602 research outputs found

    Hautkrebs – cremen statt schneiden? : Nichtoperative Behandlungen auf dem Vormarsch

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    »Gönnen Sie Ihrer Haut Zukunft.« Unter diesem Slogan wirbt die Frankfurter Oberbürgermeisterin Petra Roth als Schirmherrin der Deutschen Hautkrebsstiftung (www.hautkrebsstiftung.de) für Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Hauttumoren. Diese Krebsformen nehmen derzeit weltweit in der hellhäutigen Bevölkerung am stärksten zu, wobei aufgrund unserer bereits in frühen Jahren sonnenbelasteten Freizeitgewohnheiten mehr und mehr jüngere Menschen erkranken. Neue Therapieoptionen erlauben es, Krebs sowie Krebsvorstufen früher und effektiver zu behandeln. Dabei spielen insbesondere nichtinvasive Methoden eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Cremen statt schneiden – dies ist nicht immer, aber immer öfter die richtige Lösung

    Visible light is a better co-inducer of apoptosis for curcumin-treated human melanoma cells than UVA

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    Curcumin attracts worldwide scientific interest due to its anti-proliferative and apoptosis inducing effects on different tumor cells at concentrations ranging from 10 to 150 µM (3.7–55 µg/ml). Unfortunately, because of a low oral bioavailability, only low and pharmacologically ineffective serum levels are achievable. In this study, an alternative treatment concept consisting of low concentration curcumin (0.2–5 µg/ml) and irradiation with UVA or visible light (VL) has been tested. The experimental results show clearly that this treatment decreases the proliferation and the viability of human melanoma cells while the cell membrane integrity remains intact. We identified the onset of apoptosis characterized by typical markers such as active caspases 8, 9 and 3 as well as DNA fragmentation accompanied by the loss of cell adhesion. The mitochondrial apoptosis signaling pathway is predominant due to an early activation of caspase-9. The present data indicate a higher efficacy of a combination of curcumin and VL than curcumin and UVA. Reduced effects as a result of light absorption by heavily pigmented skin are unlikely if VL is used. These results indicate that a combination of curcumin and light irradiation may be a useful additional therapy in the treatment of malignant disease

    Multi-Criteria Optimization in Answer Set Programming

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    We elaborate upon new strategies and heuristics for solving multi-criteria optimization problems via Answer Set Programming (ASP). In particular, we conceive a new solving algorithm, based on conflictdriven learning, allowing for non-uniform descents during optimization. We apply these techniques to solve realistic Linux package configuration problems. To this end, we describe the Linux package configuration tool aspcud and compare its performance with systems pursuing alternative approaches

    Answer Set Solving with Generalized Learned Constraints

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    Conflict learning plays a key role in modern Boolean constraint solving. Advanced in satisfiability testing, it has meanwhile become a base technology in many neighboring fields, among them answer set programming (ASP). However, learned constraints are only valid for a currently solved problem instance and do not carry over to similar instances. We address this issue in ASP and introduce a framework featuring an integrated feedback loop that allows for reusing conflict constraints. The idea is to extract (propositional) conflict constraints, generalize and validate them, and reuse them as integrity constraints. Although we explore our approach in the context of dynamic applications based on transition systems, it is driven by the ultimate objective of overcoming the issue that learned knowledge is bound to specific problem instances. We implemented this workflow in two systems, namely, a variant of the ASP solver clasp that extracts integrity constraints along with a downstream system for generalizing and validating them

    Theory Solving Made Easy with Clingo 5

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    Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a model, ground, and solve paradigm. The integration of application- or theory-specific reasoning into ASP systems thus impacts on many if not all elements of its workflow, viz. input language, grounding, intermediate language, solving, and output format. We address this challenge with the fifth generation of the ASP system clingo and its grounding and solving components by equipping them with well-defined generic interfaces facilitating the manifold integration efforts. On the grounder\u27s side, we introduce a generic way of specifying language extensions and propose an intermediate format accommodating their ground representation. At the solver end, this is accompanied by high-level interfaces easing the integration of theory propagators dealing with these extensions

    HIF mediated and DNA damage independent histone H2AX phosphorylation in chronic hypoxia

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    The histone variant 2AX (H2AX) is phosphorylated at Serine 139 by the PI3K-like kinase family members ATM, ATR and DNA-PK. Genotoxic stress, such as tumor radio- and chemotherapy, is considered to be the main inducer of phosphorylated H2AX (γH2AX), which forms distinct foci at sites of DNA damage where DNA repair factors accumulate. γH2AX accumulation under severe hypoxic/anoxic (0.02% oxygen) conditions has recently been reported to follow replication fork stalling in the absence of detectable DNA damage. In this study, we found HIF-dependent accumulation of γH2AX in several cancer cell lines and mouse embryonic fibroblasts exposed to physiologically relevant chronic hypoxia (0.2% oxygen), which did not induce detectable levels of DNA strand breaks. The hypoxic accumulation of γH2AX was delayed by the RNAi-mediated knockdown of HIF-1α or HIF-2α and further decreased when both HIF-αs were absent. Conversely, basal phosphorylation of H2AX was increased in cells with constitutively stabilized HIF-2α. These results suggest that both HIF-1 and HIF-2 are involved in γH2AX accumulation by tumor hypoxia, which might increase a cancer cell's capacity to repair DNA damage, contributing to tumor therapy resistanc

    Der selektive Cyclooxygenase-2-Inhibitor Celecoxib ist ein sicheres Ausweichpräparat bei Patienten mit Intoleranzen gegenüber nicht-steroidalen Antiphlogistika

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    Fragestellung Intoleranzreaktionen auf nicht-steroidale Antiphlogistika sind häufig und basieren auf der Hemmung des Enzyms Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1), wohingegen deren therapeutische Effekte auf einer COX-2 Hemmung beruhen. In dieser Studie wurde die Verträglichkeit des selektiven COX-2 Inhibitors Celecoxib bei Patienten mit Intoleranzreaktionen auf nicht-steroidale Antiphlogistika untersucht. Methodik Bei 77 Patienten (24 Männer, 53 Frauen) mit Intoleranzreaktionen auf nicht-steroidale Antiphlogistika wurden standardisierte Hauttestungen (Prick, Scratch, Epikutantestung) sowie anschließend orale fraktionierte Placebo-kontrollierte einfach blinde Expositionstestungen unter Einschluß von Celecoxib (maximale Einzeldosis 200mg, kumukative Tagesdosis 350mg) durchgeführt. Ergebnisse 21 Patienten wiesen anamnestisch lediglich Hautsymptome (Urtikaria) auf, 25 Patienten nur eine Atemwegssymptomatik (Asthma), bei 18 Patienten traten Haut- und Atemwegssymptome auf, und bei 13 Patienten war es zu einem anaphylaktischen Schock gekommen. Azetylsalizylsäure war in 38 Fällen ein Auslöser der Beschwerden. In 46 Fällen verursachten mehrere nicht-steroidale Antiphlogistika chemisch unterschiedlicher Gruppen die Symptomatik. Die orale Expositionstestung mit Celecoxib verlief bei allen 77 Patienten unauffällig. Schlußfolgerung Vor dem Hintergrund der hohen Inzidenz von Intoleranzreaktionen gegen nicht-steroidale Antiphlogistika stellt der Einsatz selektiver COX-2 Inhibitoren eine therapeutische Alternative sowie eine geeignete Maßnahme zur Prävention entsprechender Reaktionen dar
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