4,625 research outputs found

    Mujer y prisiones

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    El presente trabajo de fin de grado ha tratado de mostrar, por un lado, que la criminalidad en las mujeres es una realidad muy amplia y muy difícil de estudiar en su conjunto y, por otro, que las prisiones en España conforman estructuras que contribuyen a la perduración de los roles diferenciales de género entre hombres y mujeres, produciéndose una discriminación patente respecto a ellas. En síntesis, el paso por la prisión y ésta como «institución total» tiene un diferente impacto para las mujeres y los hombres penados, y la presente investigación ha tratado de hacer emerger cómo operan este tipo de instituciones sobre las mujeres en particular.Grado en Criminologí

    Evaluation of leakages effects in the water supply system of Moratalla (Spain). Póster

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    One of the risk management requirements is the assessment of the effect of each kind of possible failure. In water supply systems, the most common failures are the pipe leakages. Most leakages can be modelled as orifices in a pipe [1]. At this paper, a leakage pattern is defined for each of the 300 pipes in Moratalla’s water supply system. That leakage pattern is defined as an orifice whose diameter length is 1/10 of the pipe diameter. Epanet-Octave is a GNU Octave wrapper that makes easy and vector oriented the use of EPANET ToolKit. Epanet-Octave library has been used to carry out a simulation for each pipe which may have a leakage. Each simulation lasts a whole simulated day to include leakage effects for the different pressures and demands that happen during the day. Then, the results are summarised by using an index which weights the negative effect of the leakages. Usually leakages are evaluated mainly by the energy waste in pumping that water [2-3]. In this case, the suggested index accounts for leakage flow rates, water quality deterioration and service deterioration. Leakage flow rates effects are included through the maximum leakage flow rate (in time) and its average value, which in this case is proportional to the energy cost used in other works as the system distributes the water from the reservoirs to customers by gravity. Water quality deterioration is evaluated by the presence of negative pressures around the orifice. Finally, service deterioration is measured through the water that would be supplied below the regulated minimum pressure. This weighted index, which is shown in figure 1, can be used, together with other non-hydraulic factors like pipe-age or pipe-material, to prioritise the maintenance and even the replacement of pipes according to a risk management strategy

    Mejora de la organización en el proceso del carbón en la Empresa Agroforestal de Cienfuegos

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    La presente investigación se realizó en la Empresa Agroforestal de Cienfuegos perteneciente al Ministerio de la Agricultura (MINAG), con el objetivo fundamental de aplicar un procedimiento que permita la mejora de la organización del trabajo en el proceso de elaboración del carbón vegetal de modo que favorezca el incremento de la productividad y la erradicación de no conformidades para la implementación del sistema de gestión de la calidad. Para el cumplimiento del mismo se utilizan entrevistas, observaciones directas, revisión de documentos, técnicas de mapeo de procesos, fotografía detallada colectiva e individual, cronometraje, así como técnicas para el análisis desde el punto de vista ergonómico tales como: el método Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). Como resultados fundamentales se norman las diferentes actividades del proceso objeto de estudio, se determinan las capacidades por operación, así como un análisis del aprovechamiento de la jornada laboral. Se determinan los gastos energéticos de las operaciones, se calcula la capacidad de trabajo física de los obreros y se proponen mejoras para las diferentes posturas adoptadas por los trabajadores que necesitan cambios de manera inmediata. Además, se propone la modificación del sistema de pago acorde a las exigencias del país para aprovechar las reservas de productividad existentes en la plantilla que no se explotan, proyectándose en un incremento de la productividad de los trabajadores

    Energy Recovery Potential in Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Networks Using Micro-Hydropower in Spain

