1,717 research outputs found

    Design of InAs/GaSb superlattice infrared barrier detectors

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    Design of InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice (T2SL) infrared barrier detectors is theoretically investigated. Each part of the barrier structures is studied in order to achieve optimal device operation at 150 K and 77 K, in the midwave and longwave infrared domain, respectively. Whatever the spectral domain, nBp structure with a p-type absorbing zone and an n-type contact layer is found to be the most favourable detector architecture allowing a reduction of the dark-current associated with generation-recombination processes. The nBp structures are then compared to pin photodiodes. The MWIR nBp detector with 5 μm cut-off wavelength can operate up to 120 K, resulting in an improvement of 20 K on the operating temperature compared to the pin device. The dark-current density of the LWIR nBp device at 77 K is expected to be as low as 3.5 × 10−4 A/cm2 at 50 mV reverse bias, more than one decade lower than the usual T2SL photodiode. This result, for a device having cut-off wavelength at 12 μm, is at the state of the art compared to the well-known MCT ‘rule 07’

    Bayhead deltas and shorelines: Insights from modern and ancient examples

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    Bayhead deltas are important components of the rock record as well as modern estuaries, hosting important hydrocarbon reservoirs and many coastal cities, ports and large expanses of wetlands. Despite their significance, few studies have summarized their occurrence and sedimentary characteristics. In this paper we review the stratigraphic, sedimentary, and geomorphic characteristics of 68 modern and ancient bayhead deltas. Bayhead deltas are found in incised valleys, structural basins, fjords, interdistributary bays of larger open-ocean deltas, and other backbarrier environments. Except for within fjords, they generally prograde into shallower and more brackish waters than their open-ocean equivalents. As a result, 80% of modern, 68% of Quaternary, and 67% of ancient bayhead deltas have clinoform thicknesses of 10 m or less with 73% of modern bayhead deltas having clinoform thicknesses of 5 m or less. Additionally, 89% of modern, 81% of Quaternary, and 77% of ancient bayhead deltas examined are fluvial dominated. We distinguish true bayhead deltas from their genetically similar bayhead shorelines, which are not constructional features but sites of enhanced marsh or estuarine sedimentation near river mouths with inadequate rates of sediment delivery to form distributary channels and prograde into the estuary or lagoon. We also distinguish confined bayhead deltas found in incised valleys, structural basins, and fjords from unconfined bayhead deltas found as incipient lobes of larger delta complexes and other back-barrier lagoons. The architecture of confined bayhead deltas is largely influenced by the limited accommodation brought about by the walls of the flooded valleys in which they are located. As such, confined bayhead-delta ontogeny is controlled by many autogenic interactions within these valley walls. Both confined and unconfined bayhead deltas are sensitive to sea-level rise, climate-controlled changes in sediment flux, and tectonics. Their relatively small size, connection with the terrestrial system, and protected nature make them the ideal depositional system to record Earth history including sea-level and climate changes

    Constraining the period of the ringed secondary companion to the young star J1407 with photographic plates

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    Context. The 16 Myr old star 1SWASP J140747.93-394542.6 (V1400 Cen) underwent a series of complex eclipses in May 2007, interpreted as the transit of a giant Hill sphere filling debris ring system around a secondary companion, J1407b. No other eclipses have since been detected, although other measurements have constrained but not uniquely determined the orbital period of J1407b. Finding another eclipse towards J1407 will help determine the orbital period of the system, the geometry of the proposed ring system and enable planning of further observations to characterize the material within these putative rings. Aims. We carry out a search for other eclipses in photometric data of J1407 with the aim of constraining the orbital period of J1407b. Methods. We present photometry from archival photographic plates from the Harvard DASCH survey, and Bamberg and Sonneberg Observatories, in order to place additional constraints on the orbital period of J1407b by searching for other dimming and eclipse events. Using a visual inspection of all 387 plates and a period-folding algorithm we performed a search for other eclipses in these data sets. Results. We find no other deep eclipses in the data spanning from 1890 to 1990, nor in recent time-series photometry from 2012-2018. Conclusions. We rule out a large fraction of putative orbital periods for J1407b from 5 to 20 years. These limits are still marginally consistent with a large Hill sphere filling ring system surrounding a brown dwarf companion in a bound elliptical orbit about J1407. Issues with the stability of any rings combined with the lack of detection of another eclipse, suggests that J1407b may not be bound to J1407.Comment: 8 pages, 3 tables, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. LaTeX files of the paper, scripts for the figures, and a minimal working FPA can be found under https://github.com/robinmentel/Constraining-Period

