870 research outputs found

    Big Data in the Digital Humanities. New Conversations in the Global Academic Context

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    After analysing the meaning of the expression “Big Data”, this article highlights the cultural nature of data and defends the validity of theories, models and hypotheses for carrying out scientific research. Lastly, it discusses the dialectic between privacy and control. In a sense, this issue escapes the traditional field of the humanities, but it also deserves our attention as twenty-first-century citizens interested in the cultural practices of the present. Humanists no doubt have much to contribute to ethical and epistemological debates on the use of the data generated by citizens, recalling the “captured” and cultural nature of data, and bringing their experience to analysing particular cases bearing in mind the general context

    Lope de Vega’s La Dama Boba: Critical edition and digital archive

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    La dama boba: edición crítica y archivo digital is an ambitious project that focuses on the history of Lope de Vega’s play. It gives access to the facsimile and the modernized spelling transcription of three witnesses and it presents a critical text with an apparatus and explanatory notes. While it would benefit from documenting its markup and making all witnesses available for downloading, this edition succeeds in providing multiple views of the same work and it allows new inquiries to scholars interested in the transmission of the text

    Virtudes textuales 2.0 o de la dignidad de las Humanidades Digitales

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    [Resumen] Reseña del libro: Lucía Megías, José Manuel, Elogio del texto digital, Madrid, Fórcola ediciones, 2012, 148 pp., ISBN 978-84-15174-30-1[Abstract] Review on the book: Lucía Megías, José Manuel, Elogio del texto digital, Madrid, Fórcola ediciones, 2012, 148 pp., ISBN. 978-84-15174-30-

    Luis de Góngora y la fábula mitológica del Siglo de Oro: clasificación de textos y análisis léxico con métodos informáticos

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    After the dissemination of Luis de Góngora’s Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea in 1613, a number of Spanish poets expanded the treatment of myths and established a dialogue with Ovid’s Metamorphoses. As a result of this process, a great amount of short epic poems was composed in the following years. This article aims to achieve three objectives: firstly, to describe in quantitative terms a corpus of 25 epyllia written by poets such as Luis de Góngora, Lope de Vega, Francisco de Quevedo, Juan de Jáuregui and Villamediana, among others. Secondly, the texts are classified using the Stylo package, which takes into account the most frequent words in an attempt to verify the traditional division between “dark” poets and “light” poets. Finally, the lexicon of these works is analyzed taking into consideration the keywords generated with AntConc, and the relative frequency of learned borrowings obtained using R

    De los datos al metamedio

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    El impacto del ordenador e internet en nuestra sociedad y, de manera más específica, en los estudios humanísticos está lejos de ser analizado y conocido en todas sus dimensiones. No obstante, las HD pueden entenderse como la reacción académica a los cambios tecnológicos recientes que pretende responder a preguntas como: ¿qué metodologías existen para digitalizar, estructurar y presentar recursos digitales? ¿Qué nuevas posibilidades nos brinda el ordenador y la web ajenas al códice? ¿Cuáles son las características de la cultura digital y de las formas de expresión artística nacidas en y para ser experimentadas en la pantalla? En la intersección entre la tradición y la innovación, el humanista digital es el investigador más preparado para plantear nuevas preguntas sobre la cultura, pasada y presente, y para dotar de sentido a los fenómenos digitales gracias a la unión del juicio y la crítica con las herramientas digitales

    Asociación granadina de emigrantes retornados (AGER)

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    La edición crítica digital y la codificación TEI. Preliminares para una nueva edición de las 'Soledades' de Luis de Góngora

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    The aims of this article are threefold: first, to revise some key concepts on the theory of scholarly digital editions such as scale and interactivity; second, to present the principles of XML/TEI encoding model and highlight the representation of the critical apparatus; third, to describe the methodology implemented to encode scribal and authorial variants of Luis de Góngora’s Soledades found in 22 witnesses. In general terms, it is argued here that TEI elements such as , and should be allowed to nest structural elements, in order to represent textual variation with accuracy

    El diseño de CABIGO (Catálogo Bibliográfico sobre Góngora) Criterios, metodología y estadísticas

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    In this paper we describe the design of a catalogue called CABIGO, which collects 786 bibliographic entries, pertaining to the poetry of Luis de Góngora and published between 2000 and 2014. This paper, however, does not focus on the catalogue itself but rather on the editorial decisions made during its creation. We also exhibit the tools, which help users search through the database as well as assist them in creating additional bibliographies for their work. Finally we present some statistical data, which has revealed some meaningful publication patterns depicting how criticism on the poetry of Góngora is currently being disseminated

    ¿Cuántos “Góngoras” podemos leer? Un análisis contrastivo de la poesía de Luis de Góngora

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    The aim of this article is to study the complete poetry of Luis de Góngora using a contrastive analysis. To this end, the poems, which do not pose any attribution problem, published in digital format by the Observatoire de la vie littéraire (OBVIL) have been selected (with the exception of theatre) and divided into three parts on the basis of a chronological criteria. Next, the tool Stylo has been used to obtain three lists of preferred and avoided words in the poems dated between 1580 and 1610 (sub-corpus A), 1611 and 1618 (sub-corpus B) and 1619 and 1625 (sub-corpus C). The results obtained allow us to characterize the contrast between these three sub-corpus, suggest an evolution of Góngora’s aesthetics and confirm a change produced in the poems written between 1611 and 1618. However, while Stylo may be useful for detecting a trend or dominant aesthetics, we believe that the data generated is unsatisfactory for analyzing the style at the scale of the sentence