309 research outputs found

    Cultural Representation in the Classroom

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish the importance of cultural-representation in schools where the majority of the students identify as Latino. The participants for the Capstone Project included a classroom of third-grade students in a public elementary school located on California’s Central Coast. The supporting literature provides additional information on why incorporating culturally-relevant literature is needed. The issue is what books are available to the students that talk about their culture. By providing culturally-relevant books to students in the classroom in hopes to promote a more positive relationship with reading and a personal relationship with attending school. For the project portion of this paper a lesson plan was made with one book that explained family values and traditions. As a future teacher this work contributes to my career by reassuring what an important impact culturally-relevant literature can do to help improve a classroom experience

    Mindfully in Love: A Meta-Analysis of the Association Between Mindfulness and Relationship Satisfaction

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    Mindfulness is an individual practice, where one has a heightened awareness of the present moment. An extensive research literature finds links between trait mindfulness and individual-level physical and mental health benefits. A limited but growing amount of research focuses on the association between mindfulness and romantic relationship satisfaction. Though there have been comprehensive reviews, no study has statistically tested the magnitude of the association between mindfulness and relationship satisfaction. Better understanding the value of this practice for relationships can serve to inform community educators and practitioners focused on promoting healthy family relationships. This study used a meta-analytic technique focused on 12 effect sizes from 10 different studies, and found that the relationship between mindfulness and relationship satisfaction was statistically significant with an overall effect size of .27. This finding suggests that higher levels of mindfulness are associated with higher levels of relationship satisfaction; therefore, educators can reasonably consider level of mindfulness as an education target

    Comprehensive User Engagement Sites (CUES): Is This a Viable Option for the Opioid Epidemic in Philadelphia?

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    INTRODUCTION: Opioid drug abuse has become an increasing concern throughout the United States, especially within the Philadelphia region. In 2017, the number of deaths by drug overdose were four times that of deaths by homicide. In addition, a total of 935 cases of secondary conditions due to needle sharing such as HIV and HCV occurred during the past year. The opioid epidemic has caused a public health emergency and any measures that could decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with opioid abuse are vital. A current proposal to combat this issue in Philadelphia is the implementation of a Comprehensive User Engagement Site (CUES); a site intended to offer medical resources and assistance for opioid users. This study analyzed the clinical, ethical, and economic considerations associated with a potential CUES site in Philadelphia. METHODS: A review of the literature was conducted using PubMed, EMBASE, and various public data sources. Search keywords included the history and efficacy of safe injection facilities (SIFs), their implementation to Philadelphia, and other related terms. Semi-structured discussion sessions were also conducted among members of the Institute of Clinical Bioethics at Saint Joseph’s University, resident physicians at Mercy Health System, and PCOM medical students. Topics of discussion included the risks, benefits, and ethics involved in initiating a CUES in Philadelphia, with research regarding past SIFs being uses as a comparative model. RESULTS: The impact of a CUES in Philadelphia has been estimated to avert 3-48 cases of HIV infections annually, 15-213 cases of HCV infections annually, and between 24-76 deaths. In addition, the site is estimated to reduce costs due to skin infection by 1.51.9Millionannually,costsduetooverdosedeathsbyupwardsof1.5-1.9 Million annually, costs due to overdose deaths by upwards of 75 Million annually, as well as costs related to ambulance and hospital visits by 123,000and123,000 and 300,000 per averted case respectively. Ethical analysis revealed that safe injection is ethically permissible given the primary intent is to limit the user’s exposure to harm. DISCUSSION: The implementation of a CUES in Philadelphia may be an effective tool to address opioid crisis. It would reduce healthcare costs through prevention of drug-related sequelae, offer treatment and resources for people seeking to overcome their opioid dependence, and act as an educational opportunity for future healthcare professionals by promoting student engagement with marginalized populations