    Benthic marine calcifiers coexist with CaCO3-undersaturated seawater worldwide

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    Ocean acidification and decreasing seawater saturation state with respect to calcium carbonate (CaCO3) minerals have raised concerns about the consequences to marine organisms, especially those building structures made of CaCO3. A large proportion of benthic marine calcifiers incorporate Mg2+ into their calcareous structures (i.e., Mg-calcite) which, in general, reduces mineral stability. The vulnerability of some marine calcifiers to ocean acidification is related to the solubility of their calcareous structures, but not all marine organisms conform to this because of sophisticated biological and physiological mechanisms to construct and maintain CaCO3 structures. Few studies have considered seawater saturation state with respect to species-specific mineralogy in evaluating the effect of ocean acidification on marine organisms. Here, a global dataset of skeletal mol % MgCO3 of benthic calcifiers and in situ environmental conditions (temperature, salinity, pressure, and [CO32-]) spanning a depth range of 0 m (subtidal/neritic) to 5500 m (abyssal) was assembled to calculate in situ seawater saturation states with respect to species-specific Mg-calcite mineral compositions (?Mg-x). Up to 20% of all studied calcifiers at depths 1200 m currently experience seawater mineral undersaturation with respect to their skeletal mineral phase (?Mg-x1200 m) of all studied calcifying species to seawater undersaturation. These observations underscore concerns over the ability of marine benthic calcifiers to continue to construct and maintain their calcareous structures under these conditions. We advocate that ocean acidification tipping points can only be understood by assessing species-specific responses, and because of different seawater ?Mg-x present in all marine ecosystems

    Ferromagnetic Polarons in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and La0.33Ca0.67MnO3

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    Unrestricted Hartree-Fock calculations on La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and La0.33Ca0.67MnO3 in the full magnetic unit cell show that the magnetic ground states of these compounds consist of 'ferromagnetic molecules' or polarons ordered in herring-bone patterns. Each polaron consists of either three or five Mn ions separated by O- ions with a magnetic moment opposed to those of the Mn ions. Ferromagnetic coupling within the polarons is strong while coupling between them is relatively weak. Magnetic moments on the Mn ions range between 3.8 and 3.9 Bohr magnetons in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and moments on the O- ions are -0.7 Bohr magnetons. Each polaron has a net magnetic moment of 7.0 Bohr magnetons, in good agreement with recently reported magnetisation measurements from electron microscopy. The polaronic nature of the electronic structure reported here is obviously related to the Zener polaron model recently proposed for Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 on the basis of neutron scattering data.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Benthic marine calcifiers coexist with CaCO3-undersaturated seawater worldwide

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    Ocean acidification and decreasing seawater saturation state with respect to calcium carbonate (CaCO3) minerals have raised concerns about the consequences to marine organisms, especially those building structures made of CaCO3. A large proportion of benthic marine calcifiers incorporate Mg2+ into their calcareous structures (i.e., Mg-calcite) which, in general, reduces mineral stability. The vulnerability of some marine calcifiers to ocean acidification is related to the solubility of their calcareous structures, but not all marine organisms conform to this because of sophisticated biological and physiological mechanisms to construct and maintain CaCO3 structures. Few studies have considered seawater saturation state with respect to species-specific mineralogy in evaluating the effect of ocean acidification on marine organisms. Here, a global dataset of skeletal mol % MgCO3 of benthic calcifiers and in situ environmental conditions (temperature, salinity, pressure, and [CO32-]) spanning a depth range of 0 m (subtidal/neritic) to 5500 m (abyssal) was assembled to calculate in situ seawater saturation states with respect to species-specific Mg-calcite mineral compositions (?Mg-x). Up to 20% of all studied calcifiers at depths <1200 m and approximately 90% of calcifiers at depths >1200 m currently experience seawater mineral undersaturation with respect to their skeletal mineral phase (?Mg-x<1). We conclude that as a result of predicted anthropogenic ocean acidification over the next 150 years, the predicted decrease in seawater mineral saturation, will expose approximately 50% (<1200 m) and 100% (>1200 m) of all studied calcifying species to seawater undersaturation. These observations underscore concerns over the ability of marine benthic calcifiers to continue to construct and maintain their calcareous structures under these conditions. We advocate that ocean acidification tipping points can only be understood by assessing species-specific responses, and because of different seawater ?Mg-x present in all marine ecosystems

    Orbital Ordering in Paramagnetic LaMnO3 and KCuF3

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    {\it Ab-initio} studies of the stability of orbital ordering, its coupling to magnetic structure and its possible origins (electron-phonon and/or electron-electron interactions) are reported for two perovskite systems, LaMnO3_3 and KCuF3_3. We present a new Average Spin State (ASS) calculational scheme that allowed us to treat a paramagnetic state. Using this scheme, we succesfully described the experimental magnetic/orbital phase diagram of both LaMnO3_3 and KCuF3_3 in crystal structures when the Jahn-Teller distortions are neglected. Hence, we conclude that the orbital ordering in both compounds is purely electronic in origin.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Spin and charge ordering in self-doped Mott insulators

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    We have investigated possible spin and charge ordered states in 3d transition-metal oxides with small or negative charge-transfer energy, which can be regarded as self-doped Mott insulators, using Hartree-Fock calculations on d-p-type lattice models. It was found that an antiferromagnetic state with charge ordering in oxygen 2p orbitals is favored for relatively large charge-transfer energy and may be relevant for PrNiO3_3 and NdNiO3_3. On the other hand, an antiferromagnetic state with charge ordering in transition-metal 3dd orbitals tends to be stable for highly negative charge-transfer energy and can be stabilized by the breathing-type lattice distortion; this is probably realized in YNiO3_3.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Recycling sediments between source and sink during a eustatic cycle: Systems of late Quaternary northwestern Gulf of Mexico Basin

