1,382 research outputs found

    Endocytic Downregulation of the Yeast Glucose Receptor Rgt2

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    The VARying Effect of Foreign Shocks in Central and Eastern Europe

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    This paper investigates the impact of international shocks – interest rate, commodity price and industrial production shocks – on key macroeconomic variables in ten Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries by using near-VAR models and monthly data from the early 1990s to 2009. In contrast to previous work, the empirical analysis takes explicit account of the possibility of (multiple) structural breaks in the underlying time series. We establish strong evidence of structural breaks, particularly along the years 2007 and 2008, suggesting the very relevant impact of the recent global crisis on CEE economies. Moreover, our results suggest that the way how countries react to world commodity price shocks is related to the underlying economic structure and the credibility of the monetary policy. We also find that some countries like Slovakia and Slovenia – already euro area members – react stronger to foreign industrial production shocks than other countries and that the responses to such shocks are strongly correlated for selected CEE countries. Nevertheless, our results also shed light on substantial differences in responses to foreign interest rate shocks that originate from the US or the euro area.monetary policy, foreign shocks, multiple structural breaks, near-VAR model, CEE economies

    The VARying Effect of Foreign Shocks in Central and Eastern Europe

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    This paper investigates the impact of international shocks – interest rate, commodity price and industrial production shocks – on key macroeconomic variables in ten Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries by using near-VAR models and monthly data from the early 1990s to 2009. In contrast to previous work, the empirical analysis takes explicit account of the possibility of (multiple) structural breaks in the underlying time series. We establish strong evidence of structural breaks, particularly along the years 2007 and 2008, suggesting the very relevant impact of the recent global crisis on CEE economies. Moreover, our results suggest that the way how countries react to world commodity price shocks is related to the underlying economic structure and the credibility of the monetary policy. We also find that some countries like Slovakia and Slovenia – already euro area members – react stronger to foreign industrial production shocks than other countries and that the responses to such shocks are strongly correlated for selected CEE countries. Nevertheless, our results also shed light on substantial differences in responses to foreign interest rate shocks that originate from the US or the euro area.monetary policy; foreign shocks; multiple structural breaks; near-VAR model; CEE economies.

    Design of a virtual sensor data array for the analysis of RDX, HMX and DMNB using metal-doped screen printed electrodes and chemometric analysis

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    The detection of explosive substances is a subject of high importance in several areas including environmental health, de-mining efforts (land and sea) and security and defence against terrorist activity. The use of electrochemical methods for the detection of these substances has increased in recent years but still is quite restricted to the most common explosives. The electrochemical detection of explosive nitroamines and taggant substances in solution using a virtual sensor array of metal-doped screen printed electrodes and differential pulse voltammetry was achieved. The multiple sets of voltammetric data from the different electrodic systems using Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV) were integrated using multivariate analysis (PCA, NIPALS and LDA) and matched with known substances present in explosives. These combinations created a mathematical array which separated the explosives, even if the electrochemical information is buried or mixed with the background noise. Two explosive substances: octogen (HMX- 1,3,5-Trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine) and cyclonite (RDX- Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine) and a taggant agent 2,3-dimethyl-2,3-dinitrobutane (DMNB) were subjected to electrochemical analysis using a solid carbon- based screen printed electrode modified with silver, gold and platinum in aqueous solutions. Keywords

    Chemometric study on the forensic discrimination of soil types using their infrared spectral characteristics

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    Soil has been utilized in criminal investigations for some time because of its prevalence and transferability. It is usually the physical characteristics that are studied, however the research carried out here aims to make use of the chemical profile of soil samples. The research we are presenting in this work used sieved (2mm) soil samples taken from the top soil layer (about 10cm) that were then analysed using mid infrared spectroscopy. The spectra obtained were pre-treated and then input into two chemometric classification tools: Nonlinear iterative partial least squares followed by linear discriminant analysis (NIPALS-LDA) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The models produced show that it is possible to discriminate between soil samples from different land use types and both approaches are comparable in performance. NIPALS-LDA performs much better than PLS-DA in classifying samples to locatio