    Planeamiento estratégico digital para la Organización Matchcota

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    Matchcota Perú es una organización sin fines de lucro que vela por una calidad de vida para perros y gatos, motivo por el cual, fomenta la adopción responsable, en coordinación con albergues aliados, así como el apadrinamiento y donaciones para el sustento de los mismos a través de su sitio web. Esta organización, en los últimos meses, ha visto un decrecimiento de adopciones, hecho que, intuimos y posteriormente afirmamos, se debe a que existen muchos interesados en la adopción de mascotas, pero estos no consideran a Matchcota como un medio para dicho fin, ya que no la conocen y no han escuchado de esta. Por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo es dar una solución para incrementar el tráfico, el nivel de engagement y las adopciones de Matchcota con un presupuesto mínimo. Con este fin, realizamos investigación secundaria y primaria, resaltando de esta la implementación de la metodología Design Thinking, efectiva para conseguir insights potentes a partir de un conocimiento profundo del público objetivo seleccionado: jóvenes y adultos entre 25 y 55 años de Lima Metropolitana prestos a influenciar o aprobar la adopción de una mascota en casa. Como resultado, estructuramos una campaña transmedia para medios digitales, en donde Facebook, Instagram y TikTok son las plataformas ideales en donde mascotas adoptadas y sus dueños son los aliados estratégicos perfectos para alcanzar tanto el propósito de Matchcota como el objetivo de la campaña.Matchcota Peru is a non-profit organization that promotes a better quality of life for dogs and cats by encouraging responsible adoption, together with allied shelters, as well as sponsorships and donations who support them through their own website. In the last few months adoptions have decreased, a fact that we believed and later confirmed is due to the fact that even though there are many people interested in adopting pets, they do not consider Matchocta as an option to make it happen, as they have not heard of it. Therefore, the objective of this campaign is to offer a solution to increase traffic, the level of engagement and adoption to this organization with a minimum budget. For this we carry out secondary and primary research highlighting the Design Thinking method for this implementation, effective in achieving powerful insights based on in-depth knowledge of the specific target audience: young people and adults between 25 and 55 years from Metropolitan Lima, who are likely to influence pet adoptions at home or approve the adoption of a new pet. For this we structured a transmedia campaign for digital media, where Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are ideal platforms for pets and their owners to become perfect strategic allies to achieve Matchcota’s purpose and the objective of the campaign.Trabajo de investigació

