850 research outputs found

    Pricing the Risk-Transfer Financial Instruments via Monte Carlo Methods

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    The paper is devoted to finding the present value of catastrophe bonds using a combination of Monte Carlo and Iterative Stochastic Equation methods. Apart from general methodology, three practical examples of catastrophe bonds connected with earthquakes are also considered. For these examples algorithms in pseudocode with procedures originated from catastrophe simulation software are provided. The methodology presented in this paper maybe also used for other types of risk-transfer financial instruments. Some of these possibilities are described

    CBM Experiment local and global implications

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    The research area of the compressed baryonic matter - CBM experiment (FAIR/GSI in Darmstadt) is sub-nuclear physics, thus hadron-baryon and quark-gluon, and the essence of phase transitions in the area of hot nuclear matter, and dense strongly interacting matter. Our interest in this paper are mainly considerations on the impact of such large infrastructural experiments and possibilities they give to local, smaller but very active, university based research groups and communities. Research and technical input from such groups is depicted on the background of the CBM detector infrastructure and electronic instrumentation just under design and test fabrication for this experiment. An essential input to this research originates from Poland via the agreed  in-kind contribution. The areas of expertise of these groups are: superconductivity, structural large scale cabling, precision machined parts, RF and microwave technology, analog and advanced digital electronics, distributed measurement and control systems, etc

    Influence of educational and professional differentiation on possibilities of human development of the population of Ukraine

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    У статті досліджено питання оцінки впливу соціально-економічної нерівності на можливості людського розвитку в розрізі двох ключових аспектів — інституційного та матеріального, оцінюючи їх вплив на такі види соціально-економічної нерівності: нерівність вотриманні доходів, нерівність у доступі до соціальних зв’язків і послуг, гендерна нерівність, нерівність у доступі до інформації, нерівність в участі та ставленні до суспільної, політичної та громадської діяльності.The aspects of an assessment of influence of a social and economic inequality on possibility of human development in two key aspects — institutional and material are investigated in article. The influence on the following types of a social and economic inequality:inequality in obtaining the income, an inequality in access to social communications and services, a gender inequality, an inequality in access to information, an inequality in participation and the relation to public, political and public work are estimated

    Sustainable management in pecan cultivation in Argentina

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    243-248Pecan nut "Carya illinoinensis" is native from central and western U.S.A. and arrived in Argentina in the nineteenth century. The difference with other nuts is that it presents an 80 percent oil composition, with polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and 6 that help to reduce cholesterol and also prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease. It contains an antioxidant: vitamin E, and has a high content of fibre that helps to prevent colon cancer. Reduces bad cholesterol, helps keep blood pressure low and is recommended especially for patients with cancer and cardiac problems. A pecan sustainable farming system intends to be productive but at the same time, to preserve enviromental quality, favouring the use of biological practices over chemical inputs. Surface application of compost to pecan trees, is a common practice in organic orcharding. The objectives of the work were to compare compost and vermicompost with liquid fertilizer and a control without fertilization in a completely random block design with four replications, in a one-year crop with a planting frame of 8m x 8m. The application of organic amendments produced statistically significant changes in soil properties with reference to inorganic fertilizer, especially in the total carbon, microbial biomass carbon and phosphorus. Compost and vermicompost treatments produced statistically significant increases in factors related to production as tree height and diameter

    Towards the Data Processing Boards for CBM experiment

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    Synthesis and characterisation of nanocrystalline ZrN PVD coatings on AISI 430 stainless steel

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    The nanocrystalline films of zirconium nitride have been synthesized using ion-plasma vacuum-arc deposition technique in combination with high-frequency discharge (RF) on AISI 430 stainless steel at 150oC. Structure examinations X-ray fluorescent analysis (XRF), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with microanalysis (EDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nanoidentation method – were performed to study phase and chemical composition, surface morphology, microstructure and nanohardness of coatings. The developed technology provided low-temperature coatings synthesis, minimized discharge breakdown decreasing formation of macroparticles (MPs) and allowed to deposit ZrN coatings with hardness variation 26.6…31.5 GPa. It was revealed that ZrN single-phase coatings of cubic modification with finecrystalline grains of 20 nm in size were formed


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    The paper presents blocking algorithm for current protection during inrush process. The algorithm is based on the evaluation of the ratio of the positive sequence second harmonic current to the negative sequence first harmonic current.Представлен алгоритм блокировки токовых защит при броске тока намагничивания, реализуемый на основе оценки отношения тока прямой последовательности второй гармоники к току обратной последовательности первой гармоники