94 research outputs found

    In vitro dry matter and cell wall fractions of three genotypes of sunflower ensiled with additives

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    Ensilaram-se três genótipos de girassol (M734, Rumbosol 91 e variedade V2000), enriquecidos no material original com: 0,5% de uréia (U); 0,5% de carbonato de cálcio (CC); 0,5% de uréia mais 0,5% de carbonato de cálcio (U+CC); inoculante bacteriano comercial (IB) comercial e sem aditivo que serviu como silagem testemunha (T). Foram utilizados silos de laboratório de PVC, abertos com 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 e 56 dias de ensilados, sendo determinados fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), lignina e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). As silagens de Rumbosol 91 apresentaram valores superiores aos dos genótipos V2000 e M734 nos dias de abertura para FDN, FDA e lignina. Os aditivos não promoveram alterações nos constituintes da parede celular. A silagem T não apresentou diferenças entre os genótipos quanto à DIVMS no decorrer do processo fermentativo, sendo os valores do último dia de abertura (56) de 51,0%, 49,1% e 48,9% de DIVMS para os genótipos M734, V2000 e Rumbosol 91, respectivamente. Não houve diferença entre as silagens com aditivos e a silagem testemunha com a evolução do processo fermentativo quanto à DIVMS. Os aditivos utilizados não melhoraram as silagens de girassol quanto às características avaliadas e, apesar de os genótipos apresentarem digestibilidade in vitro semelhantes, o Rumbosol 91 apresentou maiores teores de constituintes da parede celular.Three sunflower genotypes (M 734, Rumbosol 91 and V2000 variety) enriched with 0.5% of urea (U); 0.5% of calcium carbonate (CC); 0.5% of urea plus 0.5% of calcium carbonate (U + CC); commercial bacterial inoculate (BI); and without any additive, used as control silage (T) were ensiled in PVC silos and opened after 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 and 56 days to determine the neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (FDA), lignin and dry matter in vitro digestibility (DMIVD). The Rumbosol 91 genotype silage showed higher NDF, ADF and lignin than V2000 and M734 genotypes. The additives did not promote changes in the cell wall constituents. No statistical differences among silages of the genotypes for DMIVD were observed during the fermentative process. The DMIVD at 56 days were 51.0, 49.1 and 48.9% for silage of M734, V2000 and Rumbosol 91 genotypes, respectively. No difference between silages with additives and control (T), during the fermentative process for DMIVD was observed. The additives did not improve sunflower silages. The genotypes showed similar in vitro digestibility, and the Rumbosol 91 genotype showed high compound of cell wall constituent

    Langstroth hive construction with cement-vermiculite

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    Exfoliated vermiculite is a light-weight and cheap product that, because of its thermal resistance, has become a valuable insulating material. With regard to its use in beekeeping, this research tested whether the box for honey bees constructed with cement-vermiculite mortar (CVM) presents physical characteristics similar to those of wood. The experiment was carried out at Seropédica, RJ, Brazil, for eight months. The cement-vermiculite mortar was compared with a control material (pinewood), in the construction of Langstroth boxes and boards, in a completely randomized design, with respect to thermal control, thermal conductivity and its capacity to absorb and lose water. The production cost for a CVM box was estimated. There were no internal temperature differences between CVM and wooden boxes. Thermal conductivity values for CVM and pinewood were similar. CVM absorbed more water and lost water faster than pinewood. Since CVM boxes can be easily constructed, at a low cost and with similar characteristics as traditional boxes, made of wood, the material can be recommended for use in non-migratory beekeeping