762 research outputs found

    Uso da Simulação no Treino de Internos em Técnicas de Pediatria – Técnica da Punção Lombar

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    Introdução: A punção lombar (PL) é a técnica invasiva mais frequente em Pediatria. O treino é habitualmente realizado sob supervisão, directamente no paciente. O uso de simuladores, possibilita aquisição de capacidades num ambiente seguro, minimizando custos e riscos para o doente. Objectivos: Avaliar a capacidade dos internos de pediatria (IP) na realização da PL e o uso de simulação aplicada à educação médica como ferramenta de melhoria na aquisição de competências. Material e Métodos: Foi elaborado e apresentado a todos os IP, um protocolo e checklist da PL. Realizaram-se 2 sessões clínicas, usando simuladores de PL, a primeira uma semana depois da apresentação do protocolo e a segunda, dois meses depois. Foi avaliado em cada sessão, o cumprimento do protocolo e performance na execução da técnica, mediante a aplicação da checklist. No final de cada sessão foi aplicado um questionário (escala 0-10) sobre experiência, grau de confiança prévio, alterações notadas e reprodutividade da técnica no simulador. Resultados: Participaram em cada sessão, 13 IP Oito haviam realizado menos de 10 PL durante a sua prática clínica, sendo que nenhum tinha realizado, PL em simuladores. Na 1ª sessão, as principais falhas foram a ausência de esclarecimentos sobre a técnica (n=7), cuidados pós PL (n=6) e complicações (n=5); a não aplicação de anestésico local (n=3); ausência de monitorização (n=5) e falhas na assepsia A maioria (n=8) desconhecia, ainda, o sistema de medição da pressão intracraniana (PIC). Na 2ª sessão, verificou-se melhoria em todos os itens avaliados, persistindo, ainda, falhas na monitorização (n=2), informação cuidados pós PL (n=2) e complicações (n=2). Em todos os casos a medição da PIC foi correcta. O score médio do conhecimento e grau de confiança na execução da técnica prévia à 1ª sessão foi 5, constatando-se uma clara melhoria após as 2 sessões (score médio 9). Todos consideraram que os simuladores contribuíram para o aperfeiçoamento da técnica e que os mesmos reproduziam com fiabilidade a prática real (score médio 8). Conclusões: O uso de simuladores no treino da PL melhora a competência dos internos na sua realização, permitindo aquisição de experiência e confiança sem riscos para doente. A introdução destes simuladores no ensino médico pós-graduado deve ser considerado

    Sedimentological study of Galicia coast: JI. Relation-ship between the distribution of grain size and the biogenic carbonate content in Pontevedra and Arousa beaches.

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    [Resumen] Dentro del estudio de los diferentes medios de depósitos sedimentarios de las Rías Gallegas, se presenta una distribución del contenido en carbonatos biogénicos así como las variaciones granulométricas del sector intermareal de las playas de Pontevedra y Arosa. Los puntos de muestreo fueron seleccionados en función del grado de exposición y condiciones de alta energía (zonas abiertas), y de baja energía (zonas interiores). Se levantaron perfiles topográficos en un total de 15 playas; en cada perfil se tomaron, como promedio, 3 muestras comprendidas entre los niveles de pleamar y bajamar, considerando puntos equivalentes para cada una de las playas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran en general una homogeneidad en cuanto a tamaño de grano, del orden de 2 a 0.25 mm, es decir, fracción media-gruesa. Es constante la presencia de los valores más finos hacia la parte alta de cada perfil. El contenido en carbonatos oscila entre un 20 y un 40 O/o para aquellas estaciones de muestreo situadas en zonas abiertas, mientras que en aquellas otras situadas hacia el interior su contenido no sobrepasa, en general, el 5 o/o. Estos valores pueden ser interpretados como resultado de la ubicación geográfica y su dinámica, actuando como indicador que puede ser extensible al resto del litoral gallego.[Abstract] A distribution of the biogenic carbonatic content and grain size for the intertidal zone of the beaches of the Ria de Pontevedra and Ria de Arosa is presented in this papero Sampling stations were chosen to reflect the different exposures and energy: high energy (open zones) and low energy (inner zones). Morphology of 15 beaches was determined by topographic profiling, with an average of 3 samples between high-water mark and low-water mark in each profile. This way, equivalent points in the different beaches can be compared. The results show a general grain-size homogneity with a predominance of the medium-coarse fraction, about 2-0.25 mm. A finer grain size is usually found in the upper part of each profile. The carbonatic content range is 20-40 O/o in open zones, whereas the content is less than 5 O/o in beaches towards the inner zones. This values are significant with respect to the geographical position of the beaches in each ria and the different dynamics. They are, then, an index that could be applied to the study of the whole Galician coast

