. This work was supported by the Dirección General de Investigación (Grant BMC2002-00031) to R.P. and Gobierno de Aragón (Grant P015/2001) to I.Y., and it has been done within GC DGA 2002 Program of Gobierno de Aragón.Peer reviewe

    Peculiar properties of chlorophyll thermoluminescence emission of autotrophically or mixotrophically grown Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    The microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella sp. CCAP 211/84 were grown autotrophically and mixotrophically and their thermoluminescence emissions were recorded above 0 °C after excitation by 1, 2 or 3 xenon flashes or by continuous far-red light. An oscillation of the B band intensity according to the number of flashes was always observed, with a maximum after 2 flashes, accompanied by a downshift of the B band temperature maximum in mixotrophic compared to autotrophic grown cells, indicative of a dark stable pH gradient. Moreover, new flash-induced bands emerged in mixotrophic Chlamydomonas grown cells, at temperatures higher than that of the B band. In contrast to the afterglow band observed in higher plants, in Chlamydomonas these bands were not inducible by far-red light, were fully suppressed by 2 μM antimycin A, and peaked at different temperatures depending on the flash number and growth stage, with higher temperature maxima in cells at a stationary compared to an exponential growth stage. These differences are discussed according to the particular properties of cyclic electron transfer pathways in C. reinhardtii.Ministerio de Educación y Cultura BFU2007-68107-C02-01/BMCJunta de Andalucía PAIDI CVI-26

    Photosynthetic cytochrome c550

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    Cytochrome c550 (cyt c550) is a membrane component of the PSII complex in cyanobacteria and some eukaryotic algae, such as red and brown algae. Cyt c550 presents a bis-histidine heme coordination which is very unusual for monoheme c-type cytochromes. In PSII, the cyt c550 with the other extrinsic proteins stabilizes the binding of Cl− and Ca2 + ions to the oxygen evolving complex and protects the Mn4Ca cluster from attack by bulk reductants. The role (if there is one) of the heme of the cyt c550 is unknown. The low midpoint redox potential (Em) of the purified soluble form (from − 250 to − 314 mV) is incompatible with a redox function in PSII. However, more positive values for the Em have been obtained for the cyt c550 bound to the PSII. A very recent work has shown an Em value of + 200 mV. These data open the possibility of a redox function for this protein in electron transfer in PSII. Despite the long distance (22 Å) between cyt c550 and the nearest redox cofactor (Mn4Ca cluster), an electron transfer reaction between these components is possible. Some kind of protective cycle involving a soluble redox component in the lumen has also been proposed. The aim of this article is to review previous studies done on cyt c550 and to consider its function in the light of the new results obtained in recent years. The emphasis is on the physical properties of the heme and its redox properties. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: from Natural to Artificial.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación BFU2007-68107-C02-01Junta de Andalucía PADI CVI-26

    Carbon dioxide-mediated decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in alkaline solutions

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    Rapid hydrogen peroxide decomposition in aerated alkaline solutions is described, the maximum rate being attained at pH values between 11.5 and 11.7, where the peroxide (pKa = 11.7) is ca. 50% unprotonated. The reaction proceeds with the release of protons and is strictly dependent upon the continuous presence of carbon dioxide, but not of carbonate anions, in the peroxide solutions. The following two-step mechanism is proposed: (1) formation of percarbonic acid (H2CO4 ) by condensation of C02 with the undissociated peroxide (H202 ) and (2) reduction of the acid by perhydroxyl anions (HO;)

    The heterologous expression of a plastocyanin in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum improves cell growth under iron-deficient conditions

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    We have investigated if the heterologous expression of a functional green alga plastocyanin in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum can improve photosynthetic activity and cell growth. Previous in vitro assays showed that a single-mutant of the plastocyanin from the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is effective in reducing P. tricornutum photosystem I. In this study, in vivo assays with P. tricornutum strains expressing this plastocyanin indicate that even the relatively low intracellular concentrations of holo-plastocyanin detected (≈4 μM) are enough to promote an increased growth (up to 60%) under iron-deficient conditions as compared with the WT strain, measured as higher cell densities, content in pigments and active photosystem I, global photosynthetic rates per cell, and even cell volume. In addition, the presence of plastocyanin as an additional photosynthetic electron carrier seems to decrease the over-reduction of the plastoquinone pool. Consequently, it promotes an improvement in the maximum quantum yield of both photosystem II and I, together with a decrease in the acceptor side photoinhibition of photosystem II—also associated to a reduced oxidative stress—a decrease in the peroxidation of membrane lipids in the choroplast, and a lower degree of limitation on the donor side of photosystem I. Thus the heterologous plastocyanin appears to act as a functional electron carrier, alternative to the native cytochrome c6, under iron-limiting conditions.Junta de Andalucía PAIDI BIO-022Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2015-64169-

    The singular properties of photosynthetic cytochrome c 550 from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum suggest new alternative functions

