828 research outputs found

    Mathematics self-efficacy in the education of youngsters and adults: Vanda’s case

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    Literature has pointed out, for at least two decades, that the perceptions about one’s own competency influence the motivation to learn and the school achievement. However, in the case of the Education for Youngsters and Adults (EJA), the beliefs and emotions related to the students’ own self-perceptions as learners, especially as Mathematics learners, have not been given proper attention. In this article, we present a case study whose purpose was to investigate possible mobilizations of the Mathematics self-efficacy beliefs by an EJA student throughout the development of Mathematics tasks, which were created based on a theoretical framework. The research – from the development of the activities through the analysis – was based on Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory, in particular, on the concept of self-efficacy. For seven months, we collected data through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, the researchers’ field journal, and video recordings of a few Mathematics class of a high school class at a public school, in Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The results showed strong evidence of mobilization of the self-efficacy beliefs on Vanda’s behalf. However, albeit there has been observed more persistence by the student when carrying out her activities, her more active and autonomous participation, as well as her self-confidence and emotional well-being, it was also verified that the student’s behaviour, feelings, and perceptions under evaluative situations evinced a slight change with regards to controlling negative emotions in those situations. In spite of being a single case, this work contributes to shed light on the Mathematics self-efficacy beliefs held by EJA students, as well as on the teacher’s role in the process

    Antioxidant capacity of phenolic acids extracted from the biomass from Spirulina sp.LEB-18 / Capacidade antioxidante de ácidos fenólicos extraídos da biomassa de Spirulina sp.LEB-18

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    This study's objective was to extract and evaluate the antioxidant activity of phenolic acids from biomass Spirulina sp.LEB-18. The analysis of phenolic compounds was made according to the Folin-Ciocalteu method, using gallic acid as the standard. The antioxidant activities were measured using different techniques such as the kidnapping of DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS• + radical capture (2.2'-azinobis (3-sulfonic acid ethylbenzothiazoline-6), the ?-carotene system / linoleic acid, and the antioxidant power of reduction of iron (FRAP), its antioxidant activities determined through the different methodologies, showed more significant inhibition compared to ABTS radical

    Obstetric violence: socioeconomic and ethnics disparities in brazilian territory

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    As a country with a history of racial exploitation, aspects of colonial relationships persist in modern healthcare. The institutionalization of obstetric violence reflects structural racism, leading to the dehumanization of non-white women and the submission of birthing individuals to a paternalistic medical figure. The objective is to elucidate racial and social inequities in obstetric violence rates in Brazil. This literature review is restricted to the last five years, covering four databases, with the selection of 13 articles following exclusion criteria. There is a high maternal-fetal mortality rate due to direct obstetric causes, associated with increased rates of iatrogenic interventions and physical and verbal violence during childbirth. Resistance from the medical community, coupled with elitism in leadership positions of movements against obstetric violence and the normalization of abuses, makes it challenging for black women to recognize the violence. It is mandatory to implement legislation directly prohibiting obstetric violence

    Resolução clínica de perfuração radicular através de selamento com cimento obturador biocerâmico: Relato de caso

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Cirurgião Dentista no curso de Odontologia da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense – UNESCAs perfurações endodônticas são classificadas como acidentes endodônticos e causam a comunicação entre o canal radicular e os tecidos de suporte que circundam o elemento dental. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar a resolução clínica de um acidente endodôntico utilizando cimento biocerâmico. Paciente do sexo feminino, 45 anos, apresentou em exame clínico de rotina a necessidade de tratamento endodôntico para o elemento dental 12 com periodontite apical assintomática (PAA). A odontometria foi realizada pelo método de Ingle e o preparo químico-mecânico realizado, bem como a colocação de pasta de hidróxido de cálcio por x dias, e o paciente foi agendado para obturação. Durante a consulta de obturação foi observado o sangramento constante e impossibilidade de secar o canal. O localizador foraminal foi utilizado e acusou perfuração radicular no terço apical. O sangramento foi contido e a obturação foi realizada pela técnica cone único com cimento biocerâmico Bio- C Sealer. A proservação tomográfica foi realizada em 12 meses e apresentou resultados satisfatórios. Conclui-se que utilização do biocerâmico juntamente com protocolo químico-mecânico foi resolutivo para perfuração apical e reparo da PAA. A TCFC mostrou-se efetiva para proservação, devido à suas imagens tridimensionais detalhadas

    Microplastic contamination and ecological status of freshwater ecosystems: a case study in two northern Portuguese rivers