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    The northwestern Gulf of Mexico Basin is an ideal natural laboratory to study and understand source-to-sink systems. An extensive grid of high-resolution seismic data, hundreds of sediment cores and borings and a robust chronostratigraphic framework were used to examine the evolution of late Quaternary depositional systems of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico throughout the last eustatic cycle (~125 ka to Present). The study area includes fluvial systems with a wide range of drainage basin sizes, climate settings and water and sediment discharges. Detailed paleogeographic reconstructions are used to derive volumetric estimates of sediment fluxes (Volume Accumulation Rates). The results show that the response of rivers to sea-level rise and fall varied across the region. Larger rivers, including the former Mississippi, Western Louisiana (presumably the ancestral Red River), Brazos, Colorado and Rio Grande rivers, constructed deltas that advanced across the shelf in step-wise fashion during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 5-2. Sediment delivery to these deltas increased during the overall sea-level fall due to increases in drainage basin area and erosion of sediment on the inner shelf, where subsidence is minimal, and transport of that sediment to the more rapidly subsiding outer shelf. The sediment supply from the Brazos River to its delta increased at least 3-fold and the supply of the Colorado River increased at least 6-fold by the late stages of sea-level fall through the lowstand. Repeated filling and purging of fluvial valleys from ~119-22 ka contributed to the episodic growth of falling-stage deltas.During the MIS 2 lowstand (~22-17 ka), the Mississippi River abandoned its falling-stage fluvial-deltaic complex on the western Louisiana shelf and drained to the Mississippi Canyon. Likewise, the Western Louisiana delta was abandoned, presumably due to merger of the Red River with the Mississippi River, terminating growth of the Western Louisiana delta. The Brazos River abandoned its MIS 3 shelf margin delta to merge with the Trinity, Sabine and Calcasieu rivers and together these rivers nourished a lowstand delta and slope fan complex. The Colorado and Rio Grande rivers behaved more as point sources of sediment to thick lowstand delta-fan complexes.Lowstand incised valleys exhibit variable morphologies that mainly reflect differences in onshore and offshore relief and the time intervals these valleys were occupied. They are deeper and wider than falling stage channel belts and are associated with a shelf-wide surface of erosion (sequence boundary).During the early MIS 1 (~17 ka to 7~10 ka) sea-level rise, the offshore incised valleys of the Calcasieu, Sabine, Trinity, Brazos, Colorado, and Rio Grande rivers were filled with sediment. The offshore valleys of smaller rivers of central Texas would not be filled until the late Holocene, mainly by highstand mud. The lower, onshore portions of east Texas incised valleys were filled with sediment mainly during the Holocene, with rates of aggradation in the larger Brazos and Colorado valleys being in step with sea-level rise. Smaller rivers filled their valleys with back-stepping fluvial, estuarine and tidal delta deposits that were offset by flooding surfaces. In general, the sediment trapping capacity of bays increased as evolving barrier islands and peninsulas slowly restricted tidal exchange with the Gulf and valley filling led to more shallow, wider bays. A widespread period of increased riverine sediment flux and delta growth is attributed to climate change during MIS 1, between ~11.5 and 8.0 ka, and occurred mainly under cool-wet climate conditions.Relatively small sea-level oscillations during the MIS 1 transgression (~17 ka to ~4.0 ka) profoundly influenced coastal evolution, as manifested by landward stepping shorelines, on the order of tens of kilometers within a few thousand years. The current barriers, strand plains and chenier plains of the study area formed at different times over the past ~8 ka, due mainly to differences in sand supply and the highly variable relief on the MIS 2 surface on which these systems formed.Modern highstand deposition on the continental shelf formed the Texas Mud Blanket, which occurs on the central Texas shelf and records a remarkable increase in fine-grained sediment supply. This increase is attributed to greater delivery of sediments from the Colorado and Brazos rivers, which had filled their lower valleys and abandoned their transgressive deltas by late Holocene time, and to an increase in westward directed winds and surface currents that delivered suspended sediments from the Mississippi River to the Texas shelf.Collectively, our results demonstrate that source-to-sink analyses in low gradient basin settings requires a long-term perspective, ideally a complete eustatic cycle, because most of the sediment that was delivered to the basin by rivers underwent more than one cycle of erosion, transport and sedimentation that was regulated by sea-level rise and fall. Climate was a secondary control. The export of sediments from the hinterland to the continental shelf was not directly in step with temperature change, but rather varied between different fluvial-deltaic systems

    The Orbital Order Parameter in La0.95Sr0.05MnO3 probed by Electron Spin Resonance

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    The temperature dependence of the electron-spin resonance linewidth in La0.95Sr0.05MnO3 has been determined and analyzed in the paramagnetic regime across the orbital ordering transition. From the temperature dependence and the anisotropy of linewidth and gg-value the orbital order can be unambiguously determined via the mixing angle of the wave functions of the ege_{\rm g}-doublet. The linewidth shows a similar evolution with temperature as resonant x-ray scattering results
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