23 research outputs found

    Coping strategies and belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories

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    Conspiracy beliefs have been related to aversive emotional experiences often accompanying major world events and have also been linked to maladaptive ways of coping with stress. In this research, we examined how different coping strategies (i.e., self-sufficient, social-support, avoidance, and religious) predicted the adoption of COVID-19 conspiracy theories. In two studies (Study 1, n = 1000 and Study 2, n = 616) conducted among Polish participants, we found that avoidance and religious coping were positively linked to COVID- 19 conspiracy beliefs. In Study 1, conspiracy beliefs also mediated the positive relationships between avoidance and religious coping and adherence to safety and self-isolation guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Study 2 additionally showed that the relationship between fear, induced by reading threatening news on COVID-19, and conspiracy beliefs was the strongest among those high in avoidance coping. These studies highlight the role of coping strategies in the adoption of COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs

    Construct validation of the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire in Spanish‐speaking countries: Assessment of the reliability, structural and external validity and cross‐cultural equivalence

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    A recent re-operationalisation of grandiose narcissism has resulted in the distinction of two narcissistic strategies based on the cognitive, affective-motivational, and behavioural dynamics: admiration (assertive self-enhancement) and rivalry (antagonistic self-protection). The Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire (NARQ) was developed to assess this model with two higher-order dimensions. However, cross-validations of the NARQ have not been extensively conducted across diverse population groups and languages. This study aimed to test the internal and external validity (through the relation with envy and self-esteem), reliability, and cross-cultural equivalence of the Spanish version of the NARQ. The psychometric properties were evaluated in a Spanish sample (N = 310), and cross-cultural equivalence was tested in participants from Chile (N = 234) and Colombia (N = 256). The results supported the reliability and validity of the Spanish NARQ, as well as the cross-cultural equivalence across Spanish-speaking countries. In addition, we discuss obtained differences across Spanish, Chilean, and Colombian sample within two narcissistic strategies.The work of Maria M. Kwiatkowska is supportedby the research program for young scientists and PhDstudents funded by the Cardinal Stefan Wyszy´nskiUniversity in Warsaw, Poland (project number:UmoBMF-14/18). The work of R. Rogoza was sup-ported by National Science Centre, Poland (projectnumber 2015/19/N/HS6/00685)

    Towards Integration of Communal Narcissism Within the Structure of the Narcissistic Personality Traits

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    There are three facets of narcissism: agentic, antagonistic, and neurotic. However, not all narcissistic constructs fit into this structural organization. Across two self-report studies (N = 1154) and one social network study (N = 246; N = 5986 total observations), we analyse if communal narcissism could be meaningfully integrated with this three-factor conceptualization of narcissism. We provide evidence that communal narcissism also predicts being liked less and when controlling for communion the relation to agreeableness appears as negative. Also, residualised communal narcissism negatively predicts objective prosociality as well as negatively being liked when controlled for liking others. Relations of the residualised communal narcissism to the facets of narcissism allows to fit this construct within the spectrum of narcissistic personality

    The Pictorial Personality Traits Quesionnaire – presentation of the questionnaire

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    Obecnie przyjmuje się, że strukturę osobowości, również w okresie dzieciństwa, można opisać za pomocą cech Wielkiej Piątki. Dużym problemem jest jednak taki sposób pomiaru, który uwzględniałby kształtujące się dopiero umiejętności czytania, koncentracji oraz inne aspekty rozwoju poznawczego badanych osób młodych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja Obrazkowego pomiaru cech osobowości dzieci (OPCO-D), czyli kwestionariusza do pomiaru 5 czynników osobowości, tj.: ekstrawersji, neurotyczności, otwartości, sumienności i ugodowości w okresie późnego dzieciństwa. Kwestionariusz OPCO-D można uznać za zadowalające, rzetelne i trafne uzupełnienie istniejącej narzędziowej luki w sposobach pomiaru cech osobowości u dzieci, zwłaszcza między 7. a 10. rokiem życia. Łączy w sobie zalety pomiaru zarówno kwestionariuszowego, jak i niekwestionariuszowego i jest dostosowany do rozwoju poznawczego oraz do możliwości dzieci.Currently, it is assumed that the personality structure, including the period of the childhood, could be described through the means of the Big Five traits. A big challenge, however, is to select such a measure, which would take into account the development of reading, concentration, and other cognitive aspects, which are still developing in younger children. Therefore, the aim of the current study if to demonstrate that the Pictorial Personality Traits Questionnaire for Children (PPTQ-C), which is a questionnaire designed to capture five basic personality traits, that is: extraversion, neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness during the late childhood period. The PPTQ-C could be deemed as a valid and reliable tool, which covers the existing lack in such tools, especially for children aged between 7 and 10 years. The PPTQ-C combines the best features of questionnaire and non-questionnaire methods of assessment and is adjusted to the cognitive development of children.

    Rogoza, Marta

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    Polska adaptacja modelu narcystycznego podziwu i rywalizacji

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    W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowany został model teoretyczny przedstawiający nową konceptualizację narcyzmu zaproponowaną przez Backa i współpracowników (2013). Model ten został empirycznie zweryfikowany z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza do pomiaru narcystycznego podziwu i rywalizacji (NARQ), który zaadaptowany został do warunków polskich, replikując uzyskane przez Backa i współpracowników (2013) wyniki. Artykuł prezentuje wyniki serii czterech badań, które miały na celu przygotowanie kulturowo trafnej adaptacji narzędzia, w trakcie których stosowano kolejne wersje kwestionariusza NARQ. Tym samym weryfikacji poddane zostały trzy hipotezy badawcze na temat właściwości psychometrycznych polskiej adaptacji dotyczące: (1) trafności zewnętrznej, (2) rzetelności oraz (3) trafności czynnikowej. W badaniach wzięło udział łącznie N = 1982 dorosłych Polaków. Otrzymane wyniki potwierdzają, że ostateczna wersja kwestionariusza NARQ charakteryzuje się: (1) wysoką trafnością zewnętrzną z innymi narzędziami mierzącymi narcyzm; (2) bardzo dobrymi wskaźnikami rzetelności mierzonymi za pomocą wskaźnika a) (McDonald, 1999); (3) trafnością czynnikową - model konfirmacyjnej analizy czynnikowej potwierdził zakładaną strukturę narzędzia i był dopasowany do danych

    More identified so less envious? On the links between different types of national identity and in-group envy

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    We investigate relations between benign and malicious in-group envy and the two types of national identity (i.e., secure national identification vs. national narcissism). In two studies (Ns = 1000 and 633), we found that secure national identification was negatively linked to malicious envy, while national narcissism was positively related to both malicious and benign envy. In Study 2, we additionally analyzed how in-group envy and two types of national identity shape in?group altruism. We found that low malicious envy significantly mediated the relationship between secure identification and in-group altruism. We discuss the role of envy in shaping the links between secure (vs. narcissistic) identity and positive intragroup attitudes