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    Background: Most European rivers have not yet achieved “good” ecological status. In addition, the presence and abundance of microplastics (MPs) in freshwater is a matter of great concern to the scientific community. Methodology: This study assesses the ecological status of four sampling sites of Selho (S1–S4) and Costa-Couros (C1–C4) rivers (Guimarães, Portugal), and the abundance of MPs in sediments and benthic macroinvertebrates (Oligochaeta) from those sites. Results: All sites of both rivers under higher pressure did not reach a “good” ecological status (S2–S3, C2–C4) based on the macroinvertebrate community. High levels of nutrients were observed at all sites in both rivers (except C2), especially phosphorus. In the Oligochaeta’s gut of Costa-Couros river, the high number of MPs seems to be associated with their weight (95.25 ± 25.61 to 1069.00 ± 385.30 MPs g/fresh weight), suggesting the existence of malnutrition and digestive disorders, whereas the highest number of MPs in gut (134.00 ± 30.36 to 558.6 ± 100.70 MPs g/fresh weight) were found for the heaviest organisms of Selho. Conclusions: Thus, sites with higher ecological status do not necessarily have lower abundance of MPs. In the sediments, urbanization seems to be the main driver for MP contamination. MP contamination is pervasive across the sediments and Oligochaeta’s gut in both rivers. Since MPs have the potential to cause harm to environmental and human health, it is essential to monitor not only the ecological status of freshwaters, but also emerging pollutants such as MPs.This study was financially supported by the Guimarães City Council, by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Action (Portugal) through the project “Aqualastic: Educar, Reduzir e Valorizar”, by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the POPH/FSE (Human Potential Operational Program/European Social Fund) through funds of CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020; UIDB/50017/2020; LA/P/0094/2020), and by the project comPET (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030361)

    Recurrent Spontaneous Pneumothorax in a Maltese Dog with Endogenous Lipoid Pneumonia

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    Background: Pneumothorax is a clinical condition which can cause respiratory distress. It can have as its origin traumatic causes or even classified as spontaneous, mainly related to diseases of the lung parenchyma. Lipoid pneumonia is rarely described in dogs, and it is characterized by globules of lipid in the alveolar spaces. Endogenous lipoid pneumonia (EnLP) occurs when lesions on pulmonary cells release cholesterol and other lipids in the alveoli. There is no clinical approach established for EnLP in veterinary patients. The aim of this report is to describe a case of a young Maltese dog, with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax in which EnLP was diagnosed Post mortem.Case: A 2-year-old sexually intact male Maltese dog was evaluated for restrictive dyspnea. Clinicopathologic findings included cyanotic, muffled chest auscultation with hypersonic thoracic percussion. Chest x-ray demonstrated an increase in pleuropulmonary radio transparency and a floating-looking heart, indicating pneumothorax. Complete blood counts andbiochemical panel results were normal. Dirofilaria immitis antigen test results were negative. Computed tomography demonstrated slightly hyper-expanded pulmonary fields, with slightly enlarged reticular marking with areas of mild multicentric panlobular emphysema and a fracture on the sixth left rib. The treatment was focused on improving the breathing pattern through sedation, supplementation with oxygen, and thoracentesis. Owing to the reserved prognosis of the case, the unknown etiology of the recurrent pneumothorax, and the clinical worsening of the patient, the owner opted for euthanasia. Necropsy displayed multiple, circular whitish areas in the lungs, distributed over the surface of all lobes. Histopathological examination revealed pulmonary tissue with the subpleural micronodular foci, multifocal to coalescent, with a moderate accumulation of foamy intra-alveolar macrophages, occasionally multinucleate, associated with cholesterol crystals compatible with endogenous lipid pneumonia. Discussion: The patient presented with clinical signs and physical examination characteristics of pneumothorax at the first visit. After the pneumothorax diagnosis, and clinical stabilization of the patient. No predisposing factor for the formation of the pneumothorax was identified as the radiography revealed only bronchitis and blood tests were normal, the patient was thus discharged after 24 h, with the recommendations for observing the breathing pattern. Initially, spontaneous pneumothorax was suspected. The antibiotics were administered since bacterial pneumonia, although not confirmed on chest x-ray, is the main cause of pneumothorax in dogs is lung parenchyma disease. With the worsening of the clinical condition of the patient, CT was performed and did not demonstrate any findings that would justify the presence of pneumothorax. Despite the placement of the chest tube for facilitating the management of thoracentesis, there was no stabilization of the condition, enhancing the frequency of centesis procedures, which led to the decision to euthanize. The microscopic examination of the pulmonary alterations was decisive for the diagnostic conclusion. The visualization of the accumulation of foamy intra-alveolar macrophages, occasionally multinucleate, associated with cholesterol crystals, was responsible for the diagnosis of EnLP. This condition is rarely described in dogs and as in the present report, it is a noninfectious inflammatory condition, characterized by intra- or extracellular globules of lipid in the alveolar spaces. In the present report, although it was not possible to determine the etiology of EnLP, we can conclude that although rare, it can affect dogs and can generate severe clinical repercussions

