305 research outputs found

    La reinvención de la autenticidad en el contexto de la mercantilización neoliberal

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    Desde la últimas décadas del siglo pasado, la constatación empírica de que los límites naturales al crecimiento estaban siendo traspasados (García, 2004) supuso un incremento de la conciencia medioambiental y dio lugar a la búsqueda de respuestas de distinto tipo. El concepto de 'Parque Natural', como un intento de preservar determinados espacios, se inscribe en este contexto. En su versión neoliberal dicha preservación no implica ninguna modificación sustantiva de las reglas que impone el desarrollo económico capitalista. De este modo, se convierte en una aplicación del binomio 'desarrollo sostenible', un oxímoron (Latouche, 2006) donde se yuxtaponen dos significados contrapuestos, a saber, desarrollo económico capitalista y sostenibilidad medioambiental

    Peasantry is neither created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed. Agrarian discourses in the Delta de l’Ebre and the Albufera de València

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    The following pages summarize the analysis of agrarian and environmental discourses and social representations in the Ebro Delta and the Albufera of Valencia. The first part of the article tries to synthesize in a theoretical way the evolution and perspectives of family agriculture. We intend to analyze the essential changes that have taken place in agriculture and have made it survive, despite the theoretical prognosis that announced the end of the familiar agriculture. The second part addresses the methodological question of our research. We have conducted 58 interviews and two discussion groups in which different social profiles have participated. The analysis of social discourses was complemented by the exploitation of data from agrarian censuses, as well as from databases related to the rice market. The conclusions summarize how the discourses of the peasantry point out the impossibility of shying away from the subalternity of agricultural activity that has been ostracized by economic development and bound to be polluting if it wants to be economically viable.En las páginas que siguen, se resume el análisis de los discursos agrarios y medioambientales y las representaciones sociales en el Delta del Ebro y la Albufera de Valencia. La primera parte del artículo trata de sintetizar de manera teórica la evolución y perspectivas de la agricultura familiar. Pretendemos analizar los cambios esenciales acaecidos en la agricultura y que, pese a todo pronóstico teórico, la han hecho sobrevivir. La segunda parte aborda la cuestión metodológica de la investigación. Hemos realizado 58 entrevistas y dos grupos de discusión en los que han participado perfiles sociales muy variados. El análisis de los discursos se complementó con la explotación de datos del INE (censos agrarios y macromagnitudes agrarias), así como bases de datos relacionadas con el mercado del arroz. Las conclusiones sintetizan cómo los discursos del campesinado señalan la imposibilidad de rehuir la subalternidad de la actividad agrícola que ha quedado condenada al ostracismo por el desarrollo económico y abocada a ser contaminante si quiere ser económicamente viabl

    Del desencanto indignado a la indignación desencantada: cuatro décadas de democracia de baja intensidad en la sociedad española

