46 research outputs found

    Analysing similarity assessment in feature-vector case representations

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    Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a good technique to solve new problems based in previous experience. Main assumption in CBR relies in the hypothesis that similar problems should have similar solutions. CBR systems retrieve the most similar cases or experiences among those stored in the Case Base. Then, previous solutions given to these most similar past-solved cases can be adapted to fit new solutions for new cases or problems in a particular domain, instead of derive them from scratch. Thus, similarity measures are key elements in obtaining reliable similar cases, which will be used to derive solutions for new cases. This paper describes a comparative analysis of several commonly used similarity measures, including a measure previously developed by the authors, and a study on its performance in the CBR retrieval step for feature-vector case representations. The testing has been done using six-teen data sets from the UCI Machine Learning Database Repository, plus two complex environmental databases.Postprint (published version

    Wastewater treatment improvement through an intelligent integrated supervisory system

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    This paper shows the result of years of work by a cooperative research group including chemical engineers, environmental scientists and computer scientists. This research has been focused on the development and implementation of new techniques for the optimisation of complex process management, mainly related to wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). The experience obtained indicates that the best approach is a Supervisory System that combines and integrates classical control of WWTP (automatic controller for maintaining a fixed dissolved oxygen level in the aeration tank, use of mathematical models to describe the process...) with the application of knowledge-based systems (mainly expert systems and case-based systems). The first part is an introduction to wastewater treatment processes and an explanation of the complexity of the management and control of such complex processes. The next section illustrates the architecture of the supervisory system and the work carried out to develop and build the expert system, the casebased system and the simulation model for implementation in a real plant (the Granollers WWTP). Finally, some results of the field validation phase of the Supervisory System when dealing with real situations in the plant are described.Aquest article mostra el resultat de la col·laboració portada a terme durant els darrers anys entre grups d'enginyeria química, enginyeria ambiental i intel·ligència artificial. El treball se centra en el desenvolupament de tècniques per a la millora i supervisió de processos complexos, especialment del tractament biològic d'aigües residuals. L'experiència demostra que la millor opció requereix desenvolupar un sistema supervisor que combini i integri tècniques de control clàssic (controlador automàtic del nivell d'oxigen dissolt en el reactor biològic, ús de models descriptius del procés, etc.) amb sistemes basats en el coneixement (concretament sistemes experts i sistemes basats en casos). El present article descriu la complexitat de la gestió del procés de tractament de les aigües residuals, l'arquitectura integrada que es proposa i el desenvolupament i la construcció de cadascun dels mòduls d'aquesta proposta per a la implementació real a l'estació depuradora d'aigües residuals de Granollers. Finalment, es detallen alguns resultats del procés de validació del seu funcionament enfront de situacions quotidianes de la planta

    Decisions on urban water systems: some support

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    “Water is a scarce resource and its management has to be as effective as possible”. Most of us would certainly agree with this fine sounding phrase. But developing it and putting it into practice is not easy. Firstly, because we are already having problems identifying the meaning or interpretation we give to some words. For example, water as a resource. Water is not just a natural resource, it is the basis of the industrial sector, a generator of cultural heritage and a linchpin of society. And we sometimes use the term scarce when referring to a problem of distribution or overexploitation. In any case, this means that water management is very complex. This is because there are different agents involved and all of them have different interests; these interests are often contradictory and can lead to conflict. Everyone understands the concept of efficient management differently. Efficient: why and for whom? At the same time, we have to make decisions. Decisions that involve a way of managing the resource. For example, authorising (or not) a withdrawal from a water course, building (and how) a treatment plant or defining (what and in which range) the quality parameters guaranteeing its drinkability... These examples, and many more that we could cite, are some of the aspects on which a group of people are responsible for acting, deciding and getting the decisions implemented. The hypothesis presented in this book is that to achieve this efficient management there are no simple formulas or universal solutions. However, this does not mean that all solutions are equally correct. Experience shows us that some are better than others.Postprint (published version

    Desenvolupament d'un protocol per l'aplicació de sistemes basats en el coneixement a la gestió d'estacions depuradores d'aigües residuals urbanes

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    In this thesis, it is presented a research for the implementation of a supervisory system that integrates different technical to complement and improve the management of Waste Water Treatment Plants. The protocol proposed synthetizes the experiences for the last years in the development of the different technical in the following Waste Water Treatment Plants: Manresa and Saint Joan de Vilatorrada, Cassà de la Selva-Llagostera, Sils-Vidreres and GironaLa present tesi recull una proposta de protocol per a la implementació d’un sistema supervisor que integri diferents tècniques per complementar i millorar la gestió que actualment es porta a terme a les estacions depuradores d’aigües residuals. El protocol proposat sintetitza i destil·la les pròpies experiències dels darrers anys en el desenvolupament de les diferents tècniques per a les estacions depuradores de Manresa i Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, Cassà de la Selva-Llagostera, Sils-Vidreres i Giron

    Knowledge discovery with clustering based on rules by states: a water treatment application

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    This work presents advances in the design of a hybrid methodology that combines artificial intelligence and statistical tools to induce a model of explicit knowledge in relation to the dynamics of a wastewater treatment plant. The methodology contributes to problem solving under the paradigm of knowledge discovery from data in which the pre-process, the automatic interpretation of results and the explicit production of knowledge play a role as important as the analysis itself. The data mining step is performed using clustering based on rules by states, which integrates the knowledge discovered separately at each step of the process into a single model of global operation of the phenomenon. This provides a more accurate model for the dynamics of the system than one obtained by analyzing the whole dataset with all the steps taken together

    Application of a support system to the design of wastewater treatment plants

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    This paper presents a case study that explores the advantages that can be derived from the use of a design support system during the design of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). With this objective in mind a simplified but plausible WWTP design case study has been generated with KBDS, a computer-based support system that maintains a historical record of the design process. The study shows how, by employing such a historical record, it is possible to: (1) rank different design proposals responding to a design problem; (2) study the influence of changing the weight of the arguments used in the selection of the most adequate proposal; (3) take advantage of keywords to assist the designer in the search of specific items within the historical records; (4) evaluate automatically thecompliance of alternative design proposals with respect to the design objectives; (5) verify the validity of previous decisions after the modification of the current constraints or specifications; (6) re-use the design records when upgrading an existing WWTP or when designing similar facilities; (7) generate documentation of the decision making process; and (8) associate a variety of documents as annotations to any component in the design history. The paper also shows one possible future role of design support systems as they outgrow their current reactive role as repositories of historical information and start to proactively support the generation of new knowledge during the design proces


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    Membrane bioreactors (MBR) technology is a well-developed wastewater treatment process; however, the integrated operation between biological reactions and physical filtration has been poorly studied. Among other operational parameters, optimal control of sludge recirculation can enhance nitrogen and phosphorous removal processes, but the effects on sludge filterability is not clear. In this paper, different recirculation flow rates were tested to evaluate consequences on sludge filterability and nutrient removal in a MBR-UCT pilot plant treating real municipal wastewater. Three distinct sludge recirculation flows were studied during 10 weeks [external recirculation (from the membrane tank to the anoxic reactor), anoxic recirculation (from the aerobic to the anoxic reactor) and anaerobic recirculation (from the anoxic to the anaerobic reactor)]. The obtained results have shown that anaerobic recirculation affected nutrient removal in an inversely proportional way, whereas anoxic recirculation had a directly proportional effect. Referring sludge characteristics, filterability and capillarity suction time (CST) remained independent of sludge recirculation, whereas CST is proportional to transmembrane pressure (TMP), which seems to depend on external and anoxic sludge recirculation