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    The use of micro-hydropower (MHP) for energy recovery in water distribution networks is becoming increasingly widespread. The incorporation of this technology, which offers low-cost solutions, allows for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions linked to energy consumption. In this work, the MHP energy recovery potential in Spain from all available wastewater discharges, both municipal and private industrial, was assessed, based on discharge licenses. From a total of 16,778 licenses, less than 1% of the sites presented an MHP potential higher than 2 kW, with a total power potential between 3.31 and 3.54 MW. This total was distributed between industry, fish farms and municipal wastewater treatment plants following the proportion 51–54%, 14–13% and 35–33%, respectively. The total energy production estimated reached 29 GWh∙year−1, from which 80% corresponded to sites with power potential over 15 kW. Energy-related industries, not included in previous investigations, amounted to 45% of the total energy potential for Spain, a finding which could greatly influence MHP potential estimates across the world. The estimated energy production represented a potential CO2 emission savings of around 11 thousand tonnes, with a corresponding reduction between M€ 2.11 and M€ 4.24 in the total energy consumption in the country

    Individual differences in arithmetic fluency

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    Este estudio contrasta la hipótesis de que las dificultades que tienen algunos sujetos en el dominio de las tablas de multiplicar se deban a su incapacidad para afrontar la interferencia. Los resultados no muestran diferencias en medidas de interferencia en un tarea de recuerdo serial entre sujetos con alta y baja habilidad en la resolución de multiplicaciones. Sin embargo, se encuentran diferencias asociadas a su dominio de las representaciones numéricas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyecto PSI-2012-38423

    Genome-wide transcriptome response of Streptomyces tsukubaensis to N-acetylglucosamine: effect on tacrolimus biosynthesis

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    [EN] Chitin is the second most abundant carbohydrate biopolymer present in soils and is utilized by antibiotic–producing Streptomyces species. Its monomer, N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), regulates the developmental program of the model organism Streptomyces coelicolor. GlcNAc blocks differentiation when growing on rich medium whilst it promotes development on poor culture media. However, it is unclear if the same GlcNAc regulatory profile observed in S. coelicolor applies also to other industrially important Streptomyces species. We report here the negative effect of GlcNAc on differentiation and tacrolimus (FK506) production by Streptomyces tsukubaensis NRRL 18488. Using microarrays technology, we found that GlcNAc represses the transcription of fkbN, encoding the main transcriptional activator of the tacrolimus biosynthetic cluster, and of ppt1, encoding a phosphopantheteinyltransferase involved in tacrolimus biosynthesis. On the contrary, GlcNAc stimulated transcription of genes related to amino acid and nucleotide biosynthesis, DNA replication, RNA translation, glycolysis and pyruvate metabolism. The results obtained support those previously reported for S. coelicolor, but some important differences were observed; for example genes involved in GlcNAc transport and metabolism and genes encoding transcriptional regulators such as crr, ptsI, nagE1, nagE2, nagB, chiA, chiJ, ngcE, dasR or atrA are not significantly induced in S. tsukubaensis by GlcNAc addition. Differences in the GlcNAc transport systems, in the physiology of S. tsukubaensis and S. coelicolor and/or the different composition of the culture media used are likely to be responsible for the discrepancies observed between these specieSIThis work was supported by the European Union through an ERA-IB (PIM2010EEI-00677) international cooperation project. M. Ordóñez-Robles received a FPU fellowship of the Ministry of Education (grant number AP2009-4508). We acknowledge Prof. Paloma Liras for helpful scientific discussion and the technical support of B. Martín, J. Merino and A. Casenave (INBIOTEC)

    Molecular Physiology of Kainate Receptors

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    28 páginas, 15 figuras, 3 tablas.A decade ago, our understanding of the molecular properties of kainate receptors and their involvement in synaptic physiology was essentially null. A plethora of recent studies has altered this situation profoundly such that kainate receptors are now regarded as key players in the modulation of transmitter release, as important mediators of the postsynaptic actions of glutamate, and as possible targets for the development of antiepileptic and analgesic drugs. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge of the properties of kainate receptors focusing on four key issues:1) their structural and biophysical features, 2) the important progress in their pharmacological characterization,3) their pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms of action, and4) their involvement in a series of physiological and pathological processes. Finally, although significant progress has been made toward the elucidation of their importance for brain function, kainate receptors remain largely an enigma and, therefore, we propose some new roads that should be explored to obtain a deeper understanding of this young, but intriguing, class of proteins.Work in the laboratory of J. Lerma has been supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture (DGICYT Grants PB93/0150 and UE96/0007 as well as DGESIC Grants PM-0008/96 and PM99–0106), the Ministry of Health (FISSS Grant 95/0869), the Comunidad de Madrid (Grant 08.5/ 0042/1998), and the European Union (Grant BIO2-CT930243). J. C. López-García is the recipient of a long-term fellowship awarded by EMBO.Peer reviewe