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    En la primera mitad de 1980, las investigaciones sociológicas de los precursores cualitativismo crítico español, Jesús Ibáñez, Alfonso Ortí, Ángel de Lucas, interpretaron el término ‘desencanto’ como la expresión de una frustración colectiva. La decepción ante las expectativas emancipatorias que se abrieron tras la muerte del Dictador. La transición postfranquista a la monarquía parlamentaria se teorizó como un ‘desencanto programado’ dirigido garantizar la continuidad en el poder de las élites del nacional-catolicismo franquista en un nuevo régimen político ‘blanqueado’ a través de la democracia formal y representativa. Dicha transición estaba orientada, en lo económico y en lo social por las políticas liberales y fue gestionada una socialtecnocracia transnacional (Ortí, 1998). Tres décadas después, el término ‘indignación’ expresó en la sociedad española el rechazo ciudadano frente a los totalitarios efectos del progresivo desahucio de sus vínculos sociales que aquella transición había reiniciado en 1978. Unos efectos amplificados globalmente por la intensa ofensiva que ‘La gran transformación/restauración neoliberal’ inició en 2007. Una indignación desencantada, en primer lugar, con las limitaciones de la democracia formal. En los dos períodos históricos la democracia instituida apareció como una parte central del problema. Pero, a su vez, también la democracia instituyente, es decir, la democratización de la democracia, se señaló como una parte central de la solución. El presente trabajo analiza, algunas claves de dicha dialéctica a través del análisis de sus dos términos centrales de representación simbólica: ‘desencanto’ e ‘indignación’. El punto de partida es la investigación que en 1980, en plena consolidación del capitalismo de consumo en la sociedad española, realizaron Jesús Ibáñez y Alfonso Ortí sobre el ‘Desencanto’. El de llegada: los distintos análisis sociológicos sobre el 15 M y las investigaciones cualitativas del CIS sobre la cuestión. La convicción histórica, metodológica y política de que la recuperación de la memoria sociológica del fracaso de la transición franquista hacia un orden social más justo es un instrumento necesario en las actuales luchas dirigidas a la recuperación del futuro colectivo, transcurre por estas páginas. También la necesidad de volver a repensar dos cuestiones: ¿Es posible la democracia en un sistema capitalista? ¿Cómo concretamos políticamente la democratización de la democracia como método para la emancipación social?In the first half of 1980, the sociological research of critical precursors of what was called ‘cualitativismo crítico español’, Jesús Ibáñez, Alfonso Orti, Angel Lucas, interpreted the term ‘ disenchantment ‘ as the expression of a collective frustration. The disappointment with the emancipatory expectations that were opened after the death of Franco. The post-Franco transition to parliamentary monarchy was theorized as a ‘ scheduled disenchantment ‘ intended to ensure continuity in the power of elites Franco’s National Catholicism in a new political regime ‘ laundered ‘ through formal and representative democracy. This transition was oriented, economically and socially by liberal policies and was managed transnational social technocracy. Three decades later, the term ‘ outrage ‘ expressed in Spanish society citizen rejection of totalitarian effects of progressive eviction of social ties that this transition was restarted in 1978 Some effects globally amplified by intense offensive ‘ The Great Transformation / neoliberal restoration ‘ began in 2007 a disenchanted outrage , first, the limitations of formal democracy . In both historical periods the established democracy appeared as a central part of the problem. But, in turn, also instituting democracy, ie , the democratization of democracy, was identified as a central part of the solution. This paper examines some of the key dialectic through analysis of its two central terms of symbolic representation: ‘disenchantment’ and ‘outrage’. The starting point is the investigation in 1980, during the consolidation of consumer capitalism in Spanish society, and made Jesus Alfonso Ibáñez Ortí about ‘Disappointment’ The Arrival: various sociological analyzes of 15 M and CIS qualitative research on the issue. The historical, methodological and political recovery of sociological failure memory of Franco transition to a more just social order is a necessary tool in today›s struggles led to the recovery of collective future conviction runs through these pages. Also the need to re- rethink two questions: Is democracy possible in a capitalist system? How do we specify the democratization of political democracy as a method of social emancipation

    Por una democracia de alta intensidad. Los movimientos sociales como portadores del cambio social

