2,362 research outputs found

    Fatores significativos na saúde mental das pessoas idosas

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    A atenção à saúde mental (SM) das pessoas idosas é prioritária. Os problemas de SM neste grupo populacional têm aumentado sendo importante investir na prevenção e rastreio dos mesmos. Este estudo teve como objetivos caraterizar do ponto de vista da SM a população idosa da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM); determinar as prevalências das situações de SM positiva e negativa e avaliar a influência positiva (protetora) ou negativa (de risco) de certos fatores pessoais e do meio na SM. Foi um estudo transversal no qual participaram 342 pessoas com 65 e mais anos, dos dois géneros, residentes na comunidade. Destes 67,0 % apresentaram SM positiva. A probabilidade da SM ser mais positiva era 2,5 vezes superior quando possuíam 1 a 11 anos de escolaridade (OR = 2,5 IC 95% 1,3 – 4,8); 0,3 vezes inferior nas mulheres (OR = 0,3 IC 95% 0,1 - 0,6), nos idosos com redes sociais muito limitadas (OR = 0,3 IC 95% 0,1 - 0,9) e nos que percecionavam a saúde como razoável ou pior (OR = 0,3 IC 95% 0,1 - 0,9). Era menor 0,5 vezes quando percecionavam a saúde como pior comparativamente aos pares (OR = 0,5 IC 95% 0,3 - 0,9), e 0,3 vezes comparativamente à detida um ano antes (OR = 0,3 IC 95% 0,2 - 0,6). Era 0,1 vez inferior (OR = 0,1 IC 95% 0,1-0,7) nos idosos com limitações físicas para satisfazerem necessidades próprias. Estes fatores devem considerar-se na promoção da SM e na prevenção de perturbações da mesma.Paying greater attention to the mental health (MH) of older people must be given higher priority. Taking greater notice of the mental health (MH) of the elderly must be a priority commitment. MH problems in this group have increased and it is important to invest in their prevention and detection. MH issues in this age group have increased and it is important / of the foremost importance to invest in their prevention and detection. The objectives of this study were to characterise the older population in Madeira Autonomous Region (RAM) from the MH perspective, The present study aims /aimed at the characterization of elderly population in the Madeira Archipelago/Islands from MH perspectiveto determine the prevalence of positive and negative MH situations, and to assess the positive (protective) or negative (risk) influence of certain particular  personal and environmental factors on MH. This broad study This cross- sectional study was based on a representative sample of people aged 65 years or older (n=342), of both sexes both genders resident in the community. Of these, 67,0% had positive MH. The probability of  having a more positive MH was 2,5 times greater when they had 1 to 11 years of schooling (OR=2,5 CI 95% 1,3-4,8); and 0,3 times lower in women (OR=0,3 CI 95% 0,1-0,6), in those with very limited social networks (OR=0,3 CI 95% 0,1-0,9) and in those who considered their health as reasonable Those who perceived their health condition as reasonable or worse (OR = 0,3 CI 95% 0,1-0,9). This probability was 0,5 times lower for older people who considered their health as being worse than their peers 0,5 times lower for those who perceived their health condition as worse than their peers’ (OR=0,5 CI 95% 0,3-0,9), and 0,3 times lower in comparison with that of a year earlier And 0,3 times lower comparing with that a year earlier (OR=0,3 CI 95% 0,2-0,6). It was 0,1 times lower (OR=0,1 CI 95% 0,1-0,7) in older people with physical limitations on dealing with their own needs. These factors should be considered in MH’s promotion and in the prevention of MH disorders.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Recurso especial como instrumento de uniformização do direito federal

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    - Texto de Ministra do Superior Tribunal de Justiça

    Nursing home consultation: a tool for intervention in the field of mental health and psychiatric care for the older people

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    Nursing intervention with old people at home involves their recognition as multidimensional human beings, multifaceted, unique and unrepeatable, given its biographical and socio-cultural stories. Implies the recognition of the “Being” complex and multifaceted, who by inalienable right and with free will, must give its opinion and decide on all everyday actions with its development implications, until the end of life. Among other things, the purpose of the intervention is to preserve the autonomy and enjoy better quality of life, even when they suffer disease processes. The approach concerning the consultation of mental health nursing at older people’s home that is presented here, is based on theoretical and experiential knowledge acquired in different care as psychiatric and mental health nurse in the community context. Is also based on the experience as teacher involved in the training of nurses and nurse specialists in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (RAM). It aims to enhance the relevance and feasibility of this consultation as proximity strategy and communication with older people at risk and/or affected by mental health problems. With regard to the planning and structuring of a mental health and psychiatric nursing consultation at home is presented a case, whose content is of our responsibility, to through its schematic presentation provide an example capable of achieving the results arising from the direct intervention of the nurse.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fluorescence microscopy imaging denoising with Log-Euclidean priors and photobleaching compensation

