155 research outputs found

    Reducing Violence in a Time of Global Uncertainty

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    The new Sustainable Development Goal to reduce armed violence is a welcome commitment but the prescriptive nature of its approach is problematic – there is ‘no one size fits all’. Rather, focus needs to be on how violence operates in particular settings. Evidence from IDS’ Addressing and Mitigating Violence programme highlights the need to pursue bespoke approaches to tackling violence. We must recognise how different types of violence interlink and reinforce each other; how transnational and local-level actors involved with violence connect and operate; and how democratic spaces, and agency, need support and consideration for the pursuit of peaceful outcomes.UK Department for International Developmen

    Understanding how children and young people with disabilities experience COVID-19 and humanitarian emergencies in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review protocol

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    Introduction: People with disabilities have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and there is a need to understand the diversity of experience globally to plan and implement responses. The experience of children and young people with disabilities is often overlooked as research focuses on younger children or adults, and they are not often engaged in the design of research methods to capture their experience. As part of a research project to develop participatory methods with children and young people with disabilities in rural Nepal to research their experience of COVID-19 (PARDAN), we sought to map the literature about experiences of children and young people with disabilities in emergency and COVID-19 contexts, and describe the methods used. This review will inform the development of our methods and will help identify gaps in the literature. / Methods: We will use Arksey and O’Malley’s (1) and Levac et al’s (2) framework to search for grey and published literature. We will search Scopus, Web of Science, ASSIA, Jstor, Source, Google Scholar, Academia.edu, Researchgate, and Google. We will also search websites of organisations working in emergencies such as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), World Health Organisation (WHO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Humanity and Inclusion (HI), CBM International, International Disability Alliance (IDA), Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC), and National Federation of the Disabled Nepal (NFDN). We will approach our advisory committee and personal contacts in disabled persons organisations in the global south to help us locate additional relevant grey literature. Predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria will be applied by five reviewers to determine study eligibility. Studies published in English and Nepali and between May 2011 and May 2021 will be reviewed. Methods and findings from literature will be extracted and a descriptive summary will be presented to an advisory committee of disabled persons organisations in Nepal. / Discussion: Through this review we will identify research gaps and develop implications of our findings which will be presented in a webinar and in publications. The review will be an important resource for those seeking to conduct research about children and young people with disabilities and will inform a global inclusive response to the pandemic which includes the perspectives of children and young people

    Potential control under thin aqueous layers using a Kelvin Probe

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    Kelvin Probes can be modified to control as well as monitor potential. The design and operation of two different Kelvin Probe Potentiostats (KPPs) are described in this paper. One approach uses a permanent magnet and double coil to oscillate the needle at a fixed frequency, an AC backing potential, and software analysis and control schemes. This technique can also control the distance between the tip and sample, thereby tracking the topography of the sample. Both KPPs were used to make measurements on Type 304L stainless steel under thin layers of electrolyte. Cathodic polarization curves exhibited a limiting current density associated with oxygen reduction. The limiting current density varied with solution layer thickness over a finite range of thickness. Anodic polarization curves on 304L in a thin layer of chloride solution resulted in pitting corrosion. The breakdown potential did not vary with solution layer thickness. However, the thin layer was observed to increase in volume remarkably during pit growth owing to the absorption of water from the high humidity environment into the layer with ionic strength increased by the pit dissolution. The open circuit potential (OCP) and solution layer thickness were monitored during drying out of a thin electrolyte layer. Pitting corrosion initiated, as indicated by a sharp drop in the OCP, as the solution thinned and increased in concentration.This work was supported in part by the Office of Science and Technology and International (OST&I), Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM), US Department of Energy (DOE). The work is carried out as part of the DOE Multi-University Corrosion Cooperative under Cooperative Agreement DE-FC28-04RW12252

    Systematic review of interventions for reducing stigma experienced by children with disabilities and their families in low- and middle-income countries: state of the evidence.

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify and assess the evidence for interventions to reduce stigma experienced by children with disabilities and their families in low- and middle-income settings. METHODS: Systematic review of seven databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Global Health, PsycINFO, Social Policy and Practice, CINAHL, IBSS) for studies of interventions that aimed to reduce stigma for children with disabilities published from January 2000 to April 2018. Data were extracted on study population, study design, intervention level(s) and target group, and type(s) of stigma addressed. A narrative approach was used to synthesise the results. RESULTS: Twenty studies were included. The majority (65%) of interventions targeted enacted stigma (negative attitudes) and the most common intervention approach was education/training (63%). Over half (54%) of interventions were delivered at the organisational/institutional level, and only four studies targeted more than one social level. The most common disability targeted was epilepsy (50%) followed by intellectual impairment (20%). The majority of studies (n = 18/20, 90%) found a reduction in a component of stigma; however, most (90%) studies had a high risk of bias. CONCLUSIONS: This review highlights the lack of quality evidence on effective stigma-reduction strategies for children with disabilities. Validation and consistent use of contextually relevant scales to measure stigma may advance this field of research. Studies that involve people with disabilities in the design and implementation of these strategies are needed

