864 research outputs found

    Defective Vortex Lattices in Layered Superconductors with Point Pins at the Extreme Type-II Limit

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    The mixed phase of layered superconductors with no magnetic screening is studied through a partial duality analysis of the corresponding frustrated XY model in the presence of weak random point pins. Isolated layers exhibit a defective vortex lattice at low temperature that is phase coherent. Sufficiently weak Josephson coupling between adjacent layers results in an entangled vortex solid that exhibits weak superconductivity across layers. The corresponding vortex liquid state shows an inverted specific heat anomaly that we propose accounts for that seen in YBCO. A three-dimensional vortex lattice with dislocations occurs at stronger coupling. This crossover sheds light on the apparent discrepancy concerning the observation of a vortex-glass phase in recent Monte Carlo simulations of the same XY model.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. To appear in PRB, rapid communicatio

    Online Signature Verification: Improving Performance through Pre-classification Based on Global Features

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    In this paper, a pre-classification stage based on global features is incorporated to an online signature verification system for the purposes of improving its performance. The pre-classifier makes use of the discriminative power of some global features to discard (by declaring them as forgeries) those signatures for which the associated global feature is far away from its respective mean. For the remaining signatures, features based on a wavelet approximation of the time functions associated with the signing process, are extracted, and a Random Forest based classification is performed. The experimental results show that the proposed pre-classification approach, when based on the apppropriate global feature, is capable of getting error rate improvements with respect to the case where no pre-classification is performed. The approach also has the advantages of simplifying and speeding up the verification process.Fil: Parodi, Marianela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Rosario. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y Sistemas; ArgentinaFil: Gómez, Juan Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Rosario. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y Sistemas; Argentin

    APPLaUD: access for patients and participants to individual level uninterpreted genomic data.

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    BACKGROUND: There is a growing support for the stance that patients and research participants should have better and easier access to their raw (uninterpreted) genomic sequence data in both clinical and research contexts. MAIN BODY: We review legal frameworks and literature on the benefits, risks, and practical barriers of providing individuals access to their data. We also survey genomic sequencing initiatives that provide or plan to provide individual access. Many patients and research participants expect to be able to access their health and genomic data. Individuals have a legal right to access their genomic data in some countries and contexts. Moreover, increasing numbers of participatory research projects, direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies, and now major national sequencing initiatives grant individuals access to their genomic sequence data upon request. CONCLUSION: Drawing on current practice and regulatory analysis, we outline legal, ethical, and practical guidance for genomic sequencing initiatives seeking to offer interested patients and participants access to their raw genomic data

    Wilson Loops in N=4 SYM and Fermion Droplets

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    The matrix models which are conjectured to compute the circle Wilson loop and its correlator with chiral primary operators are mapped onto normal matrix models. A fermion droplet picture analogous to the well-known one for chiral primary operators is shown to emerge in the large N limit. Several examples are computed. We find an interesting selection rule for the correlator of a single trace Wilson loop with a chiral primary operator. It can be non-zero only if the chiral primary is in a representation with a single hook. We show that the expectation value of the Wilson loop in a large representation labelled by a Young diagram with a single row has a first order phase transition between a regime where it is identical to a large column representation and a regime where it is a large wrapping number single trace Wilson loop.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figure

    Aproximación a la identificación de proteinas diferencialmente expresadas en enfermedades de depósito lisosomal.

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    CO-138 Introducción: Las esfingolipidosis son enfermedades de depósito lisosomal (EDL) caracterizadas por una alteración en el transporte y metabolización de lípidos en el lisosoma y su subsecuente acumulación en el interior de este orgánulo. Son enfermedades de baja prevalencia y mayoritariamente de herencia autosómica recesiva con una gran variabilidad clínica que provoca que, a pesar de poder diagnosticarse en edad pediátrica, hasta en un 40% el diagnóstico se demora hasta la edad adulta. La enfermedad de Gaucher (EG) es la más común entre las EDL, pero también se encuentran otras esfingolipidosis como el déficit de esfingomielinasa ácida (DEMA), la enfermedad de Niemann-Pick tipo C (NPC) en la que el acúmulo de esfingolípidos es secundario a la disfunción lisosomal, o el déficit de lipasa ácida lisosomal (DLAL). En todas ellas existe un importante componente inflamatorio que se traduce en algunos casos por el incremento de inmunoglobulinas o la presencia de gammapatías monoclonales. Se ha prestado poca atención y estudiado escasamente la distribución de las diferentes proteínas séricas en estas entidades. ..

