1,210 research outputs found

    A Tale of Two Vices: An Applied Economic Analysis of Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption

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    Comparing Responses from Internet and Paper-Based Collection Methods in more Complex Stated Preference Environmental Valuation Surveys

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    Internet surveys are becoming an increasing popular survey collection method because collection times are quicker and survey costs are lower than other collection techniques. Many studies have been conducted overseas to compare the effects of survey collection modes with results still remaining inconsistent. Fewer studies have compared collection methods for nonmarket valuation surveys, particularly for the more complex stated preference, choice modelling surveys. In this study, a comparison of internet and paper-based surveys is made to determine if the results for overseas studies can be replicated in Australia. The valuation exercise was to elicit values from Brisbane respondents for future improvements in the environmental condition of the Great Barrier Reef. The results indicate that there were some socio-demographic and attitudinal differences between the two samples and the models developed to explain the influence on choice selection were also significantly different. However, no differences in value estimates were found in the final results; household willingness to pay for an improvement in the condition of the GBR was equivalent across collection methods.collection method, drop-off/pick-up, nonmarket valuation, choice modelling experiment

    Testing for value stability with a meta-analysis of choice experiments: River health in Australia

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    While meta-analysis is typically used to identify value estimates for benefit transfer, applications also provide insights into the potential influence of design, study and methodological factors on results of non-market valuation experiments. In this paper, a metaanalysis of sixteen separate choice modelling studies in Australia with 130 individual value estimates relating to river health are reported. The studies involved different measures and scales of river health, so consistency was generated by transforming implicit prices from each study into a common standard of WTP per kilometer of river in good health. Tobit models have been used to identify the relationships between the dependent variable (WTP/km) and a number of variables. The results demonstrate that values are sensitive to marginal effects, with lower WTP/km for larger catchments, and higher WTP/km when river health is in decline. Values are also lower when river health has been defined by a subset of benefit types, such as recreation uses, vegetation health, fish health or bird populations. While there is evidence that the framing of the choice sets and descriptions of attributes have systematic impacts on values, there is very little evidence that choice dimensions, collection methods, sample sizes, response rates, statistical methods or publication status have influenced value estimates. Tests of apparent author effects show that these become insignificant when other explanatory variables are included in the models.non-market valuation, choice modelling, meta analysis, river health, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Assessing community values for reducing agricultural emissions to improve water quality and protect coral health in the Great Barrier Reef

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    Key policy issues relating to protection of the Great Barrier Reef from pollutants generated by agriculture are to identify when measures to improve water quality generate benefits to society that outweigh the costs of reducing pollutants. The research reported in this paper makes a key contribution in several key ways. First, it uses the improved science understanding about the links between management changes and reef health to bring together the analysis of costs and benefits of marginal changes, helping to demonstrate the appropriate way of addressing policy questions relating to reef protection. Second, it uses the scientific relationships to frame a choice experiment to value the benefits of improved reef health, and links improvements explicitly to changes in ‘water quality units’. Third, the research demonstrates how protection values are consistent across a broader population, with some limited evidence of distance effects. Fourth, the information on marginal costs and benefits that are reported provide policy makers with key information to help improve management decisions. The results indicate that while there is potential for water quality improvements to generate net benefits, high cost water quality improvements are generally uneconomic. One implication for policy makers is that cost thresholds for key pollutants should be set to avoid more expensive water quality proposals being selectedEnvironmental Economics and Policy,

    Testing for differences in benefit transfer values between state and regional frameworks

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    Policy makers are often interested in transferring non-market estimates of environmental values from a ‘source’ study to predict economic values at a ‘target’ site. While most applications of the benefit transfer process involve an opportunistic search for suitable source studies, there are some examples available of more systematic approaches to developing a framework of values for benefit transfer processes. A key issue in developing such a framework is to deal with adjustment factors, where value estimates might vary systematically according to the context of the trade-offs. Previous research has identified that large differences in scope, such as between national and regional contexts, do affect values and hence benefit transfer. The research reported in this paper indicates that such differences are not significant for smaller scope variations, such as between state and regional contexts. These results provide some promise that systematic databases for benefit transfer can be developed.benefit transfer, choice modelling, environmental valuation, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Can Regional NRM arrangements reduce net transaction costs by increasing social capital?

