365 research outputs found

    Photoacoustic effect in micro- and nanostructures: numerical simulations of Lagrange equations

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    The  work  provides  the  description  of  theoretical  and  numerical  modeling  techniques of thermomechanical effects that take place in absorbing micro- and nanostructures of different materials under the action of pulsed laser radiation. A proposed technique of the numerical simulation is based on the solution of equations of motion of continuous media in the form of Lagrange for spatially inhomogeneous media. This model allows calculating fields of temperature, pressure, density, and velocity of the medium depending on the parameters of laser pulses and the characteristics of micro- and nanostructures.The  work  provides  the  description  of  theoretical  and  numerical  modeling  techniques of thermomechanical effects that take place in absorbing micro- and nanostructures of different materials under the action of pulsed laser radiation. A proposed technique of the numerical simulation is based on the solution of equations of motion of continuous media in the form of Lagrange for spatially inhomogeneous media. This model allows calculating fields of temperature, pressure, density, and velocity of the medium depending on the parameters of laser pulses and the characteristics of micro- and nanostructures

    Unbalanced Renormalization of Tunneling in MOSFET-type Structures in Strong High-Frequency Electric Fields

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    Two-dimensional electron gas coupled to adjacent impurity sites in high-frequency out-of-plane ac control electric field is investigated. Modification of tunneling rates as a function of the field amplitude is calculated. Nonlinear dependence on the ac field strength is reported for the conductivity of two-dimensional electron gas. It develops a periodic peak structure.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Spin wave resonances in antiferromagnets

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    Spin wave resonances with enormously large wave numbers corresponding to wave vectors 10^5-10^6 cm^{-1} are observed in thin plates of FeBO3. The study of spin wave resonances allows one to obtain information about the spin wave spectrum. The temperature dependence of a non-uniform exchange constant is determined for FeBO3. Considerable softening of the magnon spectrum resulting from the interaction of magnons, is observed at temperatures above 1/3 of the Neel temperature. The excitation level of spin wave resonances is found to depend significantly on the inhomogeneous elastic distortions artificially created in the sample. A theoretical model to describe the observed effects is proposed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure


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    The paper analyzes the data available in the literature on sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with oral cancer and shows its advantages over prophylactic neck dissection: less pronounced functional and cosmetic consequences, the possibility of a detailed pathomorphological analysis of removed neck lymph nodes macrospecimens with immunohistochemical studies

    Евтаназія : етичний та кримінально-правовий аспект

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    Романов, С. Ю. Евтаназія : етичний та кримінально-правовий аспект / С. Ю. Романов, Я. О. Триньова // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2002. – Вип. 19. - С. 101-106Зазначено, що сучасне законодавство багатьох країн, у тому числі й України, не передбачає випадки евтаназії, тоді як вона все ж таки зустрічається в практиці лікарів. Була спроба пояснити відсутність законодавчої регламентації такої події, як смерть, всій державі, кожній людині окремо. Отмечено, что современное законодательство многих стран, в том числе и Украины, не предусматривает случаи эвтаназии, тогда как она все же встречается в практике врачей. Была попытка объяснить отсутствие законодательной регламентации такого события, как смерть, всей стране, каждому человеку в отдельности. It is noted that the modern legislation of many countries, including Ukraine, does not provide for cases of euthanasia, while it still occurs in the practice of doctors. There was an attempt to explain the lack of legislative regulation of such an event as death, to the whole country, to each person individually

    Experimental investigation of high-energy photon splitting in atomic fields

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    The new data analysis of the experiment, where the photon splitting in the atomic fields has been observed for the first time, is presented. This experiment was performed at the tagged photon beam of the ROKK-1M facility at the VEPP-4M collider. In the energy region of 120-450 MeV, the statistics of 1.61091.6\cdot 10^9 photons incident on the BGO target was collected. About 400 candidates to the photon splitting events were reconstructed. Within the attained experimental accuracy, the experimental results are consistent with the cross section calculated exactly in an atomic field. The predictions obtained in the Born approximation significantly differ from the experimental results.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, LaTe

    Glutamate May Be an Efferent Transmitter That Elicits Inhibition in Mouse Taste Buds

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    Recent studies suggest that l-glutamate may be an efferent transmitter released from axons innervating taste buds. In this report, we determined the types of ionotropic synaptic glutamate receptors present on taste cells and that underlie this postulated efferent transmission. We also studied what effect glutamate exerts on taste bud function. We isolated mouse taste buds and taste cells, conducted functional imaging using Fura 2, and used cellular biosensors to monitor taste-evoked transmitter release. The findings show that a large fraction of Presynaptic (Type III) taste bud cells (∼50%) respond to 100 µM glutamate, NMDA, or kainic acid (KA) with an increase in intracellular Ca2+. In contrast, Receptor (Type II) taste cells rarely (4%) responded to 100 µM glutamate. At this concentration and with these compounds, these agonists activate glutamatergic synaptic receptors, not glutamate taste (umami) receptors. Moreover, applying glutamate, NMDA, or KA caused taste buds to secrete 5-HT, a Presynaptic taste cell transmitter, but not ATP, a Receptor cell transmitter. Indeed, glutamate-evoked 5-HT release inhibited taste-evoked ATP secretion. The findings are consistent with a role for glutamate in taste buds as an inhibitory efferent transmitter that acts via ionotropic synaptic glutamate receptors