688 research outputs found

    Fractura coronal aislada del cuerpo del hueso ganchoso asociada a subluxación de la base del quinto metacarpiano.

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    Presentamos un caso clínico de una lesión poco frecuente: la fractura coronal aislada del cuerpo del hueso ganchoso, sin afectación del gancho, asociado a subluxación de la base del 5º metacarpiano, se analiza el mecanismo de producción, el diagnóstico, así como las diferentes opciones de tratamiento.We report a case of a rare injury: isolated coronal fracture of the hamate body, without affecting the hook associated with subluxation of the base of metacarpal 5th, the production mechanism, diagnosis is dis - cussed, as well as different treatment option

    3-Phase 4-wire matrix converter-based voltage sag/ swell generator to test low-voltage ride through in wind energy conversion systems

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    The high penetration of energy from wind energy conversion systems (WECSs) can have a significant influence on the stability, power quality and reliability of power systems. Therefore several countries have developed stringent grid codes in recent years in order to enhance the overall stability of power systems. In these grid codes, the capacity to fulfil low-voltage ride through (LVRT) requirements is considered an important issue for the control of WECSs. Therefore in this study, a novel voltage sag/ swell generator (VSG) based on a 4-leg matrix converter is presented. This VSG can be used to generate the symmetrical and asymmetrical faults required to test LVRT algorithms in a laboratory environment. The performance of the VSG is experimentally demonstrated and compared with the operation of other VSGs conventionally used for LVRT studies

    Physical Conditions in Barnard's Loop, Components of the Orion-Eridanus Bubble, and Implications for the WIM Component of the ISM

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    We have supplemented existing spectra of Barnard's Loop with high accuracy spectrophotometry of one new position. Cloudy photoionization models were calculated for a variety of ionization parameters and stellar temperatures and compared with the observations. After testing the procedure with recent observations of M43, we establish that Barnard's Loop is photoionized by four candidate ionizing stars, but agreement between the models and observations is only possible if Barnard's Loop is enhanced in heavy elements by about a factor of 1.4. Barnard's Loop is very similar in properties to the brightest components of the Orion-Eridanus Bubble and the Warm Ionized Medium (WIM). We are able to establish models that bound the range populated in low-ionization color-color diagrams (I([SII])/I(H{\alpha}) versus I([NII])/I(H{\alpha})) using only a limited range of ionization parameters and stellar temperatures. Previously established variations in the relative abundance of heavy elements render uncertain the most common method of determining electron temperatures for components of the Orion-Eridanus Bubble and the WIM based on only the I([NII])/I(H{\alpha}) ratio, although we confirm that the lowest surface brightness components of the WIM are on average of higher electron temperature. The electron temperatures for a few high surface brightness WIM components determined by direct methods are comparable to those of classical bright H II regions. In contrast, the low surface brightness HII regions studied by the Wisconsin H{\alpha} Mapper are of lower temperatures than the classical bright HII regions

    Estrategias de mediación pedagógica para el bienestar en el aula a través de entornos virtuales

