7,089 research outputs found

    Nuevas aportaciones al diagnóstico foliar de los viñedos de la zona de Jerez

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    13 páginas, 8 figuras, 12 referencias.-- La publicación se encuentra en la Sección II: Olivicultura y Viticultura.-- El II Coloquio Europeo y Mediterráneo se celebró en Sevilla.[ES]: Se ha seguido el estudio del equilibrio nutritivo actual de las viñas de una de las regiones de más fama mundial, la zona de Jerez, típica de vinos famosos, fmos, amontillados, olorosos, y manzanillas. El gran número de datos recogidos han permitido confirmar por métodos de positivo valor estadístico el equilibrio nutritivo óptimo en las vides de Sanlúcár de Barrameda y Jerez, en experiencias de abonado seguidas desde 1960. Un muestreo sistemático por toda la zona ha permitido conocer el efecto de los sistemas de abonado usuales y el estado general de nutrición, puestos de manifiesto por el control de nutrientes en hojas.[FR]: On a suivi l'étude de l'équilibre nutritif actuel des vignes d'une des régions les plus fameuses du monde: la zone de Jerez, typique de vins renommés : "finos, manzanillas, olorosos et amontillados". Le grand nombre de renseignements recueillis a permis de confirmer par méthodes de valeur statistique positive, l'équilibre nutritif optimum dans les vignes de Sanlúcar de Barrameda et Jerez, en expériences de traitement par engrais suivi depuis 1960. Un prélèvement systematique par toute la zone, a permis de connaitre l'effet des systèmes de traitement par engrais habituels, mis en évidence par le contrôle de substances nutritives aux feuilles.Peer reviewe

    Synthesis and electronic properties of nitrogen-bridged dimers of boron subphthalocyanines

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    The synthesis of new symmetric and unsymmetric axial nitrogen-bridged dimers of subphthalocyanines (μ-azo dimers) has been carried out via activated triflate intermediates. Their spectroscopic and electrochemical properties have been studied and compared to their μ-oxo analoguesFinancial support from the MINECO, Spain (CTQ‐2014‐52869‐P, T.T.;  CTQ2014‐57729‐P,  D.G.‐R.),  the  Comunidad  de  Madrid  (S2013/MIT‐2841 FOTOCARBON, T.T.) and the European Research  Council  (ERC‐StG  279548,  D.G.‐R.)  is  acknowledge

    Phoneme and sub-phoneme T-normalization for text-dependent speaker recognition

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    Proceedings of Odyssey 2008: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, Stellenbosch, South AfricaTest normalization (T-Norm) is a score normalization technique that is regularly and successfully applied in the context of text-independent speaker recognition. It is less frequently applied, however, to text-dependent or text prompted speaker recognition, mainly because its improvement in this context is more modest. In this paper we present a novel way to improve the performance of T-Norm for text-dependent systems. It consists in applying score TNormalization at the phoneme or sub-phoneme level instead of at the sentence level. Experiments on the YOHO corpus show that, while using standard sentence-level T-Norm does not improve equal error rate (EER), phoneme and sub-phoneme level T-Norm produce a relative EER reduction of 18.9% and 20.1% respectively on a state-of-the-art HMM based text dependent speaker recognition system. Results are even better for working points with low false acceptance rates.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under project TEC2006-13170-C02-01

    Topographic paracentral corneal thickness with pentacam and orbscan: effect of acoustic factor

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effect of an acoustic factor (AF) on the comparison of central corneal thickness (CCT) and peripheral corneal thickness (PCT) measurements with Orbscan II and Pentacam. Methods: The CCT and PCT at 1, 2, and 3 radial distances from the corneal apex were measured using Orbscan II and Pentacam in 22 right eyes of 22 healthy adults (7 men, 15 women). Three measures were obtained from each 1 of the 25 points measured and then compared to gauge the agreement between both devices at the corneal center and anular areas located at 1-, 2-, and 3-mm distances from the central measurement. Orbscan II readings were considered with and without an AF correction. Results: Pentacam provides statistically significant higher values than Orbscan II does at all the 25 locations analyzed (P,0.001). With a few exceptions, the average difference was fairly constant between 20 and 40 mm for all the corneal locations. A high correlation existed between central readings (r2=0.927; P,0.001) and average thickness at each one of the annular areas being analyzed (r2=0.897 at 1 mm, r2=0.876 at 2 mm, and r2=0.870 at 3 mm); Pentacam minus Orbscan II value averaged for all the points changed from 228610 to 22269 mm after the removal of the AF in Orbscan II. Conclusions: Central and peripheral measurements of the corneal thickness obtained with Orbscan II and Pentacam are significantly different. The removal of the AF in Orbscan II renders lower mean differences but decreases the agreement between both systems and potentially induces an overestimation of CCT and PCT by Orbsan II compared with Pentacam.Supported by national grant PI081380 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain granted to Ocular Surface and Contact Lens Research Group GI-1750

    On the monitoring of surface displacement in connection with volcano reactivation in Tenerife, Canary Islands, using space techniques

