186 research outputs found

    Conformal Mapping Improvement of the Boundary Element Method Solution for Underground Water Flow in a Domain with a Very Singular Boundary

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    Numerical solutions using a Boundary Element Method (BEM) for a confined flow in a very singular finite domain are developed. Typically, in scientific journal publications, authors avoid domains with many and more malignant singularities due to the extremely big and difficult to estimate errors in the numerical calculations. Using exact Conformal Mapping solutions for simplified domains with the same singularity as in the original domain, this problem can be solved numerically with improvements introduced by Conformal Mapping solutions. Firstly, to experiment with improving the BEM solution by Conformal Mapping, a domain inside a rectangle is considered. The exact solution inside a rectangle is found by Conformal Mapping. Then solution is obtained from BEM. The singularities in number and malignancy will lead to failure of the Boundary Element solution near the singular points and even much further from them. Then, the BEM solution is improved by Conformal Mapping. For every singularity, the domain will be extended in an easy enough shape, which allows for using Conformal Mapping method to find the exact solution near the singularity for the extended domain. The function that describes the behavior of the solution close to the singularity is imposed to the elements that are adjacent to the corresponding singularities in the BEM calculations, which leads to the BEM solution improved by Conformal Mapping. The different methods for finding the solution of the problem inside a rectangle are compared to show the need for improvement of the BEM solution. Then, a more complicated realistic finite domain for which it is impossible to find the exact solution is considered. The problem is solved by BEM and by improving BEM by Conformal Mapping as described above. The calculations are expressed in the form of tables and figures. Additional analysis of the effect of the singularities is given in the conclusions

    Editor\u27s Introduction

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    “Coign of Vantage” e ação: Considerando a responsabilidade local e planos de financiamento de escola da Califórnia para estudantes de inglês

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    Local control has been a bedrock principle of public schooling in America since its inception. In 2013, the California Legislature codified a new local accountability approach for school finance. An important component of the new California Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) approach is a focus on English learners (ELs). The law mandates that every school district produce a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) to engage the local community in defining outcomes and determining funding for ELs. Based on an exploratory analysis of a representative sample of LCAPs, we show that, although California’s new approach offered an opportunity to support locally-defined priorities and alternatives to top-down accountability, few if any districts had yet taken full advantage of the opportunity. That is, the school districts in our sample had not yet engaged with the local community to facilitate significant changes to accountability or redistribution of funding and resources to support educational equity for ELs.El control local ha sido un principio fundamental de la educación pública en América desde su creación. En 2013, la Legislatura de California codificó un nuevo enfoque de responsabilidad local para las finanzas escolares. Un componente importante del nuevo enfoque de California Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) es un enfoque en los estudiantes de inglés (ELs). La ley exige que cada distrito escolar produzca un Plan de Responsabilidad de Control Local (LCAP) para involucrar a la comunidad local en la definición de resultados y la determinación de fondos para ELs. Basado en un análisis exploratorio de una muestra representativa de LCAPs, mostramos que, aunque el nuevo enfoque de California ofreció una oportunidad para apoyar las prioridades definidas localmente y las alternativas a la responsabilidad de arriba a abajo, pocos o ninguno de los distritos habían aprovechado la oportunidad. Es decir, los distritos escolares de nuestra muestra aún no se habían comprometido con la comunidad local para facilitar cambios significativos en la rendición de cuentas o la redistribución de fondos y recursos para apoyar la equidad educativa para los EL.O controle local tem sido um princípio fundamental da educação pública na América desde a sua criação. Em 2013, a Califórnia Legislativo codificada uma nova abordagem à responsabilidade local para as finanças da escola. Um componente importante da nova abordagem local fórmula de financiamento Controle Califórnia (LCFF) é um foco em estudantes de inglês (ELS). A lei exige que cada distrito escolar para produzir um Accountability Plano de Controle Local (LCAP) para envolver a comunidade local na definição de resultados e determinação de fundos para ELs. Com base em uma análise exploratória de uma amostra representativa de LCAPs, mostramos que, embora a nova abordagem da Califórnia ofereceu uma oportunidade para apoiar as prioridades definidas localmente e alternativas a responsabilidade de cima para baixo, poucos ou nenhum dos distritos tinha tomado a oportunidade. Ou seja, os distritos escolares em nossa amostra ainda não tinha sido comprometida com a comunidade local para fazer mudanças significativas na prestação de contas ou redistribuição de fundos e recursos para apoiar a equidade educacional para ELs.