    Collage Vol. II

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    JUDY COCHRAN: Editorial, 4-5 ROBERTA CHAPMEN: Photo, 6 ANITRA CHUGHTAI (Translations): Haikus, 7 CHARLES O\u27KEEFE: Photo, 8 MARK VANDERLINDE-ABERNATHY, ALYSSA LANDRY (Translator): Memories of a Spider (Les souvenirs d\u27une araignee), 9 MARK VANDERLINE-ABERNATHY, AMY NORSKOG (Translator): Tomato Fields (Champ de tomates), 10 SARAH BISHOP, HEFEDH ZANINA (Translator): Dear John (Cher John), 11 RYAN BUTZ (Translator): Basho\u27s Haiku, Issa\u27s Haiku, 12-13 JENNIFER HUMBERT, FADOUA EL BOUAMRAOUI (Translator): Pressed Lips (Levres Serrees), 15 ADELE REEVES (Translator): Contemporary song by Mr. Children, 16-17 BRODY PAGEL, GRACE DUGAR (Translator): The Lizard King (Le Roi Lezard), 18 JIMMY PIPKIN (Translator): In Love with You, 19 MOLLY ROSCOE: Saturday Night at Rusty\u27s (Samedi Soir a Rusty\u27s), 20 CHARLES O\u27KEEFE: Photo, 21 MATT MESSMER (Translator): Waseda University School Song, 22-23 TIMOTHY COOPER: Wenn du grosh bist… (When you\u27re Tall…), 24 DAVID HARMAN: Der Dunkle Stern (The Dark Star), 25 ANN TOWNSEND, JUDY COCHRAN (Translator): From a Window (D\u27une Fenetre), 26-27 SARA CAHILL: El sauce lloron (The Weeping Willow), 28-32 CHARLES O\u27KEEFE: Photo, 30 JENNIFER HUMBERT, MATT BISHOP: Past, Present (passe, present), 33 CAROL GENEYA KAPLAN, FADOUA EL BOUAMRAOUI (Translator): Une Autre Femme (Another Woman), 34-35 CHARLES O\u27KEEFE: Photo, 36 ANN TOWNSEND, JUDY COCHRAN (Translator): The Mowers (Les Faucheurs), 37 PRISCILLA PATON: Photo, 38 GONZALO TUESTA: La Grande Dame De Paris (The Great Lady of Paris), 39 SARAH PILLERDORF (Translator): Japanese Cartoons by Tezuka Osamu, 41-45 DANIELLE GERKEN: Schuhe der Heimat (Boots of Home), 47 CURTIS PLOWGIAN: Le peste de la langue francaise, 48-52 PRISCILLA PATON: Photo, 50 ZANE HOUSEHOLDER: Vive la Republique! (Film), 54 JENNIFER ZIMMER: EL tenis y las frustraciones (Tennis and Frustrations), La tumba de Ben (Ben\u27s Grave), 56-57 AUTUMN LOTZE: Times Square in the rain, 58-59 CHARLES O\u27KEEFE: Photo, 60 STEPHEN M. JULKA: Colors of the Earth, 61 THOMAS BRESSOUD: Java, 62 ERIC NELSON: World, 63 SARAH CLAPP (Translator): At a long day\u27s end (Natsume Soseki), A friend has come and is now leaving, Eating persimmons (Masaoka Shiki), 64 CHARLES O\u27KEEFE: Photo, 65 JOHN BURZYNSKI, MEGAN FETTER (Translator): Home is where the heart is, 66 RICHARD BANAHAN: Photo, 67 KIM FREEMAN: Baltimore, 68 JACOB RIDRIGUEZ-NOBLE: Home (Heimat), 69 SUZANNE KENNEDY: Oft verberge ich mich (Oft I hide myself), 70 RICHARD BANAHAN: Photo, 7

    Microdissected "cuboids" for microfluidic drug testing of intact tissues

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    As preclinical animal tests often do not accurately predict drug effects later observed in humans, most drugs under development fail to reach the market. Thus there is a critical need for functional drug testing platforms that use human, intact tissues to complement animal studies. To enable future multiplexed delivery of many drugs to one small biopsy, we have developed a multi-well microfluidic platform that selectively treats cuboidal-shaped microdissected tissues or “cuboids” with well-preserved tissue microenvironments. We create large numbers of uniformly-sized cuboids by semi-automated sectioning of tissue with a commercially available tissue chopper. Here we demonstrate the microdissection method on normal mouse liver, which we characterize with quantitative 3D imaging, and on human glioma xenograft tumors, which we evaluate after time in culture for viability and preservation of the microenvironment. The benefits of size uniformity include lower heterogeneity in future biological assays as well as facilitation of their physical manipulation by automation. Our prototype platform consists of a microfluidic circuit whose hydrodynamic traps immobilize the live cuboids in arrays at the bottom of a multi-well plate. Fluid dynamics simulations enabled the rapid evaluation of design alternatives and operational parameters. We demonstrate the proof-of-concept application of model soluble compounds such as dyes (CellTracker, Hoechst) and the cancer drug cisplatin. Upscaling of the microfluidic platform and microdissection method to larger arrays and numbers of cuboids could lead to direct testing of human tissues at high throughput, and thus could have a significant impact on drug discovery and personalized medicine.The National Cancer Institute; Juno Therapeutics; CoMotion at the University of Washington; a Hong Kong Research Grant Council; an International Scholars award from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología of Mexico; a Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program and the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program.http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/LChj2022Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineerin