695 research outputs found

    Generalized Teleparallel Theory

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    We construct a theory in which the gravitational interaction is described only by torsion, but that generalizes the Teleparallel Theory still keeping the invariance of local Lorentz transformations in one particular case. We show that our theory falls, to a certain limit of a real parameter, in the f(Rˉ)f(\bar{R}) Gravity or, to another limit of the same real parameter, in a modified f(T)f(T) Gravity, interpolating between these two theories and still can fall on several other theories. We explicitly show the equivalence with f(Rˉ)f(\bar{R}) Gravity for cases of Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker flat metric for diagonal tetrads, and a metric with spherical symmetry for diagonal and non-diagonal tetrads. We do still four applications, one in the reconstruction of the de Sitter universe cosmological model, for obtaining a static spherically symmetric solution type-de Sitter for a perfect fluid, for evolution of the state parameter ωDE\omega_{DE} and for the thermodynamics to the apparent horizon.Comment: 15 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1503.07427, arXiv:1503.0785

    Estrutura de Propriedade e Valor Adicionado: uma Análise das Empresas Listadas no Segmento Novo Mercado da B3

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the extent to which ownership structure affects the generation of wealth and its distribution to owners. Based on a sample of 134 companies listed in the Novo Mercado segment that presented financial information for the year 2017, Student's t tests and Mann-Whitney U tests were performed on the total value added and its distribution to shareholders. Then, a multiple linear regression analysis is applied. The results show that, despite the concentration of ownership, there is no predictor of added value and its distribution to owners, companies with the presence of a majority shareholder distribute more wealth to owners, in the media. It is also confirmed that the generation of total added value and distribution to owners is negatively affected by family control and positively by the State. Finally, it is evident that state and institutional controls positively affect the distribution of wealth to owners. The results provide a better basis for the analysis of investors, especially those who prefer companies that have the characteristic of remunerating shareholders in the form of dividends and juries on equity.El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar en qué medida la estructura de propiedad afecta la generación de riqueza y su distribución a los propietarios. Con base en una muestra de 134 empresas listadas en el segmento Novo Mercado que presentaron información financiera del año 2017, se realizaron pruebas t de Student y U de Mann-Whitney sobre el valor agregado total y su distribución a los accionistas. Luego, se aplica un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. Los resultados muestran que, a pesar de la concentración de la propiedad, no existe un predictor del valor agregado y su distribución a los propietarios, las empresas con presencia de un accionista mayoritario distribuyen más riqueza a los propietarios, en los medios. También se confirma que la generación de valor agregado total y la distribución a los propietarios se ve afectada negativamente por el control familiar y positivamente por el Estado. Finalmente, es evidente que los controles estatales e institucionales afectan positivamente la distribución de la riqueza a los propietarios. Los resultados brindan una mejor base para el análisis de los inversores, especialmente aquellos que prefieren empresas que tienen la característica de remunerar a los accionistas en forma de dividendos y jurados sobre acciones.O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar em que medida a estrutura de propriedade afeta a geração da riqueza e a sua distribuição aos proprietários. Com base numa amostra de 134 empresas listadas no segmento Novo Mercado que apresentaram informações financeiras relativas a 2017, realizaram-se testes t de Student e U de Mann-Whitney do valor adicionado total e sua distribuição aos acionistas. Em seguida, aplicou-se uma análise de regressão linear múltipla. Os resultados demonstram que, apesar da concentração de propriedade não se mostrar um preditor do valor adicionado e sua distribuição aos proprietários, firmas com a presença de acionista majoritário distribuem aos proprietários, em média, mais riqueza. Constatou-se, ainda, que a geração do valor adicionado total e a distribuição aos proprietários são afetadas negativamente pelo controle familiar e positivamente pelo estatal. Por fim, evidenciou-se que os controles estatal e institucional afetam positivamente a distribuição de riqueza aos proprietários. Os resultados propiciam maior embasamento à análise de investidores, sobretudo aos que têm predileção por companhias que possuem a característica de remunerar os acionistas na forma de dividendos e juros sobre capital próprio

    (Regular) Black holes in conformal Killing gravity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics and scalar fields

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    In this work, we explore black hole and regular black hole solutions in the recently proposed Conformal Killing Gravity (CKG). This theory is of third order in the derivatives of the metric tensor and essentially satisfies three theoretical criteria for gravitational theories beyond General Relativity (GR). The criteria essentially stipulate the following, that one should: (i) obtain the cosmological constant as an integration constant; (ii) derive the energy conservation law as a consequence of the field equations, rather than assuming it; (iii) and not necessarily consider conformally flat metrics as vacuum solutions. In fact, existing modified theories of gravity, including GR, do not simultaneously fulfil all of these three criteria. Here, we couple CKG to nonlinear electrodynamics (NLED) and scalar fields, and we explore solutions of black holes and regular black holes. More specifically, by solving the field equations of CKG, we find specific forms for the NLED Lagrangian, the scalar field and the field potential, and analyse the regularity of the solutions through the Kretschmann scalar. We find generalizations of the Schwarschild--Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m--AdS solutions, and consequently further extend the class of (regular) black hole solutions found in the literature.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
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