    Bi-Directional Calcium Signaling Between Adjacent Leukocytes and Trophoblast-Like Cells

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    Citation Elfline M, Clark A, Petty HR, Romero R. Bi-directional calcium signaling between adjacent leukocytes and trophoblast-like cells. Am J Reprod Immunol 2010Trophoblasts are believed to play an important role in mitigating immunological responses against the fetus. To better understand the nature of trophoblast–leukocyte interactions, we have studied signal transduction during intercellular interactions.Using a highly sensitive microfluorometric ratioing method and Ca 2+ -sensitive dyes, we measured Ca 2+ signals in trophoblast-like cell lines (JEG-3 and JAR) or in leukocytes (neutrophils and monocytes) during intercellular contact.Trophoblast cell lines exhibit Ca 2+ signals during leukocyte contact. In contrast, leukocytes cannot elicit Ca 2+ signals in non-opsonized tumour cells, suggesting that Ca 2+ signaling is not a general feature of cell–cell encounters. Similarly, leukocytes demonstrate Ca 2+ signals during contact with trophoblast cell lines. Ca 2+ signals were confirmed using three dyes and with the Ca 2+ buffer BAPTA.We suggest that leukocyte-to-trophoblast interactions lead to mutual Ca 2+ signaling events in both cell types, which may contribute to immunoregulation at the materno–fetal interface.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/79189/1/j.1600-0897.2010.00839.x.pd

    CPAS Preflight Drop Test Analysis Process

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    Throughout the Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) drop test program, the CPAS Analysis Team has developed a simulation and analysis process to support drop test planning and execution. This process includes multiple phases focused on developing test simulations and communicating results to all groups involved in the drop test. CPAS Engineering Development Unit (EDU) series drop test planning begins with the development of a basic operational concept for each test. Trajectory simulation tools include the Flight Analysis and Simulation Tool (FAST) for single bodies, and the Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems (ADAMS) simulation for the mated vehicle. Results are communicated to the team at the Test Configuration Review (TCR) and Test Readiness Review (TRR), as well as at Analysis Integrated Product Team (IPT) meetings in earlier and intermediate phases of the pre-test planning. The ability to plan and communicate efficiently with rapidly changing objectives and tight schedule constraints is a necessity for safe and successful drop tests

    The human ankyrin 1 promoter insulator sustains gene expression in a β-globin lentiviral vector in hematopoietic stem cells.

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    Lentiviral vectors designed for the treatment of the hemoglobinopathies require the inclusion of regulatory and strong enhancer elements to achieve sufficient expression of the β-globin transgene. Despite the inclusion of these elements, the efficacy of these vectors may be limited by transgene silencing due to the genomic environment surrounding the integration site. Barrier insulators can be used to give more consistent expression and resist silencing even with lower vector copies. Here, the barrier activity of an insulator element from the human ankyrin-1 gene was analyzed in a lentiviral vector carrying an antisickling human β-globin gene. Inclusion of a single copy of the Ankyrin insulator did not affect viral titer, and improved the consistency of expression from the vector in murine erythroleukemia cells. The presence of the Ankyrin insulator element did not change transgene expression in human hematopoietic cells in short-term erythroid culture or in vivo in primary murine transplants. However, analysis in secondary recipients showed that the lentiviral vector with the Ankyrin element preserved transgene expression, whereas expression from the vector lacking the Ankyrin insulator decreased in secondary recipients. These studies demonstrate that the Ankyrin insulator may improve long-term β-globin expression in hematopoietic stem cells for gene therapy of hemoglobinopathies

    momHealth: A Feasibility Study of a Multi-behavioral Health Intervention for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescent Mothers