    Effect of acid treatment on the structure of sepiolite.

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    An ab initio determination of the structure of sepiolite after acid treatment (HCl 0.5 N for 24 h) was carried out using X-ray powder diffraction data. After acid treatment, the sections normal to the a and c axes presented discontinuities, ~2.25 Å wide, parallel to the (010) plane, with no electronic density maxima, thus suggesting that adjacent planes are joined by van der Waals-like residual links. Partial dissolution was detected on both octahedral and tetrahedral sheets, beginning by breaking the ribbons not along the edges, but in the centre, thus creating a 5.20x6.79 Å tunnel along the a axis. By interrupting the tetrahedral sheet, this mechanism changes the phyllosilicate-like nature of the sepiolite to an inosilicate-like structure.Peer reviewe

    Effect of environmental conditions and phenology in the dispersal of secondary Erysiphe necator conidia in a vineyard

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    An integrated powdery mildew management strategy to identify the principal moments of secondary Erysiphe necator conidia dispersal in a vineyard based on aerobiological, phenological and meteorological data was developed. An adaptation of the physiological P-days model was conducted to obtain a descriptive equation for the prediction of the advantageous meteorological conditions for Erysiphe necator conidia dispersal in the vineyards of the Ribeiro Designation of Origin area. Moreover, a regression model was developed to predict the conidia concentration as a function of the weather and aerobiological variables with the highest influence on airborne E. necator spores. Additionally, phenological observations were conducted during the vegetative cycle of Vitis vinifera, with the aim to identify the most susceptible phenological stages to powdery mildew infection by relating them with the detected atmospheric spore concentrations. The study was carried out from 2008 to 2018 in an experimental vineyard. The E. necator spores were trapped using a Lanzoni VPPS-2000 sampler and the phenological observations were conducted following the BBCH standardized scale. The highest total fungal spore amount per season in the atmosphere of the vineyard was detected in 2013 with 4828 spores m-3, while the lowest amount was recorded in 2009 with 883 spores m-3. In general, the highest daily airborne spore concentrations were detected during the Flowering (stage 6) or in the previous and next stages, whereas the maximum total spore amount by stage was recorded during Development of Fruits (stage 7). The proposed threshold of P-days for potential secondary infections in the Ribeiro D.O. ranges from 120 to 160 P-days. The combination of aerobiological, phenological and meteorological data provides us a useful tool for the knowledge of the Erysiphe necator conidia dispersal behaviour bringing agricultural practices closer to a sustainable system

    Primordial black holes and gravitational waves from dissipation during inflation

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    We study the generation of a localized peak in the primordial spectrum of curvature perturbations from a transient dissipative phase during inflation, leading to a large population of primordial black holes. The enhancement of the power spectrum occurs due to stochastic thermal noise sourcing curvature fluctuations. We solve the stochastic system of Einstein equations for many realizations of the noise and obtain the distribution for the curvature power spectrum. We then propose a method to find its expectation value using a deterministic system of differential equations. In addition, we find a single stochastic equation whose analytic solution helps to understand the main features of the spectrum. Finally, we derive a complete expression and a numerical estimate for the energy density of the stochastic background of gravitational waves induced at second order in perturbation theory. This includes the gravitational waves induced during inflation, during the subsequent radiation epoch and their mixing. Our scenario provides a novel way of generating primordial black hole dark matter with a peaked mass distribution and a detectable stochastic background of gravitational waves from inflation.Comment: 48 pages, 11 figures; matches published version in JCAP; typo corrected, the rest of the paper is unchange

