519 research outputs found

    Genetic determination of exocrine pancreatic function in cystic fibrosis

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    We showed elsewhere that the pancreatic function status of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients could be correlated to mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Although the majority of CF mutations- including the most common, ΔF508-strongly correlated with pancreatic insufficiency (PI), approximately 10% of the mutant alleles may confer pancreatic sufficiency (PS). To extend this observation, genomic DNA of 538 CF patients with well-documented pancreatic function status were analyzed for a series of known mutations in their CFTR genes. Only 20 of the 25 mutations tested were found in this population. They accounted for 84% of the CF chromosomes, with ΔF508 being the most frequent (71%), and the other mutations accounted for less than 5% each. A total of 30 different, complete genotypes could be determined in 394 (73%) of the patients. The data showed that each genotype was associated only with PI or only with PS, but not with both. This result is thus consistent with the hypothesis that PI and PS in CF are predisposed by the genotype at the CFTR locus; the PS phenotype occurs in patients who have one or two mild CFTR mutations, such as R117H, R334W, R347P, A455E, and P574H, whereas the PI phenotype occurs in patients with two severe alleles, such as ΔF508, ΔI507, Q493X, G542X, R553X, W1282X, 621 + 1G→T, 1717-1G→A, 556delA, 3659delC, I148T, G480C, V520F, G551D, and R560T.published_or_final_versio

    Emphysematous cholecystitis in a non-diabetic patient

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    A 47-year-old male was admitted at our emergency room with a 4-days history of acute abdominal pain, increased by inspiration. There was neither nausea nor vomiting. Physical examination revealed right upper quadrant and right flank tenderness. The patient had no diabetes mellitus. Laboratory tests showed a white-cell count at 15 x 109 cells/L (87% neutrophils), a CRP at 44,1 mg/dL, bilirubin at 1,9 mg/dL and ?GT at 114 U/L

    Characterization of the Ac/Ds behaviour in transgenic tomato plants using plasmid rescue

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    We describe the use of plasmid rescue to facilitate studies on the behaviour of Ds and Ac elements in transgenic tomato plants. The rescue of Ds elements relies on the presence of a plasmid origin of replication and a marker gene selective in Escherichia coli within the element. The position within the genome of modified Ds elements, rescued both before and after transposition, is assigned to the RFLP map of tomato. Alternatively to the rescue of Ds elements equipped with plasmid sequences, Ac elements are rescued by virtue of plasmid sequences flanking the element. In this way, the consequences of the presence of an (active) Ac element on the DNA structure at the original site can be studied in detail. Analysis of a library of Ac elements, rescued from the genome of a primary transformant, shows that Ac elements are, infrequently, involved in the formation of deletions. In one case the deletion refers to a 174 bp genomic DNA sequence immediately flanking Ac. In another case, a 1878 bp internal Ac sequence is deleted

    A comparative study of Tam3 and Ac transposition in transgenic tobacco and petunia plants

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    Transposition of the Anthirrinum majus Tam3 element and the Zea mays Ac element has been monitored in petunia and tobacco plants. Plant vectors were constructed with the transposable elements cloned into the leader sequence of a marker gene. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated leaf disc transformation was used to introduce the transposable element constructs into plant cells. In transgenic plants, excision of the transposable element restores gene expression and results in a clearly distinguishable phenotype. Based on restored expression of the hygromycin phosphotransferase II (HPTII) gene, we established that Tam3 excises in 30% of the transformed petunia plants and in 60% of the transformed tobacco plants. Ac excises from the HPTII gene with comparable frequencies (30%) in both plant species. When the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene was used to detect transposition of Tam3, a significantly lower excision frequency (13%) was found in both plant species. It could be shown that deletion of parts of the transposable elements Tam3 and Ac, removing either one of the terminal inverted repeats (TIR) or part of the presumptive transposase coding region, abolished the excision from the marker genes. This demonstrates that excision of the transposable element Tam3 in heterologous plant species, as documented for the autonomous element Ac, also depends on both properties. Southern blot hybridization shows the expected excision pattern and the reintegration of Tam3 and Ac elements into the genome of tobacco plants.

    Sources of Variation in Sweat Chloride Measurements in Cystic Fibrosis

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    Rationale: Expanding the use of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) potentiators and correctors for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) requires precise and accurate biomarkers. Sweat chloride concentration provides an in vivo assessment of CFTR function, but it is unknown the degree to which CFTR mutations account for sweat chloride variation

    The tomato Prf complex is a molecular trap for bacterial effectors based on Pto transphosphorylation