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    Fluorescent protein microscopy imaging is nowadays one of the most important tools in biomedical research. However, the resulting images present a low signal to noise ratio and a time intensity decay due to the photobleaching effect. This phenomenon is a consequence of the decreasing on the radiation emission efficiency of the tagging protein. This occurs because the fluorophore permanently loses its ability to fluoresce, due to photochemical reactions induced by the incident light. The Poisson multiplicative noise that corrupts these images, in addition with its quality degradation due to photobleaching, make long time biological observation processes very difficult. In this paper a denoising algorithm for Poisson data, where the photobleaching effect is explicitly taken into account, is described. The algorithm is designed in a Bayesian framework where the data fidelity term models the Poisson noise generation process as well as the exponential intensity decay caused by the photobleaching. The prior term is conceived with Gibbs priors and log-Euclidean potential functions, suitable to cope with the positivity constrained nature of the parameters to be estimated. Monte Carlo tests with synthetic data are presented to characterize the performance of the algorithm. One example with real data is included to illustrate its application

    Work satisfaction within community pharmacy professionals

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    Work is a profession, a craft, or an activity in which man produces something central to his life. The job satisfaction is reflected simultaneously on the worker and the functioning of organizations. Workers more satisfied with their work have higher productivity levels, higher subjective well-being and well-being with life in general. Community pharmacy professionals are categorized in three professional categories: pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and technical pharmacy assistants. Work satisfaction was previously associated with gender, age, job category, years of service, remuneration, security concerning the future of the profession, relationships with colleagues and satisfaction with the professional category. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the satisfaction level of community pharmacy professionals and to identify associated factors. These professionals have revealed, in general, a level of moderated satisfaction. There were no significant differences between job satisfaction and gender, age, years of service, professional category and remuneration

    “BebéPlimPlim”: A contribution to shared listening experiences

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    “BebéPlimPlim” is currently a part of the project “GermInArte – Artistic Transformation for Social and Human Development since Infancy”, supported by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Along with three other works from the project (“Colos de Música”, “Raps&Rimas” and “Super-Sonics”), it is designed as a transformative transitive training in the field of arts for infants for early childhood professionals, musicians and other artists. Transformative because it is built upon individual needs and motivations, shaping the capacity to express the art within each one and transitive because it is always in process. Its main idea evolves around singing and movement as being born in the mother’s lap, the cradle of the first communicative interactions of a human being. “BebéPlimPlim” is therefore grounded in the concept of communicative musicality developed by Stephen Malloch and Colwyn Trevarthen, highlighting that Music is part of our communication matrix and it can also be present in musical artistic creations. The repertoire from “BebéPlimPlim” is inspired by different sound landscapes, from Johann Sebastian Bach, Meredith Monk, Kurt Schwiters and Hugo Balla to Portuguese folk music and Javanese gamelan. Its wide-ranging influences intend to contribute to the enrichment of listening experiences since infancy. The main goals of this training are to explore communicative resources using the body and the voice, to be able to use the repertoire in different educational settings, to share meaningful moments of musical interaction, and to contact with professionals who work in different early childhood contexts. The demonstration aims to share one possible experience built upon this specific musical repertoire. The activities are centred in listening, movement, vocal landscapes and human interaction. The implications for this work are to offer complementary educational and artistic perspectives not yet provided in our higher education training programmes for teachers and artists, and to develop processes of autonomy, initiative and reflection within the context of musical creation for children. This work emphasises listening as a different possibility of connecting to music, and draws attention to sharing listening experiences as the basis of being human.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Supervisão de futuros enfermeiros no ensino clínico no serviço de cirurgia

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    Este estudo insere-se no contexto da supervisão de futuros enfermeiros no ensino clínico, no serviço de cirurgia de uma unidade hospitalar, e teve como principais objetivos, entre outros: i) analisar a evolução das aprendizagens realizadas por alunos de enfermagem durante o estágio; ii) identificar as opiniões dos alunos sobre o processo de supervisão. Neste estudo de natureza qualitativa, os dados foram recolhidos durante o processo de supervisão de seis alunos, através de observação participante e diários de sessões, elaborados pela supervisora, bem como através de semanários, portefólios da terapêutica e das patologias, estudo de caso, reflexão crítica no final do ensino clínico e grelhas de avaliação intercalar e final dos estagiários. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que durante o ensino clínico os alunos foram interiorizando as orientações, reajustando os seus comportamentos e progredindo gradualmente no seu desempenho e desenvolvimento de competências. Também se observou que a relação supervisiva assentou num clima afetivo-relacional e cultural de entreajuda, abertura, cordialidade, empatia, autenticidade e motivação. Os resultados desta investigação mostraram que a prática e investigação sobre a supervisão, deverão ser aprofundadas no futuro para se promover um ensino clínico mais eficaz.Instituto de Educação, Centro de Investigação em Educação (CIEd