2,638 research outputs found

    Obesity Inequalities According to Place of Birth: The Role of Education

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    This study examined obesity inequalities according to place of birth and educational attainment in men and in women in Spain. A cross-sectional study was conducted using data from the Spanish National Health Survey 2011–2012 and from the European Health Survey in Spain 2014. We used data for 27,720 adults aged 18–64 years of whom 2431 were immigrants. We used log-binomial regression to quantify the association of place of birth with obesity before and after adjusting for the selected characteristics in women and in men. We found a greater probability of obesity in immigrant women (PR: 1.42; 95% CI: 1.22–1.64) and a lower probability of obesity in immigrant men (PR: 0.73; 95% CI: 0.59–0.89) relative to natives after adjustment. Significant heterogeneity was observed for the association of place of birth and obesity according to education in men (p-interactions = 0.002): Men with lower educational levels (PR: 0.47; 95% CI: 0.26–0.83) have a protective effect against obesity compared with their native counterparts. This study suggests that place of birth may affect obesity in women and in men. However, this effect may be compounded with education differently for women and men

    Perceived discrimination and self-rated health in the immigrant population of the Basque Country, Spain

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    Objective To examine the effect of perceived discrimination and self-rated health among the immigrant population in the Basque Country, Spain, and determine whether this effect varies according to region of origin, age, sex and education. Methods Descriptive cross-sectional study. The study population included immigrants aged 18 and older residing in the Basque Country. Data from the 2014 Foreign Immigrant Population Survey (n=3,456) were used. Log-binomial regression was used to quantify the association between perceived discrimination and self-rated health before and after checking for the selected characteristics. Results Almost 1 in 10 immigrant adults reports perceiving discrimination. In adjusted analyses, the immigrants perceiving discrimination were almost were 1.92 more likely to rate their health as poor (prevalence ratio: 1.92; 95% CI: 1.44–2.56) than those who did not report discrimination. This association did not vary according to region of origin, age, sex or educational level. Conclusions Perceived discrimination shows a consistent relationship with perceived health. Moreover, this association did not depend on the region of origin, age, sex or educational level of immigrants. These results show the need for implementing inclusive policies to eliminate individual and institutional discrimination and reduce health inequalities between the immigrant and native populations

    Effectiveness of Conservative Treatments in Positional Plagiocephaly in Infants: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: The objective of this study is to analyze conservative treatments implemented to manage positional plagiocephaly in infants. Methods: This is a systematic review conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines, performed in the Medline (PubMed), Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane databases. Articles were selected according to the eligibility criteria, regarding the effectiveness of conservative treatments in positional plagiocephaly in infants, published in the last 10 years with a score ≥3 in the PEDro Scale. Results: A total of 318 articles were identified and 9 of them were finally selected. Conclusions: Physical therapy treatment is considered as the first line of intervention in plagiocephaly with nonsynostotic asymmetries and manual therapy is the method that obtains the best results within this intervention. In cases of moderate or severe plagiocephaly, helmet therapy can be an effective secondline intervention; however, the best way to prevent this condition is through counseling of parents or caregivers, and early treatment is essential for optimal therapeutic outcomes. The review was registered in PROSPERO (CDR42022306466)

    Edible mushrooms as a natural source of food ingredient/additive replacer

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    Although mushrooms have been exploited since ancient times because of their particular taste and therapeutic properties, the interest in edible species as a source of ingredients and bioactive compounds is recent. Their valuable nutritional contents in protein, dietary fiber and bioactive compounds make them ideal candidates for use in foods in efforts to improve their nutritional profiles. This trend is in line with the consumer’s growing demand for more plant-based foods. The present review paper explores different studies focused on the use of common edible mushrooms as an ingredient and additive replacer by using them in fresh, dried, or even extract forms, as meat, fat, flour, salt, phosphates, and antioxidant replacers. The replacement of meat, fat, flour, and salt by mushrooms from commercial species has been successful despite sensorial and textural parameters can be affected. Moderate concentrations of mushrooms, especially in powder form, should be considered, particularly in non-familiarized consumers. In the case of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, results are variable, and more studies are necessary to determine the chemical aspects involved.The authors thank to GAIN (Axencia Galega de Innovación) for supporting this review (grant number IN607A2019/01). Authors are members of the Healthy Meat network, funded by CYTED (ref. 119RT0568).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inventory and characterization of erosive forms in the Barbantiño river (Miño basin, Galicia, NW Península Ibérica)

