125 research outputs found

    The Foreign Investor Bias and its Linguistic Origins

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    Naskah Film Televisi Genre Romance Comedy “Pemuda Idaman #Ngaca”

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    This television movie script "Pemuda Idaman #ngaca" romance comedy genre discusses about a set of problems faced by single man (single) in finding his ideal partner. The purpose of producing this work is to provide the moral message about the meaning of the mirroring (preparing ourselves) through television screenwriting "Pemuda Idaman #ngaca." This work describes the story of a single man looking for a woman of his dreams which packaged in a comedy. The reconstruction of the characters in this script uses physical constitution of the psychological theory of Ernst Kretschmern to describe the physical form of the characters in the script. The creator collecting data and facts (news) observation in making this work on the phenomenon of singles in Indonesia and based on personal experienced of the creator in the composing idea, so expected with the moral messages preparing ourselves can be delivered through the television movie script "Pemuda Idaman #ngaca." The result of this work is the screenplay television movie of romance comedy as the genre in the title "Pemuda Idaman #ngaca.

    ICE (Intensive Community Empowerment) Sebagai Solusi Upaya Mencegah Kenaikan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) Sebagai Program Percontohan Di Wilayah Kelurahan Bangetayu Wetan Kecematan Genuk Kota Semarang

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    Kesehatan ibu merupakan target dalam Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). Angka kematian ibu (AKI) merupakan salah satu indikator dalam menentukan derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Angka kematian ibu di Indonesia tertinggi dibandingkan dengan negara ASEAN lainnya. Menurunkan angka kematian ibu dengan cara yang kreatif perlu dilakukan agar kematian pada ibu menurun. ICE (intensive commmunity empowerment) dengan langkah-langkah; Mapping Strategy, Penyuluhan Intensif, dan Pemberdayaan Dukun Bersalin yang merupakan program inovatif untuk menurunkan kematian ibu di Kelurahan Bangetayu Wetan Kecamatan Genuk Kota Semarang. Kecamatan Genuk merupakan kecamatan yang 19 kasus dari 25.746 jumlah kelahiran hidup atau sekitar 73,80 per 100.000 KH. Sasaran program ini adalah pasangan usia subur dan dukun beranak. Tahapan pelaksanaan program ini dimulai dengan mapping strategy, penyuluhan intensif dan pemberdayaan dukun bersalin

    Costs of alternative treatments for incomplete abortion

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    Unsafely performed abortion is one of the five leading causes of maternal deaths worldwide. Many women who have undergone unsafe abortions enter the healthcare system to seek help for the resulting complications, including incomplete abortion. This human and financial cost of this health problem is tremendous, especially in the developing world. This study examined the potential for reducing costs to healthcare systems by changing the standard method of treatment for incomplete abortion. Vacuum aspiration (VA) has been shown to be safer than dilation and curettage (D&C) for uterine evacuation; the World Health Organization includes VA as an essential service at the first referral level. The technique most commonly used for treating first-trimester incomplete abortion in developing countries, however, is D&C. This study examined the hypothesis that use of manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) - a variation of VA - would be less costly than D&C and thus advantageous to healthcare systems with limited resources. The purpose of the study was to identify and, where possible, to explain the factors that contributed to cost differences between MVA and D&C for treatment of first-trimester incomplete abortion. To achieve this objective, researchers observed patient management and documented resource use at hospital sites in Ecuador, Kenya, and Mexico. In most cases, treatment with MVA required a shorter patient stay and fewer hospital resources than D&C, as the two techniques were practiced at the various study sites. The policy decision to adopt MVA, supported by procurement of instruments and incorporation of training in its use, is the chief prerequisite for achieving these improvements. But the full advantages of MVA are realized only if it is introduced in conjunction with certain changes in patient-management practices, such as offering outpatient treatment of incomplete abortion. Further, decentralizing MVA services can maximize the benefits of the technique, facilitating (hospitals'and) healthcare systems'efforts to decrease the cost of delivery service and improve the quality of care.Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Gender and Health,Health Systems Development&Reform,Information Technology,Business Environment

