5 research outputs found

    La contribución de la ALFIN a la Ciencia Abierta

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    O campo de atuação da Ciência Aberta traduz-se num processo colaborativo, transparente, de disseminação, criação e de transferência de conhecimento, acessível à investigação e assente nos princípios do acesso aberto. Os diferentes agentes do processo de investigação, munidos de um conjunto de competências de literacia da informação, adquirem a aptidão, em ambientes de informação impressa ou digital, e tendo por base o seu próprio pensamento crítico e reflexivo, de transformar a informação em novo conhecimento. Este artigo explora a integração dos conceitos da Ciência Aberta na literacia da informação. Apresenta-se uma reflexão teórica que evidencia os contributos da literacia da informação em contexto académico e na dinâmica da produção de ciência. Conclui-se que a literacia da informação se assume como uma ferramenta de aprendizagem essencial para o desenvolvimento da Ciência Aberta, potenciando o entendimento crítico dos conteúdos, a par do desenvolvimento e do progresso da investigação.The scope of Open Science translates into a collaborative, transparent process of dissemination, creation, and transfer of knowledge, accessible to research and based on the principles of open access. The different agents of the research process, equipped with a set of information literacy skills, acquire the ability, in print or digital information environments, and based on their own critical and reflexive thinking, to transform information into new knowledge. This article explores the integration of Open Science concepts in information literacy. It presents a theoretical reflection that shows the contributions of information literacy in the academic context and in the dynamics of the production of science. It is concluded that information literacy is an essential learning tool for the development of Open Science, enhancing the critical understanding of content, as well as the development and progress of research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Suction feeding kinematic data for 14 aquatic species

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    This dataset consists of a single .csv text file containing mouth and body kinematics, flow speeds and water fluxes into the mouths of 13 ray-finned fish species and one amphibian species during suction feeding. <div><br></div><div>Mouth and body kinematics were measured by high-speed video; water flows were characterized by particle image velocimetry.</div><div><br></div><div>Data are provided for the following species:</div><div><div>Ambystoma tigrinum (amphibian)</div><div>Polypterus endlicheri</div><div>Danio rerio</div><div>Carassius auratus</div><div>Apteronotus albifrons</div><div>Hemigrammus pulcher</div><div>Pimelodus pictus</div><div>Nimbochromis venustus</div><div>Astronotus ocellatus</div><div>Poecilia sphenops</div><div>Dascyllus marginatus</div><div>Chromis viridis</div><div>Chromis pelloura</div><div>Lepomis macrochirus</div><div><br></div><div>Variables reported for each specimen: Prey introduction method (wire, free or tube), morphometric and kinematic values: Max Gape, Max Jaw Protrusion distance, Time to peak gape, Gape speed, Max Flow Speed, Time to peak flow (from the time at which gape first exceeds 20% of peak gape), Total water flux into the mouth, Time to peak jaw protrusion, Jaw Protrusion Speed, Max Hyoid Depression, Time to peak hyoid depression, Hyoid depression speed, Ram Speed, Notch Angle (the angle between the upper and lower jaw bones at peak gape) and Notch Area.</div><div><br></div></div><div><b>Background: </b>The related study investigates inter-species variability in suction feeding kinematics: the process by which fish and other suction feeding organisms capture prey by generating a fluid flow outside of their mouths.</div

    Feeding kinematics of S. aurata obtained with the 3D system

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    Feeding kinematics of 93 feeding attempts of S. aurata on rotifers, obtained with the 3D system. larval age is in Days Post Hatching (DPH). time to minimal prey distance (MPD) is in units of TTPG cycles

    Feeding kinematics of S. aurata, obtained with the continuous high speed system

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    Feeding kinematics in 246 feeding attempts of S. aurata on rotifers, obtained with the continuous high speed system. larval age is in Days Post Hatching (DPH). viscosity is relative to that of of unmanipulated sea water (at 19 deg C). time to minimal prey distance (MPD) is in units of TTPG cycles