    The reproductive capacity of Monk Parakeets Myiopsitta monachus is higher in their invasive range

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    Breeding parameters for Monk Parakeets Myiopsitta monachus nesting in Barcelona, Spain, were collected for 651 nests over five breeding seasons. This invasive population has a high reproductive capacity compared with the species in the native range: fledging success was double, the percentage of pairs attempting second broods three times higher and 55% of first-year birds bred compared with almost zero in South America

    Menus for Feeding Black Holes

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    Black holes are the ultimate prisons of the Universe, regions of spacetime where the enormous gravity prohibits matter or even light to escape to infinity. Yet, matter falling toward the black holes may shine spectacularly, generating the strongest source of radiation. These sources provide us with astrophysical laboratories of extreme physical conditions that cannot be realized on Earth. This chapter offers a review of the basic menus for feeding matter onto black holes and discusses their observational implications.Comment: 27 pages. Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Also to appear in hard cover in the Space Sciences Series of ISSI "The Physics of Accretion onto Black Holes" (Springer Publisher

    Study of the production of Λb0\Lambda_b^0 and B0\overline{B}^0 hadrons in pppp collisions and first measurement of the Λb0J/ψpK\Lambda_b^0\rightarrow J/\psi pK^- branching fraction

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    The product of the Λb0\Lambda_b^0 (B0\overline{B}^0) differential production cross-section and the branching fraction of the decay Λb0J/ψpK\Lambda_b^0\rightarrow J/\psi pK^- (B0J/ψK(892)0\overline{B}^0\rightarrow J/\psi\overline{K}^*(892)^0) is measured as a function of the beauty hadron transverse momentum, pTp_{\rm T}, and rapidity, yy. The kinematic region of the measurements is pT<20 GeV/cp_{\rm T}<20~{\rm GeV}/c and 2.0<y<4.52.0<y<4.5. The measurements use a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb13~{\rm fb}^{-1} collected by the LHCb detector in pppp collisions at centre-of-mass energies s=7 TeV\sqrt{s}=7~{\rm TeV} in 2011 and s=8 TeV\sqrt{s}=8~{\rm TeV} in 2012. Based on previous LHCb results of the fragmentation fraction ratio, fΛB0/fdf_{\Lambda_B^0}/f_d, the branching fraction of the decay Λb0J/ψpK\Lambda_b^0\rightarrow J/\psi pK^- is measured to be \begin{equation*} \mathcal{B}(\Lambda_b^0\rightarrow J/\psi pK^-)= (3.17\pm0.04\pm0.07\pm0.34^{+0.45}_{-0.28})\times10^{-4}, \end{equation*} where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic, the third is due to the uncertainty on the branching fraction of the decay B0J/ψK(892)0\overline{B}^0\rightarrow J/\psi\overline{K}^*(892)^0, and the fourth is due to the knowledge of fΛb0/fdf_{\Lambda_b^0}/f_d. The sum of the asymmetries in the production and decay between Λb0\Lambda_b^0 and Λb0\overline{\Lambda}_b^0 is also measured as a function of pTp_{\rm T} and yy. The previously published branching fraction of Λb0J/ψpπ\Lambda_b^0\rightarrow J/\psi p\pi^-, relative to that of Λb0J/ψpK\Lambda_b^0\rightarrow J/\psi pK^-, is updated. The branching fractions of Λb0Pc+(J/ψp)K\Lambda_b^0\rightarrow P_c^+(\rightarrow J/\psi p)K^- are determined.Comment: 29 pages, 19figures. All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2015-032.htm

    Evidence for the strangeness-changing weak decay ΞbΛb0π\Xi_b^-\to\Lambda_b^0\pi^-

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    Using a pppp collision data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0~fb1^{-1}, collected by the LHCb detector, we present the first search for the strangeness-changing weak decay ΞbΛb0π\Xi_b^-\to\Lambda_b^0\pi^-. No bb hadron decay of this type has been seen before. A signal for this decay, corresponding to a significance of 3.2 standard deviations, is reported. The relative rate is measured to be fΞbfΛb0B(ΞbΛb0π)=(5.7±1.80.9+0.8)×104{{f_{\Xi_b^-}}\over{f_{\Lambda_b^0}}}{\cal{B}}(\Xi_b^-\to\Lambda_b^0\pi^-) = (5.7\pm1.8^{+0.8}_{-0.9})\times10^{-4}, where fΞbf_{\Xi_b^-} and fΛb0f_{\Lambda_b^0} are the bΞbb\to\Xi_b^- and bΛb0b\to\Lambda_b^0 fragmentation fractions, and B(ΞbΛb0π){\cal{B}}(\Xi_b^-\to\Lambda_b^0\pi^-) is the branching fraction. Assuming fΞb/fΛb0f_{\Xi_b^-}/f_{\Lambda_b^0} is bounded between 0.1 and 0.3, the branching fraction B(ΞbΛb0π){\cal{B}}(\Xi_b^-\to\Lambda_b^0\pi^-) would lie in the range from (0.57±0.21)%(0.57\pm0.21)\% to (0.19±0.07)%(0.19\pm0.07)\%.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2015-047.htm