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    Cytochrome c 550 is an extrinsic component in the luminal side of photosystem II (PSII) in cyanobacteria, as well as in eukaryotic algae from the red photosynthetic lineage including, among others, diatoms. We have established that cytochrome c 550 from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum can be obtained as a complete protein from the membrane fraction of the alga, although a C-terminal truncated form is purified from the soluble fractions of this diatom as well as from other eukaryotic algae. Eukaryotic cytochromes c 550 show distinctive electrostatic features as compared with cyanobacterial cytochrome c 550 . In addition, co-immunoseparation and mass spectrometry experiments, as well as immunoelectron microscopy analyses, indicate that although cytochrome c 550 from P. tricornutum is mainly located in the thylakoid domain of the chloroplast – where it interacts with PSII –, it can also be found in the chloroplast pyrenoid, related with proteins linked to the CO 2 concentrating mechanism and assimilation. These results thus suggest new alternative functions of this heme protein in eukaryotes.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad BIO2015-64169-PJunta de Andalucía PAIDI BIO-02

    Iron Deficiency Induces a Partial Inhibition of the Photosynthetic Electron Transport and a High Sensitivity to Light in the Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    Iron limitation is the major factor controlling phytoplankton growth in vast regions of the contemporary oceans. In this study, a combination of thermoluminescence (TL), chlorophyll fluorescence, and P700 absorbance measurements have been used to elucidate the effects of iron deficiency in the photosynthetic electron transport of the marine diatom P. tricornutum. TL was used to determine the effects of iron deficiency on photosystem II (PSII) activity. Excitation of iron-replete P. tricornutum cells with single turn-over flashes induced the appearance of TL glow curves with two components with different peaks of temperature and contributions to the total signal intensity: the B band (23°C, 63%), and the AG band (40°C, 37%). Iron limitation did not significantly alter these bands, but induced a decrease of the total TL signal. Far red excitation did not increase the amount of the AG band in iron-limited cells, as observed for iron-replete cells. The effect of iron deficiency on the photosystem I (PSI) activity was also examined by measuring the changes in P700 redox state during illumination. The electron donation to PSI was substantially reduced in iron-deficient cells. This could be related with the important decline on cytochrome c6 content observed in these cells. Iron deficiency also induced a marked increase in light sensitivity in P. tricornutum cells. A drastic increase in the level of peroxidation of chloroplast lipids was detected in iron-deficient cells even when grown under standard conditions at low light intensity. Illumination with a light intensity of 300 μE m-2 s-1 during different time periods caused a dramatic disappearance in TL signal in cells grown under low iron concentration, this treatment not affecting to the signal in iron-replete cells. The results of this work suggest that iron deficiency induces partial blocking of the electron transfer between PSII and PSI, due to a lower concentration of the electron donor cytochrome c6. This decreased electron transfer may induce the over-reduction of the plastoquinone pool and consequently the appearance of acceptor side photoinhibition in PSII even at low light intensities. The functionality of chlororespiratory electron transfer pathway under iron restricted conditions is also discussed.España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2012-35271España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2015-64169España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2013-4355

    Cytochrome c550 in the cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus: Study of redox mutants

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    Cytochrome c550 is one of the extrinsic Photosystem II subunits in cyanobacteria and red algae. To study the possible role of the heme of the cytochrome c550 we constructed two mutants of Thermosynechococcus elongatus in which the residue His-92, the sixth ligand of the heme, was replaced by a Met or a Cys in order to modify the redox properties of the heme. The H92M and H92C mutations changed the midpoint redox potential of the heme in the isolated cytochrome by +125 mV and –30 mV, respectively, compared with the wild type. The binding-induced increase of the redox potential observed in the wild type and the H92C mutant was absent in the H92M mutant. Both modified cytochromes were more easily detachable from the Photosystem II compared with the wild type. The Photosystem II activity in cells was not modified by the mutations suggesting that the redox potential of the cytochrome c550 is not important for Photosystem II activity under normal growth conditions. A mutant lacking the cytochrome c550 was also constructed. It showed a lowered affinity for Cl– and Ca2+ as reported earlier for the cytochrome c550-less Synechocystis 6803 mutant, but it showed a shorter lived Formula state, rather than a stabilized S2 state and rapid deactivation of the enzyme in the dark, which were characteristic of the Synechocystis mutant. It is suggested that the latter effects may be caused by loss (or weaker binding) of the other extrinsic proteins rather than a direct effect of the absence of the cytochrome c55

    Hongos entomopatógenos: de la agricultura a la conservación del patrimonio histórico

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    Los métodos tradicionales utilizados en la conservación del patrimonio histórico incluyen principalmente el uso de insecticidas sintéticos, que presentan las desventajas de su toxicidad y de su falta de inocuidad sobre el sustrato a tratar. En este artículo se presenta una alternativa a estos métodos basada en el empleo de sustancias biocidas extraídas o provenientes de hongos entomopatógenos, como son Beauveria bassianay Metarhizium anisopliae. La presente propuesta incluye dos variantes no excluyentes como son el uso de conidios y la aplicación de geles con enzimas y toxinas provenientes de dichas especies. Esta metodología aporta ventajas con respecto a los métodos tradicionales, como la no toxicidad para el manipulador, la aplicabilidad a diferentes sustratos independientemente de su tamaño y localización, y su prácticamente nula reactividad frente al sustrato