    Pleomorphic adenoma with extensive squamous metaplasia and keratin cyst formations in minor salivary gland: a case report

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    Pleomorphic adenoma (PA), the most common salivary gland tumor, accounts for 54 to 65% of all salivary gland neoplasias and 80% of the benign salivary gland tumors. It most frequently affects the parotid gland, followed by the submandibular and the minor salivary glands. Microscopically, mucous, sebaceous, oncocytic and squamous metaplasia, sometimes with the formation of keratin pearls, may be present, but the latter rarely results in the formation of extensive keratin-flled cysts lined by squamous epithelium. Extensive squamous metaplasia can be mistaken for malignancy, including mucoepidermoid carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Here, we present an unusual case of PA with extensive squamous metaplasia and keratin cyst formations in a minor salivary gland, and discuss its microscopic features, including the immunohistochemical characteristics, and differential diagnosis of this uncommon presentation

    André Novo: a inovação nos cuidados de saúde em Trás-os-Montes: entrevista a um jovem e premiado investigador

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    No dia três de fevereiro, tivemos o prazer de entrevistar o Dr. André Novo. Este jovem e promissor investigador – que adquiriu uma relevância além-fronteiras depois de ter recebido um prémio atribuído pela European Federation of Sports Medicine Association, no âmbito do seu inovador trabalho de investigação sobre a capacidade funcional de pacientes em hemodiálise - nasceu a 21 de Abril de 1983 e, para além de ser licenciado em Enfermagem especializou-se em Enfermagem de Reabilitação e possui um doutoramento em Ciências da Atividade Física e do Desporto. André Novo, atualmente, é docente do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança e apesar de, como assumiu, o seu trabalho lhe deixar muito pouco tempo disponível, aceitou encontrar-se connosco, para nos esclarecer sobre algumas questões relativas ao seu excecional percurso académico e profissional. Ao longo de todo o diálogo, mostrou-se sempre bastante simpático, divertido e recetivo às nossas perguntas

    Influence of the Kaolinite Calcination Conditions on the Compressive Strength of Geopolymer

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    Among the cementitious materials, geopolymers not only attract interest due to the low emission of CO2 in their manufacturing process, but also because of their good mechanical and chemical properties, together with their resistance to fire. They can be made from different raw materials including various wastes from industrial activities and mineral extraction. In this study, metakaolin was obtained from kaolinite calcined under different conditions. In this case kaolinite is a by-product of sand extraction. It was observed that the calcination conditions (kiln heating rate, calcination time and temperature) had a strong influence on the compressive strength of geopolymer after 28 days of cure. They also affected the composition of the geopolymer, which was prepared by mixing metakaolin, alkaline sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide solution.Compressivestrengthsintherangefrom10MPato50MPamaybeobserved, depending on the combination of these factors. A factorial design of experiments allowed the isolation of the effect of each factor and its interactions, offering new insights into the complexity of the geopolymeric reactions and highlighting the need for a rigid control of the calcination conditions of kaolinite and the composition of the geopolymer samples to obtain the desired compressive strength. Keywords: kaolinite, calcination, metakaolin, geopolymer, compressive strength

    The Perception of Students and Lecturer of Occupational therapy on the Importance of Involvement in Research Projects: The MIND & GAIT Project

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    Involvement in research is increasingly playing a crucial role in the training of higher education students, however, there isn’t much found on the literature on this particular subject. The present study aims to gauge the participants’ perception of pedagogical and scientific contributions in the development of research projects, specifically in the elaboration of a Cognitive Stimulation Program. Procedures followed a qualitative approach trough an exploratory descriptive case study research. For data collection, a semi-structured interview, a focus group, with key informants, and a questionnaire, were used for a set of participants (students and a professor) of the third year of Occupational Therapy Degree of the Polytechnic of Leiria. Data was processed resorting to content analysis according to Bardin and supported by WebQDA software. There was evidence of the pedagogical contributions, with perceived effective learning and scientific advancement, namely in the area of cognitive stimulation, particularly in the development of clinical reasoning. The students’ practical involvement in research projects enhanced learning and knowledge acquisition, as well the advancement of research practice
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