32 research outputs found


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    The paper presents the results of research on the presence in genomes of pea hybrid materials of the DNA regions complementary to the primers that are associated with the biochemical characteristics and resistance to powdery mildew.В работе представлены результаты исследований гибридного материала гороха овощного на наличие в их геномах участков ДНК, комплементарных ряду праймеров, связанных с биохимическими характеристиками и устойчивостью к настоящей муч нистой росе

    L-Arginine and arterial hypertension: antihypertensive and metabolic effects

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    The effectiveness of antihypertensive treatment remains at a low level despite of numerous antihypertensives. Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension (AH). It is synthesized from L-arginine in the presence of endothelial NOsynthase but the practical use of the above mentioned amino acid in the treatment of AH remains uncertain. In this study a total of 80 adult patients (men and women in equivalent amounts) with AH II stage were recruited. The whole group of patients was divided into 2 subgroups according to the prescribed antihypertensive pharmacotherapy: 1st subgroup (n=40) used Valsartan 0.08 g per os once a day in the morning + Amlodipinum 0.005 g per os once a day in the evening; 2nd subgroup (n=40) in addition to the above mentioned medicines used L-arginine 1.0 g three times a day before meal. To estimate the efficacy of treatment and its metabolic effects were evaluated the following parameters: systolic and diastolic blood pressure, glucose, total cholesterol, high- and low- density lipoproteins, triglycerides. The period of clinical observation was 30 days. All patients had different neurological complaints, such as: anxiety, headache, loss of concentration, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue. At the end of clinical observation their quantity and expressiveness decreased, especially in the 2nd group. One patient even required lower dose of L-arginine (2.0 g/day) because of the significant daytime sleepiness. After the correction of pharmacotherapy this complaint disappeared. In 5 patients the use of L-arginine before meal caused gastrointestinal disorders, such as nausea, flatulence and epigastric discomfort. That is why they began to use this medicine during or after meal. Such change in the treatment didn’t reduce the effectiveness of Larginine. In 30 days the levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased, especially in the 2nd group of comparison (p<0.05). The effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy in the 1st group was 78%, the optimal levels of blood pressure were achieved after 12-14 days of treatment. Patients of the 2nd group achieved stable levels of blood pressure in 10-12 days, but in 10 patients the dose of Amlodipin was reduced to 0.0025 mg/day because of the threat of hypotension. In this study had not found any effects of L-arginine on levels of glucose, total cholesterol, high- and low- density lipoproteins, triglycerides (p>0.05). Absence of significant effect of Larginine on the levels of blood glucose and lipids allows to use it in patients with different risk factors or comorbid pathology

    Cs(I) and Sr(II) Sorption onto Graphene Oxide

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    <p>This article demonstrates the efficacy of graphene oxide (GO) for Cs(I) and Sr(II) removal from aqueous solutions in the presence of competing cations. The interaction mechanisms of Cs(I) and Sr(II) with GO were studied at varying pHs, ionic strengths, and solution compositions. Thermal treatment was studied as a possible approach to minimize the volume of secondary radioactive waste, and cumulative pre-concentration factors were recorded for both cations.</p

    Regulatory effects on voluntary breathing in patients with controlled and uncontrolled course of bronchial asthma

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    З метою визначення регуляторних впливів на довільне дихання проведений аналіз результатів дослідження варіабельності довільного дихання 86 пацієнтів, хворих на бронхіальну астму. Аналіз проводився з урахуванням клінічного перебігу бронхіальної астми. Показано, що у пацієнтів з контрольованим та неконтрольованим перебігом бронхіальної астми відзначаються істотні відмінності від практично здорових осіб та характерні особливості регуляторного забезпечення функції дихання, пов’язані із перебігом, які свідчить про важкість бронхіальної астми. До них слід віднести збільшення загальної потужності дихання – ТРдих (л/хв)2 та потужності дихання у понаднизькочастотному діапазоні – VLFдих (л/хв)2, а також відносне зменшення активності регуляторних впливів у низькочастотному діапазоні – LFдих (л/хв)2.In order to determine the regulatory effects on involuntary breathing, an analysis of the results of the study of the variability of the involuntary breathing of 86 patients with bronchial asthma was performed. The analysis was conducted taking into account the clinical course of bronchial asthma. Patients with controlled and uncontrolled course of bronchial asthma have been shown to have significant differences from virtually healthy individuals and to the characteristic features of the regulatory function of respiratory associated with the course, which indicate the severity of bronchial asthma. These include an increase in total breathing power – ТРдих (l/min)2 and breathing power in the low-frequency range – VLFдих (l/min)2, as well as a relative decrease in the activity of regulatory actions in the low-frequency range – LFдих (l/min)2


