6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Jenis Bahasa Narasi dan Bentuk Pesan Visual Video terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Tentang Penyakit Chikungunya pada Siswa SMAN 1 Ciampea

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    This research was conducted to determine the influences of the type of naration language and video visual messagetoward the improvement of knowledge on Chikungunya, among students of SMAN 1 Ciampea, Bogor. Thisexperiment had been conducted to 80 students which were selected purposively and divided into four treatmentgroup. Data was analyzed using paired sample t-test, analysis of varians, and Duncan's multiple range test. Theresult shows that, there is an improvement of knowledge, among students after watching the video on Chikungunya.However, there is no significant difference of knowledge on Chikungunya, on the influence of the use of Sundaneseand Bahasa Indonesia. Similarly, there is no significant difference about the video treatment between realisticvisualization (motion) and graphic visualization (still). All four treatment combinations do not show any significantdifference in the student's knowledge improvement on Chikungunya

    Kajian Karakteristik Nelayan terhadap Akses Sumber Informasi ; (Kasus di Desa Parangtritis Kecamatan Kretek Kabupaten Bantul YOGYAKARTA)

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    The role of information in fishery development becomes very important now. The information represents source forunderstanding creation, opening of knowledge and assisting in efficient and effective decision-making. Growth ofscience and technology especially in submitting information by using media oblige fishermen for more selectivechosen source of effective information so they will be able to facilitate effort system of fishery catch. The purpose ofthis research was to know the characteristic of fishermen in Parangtritis village, to know access information sourceand to study the characteristic relation of fishermen access to the information source. This research was executed atParangtritis village, Sub district of Kretek, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta in March - May 2004 by using correlationdescriptive method. Data collecting was conducted by using structured interview with questioner. Result of researchindicates that the fishermen generally are in productive age, most of fishermen status is a laborer, formal educationof fishermen generally is junior high school and senior high school, and they have followed non formal education.Their earnings are between Rp.500.000 - Rp. 1.000.000. The fishermen generally access the interpersonal mediainformation source by way of humanity communication and group, newspaper and electronic media - radio andTelevision. Result of research indicates that only some components of characteristic relate to access of informationsource by interpersonal media, press and the electronic. Fishermen status have a negative real correlation withinformation access through radio, non formal education of fisheries has a very real correlation with informationaccess through communications among fishermen and television media, has a real correlation with informationaccess in groups and newspaper media. While fishermen earnings have a real negative correlation with informationaccess by Sub district Worker of Fishery (PPK), very negative correlation with information access by “layar tancap”film and VCD media

    Pengaruh Jenis Bahasa Narasi dan Bentuk Pesan Visual Video Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan tentang Penyakit Chikungunya pada Siswa SMAN 1 Ciampea

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    This research was conducted to determine the influences of the type of naration language and video visual messagetoward the improvement of knowledge on Chikungunya, among students of SMAN 1 Ciampea, Bogor. Thisexperiment had been conducted to 80 students which were selected purposively and divided into four treatmentgroup. Data was analyzed using paired sample t-test, analysis of varians, and Duncan’s multiple range test. Theresult shows that, there is an improvement of knowledge, among students after watching the video on Chikungunya.However, there is no significant difference of knowledge on Chikungunya, on the influence of the use of Sundaneseand Bahasa Indonesia. Similarly, there is no significant difference about the video treatment between realisticvisualization (motion) and graphic visualization (still). All four treatment combinations do not show any significantdifference in the student’s knowledge improvement on Chikungunya

    Hubungan Karakteristik dan Aktivitas Komunikasi dengan Perilaku Masyarakat Perkampungan Budaya Betawi

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    In 10 March 2005 Parlement DKI Jakarta area have approved of Regional lawing proposal number 3/2005 a boutBetawi Cultural Civilization in Jagakarsa district South Jakarta. The aim of Betawi Cultural Civilization the makecommunity a ware style life Betawi Cultural in to protect enviroment and building Betawi. This Research aimed atdescribe civilazation characteristic communication activity and community behavior and analityng relationcivilization which conducted in July – Agust 2006 using relation discribtive method. The Result so may individucharacteristic significanly related with community behavior such as formal education with knowledge nonformal withattitude and action, while the communication community correlated with community behavior are exsposenewspapaer, exspose with knowledge, interpersonal communication exspose with attitude

    Kajian Karakteristik Nelayan Terhadap Akses Sumber Informasi ; (Kasus Di Desa Parangtritis Kecamatan Kretek Kabupaten Bantul Yogyakarta)

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    The role of information in fishery development becomes very important now. The information represents source forunderstanding creation, opening of knowledge and assisting in efficient and effective decision-making. Growth ofscience and technology especially in submitting information by using media oblige fishermen for more selectivechosen source of effective information so they will be able to facilitate effort system of fishery catch. The purpose ofthis research was to know the characteristic of fishermen in Parangtritis village, to know access information sourceand to study the characteristic relation of fishermen access to the information source. This research was executed atParangtritis village, Sub district of Kretek, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta in March - May 2004 by using correlationdescriptive method. Data collecting was conducted by using structured interview with questioner. Result of researchindicates that the fishermen generally are in productive age, most of fishermen status is a laborer, formal educationof fishermen generally is junior high school and senior high school, and they have followed non formal education.Their earnings are between Rp.500.000 - Rp. 1.000.000. The fishermen generally access the interpersonal mediainformation source by way of humanity communication and group, newspaper and electronic media - radio andTelevision. Result of research indicates that only some components of characteristic relate to access of informationsource by interpersonal media, press and the electronic. Fishermen status have a negative real correlation withinformation access through radio, non formal education of fisheries has a very real correlation with informationaccess through communications among fishermen and television media, has a real correlation with informationaccess in groups and newspaper media. While fishermen earnings have a real negative correlation with informationaccess by Sub district Worker of Fishery (PPK), very negative correlation with information access by “layar tancap”film and VCD media