44 research outputs found

    Characteristics of a Boat Type Seaplane During Take-off

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    This report, on the planing and get-away characteristics of the F-5-L, gives the results of the second of a series of take-off tests on three different seaplanes conducted by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at the suggestion of the Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department. The single-float seaplane was the first tested and the twin-float seaplane is to be the third. The characteristics of the boat type were found to be similar to the single float, the main difference being the increased sluggishness and relatively larger planing resistance of the larger seaplane. At a water speed of 15 miles per hour the seaplane trims aft to about 12 degrees and remains in this angular position while plowing. At 2.25 miles per hour the planing stage is started and the planing angle is immediately lowered to about 10 degrees. As the velocity increases the longitudinal control becomes more effective but over control will produce instability. At the get-away the range of angle of attack is 19 degrees to 11 degrees with velocities from the stalling speed through about 25 per cent of the speed range

    Characteristics of a twin-float seaplane during take-off

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    This report presents the results of an investigation of the planing and get-away characteristics of three representative types of seaplanes, namely, single float, boat, and twin float. The experiments carried out on the single float and boat types have been reported on previously. This report covers the investigation conducted on the twin-float seaplane, the DT-2, and includes as an appendix, a brief summary of the results obtained on all three tests. At low-water speeds, 20 to 30 miles per hour, the seaplane trims by the stern and has a high resistance. Above these speeds the longitudinal control becomes increasingly effective until, with corresponding speeds of 56 to 46 miles per hour. It was further determined that an increase in the load caused little if any change in the water speed at which the maximum angle and resistance occurred, but that it did produce an increase in the maximum angle

    Characteristics of a Single Float Seaplane During Take-off

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    At the request of the Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at Langley Field is investigating the get-away characteristics of an N-9H, a DT-2, and an F-5l, as representing, respectively, a single float, a double float, and a boat type of seaplane. This report covers the investigation conducted on the N-9H. The results show that a single float seaplane trims aft in taking off. Until a planing condition is reached the angle of attack is about 15 degrees and is only slightly affected by controls. When planing it seeks a lower angle, but is controllable through a widening range, until at the take-off it is possible to obtain angles of 8 degrees to 15 degrees with corresponding speeds of 53 to 41 M. P. H. or about 40 per cent of the speed range. The point of greatest resistance occurs at about the highest angle of a pontoon planing angle of 9 1/2 degrees and at a water speed of 24 M. P. H

    On Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Laparoscopy

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    Laparoscopy is an electrosurgical medical operation often involving an application of high-frequency alternating current to remove undesired biological tissue from the insufflated abdomen accessible through inlet and outlets trocars. One of the main byproducts in this process are the gaseous particles, called surgical smoke, which is found hazardous for both the patient and the operating room staff. The elimination of this hazardous material is an area of active research in the medical community. Thus, understanding dynamics influenced by the underlying flow inside the abdomen is crucial. In this article, we propose a computational fluid dynamics model and analyse the velocity field in an insufflated abdomen shaped domain by identifying the Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) that are responsible for the transportation, mixing and accumulation of the material particles in the flow. By calculating the mixing strength we show that the regions revealed by these material curves are dependent on the angle, positions and number of the outlets and inlets. Hence, a novel utility of LCS in medical surgery is presented that can detail the dynamics of surgical smoke informing better design of effective smoke removal technologies

    Digitization and Exogenesis

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    Within the field of genetic criticism, Raymonde Debray Genette coined the terms ‘en- dogenesis’ and ‘exogenesis’ to denote respectively the writing of drafts and the interaction with external source texts during the writing process. The proposed panel focuses on the ways in which exogenesis and its relationship with endogenesis can be given shape in a digital infrastructure. The case studies are the works, reading notes and personal libraries of James Joyce and Samuel Beckett

    A study to assess the prevalence of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in inter-county hurling

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    Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) is an acute, transient airway narrowing occurring after exercise which may impact athletic performance. Studies report 10% of the general population and up to 90% of asthmatics experience EIB. Ninety-two players from three elite hurling squads underwent a spirometric field-based provocation test with real-time heart rate monitoring and lactate measurements to ensure adequate exertion. Players with a new diagnosis of EIB and those with a negative field-test but with a previous label of EIB or asthma underwent further reversibility testing and if negative, methacholine challenge. Eight (8.7%) of players had EIB, with one further athlete having asthma with a negative field test. Interestingly, only three out of 12 players who had previously been physician-labelled with EIB or asthma had their diagnosis objectively confirmed. Our study highlights the role of objective testing in EIB

    Looking at animals without seeing them : Havelock Ellis in the 'Circe' episode of Ulysses

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    Taking wing from Joyce’s reading of Havelock Ellis’s Studies in the Psychology of Sex, in which the Irish writer found an account of cross-species sexual contact, this essay explores Leopold Bloom’s animal metamorphosis in the “Circe” episode of Ulysses. It argues that this encounter with the nonhuman animal is subordinated to the cause of working through barriers of human difference. In the process, the animal that enables this reconciliation disappears. Unable to represent animal interiority, “Circe” settles for merely probing their interiors