98 research outputs found

    Materia Gris. : La apasionante historia del conocimiento del cerebro

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    A book is always the creation of a space-time that transports to a unique, imaginative, emotional, reflective, personal universe, proposed by the author and completed by the reader.Un libro siempre es la creación de un espacio-tiempo que transport­a a un universo único, imaginativo, emocional, reflexivo, personal, p­ropuesto por el autor y completado por el lector

    La Neuropsicología en Latinoamérica: hacia una época de redes y colaboraciones…

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    The search for the relationship between the brain and the mind is as old as the world. Plato and Hippocrates (400 BC) thought that the brain was the basis of thought. But, Aristotle a century later convinced that the heart was the seat of the mental process and this lasted several centuries. After the medieval obscurantism in the 18th century, phrenology by Franz Gall (1758-1828) appeared. Although he was the first to relate behaviors to brain centers and the shape of the skull (neuropsychology), it was considered at the time as quackery. Later, with the classic description of Paul Broca (1824-1880) on aphasia, due to a left frontal lesion, Neuropsychology was born in France. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)La búsqueda de la relación entre el cerebro y la mente es tan vieja como el mundo, ya Platón e Hipócrates (400ac) pensaban que el cerebro era la base del pensamiento. Pero, Aristóteles un siglo después convenció que el corazón era el asiento del proceso mental y esto perduro varios siglos. Después del oscurantismo medieval en el siglo xviii aparece la frenología de Franz Gall (1758-1828), quien si bien fue el primero en relacionar las conductas a centros cerebrales y a la forma del cráneo (neuropsicología) se le consideró en la época como charlatanería. Posteriormente, con la clásica descripción de Paul Broca (1824-1880) sobre la afasia, debido a una lesión frontal izquierda, nace en Francia la Neuropsicología

    World Health Organization have just launched a Blueprint for Dementia Research.: Some notes to boost dementia research in Latin America….

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    Dementia is the most important cause of disability and dependency in older adults and currently affects more than 55 million people, 60% of whom live in Low- and Middle-­Income Countries (LMIC). The number of people with dementia with increasing life expectancy will grow globally in the coming years, but even more in LMIC such as the Latin American (LA) countries

    Double-average mean flow and local turbulence intensity profiles from PIV measurements for an open channel flow with rigid vegetation

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    This contribution presents particle image velocimetry measurements for an open channel stationary uniform and fully developed flow of water over a horizontal flat bed of uniform glass beads in presence of a staggered array of vertical cylindrical stems. The main objective was to explore and quantify the influence of the stems-to-flow relative submergence, h v /h, over the mean flow and local turbulence intensities. A comparison with measurements for the non-vegetated flow over the same granular bed is presented. Results indicate a remarkable influence of h v /h over the whole flow field. The time-average mean flow presents a strong spatial variation in the layer of the flow occupied by the stems. The local velocity fluctuations are strongly affected by the presence of the stems, with regions in between the stems where they reach peaks that are several times larger than those encountered in the flow in absence of vegetation. The turbulence intensity profiles are noticeably different when compared to those measured in the non-vegetated flow conditions. From previous works it was possible to derive an equation for the mean velocity, U v , of the flow through the vegetated layer of height h v . The prediction of this equation is in good agreement with the uniform value for the double-average longitudinal velocity profile in this layer. A final brief discussion about the possible impact of these vegetated-flow features on the sediment transport is presented.Fil: Martino, Román Gustavo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física. Grupo de Medios Porosos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Paterson, A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Hidráulica; ArgentinaFil: Piva, Marcelo Fabian. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física. Grupo de Medios Porosos; Argentin

    Avalanches of grains with inhomogeneous distribution of inner mass

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    We study the stability of granular systems constituted by particles with inhomogeneous distribution of inner mass, which is a factor that has not been previously analyzed. In particular, we report experimental results concerning the stability of two-dimensional piles of hollow plexiglass cylinders containing an inserted smaller metal rod. These particles partially fill a rough-edged drum whose rotation produces successive avalanches. The distribution of the maximum angle of stability, the angle of repose, and the avalanche size are analyzed for systems in which the inserts are fixed or free to move. We reveal two interesting effects related to the nonuniform inner mass distribution. On the one hand, the disorder in the array of the center of mass, enhanced in the system of particles with a fixed insert, decreases the stability of the pile. On the other hand, both mobile or fixed inserts lead to larger erosion of the free surface once the avalanche is triggered.Fil: Piva, Marcelo Fabian. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física. Grupo de Medios Porosos; ArgentinaFil: Martino, Román Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física. Grupo de Medios Porosos; ArgentinaFil: Geminard, J.. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. Laboratoire de Physique; FranciaFil: Aguirre, Maria Alejandra. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física. Grupo de Medios Porosos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Experimental study on the scour due to a water jet subjected to lateral confinement