    Sistemas caóticos y su aplicación a la encriptación de señales

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    La sincronización y control de señales caóticas es una activa área de investigación por sus posibles aplicaciones en telecomunicaciones y transmisión de señales [1, 2, 3, 4]. En el presente trabajo se estudia un sistema de comunicación basado en la sincronización de dos sistemas no lineales caóticos, cada uno modelado a partir de las ecuaciones de movimiento de un péndulo forzado amortiguado y que se encuentran en el mismo punto de operación del espacio de parámetros. Synchronization and control of chaotic signals is an active research area because of its applications in telecommunications and secure signal transmission [1,2,3,4]. In this work a communication system based in the synchronization of two chaotic nonlinear systems, each one being modeled by the motion equations of a driven damped pendulum and operated in the same parameter space region is shown. Two communication channels were used: the first one for the synchronizing signal and the second one for the sent message. By using two channels the initial conditions sensibility problem is solved. In the receiver system a feedback loop as a proportional controller is used in order to drive quickly the error between the decoder and encoder states to zero. The last two facts make the system to be robust to external pertubative signals such as noise in the communication channels

    Well-being of suckling calves under two different rearing systems: case study in the central milk basin of Argentina

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    En el presente trabajo se llevo a cabo un estudio de caso con enfoque cuantitativo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el bienestar en teneros lechales durante la época invernal bajo dos diferentes sistemas de crianza, que se utilizan en la zona. Los terneros, se alojaron en dos sistemas: en estaca los machos y en jaula las hembras. Los animales recibieron dos tomas diarias de leche (4 l/día), balanceado iniciador y agua ad libitum. Se registraron pesos iníciales y finales. La ganancia de peso se analizó mediante técnicas estadísticas descriptivas. Se tomaron muestra de saliva para determinar cortisol (CS) en cuatro momentos del día. Los datos fueron analizados para detectar variaciones horarias. El CS no mostró fluctuaciones diarias. Durante quince días y día por medio, se registraron las conductas: parado, echado, comiendo y otras. La metodología de observación y registro utilizada fue el muestreo de barrido a intervalos regulares. Los datos de analizaron con la prueba del c2. El efecto tratamiento fue significativo sobre el comportamiento (p<0,01). Los animales de los dos sistemas gastaron el 50% del tiempo en la conducta de reposo.Well-being of suckling calves under two different rearing systems. Case study in the central milk basin of Argentina. In this paper we conducted a case study with quantitative approach. The aim of this study was to assess welfare in suckling calves during the winter season under two different rearing systems, which are used in the area. Calves were housed in two systems: a stake in males and females cage. All animals received 4 L milk per day, in two servings. Water and a commercial starter were offered ad libitum. Initial and final weights were recorded, weight gain was analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques. Saliva samples were taken at four times over the day, to analyze saliva cortisol (SC). Data were analyzed for time variations. Neither daily fluctuations in SC concentrations nor system effects were detected in SC concentrations. Different behaviors: standing, lying, eating and "others" were observed every other day over a fortnight. Scan sampling at regular intervals was utilized. Data were analyzed by a c2 test. Systems effects were observed on behavioral conducts (p<0.01). Animals in both systems spent 50% of their time lying.Fil: Leva, Paula Edit. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: García, M. S.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Toffoli Arnaudo, Guillermo Daniel. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez, A. G.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Rey, Florencia. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin