24 research outputs found

    A 4-year follow-up of patients with medication-overuse headache previously included in a randomized multicentre study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcome in 61 patients with medication-overuse headache (MOH) who 4 years previously had been included in a randomized open-label prospective multicentre study. Sixty patients still alive after 4 years were invited to a follow-up investigation. Fifty patients (83%) participated. Sixteen visited a neurologist, 22 were interviewed through telephone, 2 gave response by a letter, and 10 were evaluated through hospital records. The influence of baseline characteristics on outcome 4 years later was evaluated by non-parametric tests. p values below 0.01 were considered significant. At follow-up, the 50 persons had a mean reduction of 6.5 headache days/month (p < 0.001) and 9.5 acute headache medication days/month (p < 0.001) compared to baseline. Headache index/month was reduced from 449 to 321 (p < 0.001). Sixteen persons (32%) were considered as responders due to a ≥50% reduction in headache frequency from baseline, whereas 17 (34%) persons met the criteria for MOH. None of the baseline characteristics consistently influenced all five outcome measures. Total Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) score at baseline was predictors (p < 0.005) for being a responder after 4 years. At 4 years’ follow-up, one-third of the 50 MOH patients had ≥50% reduction in headache frequency from baseline. A low total HADS score at baseline was associated with the most favorable outcome

    Hyperoxia increases the uptake of 5-fluorouracil in mammary tumors independently of changes in interstitial fluid pressure and tumor stroma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hypoxia is associated with increased resistance to chemo- and radiation-therapy. Hyperoxic treatment (hyperbaric oxygen) has previously been shown to potentiate the effect of some forms of chemotherapy, and this has been ascribed to enhanced cytotoxicity or neovascularisation. The aim of this study was to elucidate whether hyperoxia also enhances any actual uptake of 5FU (5-fluorouracil) into the tumor tissue and if this can be explained by changes in the interstitium and extracellular matrix.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>One group of tumor bearing rats was exposed to repeated hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment (2 bar, pO<sub>2 </sub>= 2 bar, 4 exposures à 90 min), whereas one group was exposed to one single identical HBO treatment. Animals housed under normal atmosphere (1 bar, pO<sub>2 </sub>= 0.2 bar) served as controls. Three doses of 5FU were tested for dose response. Uptake of [<sup>3</sup>H]-5FU in the tumor was assessed, with special reference to factors that might have contributed, such as interstitial fluid pressure (P<sub>if</sub>), collagen content, oxygen stress (measured as malondialdehyd levels), lymphatics and transcapillary transport in the tumors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The uptake of the cytostatic agent increases immediately after a single HBO treatment (more than 50%), but not 24 hours after the last repeated HBO treatment. Thus, the uptake is most likely related to the transient increase in oxygenation in the tumor tissue. Factors like tumor P<sub>if </sub>and collagen content, which decreased significantly in the tumor interstitium after repeated HBO treatment, was without effect on the drug uptake.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We showed that hyperoxia increases the uptake of [<sup>3</sup>H]-5FU in DMBA-induced mammary tumors <it>per se</it>, independently of changes in P<sub>if</sub>, oxygen stress, collagen fibril density, or transendothelial transport alone. The mechanism by which such an uptake occur is still not elucidated, but it is clearly stimulated by elevated pO<sub>2</sub>.</p

    A qualitative description of telemedicine for acute stroke care in Norway: technology is not the issue

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    BACKGROUND: To assist small hospitals in providing advanced stroke treatment, the Norwegian Directorate of Health has recommended telemedicine services. Telestroke enables specialists to examine patients via videoconferencing supplemented by teleradiology and to provide decision support to local health care personnel. There is evidence that telestroke increases thrombolysis rates. In Norway, telemedicine has mainly been used in non-critical situations. The first telestroke trials took place in 2008. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of telestroke trials and today’s status with telestroke in Norway. Based on the divergent experience from two health regions in Norway, the paper discusses crucial factors for the integration of telestroke in clinical practice. METHODS: This is a descriptive study based on multiple methods to obtain an overview of the practice and experience with telestroke in Norway. A Web and literature search for ‘telestroke in Norway’ was performed and compared with a survey of telemedicine services at the country's largest hospitals. These findings were supplemented by interviews with key personnel involved in telestroke in two of four health regions, as well as hospital field observations and log data of telestroke transmissions from five of the hospitals involved. RESULTS: In Norway, experience in telemedicine for acute stroke care is limited. At the beginning of 2014, three of four regional health authorities were working with telestroke projects and services. Integration of the service in practice is challenging, with varying experience. The problems are not attributed to the technology in itself, but to organization (availability of staff on duty 24/7 and surveillance of the systems), motivation of staff, logistics (patient delay), and characteristics of the buildings (lack of space). CONCLUSIONS: Prerequisites for successful integration of telestroke in clinical practice include realization of the collaboration potential in the technology with consistent procedures for training and triage, availability of the equipment, and providing advice beyond questions concerning thrombolysis

    Effect of intranasal oxytocin on alcohol withdrawal syndrome: A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial

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    Background In a pilot study, intranasal oxytocin was demonstrated to reduce the benzodiazepine dose needed to relieve withdrawal symptoms during alcohol detoxification. The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of oxytocin and placebo during a three-day period of alcohol detoxification at an addiction treatment center in Norway. Methods Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with 40 patients fulfilling criteria for ICD-10 diagnosis of alcohol dependence (F10.2), admitted for alcohol detoxification and withdrawal treatment. The benzodiazepine oxazepam was given as symptom-triggered treatment based on the scores of the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol revised (CIWA-Ar) scale. Participants were randomized to receive either intranasal oxytocin (24 IU twice daily) or placebo. Primary outcome: Oxazepam dose required to complete a three-day course of detoxification. Secondary outcomes: Scores of the CIWA-Ar, the 10-item Hopkins Symptom Check List (HSCL-10), and self-reported total number of hours of sleep. Results The mean total oxazepam dose (± standard deviation) was 56.8 ± 72.8 mg in the oxytocin group and 79.0 ± 122.9 in the placebo group (p = 0.490; difference -22.3 mg; 95% confidence interval (CI) -86.9 to +42.4 mg). The findings were inconclusive as to whether a difference in the CIWA-Ar score (5.94 ± 3.86 vs. 6.48 ± 3.92; p = 0.665) or in any of the other secondary outcomes was present. No serious adverse events were reported. Conclusion Compared to placebo, intranasal oxytocin did not significantly reduce the oxazepam dose needed to complete a 3-day course of alcohol detoxification and withdrawal treatment

    Protein expression profiling of plasma and lungs at different stages of metastatic development in a human triple negative breast cancer xenograft model.

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    The main objective of this study was to identify single proteins or protein networks that might be used as diagnostic biomarkers or for therapeutic purposes by evaluating the protein expression profiling of plasma and lungs at different stages of metastatic development in a human triple negative MDA-MB-231 breast cancer xenograft model. MDA-MB-231 tumour cells were injected into the mammary fat pads on one side of the groin area. The mice were sacrificed day 19 (pre-metastases) and day 54 (metastases). Non-injected mice served as controls. Plasma was collected and lungs harvested for both immunohistochemistry and protein analysis. The most striking observation in plasma was the initial reduction in haptoglobin level at the pre-metastatic stage, to a following significant increase in haptoglobin level at the metastatic stage, with a more than 4000-fold increase from the pre-metastatic to the metastatic phase. A corresponding increase in haptoglobin level was also found in lung tissue after metastasis. Fibrinogen beta chain also had a similar change in expression level in plasma as haptoglobin, however not as prominent. There were also changes in plasma thrombospondin-4 and transferrin receptor protein 1 levels, from an increase at the pre-metastatic stage, to a significant fall when metastases were established. This suggests that especially changes in haptoglobin, but also fibrinogen beta chain, thrombospondin-4 and transferrin receptor protein 1 is indicative of metastasis, at least in this breast cancer model, and should be further evaluated as general breast cancer biomarkers

    Stromal integrin α11-deficiency reduces interstitial fluid pressure and perturbs collagen structure in triple-negative breast xenograft tumors

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    Abstract Background Cancer progression is influenced by a pro-tumorigenic microenvironment. The aberrant tumor stroma with increased collagen deposition, contractile fibroblasts and dysfunctional vessels has a major impact on the interstitial fluid pressure (PIF) in most solid tumors. An increased tumor PIF is a barrier to the transport of interstitial fluid into and within the tumor. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms that regulate pressure homeostasis can lead to new insight into breast tumor progression, invasion and response to therapy. The collagen binding integrin α11β1 is upregulated during myofibroblast differentiation and expressed on fibroblasts in the tumor stroma. As a collagen organizer and a probable link between contractile fibroblasts and the complex collagen network in tumors, integrin α11β1 could be a potential regulator of tumor PIF. Methods We investigated the effect of stromal integrin α11-deficiency on pressure homeostasis, collagen organization and tumor growth using orthotopic and ectopic triple-negative breast cancer xenografts (MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468) in wild type and integrin α11-deficient mice. PIF was measured by the wick-in-needle technique, collagen by Picrosirius Red staining and electron microscopy, and uptake of radioactively labeled 5FU by microdialysis. Further, PIF in heterospheroids composed of MDA-MB-231 cells and wild type or integrin α11-deficient fibroblasts was measured by micropuncture. Results Stromal integrin α11-deficiency decreased PIF in both the orthotopic breast cancer models. A concomitant perturbed collagen structure was seen, with fewer aligned and thinner fibrils. Integrin α11-deficiency also impeded MDA-MB-231 breast tumor growth, but no effect was observed on drug uptake. No effects were seen in the ectopic model. By investigating the isolated effect of integrin α11-positive fibroblasts on MDA-MB-231 cells in vitro, we provide evidence that PIF regulation was mediated by integrin α11-positive fibroblasts. Conclusion We hereby show the importance of integrin α11β1 in pressure homeostasis in triple-negative breast tumors, indicating a new role for integrin α11β1 in the tumor microenvironment. Our data suggest that integrin α11β1 has a pro-tumorigenic effect on triple-negative breast cancer growth in vivo. The significance of the local microenvironment is shown by the different effects of integrin α11β1 in the orthotopic and ectopic models, underlining the importance of choosing an appropriate preclinical model