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    Geodetic volcano monitoring in Tenerife has mainly focused on the Las Cañadas Caldera, where a geodetic micronetwork and a levelling profile are located. A sensitivity test of this geodetic network showed that it should be extended to cover the whole island for volcano monitoring purposes. Furthermore, InSAR allowed detecting two unexpected movements that were beyond the scope of the traditional geodetic network. These two facts prompted us to design and observe a GPS network covering the whole of Tenerife that was monitored in August 2000. The results obtained were accurate to one centimetre, and confirm one of the deformations, although they were not definitive enough to confirm the second one. Furthermore, new cases of possible subsidence have been detected in areas where InSAR could not be used to measure deformation due to low coherence. A first modelling attempt has been made using a very simple model and its results seem to indicate that the deformation observed and the groundwater level variation in the island may be related. Future observations will be necessary for further validation and to study the time evolution of the displacements, carry out interpretation work using different types of data (gravity, gases, etc) and develop models that represent the island more closely. The results obtained are important because they might affect the geodetic volcano monitoring on the island, which will only be really useful if it is capable of distinguishing between displacements that might be linked to volcanic activity and those produced by other causes. One important result in this work is that a new geodetic monitoring system based on two complementary techniques, InSAR and GPS, has been set up on Tenerife island. This the first time that the whole surface of any of the volcanic Canary Islands has been covered with a single network for this purpose. This research has displayed the need for further similar studies in the Canary Islands, at least on the islands which pose a greater risk of volcanic reactivation, such as Lanzarote and La Palma, where InSAR techniques have been used already

    Módulo online de cinemática como soporte a la enseñanza semipresencial de la Física en Ingeniería

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    Las nuevas tecnologías en materia de información y comunicación nos ofrecen las oportunidades para un mayor aprovechamiento de las herramientas y recursos, que permita mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Aprovechando las nuevas oportunidades que ofrecen medios como internet se diseñó y desarrolló un sistema hipermedial (website) denominado: programa SEHCP (Software Educativo Hipermedia Cinemática de la Partícula) como soporte al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del tema Cinemática de la Partícula. El software fue utilizado por una muestra representativa de los tipos de destinatarios para los que fue diseñado y la consiguiente evaluación diagnóstica; la muestra estuvo conformada por alumnos de la asignatura Física Mecánica y alumnos del Curso Introductorio de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Carabobo-Venezuela

    Stabilized Schemes for the Hydrostatic Stokes Equations

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    Some new stable finite element (FE) schemes are presented for the hydrostatic Stokes system or primitive equations of the ocean. It is known that the stability of the mixed formulation ap- proximation for primitive equations requires the well-known Ladyzhenskaya–Babuˇska–Brezzi condi- tion related to the Stokes problem and an extra inf-sup condition relating the pressure and the vertical velocity. The main goal of this paper is to avoid this extra condition by adding a residual stabilizing term to the vertical momentum equation. Then, the stability for Stokes-stable FE combinations is extended to the primitive equations and some error estimates are provided using Taylor–Hood P2 –P1 or miniele- ment (P1 +bubble)–P1 FE approximations, showing the optimal convergence rate in the P2 –P1 case. These results are also extended to the anisotropic (nonhydrostatic) problem. On the other hand, by adding another residual term to the continuity equation, a better approximation of the vertical derivative of pressure is obtained. In this case, stability and error estimates including this better approximation are deduced, where optimal convergence rate is deduced in the (P 1 +bubble)–P1 case. Finally, some numerical experiments are presented supporting previous results

    ATVS-UAM NIST LRE 2009 System Description

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    Official contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; not subject to copyright in the United States.ATVS-UAM submits a fast, light and efficient single system. The use of a task-adapted nonspeech-recognition-based VAD (apart from NIST conversation labels) and gender-dependent total variability compensation technology allows our submitted system to obtain excellent development results with SRE08 data with exceptional computational efficiency. In order to test the VAD influence in the evaluation results, a contrastive equivalent system has been submitted exclusively changing ATVS VAD labels with BUT publicly contributed ones. In all contributed systems, two gender-independent calibrations have been trained with respectively telephone-only and mic (either mic-tel, tel-mic or mic-mic) data. The submitted systems have been designed for English speech in an application-independent way, all results being interpretable in the form of calibrated likelihood ratios to be properly evaluated with Cllr. Sample development results with English SRE08 data are 0.53% (male) and 1.11% (female) EER in tel-tel data (optimistic as all English speakers in SRE08 are included in total variability matrices), going up to 3.5% (tel-tel) to 5.1% EER (tel-mic) in pessimistic cross-validation experiments (25% of test speakers totally excluded from development data in each xval set). The submitted system is extremely light in computational resources, running 77 times faster than real time. Moreover, once VAD and feature extraction are performed (the heaviest components of our system), training and testing are performed respectively at 5300 and 2950 times faster than real time

    On the use of high-level information in speaker and language recognition

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    Actas de las IV Jornadas de Tecnología del Habla (JTH 2006)Automatic Speaker Recognition systems have been largely dominated by acoustic-spectral based systems, relying in proper modelling of the short-term vocal tract of speakers. However, there is scientific and intuitive evidence that speaker specific information is embedded in the speech signal in multiple short- and long-term characteristics. In this work, a multilevel speaker recognition system combining acoustic, phonotactic and prosodic subsystems is presented and assessed using NIST 2005 Speaker Recognition Evaluation data. For language recognition systems, the NIST 2005 Language Recognition Evaluation was selected to measure performance of a high-level language recognition systems