    Membentuk Karakter Moral Anak Melalui Sanggar Anak Peduli Dan Tanggap HIV/AIDS (SAPTHA) Di Lingkungan Lokalisasi Sunan Kuning Semarang

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    Meningkatnya masalahan Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) dan Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) di Indonesia semakin kompleks dengan berbagai kasus penyebab penyebab HIV. Fenomena seperti itu biasa terjadi di tempat-tempat lokalisasi yang berada di Indonesia termasuk di Semarang, Jawa Tengah yang bernama lokalisasi Sunan Kuning. Lokalisasi tersebut merupakan lokalisasi Wanita Pekerja Seks (WPS) terbesar di Semarang. Lokalisasi Sunan Kuning terletak di wilayah perbukitan Kelurahan Kalibanteng Kulon tepatnya di RW IV. Lokalisasi Sunan Kuning berada di sekitar pemukiman warga masayarakat sehingga interaksi antara PSK dengan warga biasa, termasuk anak-anak tidak ada batasan. Hal ini yang menjadi fokus dalam kreativitas yang ingin dikembangkan oleh fasilitator program kegiatan. Anak-anak seharusnya tinggal di lingkungan yang kondusif, sehingga mereka belajar dan bermain sesuai dengan seharusnya. Akan tetapi tidak semua anak mendapatkan hak yang seharusnya. Tempat pelaksanaan program PKMM di SDN Kalibanteng Kulon 1 yang berada di wilayah lokalisasi dikarenakan pihak Kelurahan meminta kami untuk melaksanakan program di instansi yang dapat bertanggungjawab, selain itu sebagai stategi agar anak-anak disekitar lokalisasi mengikuti program SAPTHA. Kegiatan ini memberikan solusi kreatif tentang membangun karakter anak di lingkungan lokalisasi Sunan Kuning yang peduli dan tanggap HIV/AIDS melalui program kegiatan SAPTHA (Sanggar Anak Peduli dan Tanggap HIV/AIDS) dengan metode permainan dan seni yang diadakan selama tiga bulan dengan waktu kegiatan empat kali pertemuan setiap bulannya di hari minggu. Anak-anak yang menjadi fokus perhatian adalah anak-anak di lingkungan lokalisasi Sunan Kuning yang berumur 9-12 tahun. Model pembinaan karakter anak peduli HIV ini dikemas dengan agenda kegiatan Funny Meeting, Pohon “ Harapanku Esok”, Pengenalan “What is HIV?”, HIV in Poster dan Permainan Tradisional, HIV in a comic, HIV in a Theater, Surat Harapan dan Permainan HIV Vs Health, Nobar (Nonton Bareng) Film, Daur Ulang Seni Kriya Anak Resos peduli HIV, Belajar Bareng, Berbagi pengalaman dan games monopoli HIVA, Mini Outbound dan “Enterpreneur Child”, dan yang terakhir merupakan kegiatan puncak yaitu Mini Festival HIVA, pemilihan Duta HIVA anak lokalisasi Sunan Kuning, Semarang dan penutupan. Dengan adanya model pembinaan karakter anak peduli HIV melalui program kegiatan SAPTHA yang menekankan pembelajaran yang dikonsep permainan dan seni, anak-anak dapat terbentuk karakter moralnya dan dapat mengembalikan suasana lingkungan anak-anak yang sesuai dan anak-anak di lingkungan lokalisasi dapat memahami tentang virus HIV secara dini, parameter yang digunakan untuk mengukur keberhasilan program lewat rapor individu yang telah TIM PKMM SAPTHA susun. Ketercapaian program PKMM SAPTHA adalah telah memiliki 30 siswa yang mengikuti Program, memiliki modul dan cara membentuk karakter moral anak lewat konsep seni dan permainan, rapor harian siswa, dan telah dipublikasikan diberbagai media cetak dan online seperti Barometer, Jawapos, Wawasan, Tribun Jawa Tengah, Wikipedia mendapat penghargaan PKM yang diapresiasi media, website undip.ac.id, cahunnes.com, okezone.com dll. Sedangkan keberlanjutan dari program PKMM SAPTHA saat ini kami telah membuat MoU untuk menjadikan SAPTHA sebagai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SDN Kalibanteng Kulon 01 yang akan dilaksanakan tiap 2 minggu sekali yang akan dibantu oleh LSM/UKK STOPHIVA Undip, yaitu salah satu unit kegiatan kampus di Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas diponegoro yang memiliki fokus dalam penanganan HIV/AIDS di Kota Semarang

