1,080 research outputs found

    A new matrix-free algorithm for the large-scale trust-region subproblem

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    We present a new method for the large-scale trust-region subproblem. The method is matrix-free in the sense that only matrix-vector products are required. We recast the trust-region subproblem as a parameterized eigenvalue problem and compute an optimal value for the parameter. We then nd the solution of the trust-region subproblem from the eigenvectors associated with two of the smallest eigenvalues of the parameterized eigenvalue problem corresponding to the optimal parameter. The new algorithm uses a different interpolating scheme than existing methods and introduces a uni ed iteration that naturally includes the so-called hard case. We show that the new iteration is well defined and convergent at a superlinear rate. We present computational results to illustrate convergence properties and robustness of the method.11361164

    Resistencia de unión de cerámica feldespática a esmalte bovino empleando diferentes cementos resinosos

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar la resistencia de unión de cerámica feldespática al esmalte bovino entre las diferentes marcas de cementos resinosos autoadhesivos y un cemento resinoso dual universal.MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se utilizaron ocho incisivos inferiores sanos de bovino divididos en cuatro grupos. Al grupo del cemento resinoso dual se le realizó un tratamiento previo de ácido ortofosfórico al 37% y adhesivo Single Bond Universal y a los 3 grupos de cementos resinosos autoadhesivos se les realizó un tratamiento previo sólo con ácido ortofosfórico al 37% sobre el esmalte dentario. Grupo I: ICem (Heraus Kulzer), Grupo II: Panavia Cement Automix (Kuraray), Grupo III: Relyx Ultimate (3M-ESPE), GC: Maxcem Elite (Kerr). Los especímenes obtenidos (n=30 por grupo) se obtuvieron con una máquina tipo Isomet y se almacenaron en agua destilada por 24 horas a 37° C. La prueba de microtensión se realizó haciendo uso del Microtensile Tester (Bisco). Para el análisis estadístico se utilizaron las pruebas de Anova y Tukey (p=0.05).RESULTADOS: Los valores promedio de resistencia en los grupos experimentales fueron GI: ICem, 17.4 ± 4.94; GII: Panavia Automix, 17.5± 5.65; GIII: Relyx Ultimate, 17.2 ± 5.06 y en el Grupo Control: Maxcem fue 17.8 ± 4.48. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p=0.974 - Prueba de Anova). Cuando se compararon los valores entre grupos, tampoco hubo diferencias (p>0.05).CONCLUSIONES: La resistencia de unión de los cementos resinosos autoadhesivos y el cemento resinoso dual universal es similar

    Reduced auditory steady state responses in autism spectrum disorder

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    Background Auditory steady state responses (ASSRs) are elicited by clicktrains or amplitude-modulated tones, which entrain auditory cortex at their specific modulation rate. Previous research has reported reductions in ASSRs at 40 Hz for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) participants and first-degree relatives of people diagnosed with ASD (Mol Autism. 2011;2:11, Biol Psychiatry. 2007;62:192–197). Methods Using a 1.5 s-long auditory clicktrain stimulus, designed to elicit an ASSR at 40 Hz, this study attempted to replicate and extend these findings. Magnetencephalography (MEG) data were collected from 18 adolescent ASD participants and 18 typically developing controls. Results The ASSR localised to bilateral primary auditory regions. Regions of interest were thus defined in left and right primary auditory cortex (A1). While the transient gamma-band response (tGBR) from 0-0.1 s following presentation of the clicktrain stimulus was not different between groups, for either left or right A1, the ASD group had reduced oscillatory power at 40 Hz from 0.5 to 1.5 s post-stimulus onset, for both left and right A1. Additionally, the ASD group had reduced inter-trial coherence (phase consistency over trials) at 40 Hz from 0.64-0.82 s for right A1 and 1.04-1.22 s for left A1. Limitations In this study, we did not conduct a clinical autism assessment (e.g. the ADOS), and therefore, it remains unclear whether ASSR power and/or ITC are associated with the clinical symptoms of ASD. Conclusion Overall, our results support a specific reduction in ASSR oscillatory power and inter-trial coherence in ASD, rather than a generalised deficit in gamma-band responses. We argue that this could reflect a developmentally relevant reduction in non-linear neural processing

    BLOC-2 targets recycling endosomal tubules to melanosomes for cargo delivery.