    Heterogeneous data source integration for smart grid ecosystems based on metadata mining

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    The arrival of new technologies related to smart grids and the resulting ecosystem of applications andmanagement systems pose many new problems. The databases of the traditional grid and the variousinitiatives related to new technologies have given rise to many different management systems with several formats and different architectures. A heterogeneous data source integration system is necessary toupdate these systems for the new smart grid reality. Additionally, it is necessary to take advantage of theinformation smart grids provide. In this paper, the authors propose a heterogeneous data source integration based on IEC standards and metadata mining. Additionally, an automatic data mining framework isapplied to model the integrated information.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-40767-

    Do Age and Educational Stage Influence No-Mobile-Phone Phobia?

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    Technological progress not only brings with it resources that improve and facilitate the day-to-day life of the people who make up society but also entails health risks, with the emergence of terms, such as nomophobia, which is considered an anxiety disorder produced by the fear that not having a mobile phone generates in a person. This research aims to identify the relationship and influence between levels of nomophobia and the age or educational stage of students. The research method is based on a correlational and predictive design of quantitative methodology. The instrument used is the NMP-Q questionnaire. The study population is students from different educational stages (obligatory secondary education, baccalaureate, vocational training and university). The results show that students over 12 years old present an average level of “nomophobia” (no-mobile-phone phobia), namely, not being able to communicate with the family where the highest levels are presented. We conclude that students over 12 years of age and of any educational stage present an average level of nomophobia, and it cannot be determined that either the educational stage or the age are determining factors in the presentation of this problem. This can occur at any age and at any level of the different educational stages, although there are risk indicators that we should bear in mind to avoid the appearance of nomophobia.I+D+I Project Research of Results Transfer Office (OTRI) of the University of Granada (Reference: CNT 4439

    Proposals of a procedure to asses Pollutographs. Application to Murcia's Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). Póster

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    Directives 91/271/EEC and 93/481/EEC set norms regarding the management of Combined Sewer Overflows. European Commission monitors the implementation status and implementation programmes. In fact, during the year 2019 all the utilities should be able to quantify the pollution spilled during storm events. And afterwards, plans have to be developed in order to reduce the impact of such events. In this paper, we proposed a method to estimate the transported pollution during events as well as to serve as a tool for developing plans to lessen the corresponding pollution. The procedure is divided into three steps: A. Periodical measurements of all relevant pollutants, e.g. total suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand, in wet and dry weather. Such pollutant “concentrations” are correlated with the turbidity, updating the relation among them [1]. B. Continuous measures of the turbidity. Turbidity is continously register in the sewer areas near overflow spillways. Turbidimeters are a very convenient equipment for this purpose [2]. Actually, it is reliable, its measures are very correlated with the total suspended solid concentration and its maintenance is easy. In this way, combining A. and B. turbidity measures provide us a real-time estimation of the pollutant concentration. on real time. C. Assesment of each catchment hydrograph. Depending on the available data, this step could be based on a design, a measured or a simulated hydrograph. In order to apply this methodology to Murcia’s Combined Sewer System, we have used simulated hydrographs based on real measured rainfall. Murcia’s utility has developed a calibrated SWMM model, and therefore, using the rainfall data, it is possible to estimate hydrographs for all the relevant points of the system. D. Estimation of each catchment pollutograph. Combining the pollutant concentration, estimated in the previous steps, with the hydrographs, we can asses how the mass of pollutants are transported. This information allows us to comply with EU Directives, but it will also be useful to design Murcia’s strategy to minimize environmental impacts