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    The paper presents the results of research on the presence in genomes of pea hybrid materials of the DNA regions complementary to the primers that are associated with the biochemical characteristics and resistance to powdery mildew

    Sensorimotor effects of the sulpiride use in the complex of antihypertensive therapy in primary arterial hypertension

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    Primary arterial hypertension (PAH) is one of the most widespread cardiovascular diseases. High blood pressure affects the structures of target organs, especially neurons in the brain cortex, neuro-muscular synapses and autonomic ganglia. Their damage causes various neurological disorders and dysfunction of sensory function in patients with PAH. At the University Clinic of Odessa National Medical University (Center of Restorative and Reconstructive Medicine) were examined and treated 80 patients (men and women in equal numbers) diagnosed PAH II stage 2-3 degree. The patients were divided into two groups, randomized by sex, age and clinical manifestations of PAH: 1st group (n=40) was prescribed the following pharmacotherapy – Bisiprolol 2.5 mg (once a day at 8 PM), Perindopril arginine 2.5 mg (once a day at 8 AM) and Indapamidum 625 mkg (once a day at 8 AM); 2nd group (n=40) in addition to the abovementioned antihypertensive medicines was prescribed Sulpiridum 30 mg (once a day at 7 PM). All patients were tested with Computer measuring movements – 3 (CMM-3) before, 10 and 20 days after the beginning of the regular antihypertensive therapy. Then the obtained data was mathematically analyzed and the conclusion about the state of sensorimotor structures at the central, peripheral and synaptic levels was made. Each patient had one or more of the next complaints: insomnia, depression, tearfulness, mood lability, anxiety and muscle fatigue during moderate physical activity. These disturbances were more expressed in the patients of the 2nd group. At the end of the period of clinical observation the state of patients much more improved, especially in the 2nd group. This may be due to the normalization of dopaminergic transmission caused by Sulpiridum. Furthermore, the anxiolytic effect of this neuroleptic allowed to achieve normal levels of blood pressure in 75% patients in the 2nd group, while in the 1st group it was gained only in 60% of patients. PAH causes the dysregulation of central, peripheral and synaptic structures of sensorimotor function: the first of them are accelerated, the second - balanced, and the third – slower. This explains the clinical manifestations of PAH – anxiety, emotional lability and slowness of movements. High speed of neuromuscular transmission, combined with the normal synaptic function, makes it possible to classify patients with PAH as “overtired type”. Clinically it manifests as exercise intolerance, which was not caused by cardiovascular and musculoskeletal problems. Dynamics of CMM-3 parameters in the process of clinical observation demonstrates that addition of Sulpiridum to the complex pharmacotherapy of PAH eliminates the psychopathological symptoms, improves synaptic and slower neuromuscular transmission. Low doses of Sulpiridum (30 mg) allow to improve the clinical state of patients and do not cause serious side effects. Thus, prescription of the studied neuroleptic in the complex antihypertensive treatment of persons with anxiety and depression helps achieve normal level of blood pressure, normalize nervous activity and the sensorimotor function

    Сучасні досягнення валеології та спортивної медицини

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    Збірник матеріалів науково-практичної конференції містить роботи провідних фахівців у галузі валеології, спортивної медицини, лікувальної фізкультури, фізичного виховання та практичної охорони здоров'я. Наведені результати використання нових діагностичних та лікувальних технологій у повсякденній роботі, а також досягнення фундаментальних досліджень у галузі валеології. У збірнику широко представлені матеріали, які розкривають шляхи розв'язання актуальних проблем фізичної підготовки та здоров'я різних груп населення