14 research outputs found

    PSU at CLEF-2020 ARQMath Track: Unsupervised Re-Ranking Using Pretraining

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    This paper elaborates on our submission to the ARQMath track at CLEF 2020. Our primary run for the main Task-1: Question Answering uses a two-stage retrieval technique in which the first stage is a fusion of traditional BM25 scoring and tf-idf with cosine similarity-based retrieval while the second stage is a finer re-ranking technique using contextualized embeddings. For the re-ranking we use a pre-trained robertabase model (110 million parameters) to make the language model more math-aware. Our approach achieves a higher NDCG0 score than the baseline, while our MAP and P@10 scores are competitive, performing better than the best submission (MathDowsers) for text and text+formula dependent topics

    Ranked List Fusion and Re-Ranking With Pre-Trained Transformers for ARQMath Lab

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    This paper elaborates on our submission to the ARQMath track at CLEF 2021. For our submission this year we use a collection of methods to retrieve and re-rank the answers in Math Stack Exchange in addition to our two-stage model which was comparable to the best model last year in terms of NDCG’. We also provide a detailed analysis of what the transformers are learning and why is it hard to train a math language model using transformers. This year’s submission to Task-1 includes summarizing long question-answer pairs to augment and index documents, using byte-pair encoding to tokenize formula and then re-rank them, and finally important keywords extraction from posts. Using an ensemble of these methods our approach shows a 20% improvement than our ARQMath’2020 Task-1 submission

    Large Scale Subject Category Classification of Scholarly Papers With Deep Attentive Neural Networks

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    Subject categories of scholarly papers generally refer to the knowledge domain(s) to which the papers belong, examples being computer science or physics. Subject category classification is a prerequisite for bibliometric studies, organizing scientific publications for domain knowledge extraction, and facilitating faceted searches for digital library search engines. Unfortunately, many academic papers do not have such information as part of their metadata. Most existing methods for solving this task focus on unsupervised learning that often relies on citation networks. However, a complete list of papers citing the current paper may not be readily available. In particular, new papers that have few or no citations cannot be classified using such methods. Here, we propose a deep attentive neural network (DANN) that classifies scholarly papers using only their abstracts. The network is trained using nine million abstracts from Web of Science (WoS). We also use the WoS schema that covers 104 subject categories. The proposed network consists of two bi-directional recurrent neural networks followed by an attention layer. We compare our model against baselines by varying the architecture and text representation. Our best model achieves micro- F1 measure of 0.76 with F1 of individual subject categories ranging from 0.50 to 0.95. The results showed the importance of retraining word embedding models to maximize the vocabulary overlap and the effectiveness of the attention mechanism. The combination of word vectors with TFIDF outperforms character and sentence level embedding models. We discuss imbalanced samples and overlapping categories and suggest possible strategies for mitigation. We also determine the subject category distribution in CiteSeerX by classifying a random sample of one million academic papers

    Large Scale Subject Category Classification of Scholarly Papers with Deep Attentive Neural Networks

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    Subject categories of scholarly papers generally refer to the knowledge domain(s) to which the papers belong, examples being computer science or physics. Subject category information can be used for building faceted search for digital library search engines. This can significantly assist users in narrowing down their search space of relevant documents. Unfortunately, many academic papers do not have such information as part of their metadata. Existing methods for solving this task usually focus on unsupervised learning that often relies on citation networks. However, a complete list of papers citing the current paper may not be readily available. In particular, new papers that have few or no citations cannot be classified using such methods. Here, we propose a deep attentive neural network (DANN) that classifies scholarly papers using only their abstracts. The network is trained using 9 million abstracts from Web of Science (WoS). We also use the WoS schema that covers 104 subject categories. The proposed network consists of two bi-directional recurrent neural networks followed by an attention layer. We compare our model against baselines by varying the architecture and text representation. Our best model achieves micro-F1 measure of 0.76 with F1 of individual subject categories ranging from 0.50-0.95. The results showed the importance of retraining word embedding models to maximize the vocabulary overlap and the effectiveness of the attention mechanism. The combination of word vectors with TFIDF outperforms character and sentence level embedding models. We discuss imbalanced samples and overlapping categories and suggest possible strategies for mitigation. We also determine the subject category distribution in CiteSeerX by classifying a random sample of one million academic papers.Comment: submitted to "Frontiers Mining Scientific Papers Volume II: Knowledge Discovery and Data Exploitation

    The ACL OCL Corpus: advancing Open science in Computational Linguistics

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    We present a scholarly corpus from the ACL Anthology to assist Open scientific research in the Computational Linguistics domain, named as ACL OCL. Compared with previous ARC and AAN versions, ACL OCL includes structured full-texts with logical sections, references to figures, and links to a large knowledge resource (semantic scholar). ACL OCL contains 74k scientific papers, together with 210k figures extracted up to September 2022. To observe the development in the computational linguistics domain, we detect the topics of all OCL papers with a supervised neural model. We observe ''Syntax: Tagging, Chunking and Parsing'' topic is significantly shrinking and ''Natural Language Generation'' is resurging. Our dataset is open and available to download from HuggingFace in https://huggingface.co/datasets/ACL-OCL/ACL-OCL-Corpus

    Fighting Fire with Fire: The Dual Role of LLMs in Crafting and Detecting Elusive Disinformation

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    Recent ubiquity and disruptive impacts of large language models (LLMs) have raised concerns about their potential to be misused (.i.e, generating large-scale harmful and misleading content). To combat this emerging risk of LLMs, we propose a novel "Fighting Fire with Fire" (F3) strategy that harnesses modern LLMs' generative and emergent reasoning capabilities to counter human-written and LLM-generated disinformation. First, we leverage GPT-3.5-turbo to synthesize authentic and deceptive LLM-generated content through paraphrase-based and perturbation-based prefix-style prompts, respectively. Second, we apply zero-shot in-context semantic reasoning techniques with cloze-style prompts to discern genuine from deceptive posts and news articles. In our extensive experiments, we observe GPT-3.5-turbo's zero-shot superiority for both in-distribution and out-of-distribution datasets, where GPT-3.5-turbo consistently achieved accuracy at 68-72%, unlike the decline observed in previous customized and fine-tuned disinformation detectors. Our codebase and dataset are available at https://github.com/mickeymst/F3.Comment: Accepted at EMNLP 202

    The curious case of prolactin hormone

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