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    Introduction. In 2016, 209,809 babies were born to mothers 15 -19 years of age, for a live birth rate of 20.3 per 1,000 in this age group. Many health issues surround adolescent mothers and their infants, many  which can be addressed through behavioral change. We examined feasibility and acceptability of momHealth, a Multiple Health Behavior Change (MHBC) intervention focused on breastfeeding, healthy eating/active living, and depression prevention among pregnant and parenting adolescents. Methods. We used a one-group quasi-experimental longitudinal design. Nine iPad-delivered education modules, text messaging, and virtual group and individual support were provided for 12 weeks, beginning at 32 weeks of pregnancy with follow-up to 3 months postpartum. Data were collected at three home visits and ten postpartum weekly and biweekly online surveys. Results. Although recruitment and attrition presented challenges, six participants enrolled; all were pregnant with their first child, single, and had a mean age of 17.7 years (SD = 1.4). Intervention participation ranged from 59% to 91% for intervention components and three peer support groups were held. Intervention feasibility was supported by reports of clear and relevant content, reasonable time burden, iPad ease of use, and acceptable intervention length. Data collection was reported as convenient and non-burdensome, but diet recalls and activity monitoring challenged some.    Conclusions. This was the first MHBC research in adolescent pregnant women to improve breastfeeding outcomes, healthy eating/active living, and depression prevention. Findings demonstrated strengths and challenges of the interventions and methods, support feasibility and acceptability of momhealth, and informed a pilot randomized trial.

    Leukocyte Pyruvate Kinase Expression is Reduced in Normal Human Pregnancy but not in Pre-eclampsia

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    Citation Xu Y, Madsen-Bouterse SA, Romero R, Hassan S, Mittal P, Elfline M, Zhu A, Petty HR. Leukocyte pyruvate kinase expression is reduced in normal human pregnancy but not in pre-eclampsia. Am J Reprod Immunol 2010; 64: 137–151Emerging evidence suggests that metabolism influences immune cell signaling and immunoregulation. To examine the immunoregulatory role of glycolysis in pregnancy, we evaluated the properties of pyruvate kinase in leukocytes from non-pregnant women and those with normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia.We evaluated pyruvate kinase expression in lymphocytes and neutrophils from non-pregnant, pregnant, and pre-eclampsia patients using fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Leukocyte pyruvate kinase activity and pyruvate concentrations were also evaluated. To study pyruvate’s effect on signaling, we labeled Jurkat T cells with Ca 2+ dyes and measured cell responses in the presence of agents influencing intracellular pyruvate.The expression of pyruvate kinase is reduced in lymphocytes and neutrophils from normal pregnant women in comparison with those of non-pregnant women and pre-eclampsia patients. Similarly, the activity of pyruvate kinase and the intracellular pyruvate concentration are reduced in leukocytes of normal pregnant women in comparison with non-pregnant women and women with pre-eclampsia. Using Jurkat cells as a model of leukocyte signaling, we have shown that perturbations of intracellular pyruvate influence Ca 2+ signals.Normal pregnancy is characterized by reduced pyruvate kinase expression within lymphocytes and neutrophils. We speculate that reduced pyruvate kinase expression modifies immune cell responses due to reduced pyruvate concentrations.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/79222/1/j.1600-0897.2010.00881.x.pd

    Effects of sedentary behaviour interventions on biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk in adults: systematic review with meta-analyses.

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    CONTEXT/PURPOSE: Observational and acute laboratory intervention research has shown that excessive sedentary time is associated adversely with cardiometabolic biomarkers. This systematic review with meta-analyses synthesises results from free living interventions targeting reductions in sedentary behaviour alone or combined with increases in physical activity. METHODS: Six electronic databases were searched up to August 2019 for sedentary behaviour interventions in adults lasting for ≥7 days publishing cardiometabolic biomarker outcomes covering body anthropometry, blood pressure, glucose and lipid metabolism, and inflammation (54 studies). The pooled effectiveness of intervention net of control on 15 biomarker outcomes was evaluated using random effects meta-analyses in the studies with control groups not providing other relevant interventions (33 studies; 6-25 interventions analysed). RESULTS: Interventions between 2 weeks and 0.05) were also small, and beneficial in direction except for fat-free mass (≈ 0.0 kg). Heterogeneity ranged widely (I2=0.0-72.9). CONCLUSIONS: Our review of interventions targeting sedentary behaviour reductions alone, or combined with increases in physical activity, found evidence of effectiveness for improving some cardiometabolic risk biomarkers to a small degree. There was insufficient evidence to evaluate inflammation or vascular function. Key limitations to the underlying evidence base include a paucity of high-quality studies, interventions lasting for ≥12 months, sensitive biomarkers and clinical study populations (eg, type 2 diabetes). PROSPERO TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: CRD42016041742.PD is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia Fellowship (#1142685) and the UK Medical Research Council [#MC_UU_12015/3]. NO, DD, GH are supported by NHMRC of Australia Fellowships (#1003960, #1078360 & #1086029). The funders had no role in the data analysis or interpretation of the results