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    The main objective of this research is to analyze the pedagogical mediation strategies that generate a well-being environment in the classroom through virtual environments. It is a research with a quantitative approach and the type of research is exploratory and descriptive. To collect the information, the "Scale of well-being in the classroom in virtual environments" was used, which is of the Likert type and consists of 20 single-selection items and one multiple-selection item. This instrument was applied to a sample of 400 students of the Bachelor's Degree in Administrative Sciences of a private university in Costa Rica, during the period of 2021 and 2022. When analyzing the information collected regarding physical and environmental conditions, all the factors reflect well-being in the classroom, highlighting the platform used for virtual environments. Regarding social conditions, all the factors indicated well-being in the classroom, except for the one related to the support they feel from their classmates. Regarding emotional conditions, the factors analyzed reflected well-being in the student population, with the exception of the one that refers to the promotion of leadership in students. In relation to the methodological conditions, most of the factors analyzed reflect well-being. The factor that does not reflect this is the one that refers to the variety of activities proposed by the teacher. Finally, in relation to the motivational conditions, the factors reflect the well-being of the student body, except one of them, the one related to the intellectual stimulation of the learners. The pedagogical mediation strategies that most attract the attention of the student body are the following, in order of importance: case analysis, collaborative work, projects, videos, animations and video, oral presentations and debate and discussion forumsLa presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar las estrategias de mediación pedagógica que generan un ambiente de bienestar en el aula a través de los entornos virtuales. Se trata de una investigación con un enfoque cuantitativo y el tipo de investigación es exploratorio y descriptivo. Para recopilar la información se utilizó la “Escala de bienestar en el aula en entornos virtuales”, la cual es de tipo Likert y consta de 20 ítems de selección única y un ítem de selección múltiple. Este instrumento se aplicó a una muestra de 400 estudiantes de las carreras de Bachillerato en Ciencias Administrativas de una universidad privada de Costa Rica, durante el periodo del 2021 y 2022. Al analizar la información recopilada en cuanto a las condiciones físicas y ambientales, todos los factores reflejan el bienestar en el aula, destacando la plataforma utilizada para los entornos virtuales. En cuanto a las condiciones sociales, todos los factores indicaron bienestar en el aula, excepto el relacionado con el apoyo que sienten de sus compañeros y compañeras. Con respecto a las condiciones emocionales, los factores analizados reflejaron bienestar en la población estudiantil, a excepción del que se refiere a la promoción del liderazgo en las personas estudiantes. En relación con las condiciones metodológicas, la mayoría de los factores analizados reflejan bienestar. El factor que no lo refleja es el que se refiere a la variedad de actividades propuestas por la persona docente. Finalmente, en relación con las condiciones motivacionales, los factores reflejan el bienestar del estudiantado, excepto uno de ellos, el relacionado con la estimulación intelectual de las personas aprendientes. Las estrategias de mediación pedagógica que más llaman la atención del estudiantado son las siguientes, en orden de importancia: análisis de casos, trabajo colaborativo, proyectos, vídeos, animaciones y vídeo, presentaciones orales y debate y foros de discusión

    Potential Use of Mango Waste and Microalgae Spirulina sp. for Bioelectricity Generation

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    Potential use of organic waste and microalgae generates bioelectricity and thereby reduces harmful effects on the environment. These residues are used due to their high content of electron-generating microorganisms. However, so far, they have not been used simultaneously. Therefore, this research uses mango waste and microalgae Spirulina sp. in double-chamber microbial fuel cells to generate bioelectricity. The cells were made at a laboratory scale using zinc and copper electrodes, achieving a maximum current and voltage of 7.5948 ± 0.3109 mA and 0.84546 ± 0.314 V, with maximum electrical conductivity of the substrate being 157.712 ± 4.56 mS/cm and an optimum operating pH being 5.016 ± 0.086. The cells showed a low internal resistance of approximately 205.056 ± 25 Ω, and a maximum power density of 657.958 ± 21.114 mW/cm2 at a current density of 4.484 A/cm2. This research provides an excellent opportunity for mango farmers and exporting and importing companies because they can use their own waste to reduce their electricity costs when this prototype is brought to a large scale

    Método de Ponseti en el tratamiento del pie equino-varo-adductus asociado a hemimelia peronea tipo IA

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    La hemimelia peronea es una deficiencia congénita del peroné asociada con otras anomalías de la extremidad inferior de difícil tratamiento. Puede existir un acortamiento de la extremidad afectada, y deformidades y posiciones anormales del pie. Generalmente se asocia a pie equino-valgo, pero también existen casos de pie equinovaro- adductus, como en el caso del niño presentado en este artículo. Para corregir esta deformidad se utilizó el método de Ponseti, consiguiéndose un pie plantígrado. Aunque los resultados no son tan buenos como en los casos idiopáticos, el método de Ponseti proporciona muchas ventajas, puesto que se consigue al menos una corrección parcial, que permitirá una cirugía posterior más limitada.Fibular hemimelia is a congenital deficiency of the fibula associated with other anomalies of the lower limb of difficult treatment. There may be a shortening of the affected limb, and deformities and abnormal positions of the foot. Usually it is associated with equinovalgus deformity of the foot, but there are also cases of clubfoot, as in the case of the child presented in this report. Ponseti´s method was used to correct this deformity, and plantigrade foot was achieved. Although the results are not as good as in idiopathic cases, Ponseti´s method provides many advantages, as a partial correction is achieved, and this will allow a more limited posterior surgery