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    La globalización neoliberal ha generalizado en sus prácticas políticas la dimensión formal y representativa de la democracia, tal y como la definió el sociólogo español Jesús Ibáñez a principios de la década de los noventa del pasado siglo. En su definición la expresión democracia –el pueblo gobierna— se encuentra acotada tanto por ser formal –la forma de expresión, el voto, prima sobre el contenido— como por ser representativa –el pueblo participa mediante representantes que ha escogido con su voto. Ambas circunstancias limitan el alcance de la democracia, de tal manera se antoja adecuada la expresión: nada para el pueblo, pero sin el pueblo. La presente ponencia vuelve a repensar la cuestión a partir de Ibáñez. En primer lugar, explícita de manera teórica los tres niveles complementarios de democracia: elementos, estructura y sistema. Más tarde, abordamos el tema la crisis de la democracia liberal —nivel de los elementos— y los problemas y déficits que acarrea la misma para legitimar una democracia de baja intensidad, incapaz de contrarrestar la hegemonía de los mercados financieros globales. Seguidamente, analizamos los cambios acaecidos en la democracia liberal y el resurgimiento de un tipo de democracia participativa –nivel de la estructura—, basada en fórmulas de participación regulada en la que el papel actor reside en las instituciones políticas y que encuentra sus contradicciones en la coyuntura social y económica actual. Por último, tratamos la democracia real –nivel del sistema—, aquella que otorga el papel actor a la sociedad civil. Ilustramos esta cuestión a partir del análisis de algunas experiencias recientes surgidas en el Estado español, en las que los movimientos sociales y las plataformas de resistencia han tenido un papel clave en las lucha por una democracia de alta intensidad en un momento en que el futuro de lo social está hipotecado.Neoliberal globalization has widespread in his political practices a formal and representative dimension of democracy, as it was defined by the spanish sociologist Jesus Ibáñez. In his defining the term democracy -the people shall govern- is bounded both as to be formal -the form of expression, the voting premium to be representative content- as to be representative -the people who participate through representatives chosen by voting . Both circumstances limit the scope of democracy, so we can use the expression: anything for the people, but without the people. This paper returns to rethink the issue from Ibañez. First, theoretically explicit the three complementary levels of democracy: elements, structure and system. Later, we address the issue of the crisis of liberal democracy -level of elements- and the problems and deficits that brings it to legitimize a low-intensity democracy, unable to counter the hegemony of global financial markets. Then, we analyze the changes in liberal democracy and the resurgence of a kind of participatory democracy -level of structured , based participation schemes regulated by the actor role lies in political institutions and finding contradictions in current social and economic situation. Finally, we try real democracy -level of the system, one that gives the actor a role for civil society. We illustrate this issue by analyzing some recent experiences from the Spanish State, in which social movements and resistance platforms have played a key role in the struggle for a high-intensity democracy at a time when the future of the social is mortgaged

    De Roma al Medievo. Estructuras de hábitat y evolución del paisaje vegetal en el territorio de Salamanca.

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    En un trabajo anterior presentamos los resultados de una prospección intensiva en la comarca de La Armuña. En este nuevo estudio se procede a una interpretación detallada de los datos. Tras el trabajo de campo se observa que no existen indicios de ocupación prerromana. El poblamiento romano se desarrolla de forma repentina en la zona a partir de la época flavia y se mantiene con pocos cambios durante todo el Imperio. La fotografía aérea y el material de superficie permiten detectar la presencia de dos villas (Aldealhama y Prado de Abajo) con sus dependencias anejas. A partir del siglo V los puntos de hábitat se multiplican, aunque la calidad de las construcciones es inferior. Los siglos VIII-XI son un periodo de vacío de información que ni los materiales arqueológicos ni las fuentes pueden rellenar. A partir del siglo XI el hábitat está establecido de forma definitiva en los pueblos actuales. Los datos de poblamiento se complementan con los que aporta un sondeo para la extracción de un registro polínico. Durante el periodo romano la cubierta forestal era todavía importante, aunque ya estaban presentes los cultivos cerealísticos. A partir del siglo V se observa una atención preferente hacia la ganadería lo que supone una mayor presión sobre el bosque. Este proceso se interrumpirá hacia el siglo VIII, momento en el que la actividad ganadera se retrae, aunque continúan las actividades agrícolas. El siglo XI aportará una mayor diversidad agrícola en la que aparecerá por primera vez la viña, hecho corroborado por la documentación escrita de la époc