    Metabolic reconstruction of sulfur assimilation in the extremophile Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans based on genome analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is a gamma-proteobacterium that lives at pH2 and obtains energy by the oxidation of sulfur and iron. It is used in the biomining industry for the recovery of metals and is one of the causative agents of acid mine drainage. Effective tools for the study of its genetics and physiology are not in widespread use and, despite considerable effort, an understanding of its unusual physiology remains at a rudimentary level. Nearly complete genome sequences of A. ferrooxidans are available from two public sources and we have exploited this information to reconstruct aspects of its sulfur metabolism. RESULTS: Two candidate mechanisms for sulfate uptake from the environment were detected but both belong to large paralogous families of membrane transporters and their identification remains tentative. Prospective genes, pathways and regulatory mechanisms were identified that are likely to be involved in the assimilation of sulfate into cysteine and in the formation of Fe-S centers. Genes and regulatory networks were also uncovered that may link sulfur assimilation with nitrogen fixation, hydrogen utilization and sulfur reduction. Potential pathways were identified for sulfation of extracellular metabolites that may possibly be involved in cellular attachment to pyrite, sulfur and other solid substrates. CONCLUSIONS: A bioinformatic analysis of the genome sequence of A. ferrooxidans has revealed candidate genes, metabolic process and control mechanisms potentially involved in aspects of sulfur metabolism. Metabolic modeling provides an important preliminary step in understanding the unusual physiology of this extremophile especially given the severe difficulties involved in its genetic manipulation and biochemical analysis

    Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans metabolism: from genome sequence to industrial applications

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans </it>is a major participant in consortia of microorganisms used for the industrial recovery of copper (bioleaching or biomining). It is a chemolithoautrophic, γ-proteobacterium using energy from the oxidation of iron- and sulfur-containing minerals for growth. It thrives at extremely low pH (pH 1–2) and fixes both carbon and nitrogen from the atmosphere. It solubilizes copper and other metals from rocks and plays an important role in nutrient and metal biogeochemical cycling in acid environments. The lack of a well-developed system for genetic manipulation has prevented thorough exploration of its physiology. Also, confusion has been caused by prior metabolic models constructed based upon the examination of multiple, and sometimes distantly related, strains of the microorganism.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The genome of the type strain <it>A. ferrooxidans </it>ATCC 23270 was sequenced and annotated to identify general features and provide a framework for <it>in silico </it>metabolic reconstruction. Earlier models of iron and sulfur oxidation, biofilm formation, quorum sensing, inorganic ion uptake, and amino acid metabolism are confirmed and extended. Initial models are presented for central carbon metabolism, anaerobic metabolism (including sulfur reduction, hydrogen metabolism and nitrogen fixation), stress responses, DNA repair, and metal and toxic compound fluxes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Bioinformatics analysis provides a valuable platform for gene discovery and functional prediction that helps explain the activity of <it>A. ferrooxidans </it>in industrial bioleaching and its role as a primary producer in acidic environments. An analysis of the genome of the type strain provides a coherent view of its gene content and metabolic potential.</p

    К проблеме социальной эффективности инноваций в профессиональном образовании

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    Movile Cave, Romania, is an unusual underground ecosystem that has been sealed off from the outside world for several million years and is sustained by non-phototrophic carbon fixation. Methane and sulfur-oxidising bacteria are the main primary producers, supporting a complex food web that includes bacteria, fungi and cave-adapted invertebrates. A range of methylotrophic bacteria in Movile Cave grow on one-carbon compounds including methylated amines, which are produced via decomposition of organic-rich microbial mats. The role of methylated amines as a carbon and nitrogen source for bacteria in Movile Cave was investigated using a combination of cultivation studies and DNA stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) using 13C-monomethylamine (MMA). Two newly developed primer sets targeting the gene for gamma-glutamylmethylamide synthetase (gmaS), the first enzyme of the recently-discovered indirect MMA-oxidation pathway, were applied in functional gene probing. SIP experiments revealed that the obligate methylotroph Methylotenera mobilis is one of the dominant MMA utilisers in the cave. DNA-SIP experiments also showed that a new facultative methylotroph isolated in this study, Catellibacterium sp. LW-1 is probably one of the most active MMA utilisers in Movile Cave. Methylated amines were also used as a nitrogen source by a wide range of non-methylotrophic bacteria in Movile Cave. PCR-based screening of bacterial isolates suggested that the indirect MMA-oxidation pathway involving GMA and N-methylglutamate is widespread among both methylotrophic and non-methylotrophic MMA utilisers from the cave

    Transformation of Biomass into Commodity Chemicals Using Enzymes or Cells

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