    Micropropagación y conservación de germoplasma de Ficus americana Aubl. y F. obtusifolia Kunth de Lambayeque (Perú)

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    Ficus americana and F. obtusifolia are among the most important tree species in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF) due to their evergreen condition and high levels of biomass. However, the SDTF of Lambayeque and northern Peru is greatly diminishing due to the advance of migratory agriculture, illegal mining, and deforestation. The objective of this work was to study the taxonomic aspects of both species, as well as seed germination, micropropagation, and in vitro germplasm conservation. Seed germination was 100% for both species up to three months after collection. As for micropropagation, rooting, and germplasm conservation, the Piper culture medium was effective, as it was constituted by MS mineral salts with 0.02 mg.L-1 IAA and 0.02 mg.L-1 GA3. In vitro germplasm conservation lasted more than 24 months for both species. Acclimatization under greenhouse conditions reached 50% survival for both species.Ficus americana y F. obtusifolia, se encuentran entre las especies arbóreas más importantes de los Bosques Tropicales Estacionalmente Secos (BTES) por su condición de siempre verdes y sus altos niveles de biomasa. Sin embargo, el BTES de Lambayeque y el norte de Perú está disminuyendo enormemente debido al avance de la agricultura migratoria, la minería ilegal y la deforestación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar los aspectos taxonómicos de ambas especies, así como la germinación de semillas, la micropropagación y la conservación de germoplasma in vitro. La germinación de semillas fue de 100 % en ambas especies hasta tres meses después de la recolección. Respecto a la micropropagación, el enraizamiento y la conservación de germoplasma, el medio de cultivo de Piper resultó efectivo, el cual está conformado por sales minerales MS con IAA 0.02 mg.L-1 y GA3 0.02 mg.L-1. La conservación in vitro de germoplasma duró más de 24 meses en ambas especies. La aclimatación en condiciones de invernadero alcanzó 50 % de supervivencia en ambas especies

    EPIC247098361b: a transiting warm Saturn on an eccentric P=11.2P=11.2 days orbit around a V=9.9V=9.9 star

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    We report the discovery of EPIC247098361b using photometric data of the Kepler K2 satellite coupled with ground-based spectroscopic observations. EPIC247098361b has a mass of MP=0.397±0.037_{P}=0.397\pm 0.037 MJ_J, a radius of RP=1.00±0.020_{P}=1.00 \pm 0.020 RJ_J, and a moderately low equilibrium temperature of Teq=1030±15T_{eq}=1030 \pm 15 K due to its relatively large star-planet separation of a=0.1036a=0.1036 AU. EPIC247098361b orbits its bright (V=9.9V=9.9) late F-type host star in an eccentric orbit (e=0.258±0.025e=0.258 \pm 0.025) every 11.2 days, and is one of only four well characterized warm Jupiters having hosts stars brighter than V=10V=10. We estimate a heavy element content of 20 ±\pm 7 M_{\oplus} for EPIC247098361b, which is consistent with standard models of giant planet formation. The bright host star of EPIC247098361b makes this system a well suited target for detailed follow-up observations that will aid in the study of the atmospheres and orbital evolution of giant planets at moderate separations from their host stars.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Eliminating Error in the Chemical Abundance Scale for Extragalactic HII Regions

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    In an attempt to remove the systematic errors which have plagued the calibration of the HII region abundance sequence, we have theoretically modeled the extragalactic HII region sequence. We then used the theoretical spectra so generated in a double blind experiment to recover the chemical abundances using both the classical electron temperature + ionization correction factor technique, and the technique which depends on the use of strong emission lines (SELs) in the nebular spectrum to estimate the abundance of oxygen. We find a number of systematic trends, and we provide correction formulae which should remove systematic errors in the electron temperature + ionization correction factor technique. We also provide a critical evaluation of the various semi-empirical SEL techniques. Finally, we offer a scheme which should help to eliminate systematic errors in the SEL-derived chemical abundance scale for extragalactic HII regions.Comment: 24 pages, 9 Tables, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Updated considering minor changes during the final edition process and some few missing reference