    Análisis modal comparado entre modelos virtuales 2d y 3d aplicado a un Cube Sat

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    El siguiente trabajo presenta un análisis modal comparado entre modelos virtuales 2D y 3D, para validar la sistematización de una metodología de análisis completo de Ingeniería Asistida por Computadora, ejemplificada en la aplicación a un modelo de nano satélite tipo Cube Sat. Se detallan los requerimientos de las especificaciones técnicas, condiciones estructurales, cargas, restricciones y frecuencias de vibración, que sufre este satélite al momento de su despegue y durante su órbita. Posteriormente se aplica al Diseño Asistido por Computadora la solicitud del análisis de respuesta dinámica al modelo de su estructura principal simplificada, utilizando el Método de los Elementos Finitos. Las simulaciones incluyen el análisis dinámico de frecuencias naturales y modos de vibración libre. La comparación se lleva a cabo con las herramientas de un Sistema de Ingeniería Basada en el Conocimiento que permiten optimizar la elaboración de diseños mecánicos y reducir tiempos de solución ante nuevos retos de simulación

    Vascular and cognitive effects of cocoa-rich chocolate in postmenopausal women: a study protocol for a randomised clinical trial

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    Introduction The intake of polyphenols has certain health benefits. This study will aim to assess the effect of adding a daily amount of chocolate high in cocoa content and polyphenols to the normal diet on blood pressure, vascular function, cognitive performance, quality of life and body composition in postmenopausal women. Methods and analysis Here we plan a randomised clinical trial with two parallel groups involving a total of 140 women between 50 and 64 years in the postmenopausal period, defined by amenorrhoea of at least 12 consecutive months. The main variable will be the change in blood pressure. Secondary variables will be changes in vascular function, quality of life, cognitive performance and body composition. The intervention group will be given chocolate containing 99% cocoa, with instructions to add 10 g daily to their normal diet for 6 months. The daily nutritional contribution of this amount of chocolate is 59 kcal and 65.4 mg of polyphenols. There will be no intervention in the control group. All variables will be measured at the baseline visit and 3 and 6 months after randomisation, except cognitive performance and quality of life, which will only be assessed at baseline and at 6 months. Recruitment is scheduled to begin on 1 June 2018, and the study will continue until 31 May 2019. Ethics and dissemination This study was approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the Health Area of Salamanca, Spain (‘CREC of Health Area of Salamanca’), in February 2018. A SPIRIT checklist is available for this protocol. The clinical trial has been registered at ClinicalTrials. gov provided by the US National Library of Medicine, number NCT03492983. The results will be disseminated through open access peer-reviewed journals, conference presentations, broadcast media and a presentation to stakeholders.Gerencia Regional de Castilla y León (GRS 1583/B/1

    Combined use of smartphone and smartband technology in the improvement of lifestyles in the adult population over 65 years: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial (EVIDENT-Age study)

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    Background The increasing use of smartphones by older adults also increases their potential for improving different aspects of health in this population. Some studies have shown promising results in the improvement of cognitive performance through lifestyle modification. All this may have a broad impact on the quality of life and carrying out daily living activities. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of combining the use of smartphone and smartband technology for 3 months with brief counseling on life habits, as opposed to providing counseling only, in increasing physical activity and improving adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Secondary objectives are to assess the effect of the intervention on body composition, quality of life, independence in daily living activities and cognitive performance. Methods This study is a two-arm cluster-randomized trial that will be carried out in urban health centers in Spain. We will recruit 160 people aged between 65 and 80 without cardiovascular disease or cognitive impairment (score in the Mini-mental State Examination ≥24). On a visit to their center, intervention group participants will be instructed to use a smartphone application for a period of 3 months. This application integrates information on physical activity received from a fitness bracelet and self-reported information on the patient’s daily nutritional composition. The primary outcome will be the change in the number of steps measured by accelerometer. Secondary variables will be adherence to the Mediterranean diet, sitting time, body composition, quality of life, independence in daily living activities and cognitive performance. All variables will be measured at baseline and on the assessment visit after 3 months. A telephone follow-up will be carried out at 6 months to collect self-reported data regarding physical activity and adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Discussion Preventive healthy aging programs should include health education with training in nutrition and lifestyles, while stressing the importance of and enhancing physical activity; the inclusion of new technologies can facilitate these goals. The EVIDENT-AGE study will incorporate a simple, accessible intervention with potential implementation in the care of older adults.This study was supported in part by grants funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL)-IBY17/00003, and the Spanish Research Network for Preventive Activities and Health Promotion in Primary Care (REDIAPP)-RD16/0007