    A pragmatic approach to sonothrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke: The Norwegian randomised controlled sonothrombolysis in acute stroke study (NOR-SASS)

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    Background: Ultrasound accelerates thrombolysis with tPA (sonothrombolysis). Ultrasound in the absence of tPA also accelerates clot break-up (sonolysis). Adding intravenous gaseous microbubbles may potentiate the effect of ultrasound in both sonothrombolysis and sonolysis. The Norwegian Sonothrombolysis in Acute Stroke Study aims in a pragmatic approach to assess the effect and safety of contrast enhanced ultrasound treatment in unselected acute ischaemic stroke patients. Methods/Design: Acute ischaemic stroke patients ≥18 years, with or without visible arterial occlusion on computed tomography angiography (CTA) and treatable ≤ 4½ hours after symptom onset, are included in NOR-SASS. NOR-SASS is superimposed on a separate trial randomising patients with acute ischemic stroke to either tenecteplase or alteplase (The Norwegian Tenecteplase Stroke Trial NOR-TEST). The NOR-SASS trial has two arms: 1) the thrombolysis-arms (NOR-SASS A and B) includes patients given intravenous thrombolysis (tenecteplase or alteplase), and 2) the no-thrombolysis-arm (NOR-SASS C) includes patients with contraindications to thrombolysis. First step randomisation of NOR-SASS A is embedded in NOR-TEST as a 1:1 randomisation to either tenecteplase or alteplase. Second step NOR-SASS randomisation is 1:1 to either contrast enhanced sonothrombolysis (CEST) or sham CEST. Randomisation in NOR-SASS B (routine alteplase group) is 1:1 to either CEST or sham CEST. Randomisation of NOR-SASS C is 1:1 to either contrast enhanced sonolysis (CES) or sham CES. Ultrasound is given for one hour using a 2-MHz pulsed-wave diagnostic ultrasound probe. Microbubble contrast (SonoVue®) is given as a continuous infusion for ~30 min. Recanalisation is assessed at 60 min after start of CEST/CES. Magnetic resonance imaging and angiography is performed after 24 h of stroke onset. Primary study endpoints are 1) major neurological improvement measured with NIHSS score at 24 h and 2) favourable functional outcome defined as mRS 0–1 at 90 days. Discussion: NOR-SASS is the first randomised controlled trial designed to test the superiority of contrast enhanced ultrasound treatment given ≤4½ hours after stroke onset in an unselected acute ischaemic stroke population eligible or not eligible for intravenous thrombolysis, with or without a defined arterial occlusion on CTA. If a positive effect and safety can be proven, contrast enhanced ultrasound treatment will be an option for all acute ischaemic stroke patients. EudraCT No 201200032341; www.​clinicaltrials.​gov NCT01949961

    The Norwegian tenecteplase stroke trial (NOR-TEST): randomised controlled trial of tenecteplase vs. alteplase in acute ischaemic stroke

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    Background: Alteplase is the only approved thrombolytic agent for acute ischaemic stroke. The overall benefit from alteplase is substantial, but some evidence indicates that alteplase also has negative effects on the ischaemic brain. Tenecteplase may be more effective and less harmfull than alteplase, but large randomised controlled phase 3 trials are lacking. The Norwegian Tenecteplase Stroke Trial (NOR-TEST) aims to compare efficacy and safety of tenecteplase vs. alteplase. Methods/Design: NOR-TEST is a multi-centre PROBE (prospective randomised, open-label, blinded endpoint) trial designed to establish superiority of tenecteplase 0.4 mg/kg (single bolus) as compared with alteplase 0.9 mg/kg (10% bolus + 90% infusion/60 minutes) for consecutively admitted patients with acute ischaemic stroke eligible for thrombolytic therapy, i.e. patients a) admitted <4½ hours after symptoms onset; b) admitted <4½ hours after awakening with stroke symptoms c) receiving bridging therapy before embolectomy. Randomisation tenecteplase:alteplase is 1:1. The primary study endpoint is favourable functional outcome defined as modified Rankin Scale 0–1 at 90 days. Secondary study endpoints are: 1) haemorrhagic transformation (haemorrhagic infarct/haematoma); 2) symptomatic cerebral haemorrhage on CT 24–48 hours; 3) major neurological improvement at 24 hours; 4) recanalisation at 24–36 hours; 5) death. Discussion: NOR-TEST may establish a novel approach to acute ischaemic stroke treatment. A positive result will lead to a more effective, safer and easier treatment for all acute ischaemic stroke pasients. NOR-TEST is reviewed and approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (2011/2435), and The Norwegian Medicines Agency (12/01402). NOR-TEST is registered with EudraCT No 2011-005793-33 and in ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01949948)