    The forensic analysis of soil by FTIR with multivariate analysis

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    Over the past few years more and more studies have been carried out in an attempt to utilize chemical profiles of soil using a wide variety of analytical methods. The value of soil as evidence rests with its prevalence at crime scenes and its transferability between the scene and the criminal. This can be of value for comparison if the scene of crime is known, but could also be so in the identification of a scene. The main basis for the comparison of sites to determine provenance is that soils vary from one place to another. The aim of this work is to find simple methods to identify soil provenance based on FTIR and multivariate analysi

    Electrochemical reduction of carbamazepine in ethanol and water solutions using a glassy carbon electrode

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    The electrochemical reduction of carbamazepine in ethanol and water using a glassy carbon electrode has been studied. In all experimental conditions of scan rate and concentration of carbamazepine an irreversible cathodic wave was observed by cyclic voltammetry (CV). Electrochemical parameters and a plausible EqC mechanism have been reported from the electrochemical measurements and digital simulation. The values of thermodynamic E1/2 were correlated with solvent polarity parameters that it can be interesting for biological, pharmaceutical and forensic purposes. Limits of Detection (LOD) for DPV are 1.1 and 9.0 g/mL (4.65x10-6 and 3.81x10-5 M) in ethanol and water, respectively. The precision and recoveries obtained for tablets and plasma samples showed that the method could be successfully used for analysis

    Un futuro para un pasado: recualificación y puesta en uso público del espacio ribereño del río Barxa, Vigo