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    Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a group of disorders characterized by the malformation of lysosome-related organelles, such as pigment cell melanosomes. Three of nine characterized HPS subtypes result from mutations in subunits of BLOC-2, a protein complex with no known molecular function. In this paper, we exploit melanocytes from mouse HPS models to place BLOC-2 within a cargo transport pathway from recycling endosomal domains to maturing melanosomes. In BLOC-2-deficient melanocytes, the melanosomal protein TYRP1 was largely depleted from pigment granules and underwent accelerated recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane and to the Golgi. By live-cell imaging, recycling endosomal tubules of wild-type melanocytes made frequent and prolonged contacts with maturing melanosomes; in contrast, tubules from BLOC-2-deficient cells were shorter in length and made fewer, more transient contacts with melanosomes. These results support a model in which BLOC-2 functions to direct recycling endosomal tubular transport intermediates to maturing melanosomes and thereby promote cargo delivery and optimal pigmentation

    Structural basis for the RING catalyzed synthesis of K63 linked ubiquitin chains

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    This work was supported by grants from Cancer Research UK (C434/A13067), the Wellcome Trust (098391/Z/12/Z) and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/J016004/1).The RING E3 ligase catalysed formation of lysine 63 linked ubiquitin chains by the Ube2V2–Ubc13 E2 complex is required for many important biological processes. Here we report the structure of the RING domain dimer of rat RNF4 in complex with a human Ubc13~Ub conjugate and Ube2V2. The structure has captured Ube2V2 bound to the acceptor (priming) ubiquitin with Lys63 in a position that could lead to attack on the linkage between the donor (second) ubiquitin and Ubc13 that is held in the active “folded back” conformation by the RING domain of RNF4. The interfaces identified in the structure were verified by in vitro ubiquitination assays of site directed mutants. This represents the first view of the synthesis of Lys63 linked ubiquitin chains in which both substrate ubiquitin and ubiquitin-loaded E2 are juxtaposed to allow E3 ligase mediated catalysis.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Large Scale Structure of the Universe

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    Galaxies are not uniformly distributed in space. On large scales the Universe displays coherent structure, with galaxies residing in groups and clusters on scales of ~1-3 Mpc/h, which lie at the intersections of long filaments of galaxies that are >10 Mpc/h in length. Vast regions of relatively empty space, known as voids, contain very few galaxies and span the volume in between these structures. This observed large scale structure depends both on cosmological parameters and on the formation and evolution of galaxies. Using the two-point correlation function, one can trace the dependence of large scale structure on galaxy properties such as luminosity, color, stellar mass, and track its evolution with redshift. Comparison of the observed galaxy clustering signatures with dark matter simulations allows one to model and understand the clustering of galaxies and their formation and evolution within their parent dark matter halos. Clustering measurements can determine the parent dark matter halo mass of a given galaxy population, connect observed galaxy populations at different epochs, and constrain cosmological parameters and galaxy evolution models. This chapter describes the methods used to measure the two-point correlation function in both redshift and real space, presents the current results of how the clustering amplitude depends on various galaxy properties, and discusses quantitative measurements of the structures of voids and filaments. The interpretation of these results with current theoretical models is also presented.Comment: Invited contribution to be published in Vol. 8 of book "Planets, Stars, and Stellar Systems", Springer, series editor T. D. Oswalt, volume editor W. C. Keel, v2 includes additional references, updated to match published versio

    Plasma Tau and Neurofilament Light in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration and Alzheimer Disease

