431 research outputs found

    A shortest-path based clustering algorithm for joint human-machine analysis of complex datasets

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    Clustering is a technique for the analysis of datasets obtained by empirical studies in several disciplines with a major application for biomedical research. Essentially, clustering algorithms are executed by machines aiming at finding groups of related points in a dataset. However, the result of grouping depends on both metrics for point-to-point similarity and rules for point-to-group association. Indeed, non-appropriate metrics and rules can lead to undesirable clustering artifacts. This is especially relevant for datasets, where groups with heterogeneous structures co-exist. In this work, we propose an algorithm that achieves clustering by exploring the paths between points. This allows both, to evaluate the properties of the path (such as gaps, density variations, etc.), and expressing the preference for certain paths. Moreover, our algorithm supports the integration of existing knowledge about admissible and non-admissible clusters by training a path classifier. We demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method on challenging datasets including points from synthetic shapes in publicly available benchmarks and microscopy data

    Probabilistic Analysis of LCF Crack Initiation Life of a Turbine Blade under Thermomechanical Loading

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    An accurate assessment for fatigue damage as a function of activation and deactivation cycles is vital for the design of many engineering parts. In this paper we extend the probabilistic and local approach to this problem proposed in [1,2] and [3] to the case of non-constant temperature fields and thermomechanical loading. The method has been implemented as a finite element postprocessor and applied to an example case of a gas-turbine blade which is made of a conventionally cast nickel base superalloy.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Derivation, simulation and validation of poroelastic models in dental biomechanics

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    Poroelasticity and mechanics of growth are playing an increasingly relevant role in biomechanics. This work is a self- contained and holistic presentation of the modeling and simulation of non-linear poroelasticity with and without growth inhomogeneities. Balance laws of poroelasticity are derived in Cartesian coordinates. These allow to write the governing equations in a form that is general but also readily implementable. Closure relations are formally derived from the study of dissipation. We propose an approximation scheme for the poroelasticity problem based on an implicit Euler method for the time discretization and a finite element method for the spatial discretization. The non-linear system is solved by means of Newton's method. Time integration of the growth tensor is discussed for the specific case in which the rate of inelastic deformations is prescribed. We discuss the stability of the mixed finite element discretization of the arising saddle-point problem. We show that a linear finite element approximation of both the unknowns, that is not LBB compliant for the elasticity problem, is nevertheless stable when applied to the linearized poroelasticity problem. This choice enables a fast assembling phase. The discretization of the poroelastic system may present unphysical oscillations if the spatial and temporal step-sizes are not properly chosen. We study the source of these wiggles by comparing the pressure Schur complement to a reaction- diffusion problem. From our analysis, we define a novel PĂ©clet number for the poroelastic system and we show how it depends on the shear and bulk moduli of the solid phase. This number allows to introduce a stability condition that ensures that the solution is free of unphysical oscillations. If this condition on the PĂ©clet number is not met, we introduce a fluid pressure Laplacian stabilization in order to remove the wiggles. This stabilization technique depends on a numerical parameter, whose optimal value is given by the derived PĂ©clet number. Finally, we propose a coupled elastic-poroelastic model for the simulation of a tooth-periodontal ligament system. Because of the high resolution required by this system, we develop an efficient multigrid Newton's method for the non-linear poroelasticity system. The stability condition has again a significant influence on the performances of this solver. If the condition on the PĂ©clet number is not satisfied on all levels of the multigrid algorithm, poor convergence rates or even divergence of the solver can be observed. The stabilization of the coarse grid operators with the optimal fluid pressure Laplacian method is a simple and efficient method to improve the convergence rate of the multigrid solver applied to this saddle-point system. We validate our coupled model against experimental measurements realized by the group of Prof. Bourauel at the University of Bonn

    Domain decomposition preconditioning for the Helmholtz equation: a coarse space based on local Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps

