152 research outputs found
Patrick Le GalÚs (ed., 2020) Gouverner la métropole parisienne. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po. 335 pages.
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La rĂ©conciliation de la dĂ©mocratie locale et de la compĂ©titivitĂ© internationale dans le discours rĂ©formiste Ă Toronto : Essai dâinterprĂ©tation sur le nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme normalisĂ©
Sâappuyant sur lâexemple de Toronto, cet article cherche Ă Ă©lucider les raisons pour lesquelles plusieurs militants ont recours au langage de la dĂ©mocratie locale dans leur lutte contre le nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme. Il est trĂšs frĂ©quent que les citoyens perçoivent les rĂ©formes urbaines lĂ©gitimĂ©es au nom de la compĂ©titivitĂ© mondiale comme une menace directe Ă leur qualitĂ© de vie locale. Cet antagonisme, longtemps conçu par les analystes urbains comme un conflit entre la « valeur dâusage » et la « valeur dâĂ©change », prend toutefois une dimension particuliĂšre Ă Toronto avec le retour dâun rĂ©gime de centre-gauche caractĂ©risĂ© par la synthĂšse de ces deux pĂŽles qui sâexpliquerait par une dynamique de normalisation du nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme.Based on the example of Toronto, this article seeks to understand why many activists use the language of local democracy in their struggle against neoliberalism. Recent urban reforms have often been legitimated as ânecessaryâ for global competitiveness. Yet, these reforms have been perceived by residents as a direct threat to their quality of life. While this antagonism has long been analysed as the opposition between âuse valueâ and âexchange valueâ, the return to power of a centre-left regime in Toronto is better characterized by a synthesis between these two poles, which exemplifies the process of normalizing neoliberalism
Extended urbanisation and the spatialities of infectious disease: Demographic change, infrastructure and governance
This paper argues that contemporary processes of extended urbanisation, which include suburbanisation, post-suburbanisation and peri-urbanisation may result in increased vulnerability to infectious disease spread. Through a review of existing literature at the nexus of urbanisation and infectious disease, we consider how this (potential) increased vulnerability to infectious diseases in peri- or suburban areas is in fact dialectically related to socio-material transformations on the metropolitan edge. In particular, we highlight three key factors influencing the spread of infectious disease that have been identified in the literature: demographic change; infrastructure and governance. These have been chosen given both the prominence of these themes and their role in shaping the spread of disease on the urban edge. Further, we suggest how a landscape political ecology framework can be useful for examining the role of socio-ecological transformations in generating increased risk of infectious disease in peri- and suburban areas. To illustrate our arguments we will draw upon examples from various re-emerging infectious disease events and outbreaks around the world to reveal how extended urbanisation in the broadest sense has amplified the conditions necessary for the spread of infectious diseases. We thus call for future research on the spatialities of health and disease to pay attention to how variegated patterns of extended urbanisation may influence possible outbreaks, and the mechanisms through which such risks can be alleviated
Die Produktion des Raumes: Auswege aus der Krise des Fordismus und Dispositiv fĂŒr progressive Politik? Eine Entgegnung auf James 0' Connor
Although O'Connor's intention is approveable, his analysis needs two corrections. Firstly, several negociation levels ought to be introduced to mediate between the government and the TNC on one side and the local protest movements on the other side. Secondly, O'Connor has overseen the forthcoming langer of a right-wing regionalism and localism
Die Stadt lebt in ihrer Auflösung: Beitrag zur Debatte âWas ist Stadt? Was ist Kritik?â
Dieser kurze Debattenbeitrag beantwortet die Fragen der Redaktion nach der Natur der Stadt und der Rolle der Kritik. Der Artikel pladoyiert fĂŒr eine Ăffnung der Stadt zum StĂ€dtischen. Was das stĂ€dtische Leben zur Findung eines Stadtbegriffs beitrĂ€gt â anstatt diesen aus der (politischen) Ăkonomie des Kapitalismus herzuleiten â weist ĂŒber die Stadt hinaus, wie wir von Lefebvre (1972) wissen. VerstĂ€dterung und verstĂ€dterte Gesellschaft deuten auf einen Stadtbegriff, der prozessual ist, ĂŒber die Stadt als singulĂ€res Ding und Objekt hinwegzeigt. In meiner eigenen Forschungspraxis habe ich den Stadtbegriff immer an dieser Auflösung des Objektes in den Prozess hinein festgemacht.
Mike Davis: Erinnerungen an einen Giganten der GroĂzĂŒgigkeit: Kommentar zu Mike Davisâ âFestung L.A.â (2006 [1990])
Mike Davis (1946-2022) war ein einzigartiger öffentlicher Intellektueller, der wissenschaftliches, aktivistisches und populĂ€res Denken in so unterschiedlichen Forschungsbereichen wie Stadt, Arbeiterbewegung, Marxismus, stĂ€dtische politische Ăkologie, Geschichte, Pandemien und viele andere mehr beeinflusste. Er war ein ĂŒberlebensgroĂer Mensch, ein Selfmade-Renaissance-Mann, ein KĂ€mpfer, der Verbindungen herstellte. Er war auch ein Freund. Ich habe ihn so in Erinnerung
NatĂŒrlich stĂ€dtisch: Stadtumwelten nach dem Fordismus: Ein nordamerikanisches Beispiel
In contrast to past practices of building cities against nature, today, nature is being reinserted into the urbanization process in new, although often contradictory ways. Reinsertion of nature in postfordist cities does not mean that the Fordist city was 'unnatural' or that cities after Fordism are more 'ecologically sustainable'. Rather, it signals an important transformation in the forms of urban growth. Some of the major aspects of cities' natures at the end of the millennium are shown, using current trends and events in the Toronto urban region
Latent class analysis reveals clinically relevant atopy phenotypes in 2 birth cohorts
Phenotypes of childhood-onset asthma are characterized by distinct trajectories and functional features. For atopy, definition of phenotypes during childhood is less clear.; We sought to define phenotypes of atopic sensitization over the first 6Â years of life using a latent class analysis (LCA) integrating 3 dimensions of atopy: allergen specificity, time course, and levels of specific IgE (sIgE).; Phenotypes were defined by means of LCA in 680 children of the Multizentrische Allergiestudie (MAS) and 766 children of the Protection against allergy: Study in Rural Environments (PASTURE) birth cohorts and compared with classical nondisjunctive definitions of seasonal, perennial, and food sensitization with respect to atopic diseases and lung function. Cytokine levels were measured in the PASTURE cohort.; The LCA classified predominantly by type and multiplicity of sensitization (food vs inhalant), allergen combinations, and sIgE levels. Latent classes were related to atopic disease manifestations with higher sensitivity and specificity than the classical definitions. LCA detected consistently in both cohorts a distinct group of children with severe atopy characterized by high seasonal sIgE levels and a strong propensity for asthma; hay fever; eczema; and impaired lung function, also in children without an established asthma diagnosis. Severe atopy was associated with an increased IL-5/IFN-Îł ratio. AÂ path analysis among sensitized children revealed that among all features of severe atopy, only excessive sIgE production early in life affected asthma risk.; LCA revealed a set of benign, symptomatic, and severe atopy phenotypes. The severe phenotype emerged as a latent condition with signs of a dysbalanced immune response. It determined high asthma risk through excessive sIgE production and directly affected impaired lung function
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