2,402 research outputs found

    Aislamiento y caracterizacion parcial de bacterias lacticas de origen carnico antagonistas del desarrollo de otros microorganismos

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Veterinaria, Departamento de Nutrición, Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos, leída el 08-11-1991De las bacterias lácticas aisladas de 10 lotes de embutidos crudos curados se seleccionaron al azar 50. Todas ellos mostraron actividad inhibidora variable en los microorganismos indicadores. El sobrenadante concentrado de la cepa 449 también mostró actividad inhibidora. Las 7 cepas más inhibidoras se identificaron como Lactobacillus sake, y todas ellas crecieron y produjeron ácido lactico a 4, 8, 15, 20 y 32 grados C, a excepción de la 449 que no creció a 4 grados C. Todas las cepas de L. sake analizadas poseían plasmidos de un tamaño molecular variable. Las cepas 23 y 148 inhibieron, en cultivos mixtos y a diversas temperaturas el crecimiento de Yersinia enterocolitica y Listeria monocytogenes, bacterias psicrotrofas patogenas productores de toxiinfecciones. La actividad inhibidora presente en los sobrenadantes de L. sake 449 era debida..Sección Dptal. de Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos (Veterinaria)Fac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Consecuencias higiénicas de la alteración de los alimentos

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    Historical query data as business intelligence tool on an internationalization contex

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    [EN] This article reports theory concerning the key strategies of information search behaviour on an international market-orientation context, proposing a common framework to identify search goals using data generated from the keyword planner from google covering the period 2014/17 applied to the clothing retail sector. A conceptual framework of user goal identification from search data within clothing retail sector is presented and discussed in light of existing empirical studies. For that, a case study of an important fashion retailer has been analyzed: Zara. This firm is situated in the second position within the ranking of most valuable brands of clothes 2015 around the world (Kantar, 2016). A comparative analysis of search patters of this company, between United Kingdom and Spain, has been developed in order to offer the possible internationalization strategies in the online retail sector. User goals are identifyed and are stable over the period of study, a framework that covers main clothing consumer search goals have been identifyed.This study has been developed within the Research Project funded by Fundación Ramón Areces, entitled “La colaboración abierta en Internet como estrategia de innovación e internacionalización del sector de moda y complementos [open collaboration in the Internet as innovation and internationalization strategies by fashion sector] (2015-2018).Carro-Rodríguez, J.; Lorenzo-Romero, C.; Gómez-Borja, M. (2018). Historical query data as business intelligence tool on an internationalization contex. En 2nd International Conference on Advanced Reserach Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2018). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 221-228. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2018.2018.8361OCS22122

    On Modeling the Behavior of Comparators for Complex Fuzzy Objects in a Fuzzy Object-Relational Database Management System

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    This paper proposes a parameterized definition for fuzzy comparators on complex fuzzy datatypes like fuzzy collections with conjunctive semantics and fuzzy objects. This definition and its implementation on a Fuzzy Object-Relational Database Management System (FORDBMS) provides the designer with a powerful tool to adapt the behavior of these operators to the semantics of the considered application."Consejeria de Innovacion Ciencia y Empresa de Andalucia" (Spain) P06-TIC-01570 P07-TIC-02611Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Spanish Government TIN2009-08296 TIN2007-68084-C02-0

    Monocapas de ácidos grasos. III. Ácidos paimítico, láurico y oleíco sobre disoluciones acuosas que contienen solutos con grupos funcionales alcohólicos.

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    Monocapas de ácidos grasos. III. Ácidos palmítico, láurico y oleico sobre disoluciones acuosas que contienen solutos con grupos funcionales alcohólicos. Se ha estudiado la influencia que ejercen la longitud y la insaturación de la cadena acílica sobre las características de las monocapas de ácidos grasos sparcidas sobre medios acuosos que contienen etanol, glicerina, glucosa o sacarosa, utilizando una balanza de superficie de tipo Langmuir. La estabilidad de la monocapa es función de la longitud de la cadena acílica y de la presencia de insaturación. En general, los mismos factores que disminuyen la estabilidad de la monocapa pueden favorecer las transiciones iiacia configuraciones con estructuras más expandidasMonolayers of fatty acids. III. Palmitic, Laurie and Oleic Acids on aqueous solutions containig solutes witli alcoholic functional groups. Tiie influence exerted by the length or the insaturation of acyl chain on characteristics of fatty acid monolayers spread on aqueous solutions containing ethanol, glycerol, glucose or sucrose, is studied using a Langmuir type surface balance. The monolayer stability is function of acyl chain length and presence of insaturarion. Generally, the factors decreasing monolayer stability can help transformations towards configurations with more expanded structures

    Monocapas de ácidos grasos I. Ácido esteárico sobre disoluciones acuosas de etanol

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    Monocapas de ácidos grasos. I. Acido esteárico sobre disoluciones acuosas de etanol. Se ha estudiado la estructura y estabilidad de monocapas de ácido esteárico esparcidas sobre disoluciones acuosas que contienen etanol. Las experiencias se han realizado en una iaalanza de superficie comercial tipo Langmuir y se ha operado en condiciones isotérmicas. Las monocapas presentan estructuras de tipo sólida o de líquido condensado en función de la concentración de etanol en la subíase. La estructura que adopta la monocapa es prácticamente independiente de la temperatura. La pérdida de moléculas de ácido esteárico de la monocapa por disolución en la subíase se incrementa a los valores más elevados de temperatura y de concentración de etanol.Monolayers of fatty acids. I. Stearic acid on aqueous solutions of ethanol. The structure and stability of fatty acid monolayers spread on aqueous solutions with ethanol has been studied. The experiments were carried out isothermically using a commercial Langmuir balance (Lauda). Monolayers exhibit solid or condensed liquid structure depending of the ethanol concentration in the subphase. Temperature has not a significant influence on the monolayer. Structure there is a loss of stearic acid film through solution into the adjacent subphase. This loss is increased with the temperature and ethanol concentration in the subphase

    Monolayers of fatty acids. II. Stearic acid on aqueous solutions containing solutes with alcoholic functional groups

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    Se ha estudiado la estructura y estabilidad de monocapas de ácido esteárico esparcidas sobre disoluciones acuosas que contienen glicerina, glucosa y sacarosa. Las experiencias se han realizado en una balanza de superficie connercial tipo Langmuir y se ha operado en condiciones isotérmicas. Las monocapas presentan un polimorfismo estructural que depende de la composición del medio acuoso y de la temperatura. La estabilidad de la monocapa está muy relacionada con la estructura que adopta sus moléculas. Las monocapas con estructuras más expandidas suelen poseer mayor estabilidad.The structure and the stability of stearic acid monolayers spread on aqueous solutions with glycerol, glucose or sucrose are studied using a commercial film balance (Lauda). The experiments were carried out isothermically. Monolayers exhibit structural polymorphism depending on temperature and subphase composition. The stability of the molecules on the subphase is a function of their structure. Generally, the most stable monolaye|rs are those with more expanded structure

    Solving the Location Area Problem by Using Differential Evolution

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    In mobile networks, one of the hard tasks is to determine the best partitioning in the Location Area problem, but it is also an important strategy to try to reduce all the involved management costs. In this paper we present a new approach to solve the location management problem based on the Location Area partitioning, as a cost optimization problem. We use a Differential Evolution based algorithm to find the best configuration to the Location Areas in a mobile network. We try to find the best values for the Differential Evolution parameters as well as define the scheme that enables us to obtain better results, when compared to classical strategies and to other authors’ results. To obtain the best solution we develop four distinct experiments, each one applied to one Differential Evolution parameter. This is a new approach to this problem that has given us good results

    ODDIN: ontology-driven differential diagnosis based on logical inference and probabilistic refinements

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    Medical differential diagnosis (ddx) is based on the estimation of multiple distinct parameters in order to determine the most probable diagnosis. Building an intelligent medical differential diagnosis system implies using a number of knowledge based technologies which avoid ambiguity, such as ontologies rep resenting specific structured information, but also strategies such as computation of probabilities of var ious factors and logical inference, whose combination outperforms similar approaches. This paper presents ODDIN, an ontology driven medical diagnosis system which applies the aforementioned strat egies. The architecture and proof of concept implementation is described, and results of the evaluation are discussed.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce under the project SONAR (TSI-340000-2007-212), GODO2 (TSI-020100-2008-564) and SONAR2 (TSI-020100-2008-665), under the PIBES project of the Spanish Committee of Education & Science (TEC2006-12365-C02-01) and the MID-CBR project of the Spanish Committee of Education & Science (TIN2006-15140-C03-02).Publicad

    Water-Repellent Fluoropolymer-Based Coatings

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    We would like to thank to the company TECNIMACOR S.L. (Córdoba, Spain) for the preparation of the coatings studied in this work.Fluoropolymer-based coatings are widely used for release applications. However, these hydrophobic surfaces do not reveal a significantly low adhesion. Water repellency incorporated to fluoropolymer coatings might enhance their release performance. In this work, we focused on the surface texturing of a well-known polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-based coating. We explored as texturing routes: sanding, sandblasting and laser ablation. We examined the surface roughness with white light confocal microscopy and the surface morphology with environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Water-repellent fluoropolymer coatings were reproduced in all cases, although with different degree, parametrized with bounces of water drops (4–5 μL). Laser ablation enabled the lowest adhesion of coatings with 24 ± 2 bounces. This result and the current development of laser patterning for industry assure the incipient use of laser ablation for release coatings.The research was funded by the projects MAT2014-60615-R and MAT2017-82182-R, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO-FEDER)