    Can Reproductive Health Voucher Programs Improve Quality of Postnatal Care? A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Kenya’s Safe Motherhood Voucher Scheme

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    This study tests the group-level causal relationship between the expansion of Kenya’s Safe Motherhood voucher program and changes in quality of postnatal care (PNC) provided at voucher-contracted facilities. We compare facilities accredited since program inception in 2006 (phase I) and facilities accredited since 2010-2011 (phase II) relative to comparable non-voucher facilities. PNC quality is assessed using observed clinical content processes, as well as client-reported outcome measures. Two-tailed unpaired t-tests are used to identify differences in mean process quality scores and client-reported outcome measures, comparing changes between intervention and comparison groups at the 2010 and 2012 data collection periods. Difference-in-differences analysis is used to estimate the reproductive health (RH) voucher program’s causal effect on quality of care by exploiting group-level differences between voucher-accredited and non-accredited facilities in 2010 and 2012. Participation in the voucher scheme since 2006 significantly improves overall quality of postnatal care by 39% (p=0.02), where quality is defined as the observable processes or components of service provision that occur during a PNC consultation. Program participation since phase I is estimated to improve the quality of observed maternal postnatal care by 86% (p=0.02), with the largest quality improvements in counselling on family planning methods (IRR 5.0; p=0.01) and return to fertility (IRR 2.6; p=0.01). Despite improvements in maternal aspects of PNC, we find a high proportion of mothers who seek PNC are not being checked by any provider after delivery. Additional strategies will be necessary to standardize provision of packaged postnatal interventions to both mother and new-born. This study addresses an important gap in the existing RH literature by using a strong evaluation design to assess RH voucher program effectiveness on quality improvement

    Rheological criteria assessment of a rapid setting emulsion as compared to quick set for emulsified asphalt cold mixes

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    Pavement deterioration is inevitable on roads. Unlike structural failures that can only be remedied by total reconstruction, road's functional failures are corrected through effective maintenance works. Preventive maintenance in the form of an emulsified asphalt cold slurry micro-surfacing is considered superior to corrective maintenance - which is a reactive approach. Exploring alternative(s) to the normal quick setting emulsion used for pavement preservation maintenance will make it more robust and cost-effective. This study conducted an assessment of the key parameters specified by the department of public works (Jabatan Kerja Raya) JKR-2008 and International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA A143) specifications for emulsified asphalts emulsions used for cold mixes, specifically, emulsified asphalt micro-surfacing mixtures used for pavement maintenance. Cationic quick set (CQS-1h) and Rapid Set (RS-1k) emulsions were tested in the Transportation laboratory of UTM under controlled laboratory conditions. Tests include settlement and storage stability, particle charge, residue by evaporation, sieve test, and Say bolt Furol viscosity, while the residue from evaporation was tested for microstructural and mechanical performance, results were compared with JKR-2008 and ISSA A143 standard specifications. The result indicated that although the desirability for opening traffic within 1hr is not guaranteed with RS-1k, yet, it gives promising similar properties with CQS whilst satisfying cold mix requirement