    The effects of physical activity on white matter microstructure in children with overweight or obesity: The ActiveBrains randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Emerging research supports the idea that physical activity benefits brain development. However, the body of evidence focused on understanding the effects of physical activity on white matter microstructure during childhood is still in its infancy, and further well-designed randomized clinical trials are needed. Aim: This study aimed: (i) to investigate the effects of a 20-week physical activity intervention on global white matter microstructure in children with overweight or obesity, and (ii) to explore whether the effect of physical activity on white matter microstructure is global or restricted to a particular set of white matter bundles. Methods: In total, 109 children aged 8 to 11 years with overweight or obesity were randomized and allocated to either the physical activity program or the control group. Data were collected from November 2014 to June 2016, with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data processing and analyses conducted between June 2017 and November 2021. Images were pre-processed using the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Brain´s Software Library (FSL) and white matter properties were explored by probabilistic fiber tractography and tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS). Results: Intention-to-treat analyses were performed for all children who completed the pre-test and post-test DTI assessment, with good quality DTI data (N = 89). Of them, 83 children (10.06±1.11 years, 39 % girls, intervention group=44) met the per-protocol criteria (attended at least 70 % of the recommended sessions). Our probabilistic fiber tractography analysis did not show any effects in terms of global and tract-specific fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) in the per-protocol or intention-to-treat analyses. Additionally, we did not observe any effects on the voxel-wise DTI parameters (i.e., FA and MD) using the most restricted TBSS approach (i.e., per protocol analyses and p-corrected image with a statistical threshold of p < 0.05). In the intention-to-treat analysis, we found that our physical activity program had a borderline effect (p-corrected image with a statistical threshold of p < 0.1) on 7 different clusters, including a cluster in the corpus callosum. Conclusion: We conclude that a 20-week physical activity intervention was not enough to induce changes in global and tract-specific white matter during childhood. The effects of physical activity on white matter microstructure could be restricted to local changes in several white matter tracts (e.g., the body of the corpus callosum). However, our results were not significant, and more interventions are needed to determine whether and how physical activity affects white matter microstructure during childhood.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Assessment and Promotion and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)” (DEP2013-47540, DEP2016- 79512-R, and DEP2017-91544-EXP)European Commission (No 667302)Alicia Koplowitz FoundationUniversity of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of ExcellenceUnit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6107/ UGRSAMID III network, RETICS, funded by the PN I+D+I 2017-2021 (Spain)Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (RTI2018-095284- 564J-100)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2019-027287-I)Grant from ANID/BECAS Chile/72180543Margarita Salas grant from the Spanish Ministry UniversitiesSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FJCI-2017-33396)Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (IJC2019-041916-I

    El proyecto mapa escolar de Valencia: Análisis de la zonificación educativa de la ciudad de Valencia

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    The research project Mapa Escolar de Valencia (School Map of Valencia) was born out of an agreement between the City Council and the University of Valencia in order to carry out an investigation of the compulsory education system of the city and propose, if necessary, modifications to the current school zoning. The project is structured in several research areas. An analysis of the specialized scientific literature and public policies concerning education and schooling has been done, and it is currently analysing the evolution of quantitative and qualitative data on compulsory schooling in Valencia, its school zoning, the representations of education and the school climate in the city schools. The main results of the research are presented in this articl