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    The effect of lateral confinement due to very close side walls, on erosion caused by a water jet issuing from a rectangular sluice aperture, has been studied experimentally in a narrow laboratory flume. Velocimetry (PIV) in presence of a smooth, no erodible bottom, revealed self-similar velocity profiles with the structure of a wall jet, but upward-shifted with respect to the classical two-dimensional profile. The classical definition of the Shields number was modified, to include the influence of the relative roughness and the inlet aspect ratio. This last coefficient was also relevant in the definition of a suitable length scale to account for the effect of the lateral confinement. Scour patterns in the narrow flume have also shown differences with respect to erosion by two-dimensional wall jets: the downstream mound undergoes a morphological transition, from triangular to trapezoidal, at the early stage of the scour development, and grains move downhill driven by gravity inside the granular wedge, in a regime of steady recirculation (SR). Above this regime, a digging–refilling (DR) cycle, with periods of the order of seconds, triggers at a well-defined Shields number.Fil: Martino, Román Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física. Grupo de Medios Porosos; ArgentinaFil: Ciani, Francisco García (EXT). Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física. Grupo de Medios Porosos; ArgentinaFil: Paterson, Agnes (EXT). Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Hidráulica; ArgentinaFil: Piva, Marcelo Fabian. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física. Grupo de Medios Porosos; Argentin

    On the critical amplitude in oscillating rolling element bearings

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    Small oscillating amplitudes (~0. 1°) and larger (> 1°) can both lead to wear, w hich complicates the evaluation of the operating conditions. In this work, a simulation model is used to discuss critical amplitudes. The parametric study, which includes 125 simulations, shows the effect of load and coefficient of friction on the frictional work density for amplitudes ranging from 0.1 to 2.5°. The study concludes that the frictional work density increases with the oscillating amplitude up to a certain point, where it becomes almost constant in relation to the amplitude. This point is reached when the amplitude is so large that a continuous overlapping of the contact zone no longer occurs. It is precisely this point that marks the critical oscillation amplitude

    Digestibilidad, cinética ruminal y metabolitos sanguíneos en corderos alimentados con Samanea saman y Cordia dentata

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    Colombian sheep production is carried out in extensive pastures with a low percentage of protein and high fiber levels that lead to low weight gains. The aim of this study was to evaluate intake, digestibility, rumen kinetics, and blood metabolites in hair lambs fed Samanea saman and Cordia dentata. Twelve hair lambs were distributed in an experimental 4x4 Latin square design, with four treatments and four experimental periods. Treatments were T1:100 % Dichanthium spp hay, T2: 80 % Dichanthium spp hay, 20 % S. saman, T3: 80 % Dichanthium spp hay, 20 % C. dentata, T4: 80 % Dichanthium spp hay, 10 % S. saman, and 10 % C. dentata. The highest nutrients intakes were obtained with diets containing tree foliage compared with the T1 diet (p< 0,05). In vivo and In vitro digestibility of DM, OM and, NDF of tree leaves diets showed higher values than the T1 diet (p<0,05). Digestible and metabolizable energy were similar between tree leaves diets (p<0,05). Blood urea nitrogen values were superior for animals fed the T2 diet (p<0,05). Degradability values at 96 hours were higher for the T2 diet (p<0,05). Potential degradability was superior for the T3 diet. The results of this study demonstrate that S. saman and C. dentata leaves improve nutrients intake and digestibility. Therefore, they can be an alternative for sheep in the tropical dry forest.La producción ovina colombiana se realiza en pastos extensivos con bajo porcentaje de proteína y altos niveles de fibra que conducen a bajas ganancias de peso. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el consumo, digestibilidad, cinética ruminal y metabolitos sanguíneos en corderos de pelo alimentados con Samanea saman y Cordia dentata.  Se distribuyeron doce corderos de pelo en un diseño experimental cuadrado latino 4x4, con cuatro tratamientos y cuatro períodos experimentales. Los tratamientos fueron T1: 100 % Dichanthium spp, T2: 80 % Dichanthium spp, 20 % de S. saman, T3: 80 % de Dichanthium spp, 20 % de C. dentata, T4: 80 % de Dichanthium spp, 10 % de S. saman y 10 % C. dentata. Las mayores ingestas de nutrientes se obtuvieron con dietas que contenían follaje arbóreo (p<0,05). La digestibilidad in vivo e in vitro de MS, MO y FDN de las dietas con follaje arbóreo mostro valores más altos que la dieta T1 (p<0,05). La energía digestible y metabolizable fue similar entre las dietas con follaje arbóreo (p<0,05). Los valores de nitrógeno ureico en sangre fueron superiores para los animales alimentados con dieta T2 (p<0,05). Los valores de degradabilidad a las 96 horas fueron mayores para la dieta T2 (p<0,05). La degradabilidad potencial fue superior para la dieta T3. Los resultados de este estudio demuestran que el follaje de S. saman y C. dentata mejoran el consumo y la digestibilidad

    Prácticas artísticas, tecnología y cultura visual

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    Título del libro: PRÁCTICAS ARTÍSTICAS, TECNOLOGÍA Y CULTURA VISUAL de los autores Giménez Gatto, Fabián; Díaz Zepeda, Alejandra; Chávez Mondragón, Hugo; Aguilar San Roman, Ma. de los Ángeles; Marcos Carretero, María del Mar; López Velarde Fonseca, Vicente; con fecha de publicación del año 2014-12, con el apoyo para edición de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de MéxicoPIFI 201