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    Objective: To test the hypothesis that plasma total tau (t-tau) and neurofilament light chain (NfL) concentrations may have a differential role in the study of frontotemporal lobar degeneration syndromes (FTLD-S) and clinically diagnosed Alzheimer disease syndromes (AD-S), we determined their diagnostic and prognostic value in FTLD-S and AD-S and their sensitivity to pathologic diagnoses. Methods: We measured plasma t-tau and NfL with the Simoa platform in 265 participants: 167 FTLD-S, 43 AD-S, and 55 healthy controls (HC), including 82 pathology-proven cases (50 FTLD-tau, 18 FTLD-TDP, 2 FTLD-FUS, and 12 AD) and 98 participants with amyloid PET. We compared cross-sectional and longitudinal biomarker concentrations between groups, their correlation with clinical measures of disease severity, progression, and survival, and cortical thickness. Results: Plasma NfL, but not plasma t-tau, discriminated FTLD-S from HC and AD-S from HC. Both plasma NfL and t-tau were poor discriminators between FLTD-S and AD-S. In pathology-confirmed cases, plasma NfL was higher in FTLD than AD and in FTLD-TDP compared to FTLD-tau, after accounting for age and disease severity. Plasma NfL, but not plasma t-tau, predicted clinical decline and survival and correlated with regional cortical thickness in both FTLD-S and AD-S. The combination of plasma NfL with plasma t-tau did not outperform plasma NfL alone. Conclusion: Plasma NfL is superior to plasma t-tau for the diagnosis and prediction of clinical progression of FTLD-S and AD-S. Classification of Evidence: This study provides Class III evidence that plasma NfL has superior diagnostic and prognostic performance vs plasma t-tau in FTLD and AD

    Diagnostic Accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Measures of Brain Atrophy Across the Spectrum of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Degeneration

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    The accurate diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is hampered by imperfect clinical-pathological correlations.To assess and compare the diagnostic value of the magnetic resonance parkinsonism index (MRPI) and other magnetic resonance imaging-based measures of cerebral atrophy to differentiate between PSP, CBD, and other neurodegenerative diseases.This prospective diagnostic study included participants with 4-repeat tauopathies (4RT), PSP, CBD, other neurodegenerative diseases and available MRI who appeared in the University of California, San Francisco, Memory and Aging Center database. Data were collected from October 27, 1994, to September 29, 2019. Data were analyzed from March 1 to September 14, 2021.The main outcome of this study was the neuropathological diagnosis of PSP or CBD. The clinical diagnosis at the time of the MRI acquisition was noted. The imaging measures included the MRPI, cortical thickness, subcortical volumes, including the midbrain, pons, and superior cerebellar peduncle volumes. Multinomial logistic regression models (MLRM) combining different cortical and subcortical regions were defined to discriminate between PSP, CBD, and other pathologies. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROC) and cutoffs were calculated to differentiate between PSP, CBD, and other diseases.Of the 326 included participants, 176 (54%) were male, and the mean (SD) age at MRI was 64.1 (8.0) years. The MRPI showed good diagnostic accuracy for the differentiation between PSP and all other pathologies (accuracy, 87%; AUROC, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.86-0.95) and between 4RT and other pathologies (accuracy, 80%; AUROC, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.76-0.87), but did not allow the discrimination of participants with CBD. Its diagnostic accuracy was lower in the subgroup of patients without the canonical PSP-Richardson syndrome (PSP-RS) or probable corticobasal syndrome (CBS) at MRI. MLRM combining cortical and subcortical measurements showed the highest accuracy for the differentiation between PSP and other pathologies (accuracy, 95%; AUROC, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.97-0.99), CBD and other pathologies (accuracy, 83%; AUROC, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.81-0.91), 4RT and other pathologies (accuracy, 89%; AUROC, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.92-0.97), and PSP and CBD (accuracy, 91%; AUROC, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.91-0.99), even in participants without PSP-RS or CBS at MRI.In this study, the combination of widely available cortical and subcortical measures of atrophy on MRI discriminated between PSP, CBD, and other pathologies and could be used to support the diagnosis of 4RT in clinical practice

    The neural basis of auditory temporal discrimination in girls with fragile X syndrome

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a common genetic disorder in which temporal processing may be impaired. To our knowledge however, no studies have examined the neural basis of temporal discrimination in individuals with FXS using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Ten girls with fragile X syndrome and ten developmental age-matched typically developing controls performed an auditory temporal discrimination task in a 3T scanner. Girls with FXS showed significantly greater brain activation in a left-lateralized network, comprising left medial frontal gyrus, left superior and middle temporal gyrus, left cerebellum, and left brainstem (pons), when compared to a developmental age-matched typically developing group of subjects who had similar in-scanner task performance. There were no regions that showed significantly greater brain activation in the control group compared to individuals with FXS. These data indicate that networks of brain regions involved in auditory temporal processing may be dysfunctional in FXS. In particular, it is possible that girls with FXS employ left hemispheric resources to overcompensate for relative right hemispheric dysfunction