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    The bacteria Pseudomonas syringae is a pathogen of many crop species and one of the model pathogens for studying plant and bacterial arms race coevolution. In the current model, plants perceive bacteria pathogens via plasma membrane receptors, and recognition leads to the activation of general defenses. In turn, bacteria inject proteins called effectors into the plant cell to prevent the activation of immune responses. AvrPto and AvrPtoB are two such proteins that inhibit multiple plant kinases. The tomato plant has reacted to these effectors by the evolution of a cytoplasmic resistance complex. This complex is compromised of two proteins, Prf and Pto kinase, and is capable of recognizing the effector proteins. How the Pto kinase is able to avoid inhibition by the effector proteins is currently unknown. Our data shows how the tomato plant utilizes dimerization of resistance proteins to gain advantage over the faster evolving bacterial pathogen. Here we illustrate that oligomerisation of Prf brings into proximity two Pto kinases allowing them to avoid inhibition by the effectors by transphosphorylation and to activate immune responses

    The relation between genotype and phenotype in cystic fibrosis - Analysis of the most common mutation (ΔF 508)

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    Background and methods. Both the clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis and the genotypes of patients are heterogeneous but the associations between the two are not known. We therefore studied blood samples from 293 patients with cystic fibrosis for the presence of the most common disease-causing mutation (ΔF 508) on chromosome 7 and compared the results with the clinical manifestations of the disease. Results. The prevalence of the ΔF 508 allele in the cohort was 71 percent; 52 percent of the patients were homozygous for the mutation, 40 percent were heterozygous, and 8 percent had other, undefined mutations. The patients who were homozygous for the mutation had received a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis at an earlier age and had a greater frequency of pancreatic insufficiency; pancreatic insufficiency was present in 99 percent of the homozygous patients, but in 72 percent of the heterozygous patients and only 36 percent of the patients with other genotypes. The patients with pancreatic insufficiency in all three genotype groups had similar clinical characteristics, reflected by an early age at diagnosis, similar sweat chloride values at diagnosis, similar severity of pulmonary disease, and similar percentiles for weight. In contrast, the patients in the heterozygous-genotype and other-genotype groups who did not have pancreatic insufficiency were older and had milder disease. They had lower sweat chloride value at diagnosis, normal nutritional status, and better pulmonary function after adjustment for age. Conclusions. The variable clinical course in patients with cystic fibrosis can be attributed at least in part to specific genotypes at the locus of the cystic fibrosis gene.published_or_final_versio

    Location of chlorogenic acid biosynthesis pathway and polyphenol oxidase genes in a new interspecific anchored linkage map of eggplant

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    © Gramazio et al.; licensee BioMed Central. 2014. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated

    Genetic analysis reveals a complex regulatory network modulating CBF gene expression and Arabidopsis response to abiotic stress

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    Arabidopsis CBF genes (CBF1–CBF3) encode transcription factors having a major role in cold acclimation, the adaptive process whereby certain plants increase their freezing tolerance in response to low non-freezing temperatures. Under these conditions, the CBF genes are induced and their corresponding proteins stimulate the expression of target genes configuring low-temperature transcriptome and conditioning Arabidopsis freezing tolerance. CBF2 seems to be the most determinant of the CBFs since it also regulates CBF1 and CBF3 expression. Despite the relevance of CBF genes in cold acclimation, little is known about the molecular components that control their expression. To uncover factors acting upstream of CBF2, mutagenized Arabidopsis containing the luciferase reporter gene under the control of the CBF2 promoter were screened for plants with de-regulated CBF2 expression. Here, the identification and characterization of five of these mutants, named acex (altered CBF2 expression), is presented. Three mutants show increased levels of cold-induced CBF2 transcripts compared with wild-type plants, the other two exhibiting reduced levels. Some mutants are also affected in cold induction of CBF1 and CBF3. Furthermore, the mutants characterized display unique phenotypes for tolerance to abiotic stresses, including freezing, dehydration, and high salt. These results demonstrate that cold induction of CBF2 is subjected to both positive and negative regulation through different signal transduction pathways, some of them also mediating the expression of other CBF genes as well as Arabidopsis responses to abiotic stresses

    Cisgenesis and intragenesis as new strategies for crop improvement

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    Cisgenesis and intragenesis are emerging plant breeding technologies which offer great promise for future acceptance of genetically engineered crops. The techniques employ traditional genetic engineering methods but are confined to transferring of genes and genetic elements between sexually compatible species that can breed naturally. One of the main requirements is the absence of selectable marker genes (such as antibiotic resistance genes) in the genome. Hence the sensitive issues with regard to transfer of foreign genes and antibiotic resistance are overcome. It is a targeted technique involving specific locus; therefore, linkage drag that prolongs the time for crop improvement in traditional breeding does not occur. It has great potential for crop improvement using superior alleles that exist in the untapped germplasm or wild species. Cisgenic and intragenic plants may not face the same stringent regulatory assessment for field release as transgenic plants which is a clear added advantage that would save time. In this chapter, the concepts of cis/intragenesis and the prerequisites for the development of cis/intragenesis plants are elaborated. Strategies for marker gene removal after selection of transformants are discussed based on the few recent reports from various plant species