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    In this thesis, we present a two-level domain decomposition method for the iterative solution of the heterogeneous Helmholtz equation. The Helmholtz equation governs wave propagation and scattering phenomena arising in a wide range of engineering applications. Its discretization with piecewise linear finite elements results in typically large, ill-conditioned, indefinite, and non- Hermitian linear systems of equations, for which standard iterative and direct methods encounter convergence problems. Therefore, especially designed methods are needed. The inherently parallel domain decomposition methods constitute a promising class of preconditioners, as they subdivide the large problems into smaller subproblems and are hence able to cope with many degrees of freedom. An essential element of these methods is a good coarse space. Here, the Helmholtz equation presents a particular challenge, as even slight deviations from the optimal choice can be fatal. We develop a coarse space that is based on local eigenproblems involving the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator. Our construction is completely automatic, ensuring good convergence rates without the need for parameter tuning. Moreover, it naturally respects local variations in the wave number and is hence suited also for heterogeneous Helmholtz problems. Apart from the question of how to design the coarse space, we also investigate the question of how to incorporate the coarse space into the method. Also here the fact that the stiffness matrix is non-Hermitian and indefinite constitutes a major challenge. The resulting method is parallel by design and its efficiency is investigated for two- and three-dimensional homogeneous and heterogeneous numerical examples

    Coupling different discretizations for fluid structure interaction in a monolithic approach

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    In this thesis we present a monolithic coupling approach for the simulation of phenomena involving interacting fluid and structure using different discretizations for the subproblems. For many applications in fluid dynamics, the Finite Volume method is the first choice in simulation science. Likewise, for the simulation of structural mechanics the Finite Element method is one of the most, if not the most, popular discretization method. However, despite the advantages of these discretizations in their respective application domains, monolithic coupling schemes have so far been restricted to a single discretization for both subproblems. We present a fluid structure coupling scheme based on a mixed Finite Volume/Finite Element method that combines the benefits of these discretizations. An important challenge in coupling fluid and structure is the transfer of forces and velocities at the fluidstructure interface in a stable and efficient way. In our approach this is achieved by means of a fully implicit formulation, i.e., the transfer of forces and displacements is carried out in a common set of equations for fluid and structure. We assemble the two different discretizations for the fluid and structure subproblems as well as the coupling conditions for forces and displacements into a single large algebraic system. Since we simulate real world problems, as a consequence of the complexity of the considered geometries, we end up with algebraic systems with a large number of degrees of freedom. This necessitates the use of parallel solution techniques. Our work covers the design and implementation of the proposed heterogeneous monolithic coupling approach as well as the efficient solution of the arising large nonlinear systems on distributed memory supercomputers. We apply Newton’s method to linearize the fully implicit coupled nonlinear fluid structure interaction problem. The resulting linear system is solved with a Krylov subspace correction method. For the preconditioning of the iterative solver we propose the use of multilevel methods. Specifically, we study a multigrid as well as a two-level restricted additive Schwarz method. We illustrate the performance of our method on a benchmark example and compare the afore mentioned different preconditioning strategies for the parallel solution of the monolithic coupled system

    Geometry–aware finite element framework for multi–physics simulations: an algorithmic and software-centric perspective

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    In finite element simulations, the handling of geometrical objects and their discrete representation is a critical aspect in both serial and parallel scientific software environments. The development of codes targeting such envinronments is subject to great development effort and man-hours invested. In this thesis we approach these issues from three fronts. First, stable and efficient techniques for the transfer of discrete fields between non matching volume or surface meshes are an essential ingredient for the discretization and numerical solution of coupled multi-physics and multi-scale problems. In particular L2-projections allows for the transfer of discrete fields between unstructured meshes, both in the volume and on the surface. We present an algorithm for parallelizing the assembly of the L2-transfer operator for unstructured meshes which are arbitrarily distributed among different processes. The algorithm requires no a priori information on the geometrical relationship between the different meshes. Second, the geometric representation is often a limiting factor which imposes a trade-off between how accurately the shape is described, and what methods can be employed for solving a system of differential equations. Parametric finite-elements and bijective mappings between polygons or polyhedra allow us to flexibly construct finite element discretizations with arbitrary resolutions without sacrificing the accuracy of the shape description. Such flexibility allows employing state-of-the-art techniques, such as geometric multigrid methods, on meshes with almost any shape.t, the way numerical techniques are represented in software libraries and approached from a development perspective, affect both usability and maintainability of such libraries. Completely separating the intent of high-level routines from the actual implementation and technologies allows for portable and maintainable performance. We provide an overview on current trends in the development of scientific software and showcase our open-source library utopia
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