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    The existence of forms sculpted by fluvial erosion is frequent in Bedrock Rivers. Since 1999, the Area of Physical Geography of the University of Vigo (Ourense Campus) has been conducting research on these rock cavities in various reaches of the middle Miño River. The exploratory study that is presented corresponds to the case of a section upstream of the Barbantiño river waterfall (Ourense, Galicia). Carried out within the framework of a research line with the objectives of inventorying, characterizing, interpreting and evaluating the erosive forms in the rocky channels of the Miño River and its tributaries, the employed methodology included phases of field work, creation of a database, and statistical analysis. From the records in the sampled sectors of the Barbantiño River, an inventory was made with 60 erosive forms, considering quantitative variables (measurements of length, width, depth) and qualitative variables (morphology of the bottom, state of the walls, and presence of deposits). The preliminary results of the exploratory analysis provide new information on the sculpted forms in bedrock, allowing comparison with previous studies. The erosive forms of the studied section are characterized by great variability in their depth (between 2 cm and 2.7 m), length (between 7 cm and 2.5 m) and width (between 4 cm and 2 m); the strong correlation between surface and bottom dimensions (Spearman's r> 0.85); and the coexistence of cavities in an incipient state, furrows and potholes. These results contribute to the advancement of knowledge of a natural legacy that is part of the geodiversity of the Miño River basin, with a complex of values associated with its condition of geomorphological heritage.La existencia de formas esculpidas por la erosión fluvial es frecuente en los ríos sobre roca. Desde el año 1999, el Área de Geografía Física de la Universidad de Vigo (Campus de Ourense) desarrolla la investigación sobre estas cavidades rocosas en diversos tramos del Miño medio. El estudio exploratorio que se presenta corresponde al caso de un tramo aguas arriba de la cascada del río Barbantiño (Ourense, Galicia). Realizado en el marco de una línea de investigación con los objetivos de inventariar, caracterizar, interpretar y valorar las formas erosivas en los cauces rocosos del río Miño y sus afluentes, la metodología seguida incluyó fases de trabajo de campo, creación de base de datos, y análisis estadístico. A partir de los registros en los sectores muestreados del río Barbantiño, se elaboró un inventario con 60 formas erosivas, considerando variables cuantitativas (medidas de longitud, anchura, profundidad) y variables cualitativas (morfología del fondo, estado de las paredes, presencia de depósitos). Los resultados preliminares del análisis exploratorio aportan nueva información sobre las formas esculpidas en ríos sobre roca, posibilitando la comparación con los estudios previos. Las formas erosivas del tramo estudiado se caracterizan por la gran variabilidad en su profundidad (entre 2 cm y 2,7 m), longitud (entre 7 cm y 2,5 m) y anchura (entre 4 cm y 2 m); la fuerte correlación entre las dimensiones de superficie y fondo (r de Spearman >0.85); y la coexistencia de cavidades en estado incipiente, surcos y marmitas. Estos resultados contribuyen al avance del conocimiento de un legado natural que forma parte de la geodiversidad de la cuenca del río Miño, con un complejo de valores asociados a su condición de patrimonio geomorfológic

    El capital de trabajo y su efecto en la rentabilidad de las empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL): un an?lisis trimestral por sectores en el periodo 2010-2019

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    La presente investigaci?n tiene como finalidad analizar las variaciones de la raz?n capital de trabajo respecto a las ventas (CT/V) y su impacto en la rentabilidad de las empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima, considerando indicadores macroecon?micos en periodos trimestrales de los a?os 2010-2019. Se elabor? una data panel que contiene los estados financieros trimestrales de las empresas que pertenecen a los sectores agrario, industrial, minera, diversas y servicios p?blicos; evaluando si existe patrones de comportamiento regular que permitan identificar estacionalidad en los promedios de las ventas y la raz?n CT/V. Para el estudio se utilizaron herramientas estad?sticas como: an?lisis de varianza, pruebas no param?tricas (Kruskal Wallis-Wilcoxon), regresi?n lineal y coeficiente de determinaci?n R2; que permitieron evaluar los resultados intrasectorial e intersectorialmente. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la raz?n CT/V del total de las empresas no var?a significativamente en periodos trimestrales; pero cuando se analiza la interacci?n de empresas y sector, hay evidencia estad?stica para afirmar que existe estacionalidad en el sector Agrario. Asimismo, se demuestra que el capital de trabajo influye positiva y significativamente en los indicadores de rentabilidad ROA y ROE

    Potential role of new molecular plasma signatures on cardiovascular risk stratification in asymptomatic individuals

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    The evaluation of cardiovascular (CV) risk is based on equations derived from epidemiological data in individuals beyond the limits of middle age such as the Framingham and SCORE risk assessments. Lifetime Risk calculator (QRisk®), estimates CV risk throughout a subjects' lifetime, allowing those. A more aggressive and earlier intervention to be identified and offered protection from the consequences of CV and renal disease. The search for molecular profiles in young people that allow a correct stratification of CV risk would be of great interest to adopt preventive therapeutic measures in individuals at high CV risk. To improve the selection of subjects susceptible to intervention with aged between 30-50 years, we have employed a multiple proteomic strategy to search for new markers of early CV disease or reported CV events and to evaluate their relationship with Lifetime Risk. Blood samples from 71 patients were classified into 3 groups according to their CV risk (healthy, with CV risk factors and with a previously reported CV event subjects) and they were analyzed using a high through quantitative proteomics approach. This strategy allowed three different proteomic signatures to be defined, two of which were related to CV stratification and the third one involved markers of organ damage.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI070537, IF08/3667-1, PI11-02239, PI 14/01917, PI11/01401, PI11/02432, PI13/01873, PI13/01746, PI13/01581, PI14/01650, PI14/01841), PT13/0001/0013, PIE13/00051, PIE13/00045, CP09/00229, CP15/00129, IDC Salud (3371/002), the MutuaMadrileña Foundation, the SENEFRO Foundation and FONDOS FEDER (RD06/0014/1015, RD12/0042/0071). Sociedad Española de cardiología para la Investigación Básica 2017. Grant PRB3 (IPT17/0019 - ISCIII-SGEFI / ERDF. These results are in line with the Spanish initiative on the Human Proteome Project.S

    Influence of the LILRA3 Deletion on Multiple Sclerosis Risk : Original Data and Meta-Analysis

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    Altres ajuts: Junta de Andalucía (JA)- Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (grant number CTS2704 to FM).Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative, autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified over hundred polymorphisms with modest individual effects in MS susceptibility and they have confirmed the main individual effect of the Major Histocompatibility Complex. Additional risk loci with immunologically relevant genes were found significantly overrepresented. Nonetheless, it is accepted that most of the genetic architecture underlying susceptibility to the disease remains to be defined. Candidate association studies of the leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor LILRA3 gene in MS have been repeatedly reported with inconsistent results. In an attempt to shed some light on these controversial findings, a combined analysis was performed including the previously published datasets and three newly genotyped cohorts. Both wild-type and deleted LILRA3 alleles were discriminated in a single-tube PCR amplification and the resulting products were visualized by their different electrophoretic mobilities. Overall, this meta-analysis involved 3200 MS patients and 3069 matched healthy controls and it did not evidence significant association of the LILRA3 deletion [carriers of LILRA3 deletion: p = 0.25, OR (95% CI) = 1.07 (0.95-1.19)], even after stratification by gender and the HLA-DRB1*15 : 01 risk allele