9 research outputs found

    Out-of-Field Doses Produced by a Proton Scanning Beam Inside Pediatric Anthropomorphic Phantoms and Their Comparison With Different Photon Modalities

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    Since 2010, EURADOS Working Group 9 (Radiation Dosimetry in Radiotherapy) has been involved in the investigation of secondary and scattered radiation doses in X-ray and proton therapy, especially in the case of pediatric patients. The main goal of this paper is to analyze and compare out-of-field neutron and non-neutron organ doses inside 5- and 10-year-old pediatric anthropomorphic phantoms for the treatment of a 5-cm-diameter brain tumor. Proton irradiations were carried out at the Cyclotron Centre Bronowice in IFJ PAN Krakow Poland using a pencil beam scanning technique (PBS) at a gantry with a dedicated scanning nozzle (IBA Proton Therapy System, Proteus 235). Thermoluminescent and radiophotoluminescent dosimeters were used for non-neutron dose measurements while secondary neutrons were measured with track-etched detectors. Out-of-field doses measured using intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) were compared with previous measurements performed within a WG9 for three different photon radiotherapy techniques: 1) intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), 2) three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D CDRT) performed on a Varian Clinac 2300 linear accelerator (LINAC) in the Centre of Oncology, Krakow, Poland, and 3) Gamma Knife surgery performed on the Leksell Gamma Knife (GK) at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia. Phantoms and detectors used in experiments as well as the target location were the same for both photon and proton modalities. The total organ dose equivalent expressed as the sum of neutron and non-neutron components in IMPT was found to be significantly lower (two to three orders of magnitude) in comparison with the different photon radiotherapy techniques for the same delivered tumor dose. For IMPT, neutron doses are lower than non-neutron doses close to the target but become larger than non-neutron doses further away from the target. Results of WG9 studies have provided out-of-field dose levels required for an extensive set of radiotherapy techniques, including proton therapy, and involving a complete description of organ doses of pediatric patients. Such studies are needed for validating mathematical models and Monte Carlo simulation tools for out-of-field dosimetry which is essential for dedicated epidemiological studies which evaluate the risk of second cancers and other late effects for pediatric patients treated with radiotherapy

    Peripheral organ equivalent dose estimation procedure in proton therapy

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    The aim of this work is to present a reproducible methodology for the evaluation of total equivalent doses in organs during proton therapy facilities. The methodology is based on measuring the dose equivalent in representative locations inside an anthropomorphic phantom where photon and neutron dosimeters were inserted. The Monte Carlo simulation was needed for obtaining neutron energy distribution inside the phantom. The methodology was implemented for a head irradiation case in the passive proton beam of iThemba Labs (South Africa). Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD)-600 and TLD-700 pairs were used as dosimeters inside the phantom and GEANT code for simulations. In addition, Bonner sphere spectrometry was performed inside the treatment room to obtain the neutron spectra, some relevant neutron dosimetric quantities per treatment Gy, and a percentual distribution of neutron fluence and ambient dose equivalent in four energy groups, at two locations. The neutron spectrum at one of those locations was also simulated so that a reasonable agreement between simulation and measurement allowed a validation of the simulation. Results showed that the total out-of-field dose equivalent inside the phantom ranged from 1.4 to 0.28 mSv/Gy, mainly due to the neutron contribution and with a small contribution from photons, 10% on average. The order of magnitude of the equivalent dose in organs was similar, displaying a slow reduction in values as the organ is farther from the target volume. These values were in agreement with those found by other authors in other passive beam facilities under similar irradiation and measurement conditions

    Determining out-of-field doses and second cancer risk from proton therapy in young patients : an overview

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    Proton therapy has the potential to provide survival and tumor control outcomes comparable and frequently superior to photon therapy. This has led to a significant concern in the medical physics community on the risk for the induction of second cancers in all patients and especially in younger patients, as they are considered more radiosensitive than adults and have an even longer expected lifetime after treatment. Thus, our purpose is to present an overview of the research carried out on the evaluation of out-of-field doses linked to second cancer induction and the prediction of this risk. Most investigations consisted of Monte Carlo simulations in passive beam facilities for clinical scenarios. These works established that equivalent doses in organs could be up to 200 mSv or 900 mSv for a brain or a craniospinal treatment, respectively. The major contribution to this dose comes from the secondary neutrons produced in the beam line elements. Few works focused on scanned-beam facilities, but available data show that, for these facilities, equivalent doses could be between 2 and 50 times lower. Patient age is a relevant factor in the dose level, especially for younger patients (by means of the size of the body) and, in addition, in the predicted risk by models (due to the age dependence of the radiosensitivity). For risks, the sex of the patient also plays an important role, as female patients show higher sensitivity to radiation. Thus, predicted risks of craniospinal irradiation can range from 8% for a 15-year-old male patient to 58% for a 2-year-old female patient, using a risk model from a radiological protection field. These values must be taken with caution due to uncertainties in risk models, and then dosimetric evaluation of stray radiation becomes mandatory in order to complement epidemiological studies and be able to model appropriate dose-response functions for this dose range. In this sense, analytical models represent a useful tool and some models have been implemented to be used for young patients. Research carried out so far confirmed that proton beam therapy reduces the out-of-field doses and second cancer risk. However, further investigations may be required in scanned-beam delivery systems