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    RESUMEN El río Barxa ha regado las parroquias de Beade, Castrelos y Sárdoma desde la antigüedad a partir de líneas de agua que extendiéndose por el territorio y de la mano del hombre, se dirigían hacia los campos de cultivo. Es con la llegada del crecimiento disperso de la ciudad de Vigo y su especulación urbanística en el siglo XX cuando la huella del pasado comienza a borrarse, momento en el que el rural y el urbano se enfrentan con el abandono de sus construcciones ligadas al agua y la aparición de otras que, dándole la espalda al río, nada tienen que ver con la historia del lugar que ocupan. En este contexto, se pretende identificar las dinámicas tradicionales del río Barxa y sus parroquias para después poder realizar un proyecto de urbanismo y espacio público en el que de un modo sostenible se pueda recuperar el espacio público vinculado al río. Un espacio que se presenta como una oportunidad en la que a través de su recualificación se pueda recuperar su identidad. La metodología propuesta recoge varias técnicas de recogida de información como el análisis documental, observación, entrevista, fotografía y notas de campo. En cuanto a las referencias arquitectónicas estas fueron tratadas como casos de referencia. Con esto, la Disertación se estructura en seis capítulos, a lo largo de los cuales se pretende contextualizar la problemática objeto de estudio para después desarrollar el Proyecto de Urbanismo y Espacio Público junto al río. Como resultado se propondrá una nueva estrategia territorial que, surgiendo de la lectura del propio territorio y de su historia a través de los estudios de toponimia, reconozca la capacidad transformadora del agua como pieza de unión de sus fragmentos. Para ello se partirá de la disposición estratégica de unos artefactos captadores de energía, los cuáles se conectarán a una pasarela peatonal que proyectada a modo de “levada” permita la conducción de agua y energía por su interior. Un aprovechamiento de las energías renovables que contribuirá al mantenimiento del lugar y a la recuperación de las dinámicas tradicionales asociadas al río y vinculadas a la agricultura, de un modo sostenible. Es con la extensión de esta levada por el territorio con la que se irá creando un nuevo paisaje en el que los elementos identificativos del lugar, como su tradicional mercado agrícola y el espacio público junto al río, serán tenidos en cuenta.RESUMO O rio Barxa tem abastecido as povoações de Beade, Castrelos e Sárdoma desde os tempos antigos a partir de linhas de água, que se estendem pelo território e pela mão do homem em direção aos campos. É com a chegada do crescimento disperso da cidade de Vigo e o seu desenvolvimento urbano no século XX que as marcas do passado começam a ser apagadas. Este é o momento em que o rural e o urbano se deparam com o abandono das estruturas edificadas ligadas à água e o aparecimento de outras, que voltam as costas para o rio e cortam a relação com a história do lugar que ocupam. Neste contexto, o objetivo é identificar a dinâmica tradicional do rio Barxa e suas povoações, para posteriormente poder realizar um projeto de urbanismo e espaço público em que, de forma sustentável, a ligação ao rio seja recuperada. Um espaço público que se apresenta como uma oportunidade para que, através de sua requalificação, a sua identidade possa ser alcançada. A metodologia proposta inclui diversas técnicas para a recolha de informações, tais como: análise documental, observação, entrevista, fotografia e notas de campo. Quanto às referências arquitetónicas, estas foram tratadas como casos de referência. Deste modo, o trabalho está estruturado em seis capítulos, nos quais se pretendecontextualizar a problemática e o objeto de estudo, para posteriormente desenvolver o projeto de urbanismo e espaço público junto ao rio. Como resultado decorrente da leitura do território e sua história, por meio de estudos de toponímia, será proposta uma nova estratégia territorial que reconheça a capacidade transformadora da água como peça de união de fragmentos. Para isso, ela baseia-se na disposição estratégica de alguns dispositivos de captação de energia, que serão conectados a uma passadeira que se projeta como uma “levada” e permitirá a condução de água e energia no seu interior. O uso de energias renováveis contribuirá para a manutenção do local e a recuperação das dinâmicas tradicionais associadas ao rio, ligadas à agricultura de forma sustentável. Com a extensão desta “levada” no território, será criada uma nova paisagem, na qual serão considerados os elementos de identificação do local, como o seu mercado agrícola tradicional e o espaço público junto ao rio. Palavras-chave: Barxa, identidade, tradição, sustentabilidade, requalificação.ABSTRACT The river Barxa has watered the parishes of de Beade, Castrelos y Sárdoma since ancient times from water lines that extending through the territory and from the hand of man, they were heading towards the fields. It is with the arrival of the scattered growth of the Vigo city and his urban speculation in the twentieth century when the trace of the past begins to be erased. Moment in which rural and urban are faced with the abandonment of their buildings linked to water and the appearance of other, that turning their backs on the river and do not have to see nothing with the history of the place they occupy. In this context, the aim is to identify the traditional dynamics of the river Barxa and its parishes to later be able to perform the urban planning and public space project in which, in a sustainable way, the public space linked to the river can be recovered. A space that presents itself as an opportunity in which, through its requalification, its identity can be recovered. The proposed methodology includes several techniques for collecting information such as documentary analysis, observation, interview, photography and field notes. As for the architectural references, these were treated as cases of reference. With this, the work is structured in six chapters throughout which it is intended to contextualize the problematic, object of study, to later develop the project of urbanism and public space next to the river. As a result and arising from the reading of the territory and its history through toponymy studies, a new territorial strategy will be proposed that recognize the transforming capacity of water as a piece of union of its fragments. For this, it will be based on the strategic disposition of some energy-gathering devices, which will be connected to a pedestrian walkway that projected as a “levada” and allow the conduction of water and energy inside. A use of renewable energies, that will contribute to the maintenance of the place and the recovery of the traditional dynamics associated with the river and linked to agriculture, in a sustainable way. It is with the extension of this “levada” for the territory with which a new landscape will be created, in which the identifying elements of the place, such as its traditional agricultural market and the public space next to the river, will be consider. Key words: Barxa, Identity, Tradition, Sustainability, Requalification
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