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    In Australia significant resources are invested into Regional NRM arrangements where some authority and decision-making responsibilities are devolved to Regional NRM groups. However, little empirical evidence is available to guide policymakers in determining whether investments in such a governance regime will yield optimal outcomes. In this paper, we focus on exploring whether the Regional NRM model may result in a reduction in net transaction costs by generating social capital. By improving levels of trust and cooperation, and minimising levels of conflict between various stakeholders involved in NRM activities, costs such as those associated with monitoring and compliance can potentially be reduced. Evidence from a survey of landholders involved with NRM programs run by the Regional NRM group in the Central Queensland region suggests that social capital is generated under the Regional NRM governance model.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Assessing national values to protect the health of the Great Barrier Reef

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the values to protect the health of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) at the national level and to examine the effects of distance decay on valuation estimates. A split-sample choice-modelling experiment was conducted in six locations: a regional town within the GBR catchment area (Townsville); Brisbane, the state capital approximately 450 km from the southern limit of the GBR; and four other capital cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth) ranging from nearly 1,000 km to over 4,000 km from Brisbane. The results suggest that the average WTP across Australian households is $21.68 per household per annum for five years. There was some evidence of distance decay in values. Most decline occurred once outside the home state, and little further decline once away from the east coast. There was no evidence to suggest any difference in patterns of use and non-use values. The values of the potential future users were most influential in determining WTP estimates.Distance decay, Iconic resources, Choice modelling experiment, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q51, Q57,

    Developing a benefit transfer database for environmental values in Queensland

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    made in one situation to related circumstances. The benefit transfer process is typically reliant on the availability of a number of source studies which have appropriate levels of reliability and relevance to the issue of interest. However, the limited number of non-market valuation studies to draw on for source values currently limits the benefit transfer process. In this paper, an alternative approach to benefit transfer is outlined where a series of valuation studies were specifically performed to build a reference data base of values for benefit transfer purposes. The choice modelling technique was used to estimate community values for protecting soil, water and vegetation stocks in Queensland, Australia, where both state and regional populations were surveyed to generate value estimates in a variety of contexts. The results provide a database where government and natural resource management agencies can access generic estimates of environmental values.benefit transfer, environmental valuation, choice modelling, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Assessing community values for reducing agricultural emissions to improve water quality and protect coral health in the Great Barrier Reef

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    Key policy issues relating to protection of the Great Barrier Reef from pollutants generated by agriculture are to identify when measures to improve water quality generate benefits to society that outweigh the costs of reducing pollutants. The research reported in this paper makes a key contribution in several key ways. First, it uses the improved science understanding about the links between management changes and reef health to bring together the analysis of costs and benefits of marginal changes, helping to demonstrate the appropriate way of addressing policy questions relating to reef protection. Second, it uses the scientific relationships to frame a choice experiment to value the benefits of improved reef health, and links improvements explicitly to changes in ‘water quality units’. Third, the research demonstrates how protection values are consistent across a broader population, with some limited evidence of distance effects. Fourth, the information on marginal costs and benefits that are reported provide policy makers with key information to help improve management decisions. The results indicate that while there is potential for water quality improvements to generate net benefits, high cost water quality improvements are generally uneconomic. One implication for policy makers is that cost thresholds for key pollutants should be set to avoid more expensive water quality proposals being selected.Choice modelling experiment, attribute definition, input output definition, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q. 15, Q51, Q57,

    Comparing responses from web and paper-based collection modes in a choice modelling experiment

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    Comparing responses from web and paper-based collection modes in a choice modelling experimentweb-based surveys, internet surveys, paper-based surveys, stated preference, collection mode, choice experiments, Environmental Economics and Policy,