    Peripheral organ equivalent dose estimation procedure in proton therapy

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    The aim of this work is to present a reproducible methodology for the evaluation of total equivalent doses in organs during proton therapy facilities. The methodology is based on measuring the dose equivalent in representative locations inside an anthropomorphic phantom where photon and neutron dosimeters were inserted. The Monte Carlo simulation was needed for obtaining neutron energy distribution inside the phantom. The methodology was implemented for a head irradiation case in the passive proton beam of iThemba Labs (South Africa). Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD)-600 and TLD-700 pairs were used as dosimeters inside the phantom and GEANT code for simulations. In addition, Bonner sphere spectrometry was performed inside the treatment room to obtain the neutron spectra, some relevant neutron dosimetric quantities per treatment Gy, and a percentual distribution of neutron fluence and ambient dose equivalent in four energy groups, at two locations. The neutron spectrum at one of those locations was also simulated so that a reasonable agreement between simulation and measurement allowed a validation of the simulation. Results showed that the total out-of-field dose equivalent inside the phantom ranged from 1.4 to 0.28 mSv/Gy, mainly due to the neutron contribution and with a small contribution from photons, 10% on average. The order of magnitude of the equivalent dose in organs was similar, displaying a slow reduction in values as the organ is farther from the target volume. These values were in agreement with those found by other authors in other passive beam facilities under similar irradiation and measurement conditions

    Neutron Radiation Dose Measurements in a Scanning Proton Therapy Room: Can Parents Remain Near Their Children During Treatment?

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    PURPOSE: This study aims to characterize the neutron radiation field inside a scanning proton therapy treatment room including the impact of different pediatric patient sizes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Working Group 9 of the European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) has performed a comprehensive measurement campaign to measure neutron ambient dose equivalent, H*(10), at eight different positions around 1-, 5-, and 10-year-old pediatric anthropomorphic phantoms irradiated with a simulated brain tumor treatment. Several active detector systems were used. RESULTS: The neutron dose mapping within the gantry room showed that H*(10) values significantly decreased with distance and angular deviation with respect to the beam axis. A maximum value of about 19.5 µSv/Gy was measured along the beam axis at 1 m from the isocenter for a 10-year-old pediatric phantom at 270° gantry angle. A minimum value of 0.1 µSv/Gy was measured at a distance of 2.25 m perpendicular to the beam axis for a 1-year-old pediatric phantom at 140° gantry angle.The H*(10) dependence on the size of the pediatric patient was observed. At 270° gantry position, the measured neutron H*(10) values for the 10-year-old pediatric phantom were up to 20% higher than those measured for the 5-year-old and up to 410% higher than for the 1-year-old phantom, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Using active neutron detectors, secondary neutron mapping was performed to characterize the neutron field generated during proton therapy of pediatric patients. It is shown that the neutron ambient dose equivalent H*(10) significantly decreases with distance and angle with respect to the beam axis. It is reported that the total neutron exposure of a person staying at a position perpendicular to the beam axis at a distance greater than 2 m from the isocenter remains well below the dose limit of 1 mSv per year for the general public (recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection) during the entire treatment course with a target dose of up to 60 Gy. This comprehensive analysis is key for general neutron shielding issues, for example, the safe operation of anesthetic equipment. However, it also enables the evaluation of whether it is safe for parents to remain near their children during treatment to bring them comfort. Currently, radiation protection protocols prohibit the occupancy of the treatment room during beam delivery

    Guía de Terapéutica Antimicrobiana del Área Aljarafe, 3ª edición

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    Coordinadora: Rocío Fernández Urrusuno. Co-coordinadora: Carmen Serrano Martino.YesEstas guías son un recurso indispensable en los Programas de Optimización de Antibióticos (PROA). No sólo constituyen una herramienta de ayuda para la toma de decisiones en los principales síndromes infecciosos, proporcionando recomendaciones para el abordaje empírico de dichos procesos, sino que son el patrón/estándar de referencia que permitirá determinar la calidad o adecuación de los tratamientos realizados. Las guías pueden ser utilizadas, además, como herramienta de base para la formación y actualización en antibioterapia, ya que permiten mantener actualizados los conocimientos sobre las nuevas evidencias en el abordaje de las infecciones. Por último, deberían incorporar herramientas que faciliten el proceso de toma de decisiones compartidas con el paciente. El objetivo de esta guía es proporcionar recomendaciones para el abordaje de las enfermedades infecciosas más prevalentes en la comunidad, basadas en las últimas evidencias disponibles y los datos de resistencias de los principales patógenos que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de la prescripción de antimicrobianos